blob: 2d7e086319da2275d22180611760584485da5142 [file] [log] [blame]
# Pretty-printers for libc++.
# Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import re
import gdb
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
# Python 3 stuff
Iterator = object
# Python 3 folds these into the normal functions.
imap = map
izip = zip
# Also, int subsumes long
long = int
# Python 2 stuff
class Iterator:
"""Compatibility mixin for iterators
Instead of writing next() methods for iterators, write
__next__() methods and use this mixin to make them work in
Python 2 as well as Python 3.
Idea stolen from the "six" documentation:
def next(self):
return self.__next__()
# In Python 2, we still need these from itertools
from itertools import imap, izip
# Try to use the new-style pretty-printing if available.
_use_gdb_pp = True
import gdb.printing
except ImportError:
_use_gdb_pp = False
# Try to install type-printers.
_use_type_printing = False
import gdb.types
if hasattr(gdb.types, 'TypePrinter'):
_use_type_printing = True
except ImportError:
def make_type_re(typename):
return re.compile('^std::__[a-zA-Z0-9]+::' + typename + '<.*>$')
def get_node_value(it, ptr):
t = gdb.lookup_type( + '::__node_pointer')
return ptr.cast(t)['__value_']
def get_node_value_from_pointer(ptr):
return get_node_value(ptr.dereference(), ptr)
def get_node_value_from_iterator(it):
return get_node_value(it, it['__ptr_'])
# Starting with the type ORIG, search for the member type NAME. This
# handles searching upward through superclasses. This is needed to
# work around
def find_type(orig, name):
typ = orig.strip_typedefs()
while True:
search = str(typ) + '::' + name
return gdb.lookup_type(search)
except RuntimeError:
# The type was not found, so try the superclass. We only need
# to check the first superclass, so we don't bother with
# anything fancier here.
field = typ.fields()[0]
if not field.is_base_class:
raise ValueError("Cannot find type %s::%s" % (orig, name))
typ = field.type
def pair_to_tuple(val):
if make_type_re('__compressed_pair').match(
t1 = val.type.template_argument(0)
t2 = val.type.template_argument(1)
base1 = val.type.fields()[0].type
base2 = val.type.fields()[1].type
return ((val if base1.template_argument(2) else
(val if base2.template_argument(2) else
return (val['first'], val['second'])
void_type = gdb.lookup_type('void')
def ptr_to_void_ptr(val):
if gdb.types.get_basic_type(val.type).code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR:
return val.cast(void_type.pointer())
return val
class StringPrinter:
"Print a std::basic_string of some kind"
def __init__(self, typename, val):
self.val = val
self.typename = typename
def to_string(self):
# Make sure &string works, too.
type = self.val.type
if type.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_REF:
type =
ss = pair_to_tuple(self.val['__r_'])[0]['__s']
__short_mask = int(self.val['__short_mask'])
if (ss['__size_'] & __short_mask) == 0:
len = ss['__size_'] >> 1 if __short_mask == 1 else ss['__size_']
ptr = ss['__data_']
sl = pair_to_tuple(self.val['__r_'])[0]['__l']
len = sl['__size_']
ptr = sl['__data_']
return ptr.string(length=len)
def display_hint(self):
return 'string'
class SharedPointerPrinter:
"Print a shared_ptr or weak_ptr"
def __init__(self, typename, val):
self.typename = typename
self.val = val
def to_string(self):
state = 'empty'
refcounts = self.val['__cntrl_']
if refcounts != 0:
usecount = refcounts['__shared_owners_'] + 1
weakcount = refcounts['__shared_weak_owners_']
if usecount == 0:
state = 'expired, weak %d' % weakcount
state = 'count %d, weak %d' % (usecount, weakcount)
if self.val['__ptr_'] == 0:
return '%s (%s) = %s <nullptr>' % (self.typename, state,
return '%s (%s) = %s => %s' % (self.typename, state,
class UniquePointerPrinter:
"Print a unique_ptr"
def __init__(self, typename, val):
self.typename = typename
self.val = val
def to_string(self):
v = pair_to_tuple(self.val['__ptr_'])[0]
if v == 0:
