blob: da6e7b147f67301cecf583283c7c56eaaead3aba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/html_viewer/ime_controller.h"
#include "components/html_viewer/blink_text_input_type_converters.h"
#include "components/mus/public/cpp/window.h"
#include "mojo/converters/blink/blink_input_events_type_converters.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebInputEvent.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebWidget.h"
namespace html_viewer {
ImeController::ImeController(mus::Window* window, blink::WebWidget* widget)
: window_(window), widget_(widget) {}
ImeController::~ImeController() {}
void ImeController::ResetInputMethod() {
// TODO(penghuang): Reset IME.
void ImeController::DidHandleGestureEvent(const blink::WebGestureEvent& event,
bool event_cancelled) {
// Called when a gesture event is handled.
if (event_cancelled)
if (event.type == blink::WebInputEvent::GestureTap) {
const bool show_ime = true;
} else if (event.type == blink::WebInputEvent::GestureLongPress) {
// Only show IME if the textfield contains text.
const bool show_ime = !widget_->textInputInfo().value.isEmpty();
void ImeController::DidUpdateTextOfFocusedElementByNonUserInput() {
// Called when value of focused textfield gets dirty, e.g. value is
// modified by script, not by user input.
const bool show_ime = false;
void ImeController::ShowImeIfNeeded() {
// Request the browser to show the IME for current input type.
const bool show_ime = true;
void ImeController::UpdateTextInputState(bool show_ime) {
blink::WebTextInputInfo new_info = widget_->textInputInfo();
// Only show IME if the focused element is editable.
show_ime = show_ime && new_info.type != blink::WebTextInputTypeNone;
if (show_ime || text_input_info_ != new_info) {
text_input_info_ = new_info;
mojo::TextInputStatePtr state = mojo::TextInputState::New();
state->type = mojo::ConvertTo<mojo::TextInputType>(new_info.type);
state->flags = new_info.flags;
state->text = mojo::String::From(new_info.value.utf8());
state->selection_start = new_info.selectionStart;
state->selection_end = new_info.selectionEnd;
state->composition_start = new_info.compositionStart;
state->composition_end = new_info.compositionEnd;
if (show_ime)
window_->SetImeVisibility(true, state.Pass());
} // namespace html_viewer