blob: b343139b61ccb3d580477e99be0e4b961e18770e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/common/notification_service.h"
#include "chrome/views/view.h"
// This class is a simple storage place for storing/retrieving views. It is
// used for example in the FocusManager to store/restore focused views when the
// main window becomes active/inactive. It supports floating views, meaning
// that when you store a view, it can be retrieved even if it is a floating
// view or the child of a floating view that has been detached since the view
// was stored (in which case the floating view is recreated and reattached).
// It also automatically removes a view from the storage if the view is removed
// from the tree hierarchy (or in the case of a floating view, if the view
// containing the floating view is removed).
// To use it, you first need to create a view storage id that can then be used
// to store/retrieve views.
namespace views {
struct ViewLocationInfo;
class ViewStorage : public NotificationObserver {
// Returns the global ViewStorage instance.
// It is guaranted to be non NULL.
static ViewStorage* GetSharedInstance();
// Deletes the global instance of the ViewStorage.
static void DeleteSharedInstance();
// Returns a unique storage id that can be used to store/retrieve views.
int CreateStorageID();
// Associates |view| with the specified |storage_id|.
void StoreView(int storage_id, View* view);
// Returns the view associated with |storage_id| if any, NULL otherwise.
View* RetrieveView(int storage_id);
// Removes the view associated with |storage_id| if any.
void RemoveView(int storage_id);
// NotificationObserver method.
void Observe(NotificationType type,
const NotificationSource& source,
const NotificationDetails& details);
// Removes the view associated with |storage_id|. If |remove_all_ids| is true,
// all other mapping pointing to the same view are removed as well.
void EraseView(int storage_id, bool remove_all_ids);
// Next id for the view storage.
int view_storage_next_id_;
// The association id to View used for the view storage. The ViewStorage owns
// the ViewLocationInfo.
std::map<int, ViewLocationInfo*> id_to_view_location_;
// Association View to id, used to speed up view notification removal.
std::map<View*, std::vector<int>*> view_to_ids_;
// The singleton instance.
static ViewStorage* shared_instance_;
} // namespace views
#endif // #ifndef CHROME_VIEWS_VIEW_STORAGE_H__