blob: 1741bdfc4a5321c051e64c29182c7b3de28e836d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <EarlGrey/EarlGrey.h>
#include "base/ios/ios_util.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/ui/util/ui_util.h"
#import "ios/chrome/test/earl_grey/chrome_matchers.h"
#import "ios/showcase/test/showcase_eg_utils.h"
#import "ios/showcase/test/showcase_test_case.h"
#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
#error "This file requires ARC support."
namespace {
using ::showcase_utils::Open;
using ::showcase_utils::Close;
// Returns the GREYMatcher for the section with the given title.
id<GREYMatcher> SectionWithTitle(NSString* title) {
return grey_allOf(grey_text(title), grey_kindOfClass([UILabel class]),
grey_sufficientlyVisible(), nil);
// Returns the GREYMatcher for the picker row with the given label. |selected|
// states whether or not the row must be selected.
id<GREYMatcher> RowWithLabel(NSString* label, BOOL selected) {
id<GREYMatcher> matcher =
grey_text(label), grey_kindOfClass([UILabel class]),
grey_sufficientlyVisible(), nil);
if (selected) {
return grey_allOf(
return matcher;
// Returns the GREYMatcher for the search bar's cancel button.
id<GREYMatcher> CancelButton() {
return grey_allOf(grey_accessibilityLabel(@"Cancel"),
grey_sufficientlyVisible(), nil);
// Returns the GREYMatcher for the UIAlertView's message displayed for a call
// that notifies the delegate of a selection.
id<GREYMatcher> UIAlertViewMessageForDelegateCallWithArgument(
NSString* argument) {
return grey_allOf(
[NSString stringWithFormat:
@"kPaymentRequestPickerViewControllerAccessibilityID "
grey_sufficientlyVisible(), nil);
} // namespace
// Tests for the payment request picker view controller.
@interface SCPaymentsPickerTestCase : ShowcaseTestCase
@implementation SCPaymentsPickerTestCase
- (void)setUp {
[super setUp];
- (void)tearDown {
[super tearDown];
- (void)scrollToTop {
// Scroll to the top, starting at the center of the screen.
[[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:grey_kindOfClass([UITableView class])]
0.5f, 0.5f)];
- (void)assertSection:(NSString*)label visible:(BOOL)visible {
[[[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:SectionWithTitle(label)]
usingSearchAction:grey_scrollInDirection(kGREYDirectionDown, 200)
onElementWithMatcher:grey_kindOfClass([UITableView class])]
assertWithMatcher:visible ? grey_notNil() : grey_nil()];
// Return to top, to ensure we are in the same state before every search,
// as each search action may scroll down, thereby making it impossible for
// the next search action to work properly, as we only scroll down when
// searching.
[self scrollToTop];
- (void)assertRow:(NSString*)label
visible:(BOOL)visible {
[[[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:RowWithLabel(label, selected)]
usingSearchAction:grey_scrollInDirection(kGREYDirectionDown, 200)
onElementWithMatcher:grey_kindOfClass([UITableView class])]
assertWithMatcher:visible ? grey_notNil() : grey_nil()];
// Return to top, to ensure we are in the same state before every search,
// as each search action may scroll down, thereby making it impossible for
// the next search action to work properly, as we only scroll down when
// searching.
[self scrollToTop];
// Tests if all the expected rows and sections are present and the expected row
// is selected.
- (void)testVerifyRowsAndSection {
[self assertSection:@"B" visible:YES];
[self assertRow:@"Belgium" selected:NO visible:YES];
[self assertRow:@"Brazil" selected:NO visible:YES];
[self assertSection:@"C" visible:YES];
[self assertRow:@"Canada" selected:NO visible:YES];
[self assertRow:@"Chile" selected:NO visible:YES];
[self assertRow:@"China" selected:YES visible:YES];
[self assertSection:@"E" visible:YES];
[self assertRow:@"España" selected:NO visible:YES];
[self assertSection:@"M" visible:YES];
[self assertRow:@"México" selected:NO visible:YES];
// Tests if filtering works.
- (void)testVerifyFiltering {
// TODO( Re-enable this test on iPad once grey_typeText
// works.
if (IsIPadIdiom()) {
EARL_GREY_TEST_DISABLED(@"Test disabled on iPad.");
[self scrollToTop];
// Type 'c' in the search bar.
[[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:chrome_test_util::
[self assertSection:@"B" visible:NO];
[self assertRow:@"Belgium" selected:NO visible:NO];
[self assertRow:@"Brazil" selected:NO visible:NO];
[self assertSection:@"C" visible:YES];
[self assertRow:@"Canada" selected:NO visible:NO];
[self assertRow:@"Chile" selected:NO visible:YES];
[self assertRow:@"China" selected:YES visible:YES];
[self assertSection:@"E" visible:NO];
[self assertRow:@"España" selected:NO visible:NO];
[self assertSection:@"M" visible:NO];
[self assertRow:@"México" selected:NO visible:NO];
// Type 'l' in the search bar. So far we have typed "chil".
[[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:chrome_test_util::
[self assertSection:@"B" visible:NO];
[self assertRow:@"Belgium" selected:NO visible:NO];
[self assertRow:@"Brazil" selected:NO visible:NO];
[self assertSection:@"C" visible:YES];
[self assertRow:@"Canada" selected:NO visible:NO];
[self assertRow:@"Chile" selected:NO visible:YES];
[self assertRow:@"China" selected:YES visible:NO];
[self assertSection:@"E" visible:NO];
[self assertRow:@"España" selected:NO visible:NO];
[self assertSection:@"M" visible:NO];
[self assertRow:@"México" selected:NO visible:NO];
// Cancel filtering the text in the search bar.
[[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:CancelButton()] performAction:grey_tap()];
[self assertSection:@"B" visible:YES];
[self assertRow:@"Belgium" selected:NO visible:YES];
[self assertRow:@"Brazil" selected:NO visible:YES];
[self assertSection:@"C" visible:YES];
[self assertRow:@"Canada" selected:NO visible:YES];
[self assertRow:@"Chile" selected:NO visible:YES];
[self assertRow:@"China" selected:YES visible:YES];
[self assertSection:@"E" visible:YES];
[self assertRow:@"España" selected:NO visible:YES];
[self assertSection:@"M" visible:YES];
[self assertRow:@"México" selected:NO visible:YES];
// Tests that tapping a row should make it the selected row.
- (void)testVerifySelection {
// 'China' is selected.
[self assertRow:@"China" selected:YES visible:YES];
// 'Canada' is not selected. Tap it.
[[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:RowWithLabel(@"Canada", NO)]
// Confirm the delegate is informed.
@"Label: Canada, Value: CAN")]
[[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:grey_accessibilityLabel(
// 'China' is not selected anymore.
[self assertRow:@"China" selected:NO visible:YES];
// Now 'Canada' is selected. Tap it again.
[[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:RowWithLabel(@"Canada", YES)]
// Confirm the delegate is informed.
@"Label: Canada, Value: CAN")]
[[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:grey_accessibilityLabel(
// 'China' is still not selected.
[self assertRow:@"China" selected:NO visible:YES];
// 'Canada' is still selected.
[self assertRow:@"Canada" selected:YES visible:YES];