return '%s<%s> = %s <nullptr>' % (str(self.typename),
str(, str(v))
return '%s<%s> = %s => %s' % (str(self.typename), str(,
str(v), v.dereference())
class PairPrinter:
"Print a std::pair"
def __init__(self, typename, val):
self.typename = typename
self.val = val
def children(self):
vals = pair_to_tuple(self.val)
return [('first', vals[0]), ('second', vals[1])]
def to_string(self):
return 'pair'
# def display_hint(self):
# return 'array'
class TuplePrinter:
"Print a std::tuple"
class _iterator(Iterator):
def __init__(self, head):
self.head = head['__base_']
self.fields = self.head.type.fields()
self.count = 0
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.count >= len(self.fields):
raise StopIteration
field = self.head.cast(self.fields[self.count].type)['__value_']
self.count += 1
return ('[%d]' % (self.count - 1), field)
def __init__(self, typename, val):
self.typename = typename
self.val = val
def children(self):
return self._iterator(self.val)
def to_string(self):
if len(self.val.type.fields()) == 0:
return 'empty %s' % (self.typename)
return 'tuple'
# def display_hint(self):
# return 'array'
class ListPrinter:
"Print a std::list"
class _iterator(Iterator):
def __init__(self, nodetype, head):
self.nodetype = nodetype
self.base = head['__next_']
self.head = head.address
self.count = 0
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.base == self.head:
raise StopIteration
elt = self.base.cast(self.nodetype).dereference()
self.base = elt['__next_']
count = self.count
self.count = self.count + 1
return ('[%d]' % count, elt['__value_'])
def __init__(self, typename, val):
self.typename = typename
self.val = val
def children(self):
nodebase = find_type(self.val.type, '__node_base')
nodetype = find_type(nodebase, '__node_pointer')
nodetype = nodetype.strip_typedefs()
return self._iterator(nodetype, self.val['__end_'])
def to_string(self):
if self.val['__end_']['__next_'] == self.val['__end_'].address:
return 'empty %s' % (self.typename)
return '%s' % (self.typename)
# def display_hint(self):
# return 'array'
class ListIteratorPrinter:
"Print std::list::iterator"
def __init__(self, typename, val):
self.val = val
self.typename = typename
def to_string(self):
return get_node_value_from_pointer(self.val['__ptr_'])
class ForwardListPrinter:
"Print a std::forward_list"
class _iterator(Iterator):
def __init__(self, head):
self.node = head
self.count = 0
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.node == 0:
raise StopIteration
result = ('[%d]' % self.count, self.node['__value_'])
self.count += 1
self.node = self.node['__next_']
return result
def __init__(self, typename, val):
self.val = val
self.typename = typename
self.head = pair_to_tuple(val['__before_begin_'])[0]['__next_']
def children(self):
return self._iterator(self.head)
def to_string(self):
if self.head == 0:
return 'empty %s' % (self.typename)
return '%s' % (self.typename)
class VectorPrinter:
"Print a std::vector"
class _iterator(Iterator):
def __init__(self, start, finish_or_size, bits_per_word, bitvec):
self.bitvec = bitvec
if bitvec:
self.item = start = 0
self.size = finish_or_size
self.bits_per_word = bits_per_word
self.item = start
self.finish = finish_or_size
self.count = 0
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
count = self.count
self.count = self.count + 1
if self.bitvec:
if count == self.size:
raise StopIteration
elt = self.item.dereference()
if elt & (1 <<
obit = 1
obit = 0 = + 1
if >= self.bits_per_word:
self.item = self.item + 1 = 0
return ('[%d]' % count, obit)
if self.item == self.finish:
raise StopIteration
elt = self.item.dereference()
self.item = self.item + 1
return ('[%d]' % count, elt)
def __init__(self, typename, val):
self.typename = typename
self.val = val
self.is_bool = 0
for f in val.type.fields():
if == '__bits_per_word':
self.is_bool = 1
def children(self):
if self.is_bool:
return self._iterator(self.val['__begin_'], self.val['__size_'],
self.val['__bits_per_word'], self.is_bool)
