blob: a253036e8ae6ee5f61677aa131c07457507592e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_handle.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/frame_tree_node.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_request.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_throttle_runner.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/render_frame_host_impl.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/global_request_id.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_data.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_throttle.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_type.h"
#include "content/public/browser/restore_type.h"
#include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/fetch/fetch_api_request.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_mixed_content_context_type.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#include "base/android/scoped_java_ref.h"
#include "content/browser/android/navigation_handle_proxy.h"
namespace content {
class NavigationUIData;
class NavigatorDelegate;
class ServiceWorkerContextWrapper;
class ServiceWorkerNavigationHandle;
class SiteInstanceImpl;
// This class keeps track of a single navigation. It is created after the
// BeforeUnload for the navigation has run. It is then owned by the
// NavigationRequest until the navigation is ready to commit. The
// NavigationHandleImpl ownership is then transferred to the RenderFrameHost in
// which the navigation will commit. It is finaly destroyed when the navigation
// commits.
class CONTENT_EXPORT NavigationHandleImpl : public NavigationHandle {
~NavigationHandleImpl() override;
// NavigationHandle implementation:
int64_t GetNavigationId() override;
const GURL& GetURL() override;
SiteInstanceImpl* GetStartingSiteInstance() override;
bool IsInMainFrame() override;
bool IsParentMainFrame() override;
bool IsRendererInitiated() override;
bool WasServerRedirect() override;
const std::vector<GURL>& GetRedirectChain() override;
int GetFrameTreeNodeId() override;
RenderFrameHostImpl* GetParentFrame() override;
base::TimeTicks NavigationStart() override;
base::TimeTicks NavigationInputStart() override;
bool IsPost() override;
const scoped_refptr<network::ResourceRequestBody>& GetResourceRequestBody()
const Referrer& GetReferrer() override;
bool HasUserGesture() override;
ui::PageTransition GetPageTransition() override;
const NavigationUIData* GetNavigationUIData() override;
bool IsExternalProtocol() override;
net::Error GetNetErrorCode() override;
RenderFrameHostImpl* GetRenderFrameHost() override;
bool IsSameDocument() override;
bool HasCommitted() override;
bool IsErrorPage() override;
bool HasSubframeNavigationEntryCommitted() override;
bool DidReplaceEntry() override;
bool ShouldUpdateHistory() override;
const GURL& GetPreviousURL() override;
net::IPEndPoint GetSocketAddress() override;
const net::HttpRequestHeaders& GetRequestHeaders() override;
void RemoveRequestHeader(const std::string& header_name) override;
void SetRequestHeader(const std::string& header_name,
const std::string& header_value) override;
const net::HttpResponseHeaders* GetResponseHeaders() override;
net::HttpResponseInfo::ConnectionInfo GetConnectionInfo() override;
const base::Optional<net::SSLInfo> GetSSLInfo() override;
void RegisterThrottleForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<NavigationThrottle> navigation_throttle) override;
bool IsDeferredForTesting() override;
bool WasStartedFromContextMenu() override;
const GURL& GetSearchableFormURL() override;
const std::string& GetSearchableFormEncoding() override;
ReloadType GetReloadType() override;
RestoreType GetRestoreType() override;
const GURL& GetBaseURLForDataURL() override;
const GlobalRequestID& GetGlobalRequestID() override;
bool IsDownload() override;
bool IsFormSubmission() override;
bool IsSignedExchangeInnerResponse() override;
bool WasResponseCached() override;
const net::ProxyServer& GetProxyServer() override;
const std::string& GetHrefTranslate() override;
const base::Optional<url::Origin>& GetInitiatorOrigin() override;
bool IsSameProcess() override;
int GetNavigationEntryOffset() override;
// Returns the NavigationRequest which owns this NavigationHandle.
NavigationRequest* navigation_request() { return navigation_request_; }
const std::string& GetOriginPolicy() const;
// Simulates the navigation resuming. Most callers should just let the
// deferring NavigationThrottle do the resuming.
void CallResumeForTesting();
NavigationData* GetNavigationData() override;
void RegisterSubresourceOverride(
mojom::TransferrableURLLoaderPtr transferrable_loader) override;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Returns a reference to this NavigationHandle Java counterpart. It is used
// by Java WebContentsObservers.
base::android::ScopedJavaGlobalRef<jobject> java_navigation_handle();
// Used in tests.
NavigationRequest::NavigationHandleState state_for_testing() const {
return state();
// The NavigatorDelegate to notify/query for various navigation events.
// Normally this is the WebContents, except if this NavigationHandle was
// created during a navigation to an interstitial page. In this case it will
// be the InterstitialPage itself.
// Note: due to the interstitial navigation case, all calls that can possibly
// expose the NavigationHandle to code outside of content/ MUST go though the
// NavigatorDelegate. In particular, the ContentBrowserClient should not be
// called directly from the NavigationHandle code. Thus, these calls will not
// expose the NavigationHandle when navigating to an InterstitialPage.
