blob: 8f03ebacf85b1ea8782ebb0ddb868ccec8a63281 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <utility>
#include "base/test/metrics/histogram_tester.h"
#include "content/common/tab_switch_time_recorder.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/gfx/presentation_feedback.h"
namespace content {
class TabSwitchTimeRecorderTest : public testing::Test {
~TabSwitchTimeRecorderTest() override {}
void SetUp() override {
size_t GetHistogramSampleSize(bool has_saved_frames) {
if (has_saved_frames) {
return histogram_tester
} else {
return histogram_tester
TabSwitchTimeRecorder tab_switch_time_recorder_;
base::HistogramTester histogram_tester;
// Time is properly recorded to histogram when we have saved frames and if we
// have a proper matching BeginTimeRecording and callback execution.
TEST_F(TabSwitchTimeRecorderTest, TimeIsRecordedWithSavedFrames) {
const auto start = base::TimeTicks::Now();
auto callback = tab_switch_time_recorder_.BeginTimeRecording(
start, true /* has_saved_frames */);
const auto end = base::TimeTicks::Now();
auto presentation_feedback = gfx::PresentationFeedback(
end, end - start, gfx::PresentationFeedback::Flags::kHWCompletion);
EXPECT_EQ(GetHistogramSampleSize(true /* has_saved_frames */), 1ULL);
EXPECT_EQ(GetHistogramSampleSize(false /* has_saved_frames */), 0ULL);
// Time is properly recorded to histogram when we have no saved frame and if we
// have a proper matching BeginTimeRecording and callback execution.
TEST_F(TabSwitchTimeRecorderTest, TimeIsRecordedNoSavedFrame) {
const auto start = base::TimeTicks::Now();
auto callback = tab_switch_time_recorder_.BeginTimeRecording(
start, false /* has_saved_frames */);
const auto end = base::TimeTicks::Now();
auto presentation_feedback = gfx::PresentationFeedback(
end, end - start, gfx::PresentationFeedback::Flags::kHWCompletion);
EXPECT_EQ(GetHistogramSampleSize(true /* has_saved_frames */), 0ULL);
EXPECT_EQ(GetHistogramSampleSize(false /* has_saved_frames */), 1ULL);
// Two consecutive calls to BeginTimeRecording will invalidate the first
// returned callback.
TEST_F(TabSwitchTimeRecorderTest, InvalidateCallback) {
const auto start1 = base::TimeTicks::Now();
auto callback1 = tab_switch_time_recorder_.BeginTimeRecording(
start1, false /* has_saved_frames */);
const auto start2 = base::TimeTicks::Now();
auto callback2 = tab_switch_time_recorder_.BeginTimeRecording(
start2, false /* has_saved_frames */);
// callback1 should be invalid. Running it should not upload anything to
// histogram.
const auto end = base::TimeTicks::Now();
auto presentation_feedback1 = gfx::PresentationFeedback(
end, end - start1, gfx::PresentationFeedback::Flags::kHWCompletion);
EXPECT_EQ(GetHistogramSampleSize(true /* has_saved_frames */), 0ULL);
EXPECT_EQ(GetHistogramSampleSize(false /* has_saved_frames */), 0ULL);
// callback2 should still be valid.
auto presentation_feedback2 = gfx::PresentationFeedback(
end, end - start2, gfx::PresentationFeedback::Flags::kHWCompletion);
EXPECT_EQ(GetHistogramSampleSize(true /* has_saved_frames */), 0ULL);
EXPECT_EQ(GetHistogramSampleSize(false /* has_saved_frames */), 1ULL);
} // namespace content