Static Initializers

Some background on the original decision to ban static initializers:

How Static Initializers are Checked

Removing Static Initializers

Common fixes include:

  • Add constexpr,
  • Use LazyInstance<>,
  • Move global variable to be a static variable within a function that returns it.

Listing Static Initializers

For Linux:

tools/linux/ out/Release/chrome

For Android (from easiest to hardest):

# Build with: is_official_build=true is_chrome_branded=true
# This will dump the list of SI's only when they don't match the expected
# number in static_initializers.gni (this is what the bots use).
ninja chrome/android:monochrome_static_initializers
# or:
tools/binary_size/ HEAD  # See for flags.
# or:
tools/linux/ --toolchain-prefix third_party/android_ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi- out/Release/