NavigatorDelegate* GetDelegate() const;
blink::mojom::RequestContextType request_context_type() const {
return navigation_request_->begin_params()->request_context_type;
blink::WebMixedContentContextType mixed_content_context_type() const {
return navigation_request_->begin_params()->mixed_content_context_type;
// Get the unique id from the NavigationEntry associated with this
// NavigationHandle. Note that a synchronous, renderer-initiated navigation
// will not have a NavigationEntry associated with it, and this will return 0.
int pending_nav_entry_id() const { return pending_nav_entry_id_; }
void set_net_error_code(net::Error net_error_code) {
net_error_code_ = net_error_code;
void InitServiceWorkerHandle(
ServiceWorkerContextWrapper* service_worker_context);
ServiceWorkerNavigationHandle* service_worker_handle() const {
return service_worker_handle_.get();
typedef base::OnceCallback<void(NavigationThrottle::ThrottleCheckResult)>
// Updates the state of the navigation handle after encountering a server
// redirect.
void UpdateStateFollowingRedirect(
const GURL& new_referrer_url,
ThrottleChecksFinishedCallback callback);
// Returns the FrameTreeNode this navigation is happening in.
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node() const {
return navigation_request_->frame_tree_node();
// Called during commit. Takes ownership of the embedder's NavigationData
// instance. This NavigationData may have been cloned prior to being added
// here.
void set_navigation_data(std::unique_ptr<NavigationData> navigation_data) {
navigation_data_ = std::move(navigation_data);
NavigationUIData* navigation_ui_data() const {
return navigation_request_->navigation_ui_data();
const GURL& base_url() { return navigation_request_->base_url(); }
NavigationType navigation_type() {
return navigation_request_->navigation_type();
void set_response_headers_for_testing(
scoped_refptr<net::HttpResponseHeaders> response_headers) {
response_headers_for_testing_ = response_headers;
void set_complete_callback_for_testing(
ThrottleChecksFinishedCallback callback) {
complete_callback_for_testing_ = std::move(callback);
CSPDisposition should_check_main_world_csp() const {
return navigation_request_->common_params()
const base::Optional<SourceLocation>& source_location() const {
return navigation_request_->common_params().source_location;
void set_proxy_server(const net::ProxyServer& proxy_server) {
proxy_server_ = proxy_server;
std::vector<std::string> TakeRemovedRequestHeaders() {
return std::move(removed_request_headers_);
net::HttpRequestHeaders TakeModifiedRequestHeaders() {
return std::move(modified_request_headers_);
NavigationThrottle* GetDeferringThrottleForTesting() const {
return navigation_request_->GetDeferringThrottleForTesting();
// Whether the navigation was sent to be committed in a renderer by the
// RenderFrameHost. This can either be for the commit of a successful
// navigation or an error page.
bool IsWaitingToCommit();
// TODO(clamy): Transform NavigationHandleImplTest into NavigationRequestTest
// once NavigationHandleImpl has become a wrapper around NavigationRequest.
// Then remove them from friends.
friend class NavigationHandleImplTest;
friend class NavigationRequest;
// If |redirect_chain| is empty, then the redirect chain will be created to
// start with |url|. Otherwise |redirect_chain| is used as the starting point.
// |navigation_start| comes from the CommonNavigationParams associated with
// this navigation.
NavigationHandleImpl(NavigationRequest* navigation_request,
const std::vector<GURL>& redirect_chain,
int pending_nav_entry_id,
net::HttpRequestHeaders request_headers,
const Referrer& sanitized_referrer);
// Helper function to run and reset the |complete_callback_|. This marks the
// end of a round of NavigationThrottleChecks.
void RunCompleteCallback(NavigationThrottle::ThrottleCheckResult result);
void SetCompleteCallback(ThrottleChecksFinishedCallback callback) {
complete_callback_ = std::move(callback);
NavigationRequest::NavigationHandleState state() const {
return navigation_request_->handle_state();
// The NavigationRequest that owns this NavigationHandle.
NavigationRequest* navigation_request_;
// See NavigationHandle for a description of those member variables.
Referrer sanitized_referrer_;
net::Error net_error_code_;
bool was_redirected_;
// The headers used for the request.
net::HttpRequestHeaders request_headers_;
// Used to update the request's headers. When modified during the navigation
// start, the headers will be applied to the initial network request. When
// modified during a redirect, the headers will be applied to the redirected
// request.
std::vector<std::string> removed_request_headers_;
net::HttpRequestHeaders modified_request_headers_;
// The unique id of the corresponding NavigationEntry.
int pending_nav_entry_id_;
// This callback will be run when all throttle checks have been performed. Be
// careful about relying on it as the member may be removed as part of the
// PlzNavigate refactoring.
ThrottleChecksFinishedCallback complete_callback_;
// This test-only callback will be run when all throttle checks have been
// performed.
// TODO(clamy): Revisit the unit test architecture when PlzNavigate ships.
ThrottleChecksFinishedCallback complete_callback_for_testing_;
// Manages the lifetime of a pre-created ServiceWorkerProviderHost until a
// corresponding provider is created in the renderer.
std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerNavigationHandle> service_worker_handle_;
// Embedder data from the IO thread tied to this navigation.
std::unique_ptr<NavigationData> navigation_data_;
// The unique id to identify this to navigation with.
int64_t navigation_id_;
// The chain of redirects.
std::vector<GURL> redirect_chain_;
// Stores the reload type, or NONE if it's not a reload.
ReloadType reload_type_;
// Stores the restore type, or NONE it it's not a restore.
RestoreType restore_type_;
// Which proxy server was used for this navigation, if any.
net::ProxyServer proxy_server_;
// Allows to override response_headers_ in tests.
// TODO(clamy): Clean this up once the architecture of unit tests is better.
scoped_refptr<net::HttpResponseHeaders> response_headers_for_testing_;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// For each C++ NavigationHandle, there is a Java counterpart. It is the JNI
// bridge in between the two.
std::unique_ptr<NavigationHandleProxy> navigation_handle_proxy_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<NavigationHandleImpl> weak_factory_;
} // namespace content