blob: 6003fcd46ee46af387de3f135d5c71bf7c513328 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <windows.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_output.h"
#include "media/audio/win/audio_manager_win.h"
#include "media/audio/win/waveout_output_win.h"
// A do-nothing audio stream. It behaves like a regular audio stream but does
// not have any side effect, except possibly the creation and tear-down of
// of a thread. It is useful to test code that uses audio streams such as
// audio sources.
class AudioOutputStreamMockWin : public AudioOutputStream {
explicit AudioOutputStreamMockWin(AudioManagerWin* manager)
: manager_(manager),
right_volume_(1.0) {
virtual ~AudioOutputStreamMockWin() {
delete[] buffer_;
packet_size_ = 0;
virtual bool Open(size_t packet_size) {
if (packet_size < sizeof(int16))
return false;
packet_size_ = packet_size;
buffer_ = new char[packet_size_];
return true;
virtual void Start(AudioSourceCallback* callback) {
callback_ = callback;
memset(buffer_, 0, packet_size_);
callback_->OnMoreData(this, buffer_, packet_size_);
// TODO(cpu): flesh out Start and Stop methods. We need a thread to
// perform periodic callbacks.
virtual void Stop() {
virtual void SetVolume(double left_level, double right_level) {
left_volume_ = left_level;
right_volume_ = right_level;
virtual void GetVolume(double* left_level, double* right_level) {
*left_level = left_volume_;
*right_level = right_volume_;
virtual void Close() {
callback_ = NULL;
char* buffer() {
return buffer_;
AudioManagerWin* manager_;
AudioSourceCallback* callback_;
char* buffer_;
size_t packet_size_;
double left_volume_;
double right_volume_;
namespace {
AudioOutputStreamMockWin* g_last_mock_stream = NULL;
void ReplaceLastMockStream(AudioOutputStreamMockWin* newer) {
if (g_last_mock_stream)
delete g_last_mock_stream;
g_last_mock_stream = newer;
} // namespace.
bool AudioManagerWin::HasAudioDevices() {
return (::waveOutGetNumDevs() != 0);
// Factory for the implementations of AudioOutputStream. Two implementations
// should suffice most windows user's needs.
// - PCMWaveOutAudioOutputStream: Based on the waveOutWrite API (in progress)
// - PCMDXSoundAudioOutputStream: Based on DirectSound or XAudio (future work).
AudioOutputStream* AudioManagerWin::MakeAudioStream(Format format, int channels,
int sample_rate,
char bits_per_sample) {
if (format == AUDIO_MOCK) {
return new AudioOutputStreamMockWin(this);
} else if (format == AUDIO_PCM_LINEAR) {
return new PCMWaveOutAudioOutputStream(this, channels, sample_rate,
bits_per_sample, WAVE_MAPPER);
return NULL;
void AudioManagerWin::ReleaseStream(PCMWaveOutAudioOutputStream* stream) {
if (stream)
delete stream;
void AudioManagerWin::ReleaseStream(AudioOutputStreamMockWin *stream) {
// Note that we keep the last mock stream so GetLastMockBuffer() works.
const void* AudioManagerWin::GetLastMockBuffer() {
return (g_last_mock_stream) ? g_last_mock_stream->buffer() : NULL;
void AudioManagerWin::MuteAll() {
void AudioManagerWin::UnMuteAll() {
AudioManagerWin::~AudioManagerWin() {
// TODO(cpu): Decide how to manage the lifetime of the AudioManager singleton.
// Right now we are leaking it.
AudioManager* AudioManager::GetAudioManager() {
static AudioManagerWin* audio_manager = NULL;
if (!audio_manager)
audio_manager = new AudioManagerWin();
return audio_manager;