return self._iterator(self.val['__begin_'], self.val['__end_'], 0,
def to_string(self):
if self.is_bool:
length = self.val['__size_']
capacity = pair_to_tuple(
self.val['__cap_alloc_'])[0] * self.val['__bits_per_word']
if length == 0:
return 'empty %s<bool> (capacity=%d)' % (self.typename,
return '%s<bool> (length=%d, capacity=%d)' % (
self.typename, int(length), int(capacity))
start = ptr_to_void_ptr(self.val['__begin_'])
finish = ptr_to_void_ptr(self.val['__end_'])
end = ptr_to_void_ptr(pair_to_tuple(self.val['__end_cap_'])[0])
length = finish - start
capacity = end - start
if length == 0:
return 'empty %s (capacity=%d)' % (self.typename,
return '%s (length=%d, capacity=%d)' % (
self.typename, int(length), int(capacity))
def display_hint(self):
return 'array'
class VectorIteratorPrinter:
"Print std::vector::iterator"
def __init__(self, typename, val):
self.val = val
def to_string(self):
return self.val['__i'].dereference()
class VectorBoolIteratorPrinter:
"Print std::vector<bool>::iterator"
def __init__(self, typename, val):
self.segment = val['__seg_'].dereference()
self.ctz = val['__ctz_']
def to_string(self):
if self.segment & (1 << self.ctz):
return 1
return 0
class DequePrinter:
"Print a std::deque"
class _iterator(Iterator):
def __init__(self, size, block_size, start, map_begin, map_end):
self.block_size = block_size
self.count = 0
self.end_p = size + start
self.end_mp = map_begin + self.end_p / block_size
self.p = 0 = map_begin + start / block_size
if map_begin == map_end:
self.p = 0
self.end_p = 0
self.p = + start % block_size
self.end_p = self.end_mp.dereference(
) + self.end_p % block_size
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
old_p = self.p
self.count += 1
self.p += 1
if (self.p - == self.block_size: += 1
self.p =
if ( > self.end_mp) or ((self.p > self.end_p) and
( == self.end_mp)):
raise StopIteration
return ('[%d]' % int(self.count - 1), old_p.dereference())
def __init__(self, typename, val):
self.typename = typename
self.val = val
self.size = pair_to_tuple(val['__size_'])[0]
def to_string(self):
if self.size == 0:
return 'empty %s' % self.typename
return '%s (size=%d)' % (self.typename, long(self.size))
def children(self):
if self.size == 0:
return []
block_map = self.val['__map_']
size_of_value_type = self.val.type.template_argument(0).sizeof
block_size = self.val['__block_size']
if block_size.is_optimized_out:
# Warning, this is pretty flaky
block_size = 4096 / size_of_value_type if size_of_value_type < 256 else 16
return self._iterator(self.size, block_size, self.val['__start_'],
block_map['__begin_'], block_map['__end_'])
# def display_hint (self):
# return 'array'
class DequeIteratorPrinter:
"Print std::deque::iterator"
def __init__(self, typename, val):
self.val = val
def to_string(self):
return self.val['__ptr_'].dereference()
class StackOrQueuePrinter:
"Print a std::stack or std::queue"
def __init__(self, typename, val):
self.typename = typename
self.visualizer = gdb.default_visualizer(val['c'])
def children(self):
return self.visualizer.children()
def to_string(self):
return '%s = %s' % (self.typename, self.visualizer.to_string())
def display_hint(self):
if hasattr(self.visualizer, 'display_hint'):
return self.visualizer.display_hint()
return None
class BitsetPrinter:
"Print a std::bitset"
def __init__(self, typename, val):
self.typename = typename
self.val = val
self.bit_count = val.type.template_argument(0)
def to_string(self):
return '%s (length=%d)' % (self.typename, self.bit_count)
def children(self):
words = self.val['__first_']
words_count = self.val['__n_words']
bits_per_word = self.val['__bits_per_word']
word_index = 0
result = []
while word_index < words_count:
bit_index = 0
word = words[word_index]
while word != 0:
if (word & 0x1) != 0:
('[%d]' % (word_index * bits_per_word + bit_index), 1))
word >>= 1
bit_index += 1
word_index += 1
return result
class SetPrinter:
"Print a std::set or std::multiset"
