blob: 1fddc628b9eec45433c8d4c9af9911dec53f2bcc [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Generates a protobuf for fuzzing purposes.
Use the generate() function to print a protobuf file, which allows libfuzzer to
fuzz the given protocols..
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import protocol_util
class Generator(object):
"""Base class for generating something from a list of protocols.
Provides several utilities for generating files of things from a list of
def out(self, text):
def generate(self, protocols):
proto_type_conversions = {
'object': 'uint32',
'int': 'int32',
'uint': 'uint32',
'string': 'string',
'fd': 'uint32',
class ProtoGenerator(Generator):
"""Generate a libfuzzable protobuf.
Creates a protobuf for use when fuzzing wayland. This protobuf defines all the
client-side messages which the fuzzer might call.
def named(self, *args):
return '_'.join((e.attrib['name'] for e in args))
def get_type(self, ty):
if ty in proto_type_conversions:
return proto_type_conversions[ty]
raise Exception('unknown conversion for type: ' + ty)
def generate_action(self, name, args):
self.out('message %s {' % name)
for (idx, (a_type, a_name)) in enumerate([('uint32', 'receiver')] + args):
self.out('required %s %s = %d;'%(a_type, a_name, idx+1))
def generate_req_action(self, ptc, ifc, msg):
"""Generate an action protobuf message.
ptc: the <protocol> xml element.
ifc: the <interface> xml element.
msg: the <request> xml element (given that <event>s don't need messages).
args = []
name = self.named(ptc, ifc, msg)
if name == 'wayland_wl_registry_bind':
args = [('global', 'global'), ('uint32', 'name'), ('uint32', 'version')]
args = [(self.get_type(arg.attrib['type']), arg.attrib['name'])
for arg in msg.findall('arg')
if arg.attrib['type'] != 'new_id']
if protocol_util.is_constructor(msg):
c_type = protocol_util.get_constructed(msg)
self.out('// Constructs %s' % (c_type if c_type else '???'))
self.generate_action(name, args)
def generate(self, protocols):
self.out('syntax = "proto2";')
self.out('package = exo.wayland_fuzzer;')
# Make the globals enum for identifying globals to bind.
self.out('enum global {')
for (idx, (pro, ifc)) in enumerate(protocol_util.get_globals(protocols)):
self.out('%s = %d;'%(self.named(pro, ifc), idx+1))
# List all the possible actions.
self.out('message actions {')
self.out('repeated action acts = 1;')
self.out('message action {')
self.out('oneof act {')
actions = ['meta_dispatch', 'meta_roundtrip'] + [
self.named(p, i, m)
for (p, i, m) in protocol_util.all_messages(protocols)
if protocol_util.is_request(m)]
for (idx, act) in enumerate(actions):
self.out('%s act_%s = %d;' % (act, act, idx+1))
self.generate_action('meta_dispatch', [])
self.generate_action('meta_roundtrip', [])
for (p, i, m) in protocol_util.all_messages(protocols):
if protocol_util.is_request(m):
self.generate_req_action(p, i, m)
def generate(protocols):
"""Make a protobuf for fuzzing the |protocols|.
protocols: a list of xml.etree.ElementTree.Element where each element is a
wayland <protocol> node. This list will be converted to a protobuf file
that can be used for fuzzing.