blob: 46474f2e3d411b489fcdaff2d04ac8d56531445e [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
This tests hit testing on ellipses with continuous strokes. If this test passes, you will see "PASS" below.
<p id="result">Running test...</p>
#ell3:hover {
stroke: #9f9;
<svg id="svg" width="450" height="300" version="1.1">
<rect id="border" x="0.5" y="0.5" width="449" height="299" stroke="#000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"/>
<ellipse id="ell1" cx="130" cy="30" rx="100" ry="15" stroke="#ccf" fill="none" stroke-width="20"/>
<ellipse pointer-events="none" cx="130" cy="30" rx="110" ry="25" stroke="gray" fill="none"/>
<ellipse pointer-events="none" cx="130" cy="30" rx="90" ry="5" stroke="gray" fill="none"/>
<ellipse id="ell2" cx="130" cy="180" rx="100" ry="100" stroke="#ccf" fill="none" stroke-width="30"/>
<ellipse pointer-events="none" cx="130" cy="180" rx="115" ry="115" stroke="gray" fill="none"/>
<ellipse pointer-events="none" cx="130" cy="180" rx="85" ry="85" stroke="gray" fill="none"/>
<ellipse id="ell3" cx="340" cy="155" rx="15" ry="100" stroke="#ccf" fill="none" stroke-width="20" transform="rotate(30 340 155)"/>
<ellipse pointer-events="none" cx="340" cy="155" rx="25" ry="110" stroke="gray" fill="none" transform="rotate(30 340 155)"/>
<ellipse pointer-events="none" cx="340" cy="155" rx="5" ry="90" stroke="gray" fill="none" transform="rotate(30 340 155)"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
if (window.testRunner) {
var svg = document.getElementById("svg");
window.onload = function () {
var tests = [
{ x: 27, y: 46, expectedElemId: "svg" },
{ x: 98, y: 33, expectedElemId: "svg" },
{ x: 202, y: 53, expectedElemId: "svg" },
{ x: 98, y: 142, expectedElemId: "svg" },
{ x: 130, y: 180, expectedElemId: "svg" },
{ x: 91, y: 247, expectedElemId: "svg" },
{ x: 27, y: 240, expectedElemId: "svg" },
{ x: 336, y: 166, expectedElemId: "svg" },
{ x: 337, y: 214, expectedElemId: "svg" },
{ x: 31, y: 18, expectedElemId: "ell1" },
{ x: 209, y: 31, expectedElemId: "ell1" },
{ x: 132, y: 47, expectedElemId: "ell1" },
{ x: 229, y: 43, expectedElemId: "ell1" },
{ x: 245, y: 180, expectedElemId: "ell2" },
{ x: 45, y: 180, expectedElemId: "ell2" },
{ x: 130, y: 95, expectedElemId: "ell2" },
{ x: 130, y: 295, expectedElemId: "ell2" },
{ x: 212, y: 255, expectedElemId: "ell2" },
{ x: 280, y: 235, expectedElemId: "ell3" },
{ x: 301, y: 247, expectedElemId: "ell3" },
{ x: 378, y: 88, expectedElemId: "ell3" },
{ x: 335, y: 122, expectedElemId: "ell3" },
{ x: 333, y: 190, expectedElemId: "ell3" },
{ x: 377, y: 66, expectedElemId: "ell3" }
var bcr = svg.getBoundingClientRect(),
x0 = bcr.left << 0,
y0 = << 0;
for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; ++i) {
var test = tests[i],
elem = document.elementFromPoint(x0 + test.x, y0 + test.y),
expectedElem = document.getElementById(test.expectedElemId),
if (elem !== expectedElem) {
success = false;
result.textContent = "FAIL - unexpected element at (" + test.x + ", " + test.y + ")";
} else {
success = true;
// Draw a dot and a label at the test point (helps with identification).
markPoint(test.x, test.y, success);
if (result.textContent == "Running test...")
result.textContent = "PASS";
if (window.testRunner)
function markPoint(testX, testY, success) {
var dot = document.createElementNS("", "circle");
dot.setAttribute("pointer-events", "none");
dot.setAttribute("cx", testX);
dot.setAttribute("cy", testY);
dot.setAttribute("r", "2");
if (success)
dot.setAttribute("fill", "#0c0");
dot.setAttribute("fill", "red");
var label = document.createElementNS("", "text");
label.setAttribute("pointer-events", "none");
label.setAttribute("x", testX + 4);
label.setAttribute("y", testY);
label.textContent = "(" + testX + ", " + testY + ")";
if (success)
label.setAttribute("fill", "#0c0");
label.setAttribute("fill", "red");