blob: c87ea156a61d3ba74adaa9c73d82aa788d206b58 [file] [log] [blame]
Version 1.0.1 February 2013
* bug fixes
* refactorings by graingert
* skip useless tests for pypy
* new license: MIT License
* tested with CPython2.7, CPython3.2, CPython3.3, pypy-1.9, pypy-2.0-beta1
* unified line endings to LF
* PEP8 refactorings
* added floor_item/key, ceiling_item/key methods, thanks to Dai Mikurube
Version 1.0.0 29.12.2011
* bug fixes
* status: 5 - Production/Stable
* removed useless TreeIterator() class and T.treeiter() method.
* patch from Max Motovilov to use Visual Studio 2008 for building C-extensions
Version 0.4.0 14.04.2011
* API change!!!
* full Python 3 support, also for Cython implementations
* removed user defined compare() function - keys have to be comparable!
* removed T.has_key(), use 'key in T'
* keys(), items(), values() generating 'views'
* removed iterkeys(), itervalues(), iteritems() methods
* replaced index slicing by key slicing
* removed index() and item_at()
* repr() produces a correct representation
* installs on systems without cython (tested with pypy)
* new license: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Version 0.3.2 09.04.2011
* added itemslice(startkey, endkey), keyslice(startkey, endkey),
valueslice(startkey, endkey) - slicing by keys
* tested with pypy 1.4.1, damn fast
* Pure Python trees are working with Python 3
* No Cython implementation for Python 3
Version 0.3.1 10.09.2010
* runs with Python 2.7
Version 0.3.0 11.05.2010
* low level functions written as c-module only interface to python is a cython
* support for the pickle protocol
Version 0.2.1 06.05.2010
* added delslice del T[0:3] -> remove treenodes 0, 1, 2
* added discard -> remove key without KeyError if not found
* added heap methods: min, max, nlarges, nsmallest ...
* added Set methods -> intersection, differnce, union, ...
* added slicing: T[5:10] get items with position (not key!) 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
T[5] get item with key! 5
* added index: T.index(key) -> get position of item <key>
* added item_at: T.item_at(0) -> get item at position (not key!) 0
T.item_at(0) O(n)! <==> T.min_item() O(log(n))
Version 0.2.0 - 03.05.2010
* TreeMixin Class as base for Python-Trees and as Mixin for Cython-Trees
Version 0.1.0 - 27.04.2010
* Alpha status
* Initial release