# Turn an RbtreeIterator into a pretty-print iterator.
class _iterator(Iterator):
def __init__(self, rbiter):
self.rbiter = rbiter
self.count = 0
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __len__(self):
return len(self.rbiter)
def __next__(self):
item = self.rbiter.__next__()
item = item.dereference()['__value_']
result = (('[%d]' % self.count), item)
self.count += 1
return result
def __init__(self, typename, val):
self.typename = typename
self.val = val
self.rbiter = RbtreeIterator(self.val['__tree_'])
def to_string(self):
length = len(self.rbiter)
if length == 0:
return 'empty %s' % self.typename
return '%s (count=%d)' % (self.typename, int(length))
def children(self):
return self._iterator(self.rbiter)
# def display_hint (self):
# return 'set'
class RbtreeIterator(Iterator):
def __init__(self, rbtree):
self.node = rbtree['__begin_node_']
self.size = pair_to_tuple(rbtree['__pair3_'])[0]
self.node_pointer_type = gdb.lookup_type(
rbtree.type.strip_typedefs().name + '::__node_pointer')
self.count = 0
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __len__(self):
return int(self.size)
def __next__(self):
if self.count == self.size:
raise StopIteration
node = self.node.cast(self.node_pointer_type)
result = node
self.count += 1
if self.count < self.size:
# Compute the next node.
if node.dereference()['__right_']:
node = node.dereference()['__right_']
while node.dereference()['__left_']:
node = node.dereference()['__left_']
parent_node = node.dereference()['__parent_']
while node != parent_node.dereference()['__left_']:
node = parent_node
parent_node = parent_node.dereference()['__parent_']
node = parent_node
self.node = node
return result
class RbtreeIteratorPrinter:
"Print std::set::iterator"
def __init__(self, typename, val):
self.val = val
def to_string(self):
return get_node_value_from_iterator(self.val)
class MapPrinter:
"Print a std::map or std::multimap"
# Turn an RbtreeIterator into a pretty-print iterator.
class _iterator(Iterator):
def __init__(self, rbiter):
self.rbiter = rbiter
self.count = 0
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __len__(self):
return len(self.rbiter)
def __next__(self):
item = self.rbiter.__next__()
item = item.dereference()['__value_']
result = ('[%d] %s' % (self.count, str(item['__cc']['first'])),
self.count += 1
return result
def __init__(self, typename, val):
self.typename = typename
self.val = val
self.rbiter = RbtreeIterator(val['__tree_'])
def to_string(self):
length = len(self.rbiter)
if length == 0:
return 'empty %s' % self.typename
return '%s (count=%d)' % (self.typename, int(length))
def children(self):
return self._iterator(self.rbiter)
# def display_hint (self):
# return 'map'
class MapIteratorPrinter:
"Print std::map::iterator"
def __init__(self, typename, val):
self.val = val
def to_string(self):
value = get_node_value_from_iterator(self.val['__i_'])
return '[%s] %s' % pair_to_tuple(value['__cc'])
class HashtableIterator(Iterator):
def __init__(self, hashtable):
self.node = pair_to_tuple(hashtable['__p1_'])[0]['__next_']
self.size = pair_to_tuple(hashtable['__p2_'])[0]
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __len__(self):
return self.size
def __next__(self):
if self.node == 0:
raise StopIteration
hash_node_type = gdb.lookup_type(self.node.dereference() +
node = self.node.cast(hash_node_type).dereference()
self.node = node['__next_']
value = node['__value_']
