blob: cd2212903c7df4df188654e8b261fb0ddf1cbbdc [file] [log] [blame]
# Powershell script to dump accessibility tree for Chrome. Takes optional first argument with part of window title to disambiguate the desired window.
$all = ps | where {$_.ProcessName -eq 'chrome'} |where MainWindowTitle -like "*$($args[0])*Google Chrome" | select MainWindowHandle, MainWindowTitle
echo $all
echo ""
If (@($all).length -gt 1) {
echo "Multiple matching windows, please disambuate: include part of the desired window's title as a first argument."
$hwnd = Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.ProcessName -eq 'chrome'} | where MainWindowTitle -like "*$($args[0])*Google Chrome*" | select MainWindowHandle -ExpandProperty MainWindowHandle | Out-String
$hwnd_arg = "--window=" + $hwnd
$exe = ".\ax_dump_tree.exe"
& $exe $hwnd_arg