blob: 04143137bbf3ae229bed2ba7cd261984df2c3032 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/common_export.h"
namespace blink {
// Generic service worker operation statuses.
// This enum is used in UMA histograms. Append-only.
enum class ServiceWorkerStatusCode {
// Operation succeeded.
kOk = 0,
// Generic operation error (more specific error code should be used in
// general).
kErrorFailed = 1,
// Operation was aborted (e.g. due to context or child process shutdown).
kErrorAbort = 2,
// Starting a new service worker script context failed.
kErrorStartWorkerFailed = 3,
// Could not find a renderer process to run a service worker.
kErrorProcessNotFound = 4,
// Generic error code to indicate the specified item is not found.
kErrorNotFound = 5,
// Generic error code to indicate the specified item already exists.
kErrorExists = 6,
// Install event handling failed.
kErrorInstallWorkerFailed = 7,
// Activate event handling failed.
kErrorActivateWorkerFailed = 8,
// Sending an IPC to the worker failed (often due to child process is
// terminated).
kErrorIpcFailed = 9,
// Operation is failed by network issue.
kErrorNetwork = 10,
// Operation is failed by security issue.
kErrorSecurity = 11,
// Event handling failed (event.waitUntil Promise rejected).
kErrorEventWaitUntilRejected = 12,
// An error triggered by invalid worker state.
kErrorState = 13,
// The Service Worker took too long to finish a task.
kErrorTimeout = 14,
// An error occurred during initial script evaluation.
kErrorScriptEvaluateFailed = 15,
// Generic error to indicate failure to read/write the disk cache.
kErrorDiskCache = 16,
// The worker is in Redundant state.
kErrorRedundant = 17,
// The worker was disallowed (by ContentClient: e.g., due to
// browser settings).
kErrorDisallowed = 18,
// Obsolete.
// kErrorDisabledWorker = 19,
// The arguments to call the API were invalid.
kErrorInvalidArguments = 20,
// Add new status codes here and update kMaxValue and enums.xml. The next new
// status code should be 21.
// Note: kMaxValue is needed only for histograms.
kMaxValue = kErrorInvalidArguments
BLINK_COMMON_EXPORT const char* ServiceWorkerStatusToString(
ServiceWorkerStatusCode code);
} // namespace blink