# unordered_map's value is a union of __nc and __cc.
value = value['__nc']
except gdb.error:
return value
class HashtableIteratorPrinter:
"Print std::unordered_set::iterator"
def __init__(self, typename, val):
self.val = val
def to_string(self):
return get_node_value_from_pointer(self.val['__node_'])
class UnorderedMapIteratorPrinter:
"Print std::unordered_map::iterator"
def __init__(self, typename, val):
self.val = val
def to_string(self):
value = get_node_value_from_pointer(self.val['__i_']['__node_'])
return '[%s] %s' % pair_to_tuple(value['__cc'])
class UnorderedSetPrinter:
"Print a std::unordered_set"
def __init__(self, typename, val):
self.typename = typename
self.val = val
self.hashtable = val['__table_']
self.size = pair_to_tuple(self.hashtable['__p2_'])[0]
self.hashtableiter = HashtableIterator(self.hashtable)
def hashtable(self):
return self.hashtable
def to_string(self):
if self.size == 0:
return 'empty %s' % self.typename
return '%s (count=%d)' % (self.typename, self.size)
def children(self):
result = []
count = 0
for elt in self.hashtableiter:
result.append(('[%d]' % count, str(elt)))
count += 1
return result
class UnorderedMapPrinter:
"Print a std::unordered_map"
def __init__(self, typename, val):
self.typename = typename
self.val = val
self.hashtable = val['__table_']
self.size = pair_to_tuple(self.hashtable['__p2_'])[0]
self.hashtableiter = HashtableIterator(self.hashtable)
def hashtable(self):
return self.hashtable
def to_string(self):
if self.size == 0:
return 'empty %s' % self.typename
return '%s (count=%d)' % (self.typename, self.size)
def children(self):
result = []
count = 0
for elt in self.hashtableiter:
result.append(('[%d] %s' % (count, str(elt['__cc']['first'])),
count += 1
return result
# def display_hint (self):
# return 'map'
# A "regular expression" printer which conforms to the
# "SubPrettyPrinter" protocol from gdb.printing.
class RxPrinter(object):
def __init__(self, name, function):
super(RxPrinter, self).__init__() = name
self.function = function
self.enabled = True
def invoke(self, value):
if not self.enabled:
return None
return self.function(, value)
# A pretty-printer that conforms to the "PrettyPrinter" protocol from
# gdb.printing. It can also be used directly as an old-style printer.
class Printer(object):
def __init__(self, name):
super(Printer, self).__init__() = name
self.subprinters = []
self.lookup = []
self.enabled = True
def add(self, name, function):
printer = RxPrinter('std::' + name, function)
self.lookup.append((make_type_re(name), printer))
def get_basic_type(type):
# If it points to a reference, get the reference.
if type.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_REF:
type =
# Get the unqualified type, stripped of typedefs.
type = type.unqualified().strip_typedefs()
return type.tag
def __call__(self, val):
typename = self.get_basic_type(val.type)
if not typename:
return None
for (regexp, printer) in self.lookup:
if regexp.match(typename):
return printer.invoke(val)
# Cannot find a pretty printer. Return None.
return None
printer = None
class FilteringTypePrinter(object):
def __init__(self, match, name):
self.match = match = name
self.enabled = True
class _recognizer(object):
def __init__(self, match, name):
self.match = match = name
self.type_obj = None
def recognize(self, type_obj):
if type_obj.tag is None:
return None
if self.type_obj is None:
if not self.match in type_obj.tag:
# Filter didn't match.
return None
self.type_obj = gdb.lookup_type(
if self.type_obj == type_obj:
return None
def instantiate(self):
return self._recognizer(self.match,
def add_one_type_printer(obj, match, name):
printer = FilteringTypePrinter(match, 'std::' + name)
gdb.types.register_type_printer(obj, printer)
def register_type_printers(obj):
global _use_type_printing
if not _use_type_printing:
for pfx in ('', 'w'):
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'basic_string', pfx + 'string')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'basic_ios', pfx + 'ios')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'basic_streambuf', pfx + 'streambuf')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'basic_istream', pfx + 'istream')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'basic_ostream', pfx + 'ostream')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'basic_iostream', pfx + 'iostream')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'basic_stringbuf', pfx + 'stringbuf')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'basic_istringstream', pfx + 'istringstream')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'basic_ostringstream', pfx + 'ostringstream')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'basic_stringstream', pfx + 'stringstream')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'basic_filebuf', pfx + 'filebuf')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'basic_ifstream', pfx + 'ifstream')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'basic_ofstream', pfx + 'ofstream')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'basic_fstream', pfx + 'fstream')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'basic_regex', pfx + 'regex')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'sub_match', pfx + 'csub_match')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'sub_match', pfx + 'ssub_match')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'match_results', pfx + 'cmatch')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'match_results', pfx + 'smatch')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'regex_iterator', pfx + 'cregex_iterator')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'regex_iterator', pfx + 'sregex_iterator')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'regex_token_iterator',
pfx + 'cregex_token_iterator')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'regex_token_iterator',
pfx + 'sregex_token_iterator')
