blob: 7dc88254bd89d182114f49b57dc895972ae2f8ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/security_style_explanation.h"
#include "content/public/common/security_style.h"
namespace content {
// SecurityStyleExplanations contains information about why a particular
// SecurityStyle was chosen for a page. This information includes the
// mixed content status of the page and whether the page was loaded over
// a cryptographically secure transport. Additionally,
// SecurityStyleExplanations contains human-readable
// SecurityStyleExplanation objects that the embedder can use to
// describe embedder-specific security policies. Each
// SecurityStyleExplanation is a single security property of a page (for
// example, an expired certificate, a valid certificate, or the presence
// of a deprecated crypto algorithm). A single site may have multiple
// different explanations of "secure", "warning", and "broken" severity
// levels.
struct SecurityStyleExplanations {
CONTENT_EXPORT SecurityStyleExplanations();
CONTENT_EXPORT ~SecurityStyleExplanations();
// True if the page ran insecure content such as scripts.
bool ran_insecure_content;
// True if the page displayed insecure content such as images.
bool displayed_insecure_content;
// The SecurityStyle assigned to a page that runs or displays insecure
// content, respectively. These values are used to convey the effect
// that mixed content has on the overall SecurityStyle of the page;
// for example, a |displayed_insecure_content_style| value of
// SECURITY_STYLE_UNAUTHENTICATED indicates that the page's overall
// SecurityStyle will be downgraded to UNAUTHENTICATED as a result of
// displaying insecure content.
SecurityStyle ran_insecure_content_style;
SecurityStyle displayed_insecure_content_style;
bool scheme_is_cryptographic;
std::vector<SecurityStyleExplanation> secure_explanations;
std::vector<SecurityStyleExplanation> unauthenticated_explanations;
std::vector<SecurityStyleExplanation> broken_explanations;
} // namespace content