blob: 2d858ecff5b615ca5eff9a61e8967bd029504309 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file overrides the logging macros in WebRTC (webrtc/base/logging.h).
// Instead of using WebRTC's logging implementation, the WebRTC macros are
// mapped to DIAGNOSTIC_LOGING. In it's implementation (DiagnosticLogMessage in
// third_party/webrtc_overrides/webrtc/base/logging.h), the corresponding
// base/logging.h macros (e.g. Chromium's VLOG) are used.
// If this file is included outside of WebRTC/libjingle it should be included
// after base/logging.h (if any) or compiler error or unexpected behavior may
// occur (macros that have the same name in WebRTC as in Chromium will use
// the WebRTC definition if this file is included first).
// Setting the LoggingSeverity (and lower) that should be written to file should
// be done via command line by specifying the flags:
// --vmodule or --v please see base/logging.h for details on how to use them.
// Specifying what file to write to is done using InitLogging also in
// base/logging.h.
// The macros and classes declared in here are not described as they are
// NOT TO BE USED outside of WebRTC/libjingle.
#include "third_party/webrtc_overrides/webrtc/base/diagnostic_logging.h"
// WebRTC macros which in DiagnosticLogMessage are mapped over to
// their VLOG equivalent in base/logging.h.
namespace rtc {
// Note that |N| is the size *with* the null terminator.
bool CheckVlogIsOnHelper(LoggingSeverity severity,
const char* file, size_t N);
template <size_t N>
bool CheckVlogIsOn(LoggingSeverity severity, const char (&file)[N]) {
return CheckVlogIsOnHelper(severity, file, N);
} // namespace rtc
#define DIAGNOSTIC_LOG(sev, ctx, err, ...) \
rtc::DiagnosticLogMessage( \
__FILE__, __LINE__, sev, rtc::ERRCTX_ ## ctx, err, ##__VA_ARGS__).stream()
#define LOG_CHECK_LEVEL(sev) CheckVlogIsOn(rtc::sev, __FILE__)
#define LOG_CHECK_LEVEL_V(sev) CheckVlogIsOn(sev, __FILE__)
#define LOG_V(sev) DIAGNOSTIC_LOG(sev, NONE, 0)
#undef LOG
#define LOG(sev) DIAGNOSTIC_LOG(rtc::sev, NONE, 0)
// The _F version prefixes the message with the current function name.
#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(_DEBUG)
#define LOG_F(sev) LOG(sev) << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": "
#define LOG_F(sev) LOG(sev) << __FUNCTION__ << ": "
#define LOG_E(sev, ctx, err, ...) \
DIAGNOSTIC_LOG(rtc::sev, ctx, err, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define LOG_ERRNO_EX(sev, err) LOG_E(sev, ERRNO, err)
#undef LOG_ERRNO
#define LOG_ERRNO(sev) LOG_ERRNO_EX(sev, errno)
#if defined(WEBRTC_WIN)
#define LOG_GLE_EX(sev, err) LOG_E(sev, HRESULT, err)
#define LOG_GLE(sev) LOG_GLE_EX(sev, GetLastError())
#define LOG_GLEM(sev, mod) LOG_E(sev, HRESULT, GetLastError(), mod)
#define LOG_ERR_EX(sev, err) LOG_GLE_EX(sev, err)
#define LOG_ERR(sev) LOG_GLE(sev)
#define LAST_SYSTEM_ERROR (::GetLastError())
#define LOG_ERR_EX(sev, err) LOG_ERRNO_EX(sev, err)
#define LOG_ERR(sev) LOG_ERRNO(sev)
#define LAST_SYSTEM_ERROR (errno)
#endif // OS_WIN
#undef PLOG
#define PLOG(sev, err) LOG_ERR_EX(sev, err)