# Note that we can't have a printer for std::wstreampos, because
# it shares the same underlying type as std::streampos.
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'fpos', 'streampos')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'basic_string', 'u16string')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'basic_string', 'u32string')
for dur in ('nanoseconds', 'microseconds', 'milliseconds', 'seconds',
'minutes', 'hours'):
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'duration', dur)
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'linear_congruential_engine', 'minstd_rand0')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'linear_congruential_engine', 'minstd_rand')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'mersenne_twister_engine', 'mt19937')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'mersenne_twister_engine', 'mt19937_64')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'subtract_with_carry_engine', 'ranlux24_base')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'subtract_with_carry_engine', 'ranlux48_base')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'discard_block_engine', 'ranlux24')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'discard_block_engine', 'ranlux48')
add_one_type_printer(obj, 'shuffle_order_engine', 'knuth_b')
def register_libcxx_printers(obj):
"Register libc++ pretty-printers with objfile Obj."
global _use_gdb_pp
global printer
if _use_gdb_pp:
gdb.printing.register_pretty_printer(obj, printer)
if obj is None:
obj = gdb
def build_libcxx_dictionary():
global printer
printer = Printer("libc++")
# libc++ objects requiring pretty-printing.
printer.add('basic_string', StringPrinter)
printer.add('bitset', BitsetPrinter)
printer.add('deque', DequePrinter)
printer.add('list', ListPrinter)
printer.add('map', MapPrinter)
printer.add('multimap', MapPrinter)
printer.add('multiset', SetPrinter)
printer.add('priority_queue', StackOrQueuePrinter)
printer.add('queue', StackOrQueuePrinter)
printer.add('tuple', TuplePrinter)
printer.add('pair', PairPrinter)
printer.add('set', SetPrinter)
printer.add('stack', StackOrQueuePrinter)
printer.add('unique_ptr', UniquePointerPrinter)
printer.add('vector', VectorPrinter) # Includes vector<bool>.
printer.add('shared_ptr', SharedPointerPrinter)
printer.add('weak_ptr', SharedPointerPrinter)
printer.add('unordered_map', UnorderedMapPrinter)
printer.add('unordered_set', UnorderedSetPrinter)
printer.add('unordered_multimap', UnorderedMapPrinter)
printer.add('unordered_multiset', UnorderedSetPrinter)
printer.add('forward_list', ForwardListPrinter)
# For std::array the default GDB pretty-printer seems reasonable.
printer.add('__list_iterator', ListIteratorPrinter)
printer.add('__list_const_iterator', ListIteratorPrinter)
printer.add('__tree_iterator', RbtreeIteratorPrinter)
printer.add('__tree_const_iterator', RbtreeIteratorPrinter)
printer.add('__hash_iterator', HashtableIteratorPrinter)
printer.add('__hash_const_iterator', HashtableIteratorPrinter)
printer.add('__hash_map_iterator', UnorderedMapIteratorPrinter)
printer.add('__hash_map_const_iterator', UnorderedMapIteratorPrinter)
printer.add('__map_iterator', MapIteratorPrinter)
printer.add('__map_const_iterator', MapIteratorPrinter)
printer.add('__deque_iterator', DequeIteratorPrinter)
printer.add('__wrap_iter', VectorIteratorPrinter)
printer.add('__bit_iterator', VectorBoolIteratorPrinter)