blob: ba6c922ec533ea7aed608068415df98f21388a86 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Generates a single file with build targets generated using the
# manifest files in the SDK.
import json
import os
import subprocess
import sys
# Inserted at the top of the generated file.
_GENERATED_PREAMBLE = """# DO NOT EDIT! This file was generated by
# //third_party/fuchsia-sdk/
# Any changes made to this file will be discarded.
def SerializeListOfStrings(strings):
"""Outputs a list of strings in GN-friendly, double-quoted format."""
return '[' + ','.join(['"{}"'.format(s) for s in strings]) + ']'
def ConvertCommonFields(json):
"""Extracts fields from JSON manifest data which are used across all
target types."""
output = {}
output['target_name'] = json['name'].replace('-', '_')
output['public_deps'] = []
for package_dep in json['deps']:
# If the dep has a namespace prefix, then remove it, and replace any
# hyphens with underscores for compatibility with the GN identifier
# character set.
dep_reformatted = ':' + package_dep.split('.')[-1].replace('-','_')
return output
def FormatGNTarget(fields):
"""Returns a GN target definition as a string.
|fields|: The GN fields to include in the target body.
'target_name' and 'type' are mandatory."""
output = '%s("%s") {\n' % (fields['type'], fields['target_name'])
del fields['target_name']
del fields['type']
for key, val in fields.iteritems():
if isinstance(val, str) or isinstance(val, unicode):
val_serialized = '\"%s\"' % val
elif isinstance(val, list):
# Serialize a list of strings in the prettiest possible manner.
if len(val) == 0:
val_serialized = '[]'
elif len(val) == 1:
val_serialized = '[ \"%s\" ]' % val[0]
val_serialized = '[\n ' + ',\n '.join(
['\"%s\"' % x for x in val]) + '\n ]'
raise Exception('Could not serialize %r' % val)
output += ' %s = %s\n' % (key, val_serialized)
output += '}'
return output
def ConvertFidlLibrary(json):
"""Converts a fidl_library manifest entry to a GN target.
json: The parsed manifest JSON.
The GN target definition, represented as a string."""
converted = ConvertCommonFields(json)
converted['type'] = 'fuchsia_sdk_fidl_pkg'
converted['sources'] = json['sources']
# Split "name" into "namespace" and "name" pair.
name_parts = converted['target_name'].split('.')
converted['target_name'] = name_parts[-1]
converted['namespace'] = '.'.join(name_parts[:-1])
return converted
def ConvertCcPrebuiltLibrary(json):
"""Converts a cc_prebuilt_library manifest entry to a GN target.
json: The parsed manifest JSON.
The GN target definition, represented as a string."""
converted = ConvertCommonFields(json)
converted['type'] = 'fuchsia_sdk_pkg'
converted['sources'] = json['headers']
converted['libs'] = [json['name']]
converted['include_dirs'] = [json['root'] + '/include']
return converted
def ConvertCcSourceLibrary(json):
"""Converts a cc_source_library manifest entry to a GN target.
json: The parsed manifest JSON.
The GN target definition, represented as a string."""
converted = ConvertCommonFields(json)
converted['type'] = 'fuchsia_sdk_pkg'
# Headers and source file paths can be scattered across "sources", "headers",
# and "files". Merge them together into one source list.
converted['sources'] = json['sources']
if 'headers' in json:
converted['sources'] += json['headers']
if 'files' in json:
converted['sources'] += json['files']
converted['sources'] = list(set(converted['sources']))
converted['include_dirs'] = [json['root'] + '/include']
return converted
def ConvertNoOp(json):
"""Null implementation of a conversion function. No output is generated."""
return None
"""Maps manifest types to conversion functions."""
'fidl_library': ConvertFidlLibrary,
'cc_source_library': ConvertCcSourceLibrary,
'cc_prebuilt_library': ConvertCcPrebuiltLibrary,
# No need to build targets for these types yet.
'host_tool': ConvertNoOp,
'image': ConvertNoOp,
'loadable_module': ConvertNoOp,
'sysroot': ConvertNoOp,
def ConvertSdkManifests():
sdk_base_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'sdk')
toplevel_meta = json.load(open(os.path.join(sdk_base_dir, 'meta',
build_output_path = os.path.join(sdk_base_dir, '')
with open(build_output_path, 'w') as buildfile:
for next_part in toplevel_meta['parts']:
parsed = json.load(open(os.path.join(sdk_base_dir, next_part)))
if 'type' not in parsed:
raise Exception("Couldn't find 'type' node in %s." % next_part)
convert_function = _CONVERSION_FUNCTION_MAP.get(parsed['type'])
if convert_function is None:
raise Exception('Unexpected SDK artifact type %s in %s.' %
(parsed['type'], next_part))
converted = convert_function(parsed)
if converted:
buildfile.write(FormatGNTarget(converted) + '\n\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':