blob: cb7b35f09e6204c0f4e5169ccf0009919278ce6d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/app_mode/arc/arc_kiosk_app_manager.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/app_mode/kiosk_app_manager.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/screens/encryption_migration_mode.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/session/user_session_manager.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/signin/token_handle_util.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/ui/login_display.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/minimum_version_policy_handler.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/pre_signin_policy_fetcher.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/settings/cros_settings.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/settings/device_settings_service.h"
#include "chromeos/login/auth/login_performer.h"
#include "chromeos/login/auth/user_context.h"
#include "components/account_id/account_id.h"
#include "components/user_manager/user.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h"
#include "third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/cryptohome/dbus-constants.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace base {
class ListValue;
namespace enterprise_management {
class CloudPolicySettings;
namespace chromeos {
class CrosSettings;
class LoginDisplay;
class OAuth2TokenInitializer;
namespace login {
class NetworkStateHelper;
// ExistingUserController is used to handle login when someone has already
// logged into the machine. ExistingUserController is created and owned by
// LoginDisplayHost.
class ExistingUserController
: public LoginDisplay::Delegate,
public content::NotificationObserver,
public LoginPerformer::Delegate,
public UserSessionManagerDelegate,
public ArcKioskAppManager::ArcKioskAppManagerObserver,
public policy::MinimumVersionPolicyHandler::Observer {
// Returns the current existing user controller fetched from the current
// LoginDisplayHost instance.
static ExistingUserController* current_controller();
// All UI initialization is deferred till Init() call.
~ExistingUserController() override;
// Creates and shows login UI for known users.
void Init(const user_manager::UserList& users);
// Start the auto-login timer.
void StartAutoLoginTimer();
// Stop the auto-login timer when a login attempt begins.
void StopAutoLoginTimer();
// Cancels current password changed flow.
void CancelPasswordChangedFlow();
// Decrypt cryptohome using user provided |old_password| and migrate to new
// password.
void MigrateUserData(const std::string& old_password);
// Ignore password change, remove existing cryptohome and force full sync of
// user data.
void ResyncUserData();
// LoginDisplay::Delegate: implementation
base::string16 GetConnectedNetworkName() override;
bool IsSigninInProgress() const override;
void Login(const UserContext& user_context,
const SigninSpecifics& specifics) override;
void OnSigninScreenReady() override;
void OnStartEnterpriseEnrollment() override;
void OnStartEnableDebuggingScreen() override;
void OnStartKioskEnableScreen() override;
void OnStartKioskAutolaunchScreen() override;
void ResetAutoLoginTimer() override;
void ShowWrongHWIDScreen() override;
void ShowUpdateRequiredScreen() override;
void Signout() override;
void CompleteLogin(const UserContext& user_context);
void OnGaiaScreenReady();
void SetDisplayEmail(const std::string& email);
void SetDisplayAndGivenName(const std::string& display_name,
const std::string& given_name);
bool IsUserWhitelisted(const AccountId& account_id);
// content::NotificationObserver implementation.
void Observe(int type,
const content::NotificationSource& source,
const content::NotificationDetails& details) override;
// ArcKioskAppManager::ArcKioskAppManagerObserver overrides.
void OnArcKioskAppsChanged() override;
// policy::MinimumVersionPolicyHandler::Observer overrides.
void OnMinimumVersionStateChanged() override;
// Set a delegate that we will pass AuthStatusConsumer events to.
// Used for testing.
void set_login_status_consumer(AuthStatusConsumer* consumer) {
auth_status_consumer_ = consumer;
// Returns value of LoginPerformer::auth_mode() (cached if performer is
// destroyed).
LoginPerformer::AuthorizationMode auth_mode() const;
// Returns value of LoginPerformer::password_changed() (cached if performer is
// destroyed).
bool password_changed() const;
friend class ExistingUserControllerTest;
friend class ExistingUserControllerAutoLoginTest;
friend class ExistingUserControllerPublicSessionTest;
friend class MockLoginPerformerDelegate;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExistingUserControllerTest, ExistingUserLogin);
class PolicyStoreLoadWaiter;
void LoginAsGuest();
void LoginAsPublicSession(const UserContext& user_context);
void LoginAsKioskApp(const std::string& app_id, bool diagnostic_mode);
void LoginAsArcKioskApp(const AccountId& account_id);
// Retrieve public session and ARC kiosk auto-login policy and update the
// timer.
void ConfigureAutoLogin();
// Trigger public session auto-login.
void OnPublicSessionAutoLoginTimerFire();
// Trigger ARC kiosk auto-login.
void OnArcKioskAutoLoginTimerFire();
// LoginPerformer::Delegate implementation:
void OnAuthFailure(const AuthFailure& error) override;
void OnAuthSuccess(const UserContext& user_context) override;
void OnOffTheRecordAuthSuccess() override;
void OnPasswordChangeDetected() override;
void OnOldEncryptionDetected(const UserContext& user_context,
bool has_incomplete_migration) override;
void WhiteListCheckFailed(const std::string& email) override;
void PolicyLoadFailed() override;
void SetAuthFlowOffline(bool offline) override;
// UserSessionManagerDelegate implementation:
void OnProfilePrepared(Profile* profile, bool browser_launched) override;
// Called when device settings change.
void DeviceSettingsChanged();
// Returns corresponding native window.
gfx::NativeWindow GetNativeWindow() const;
// Show error message. |error_id| error message ID in resources.
// If |details| string is not empty, it specify additional error text
// provided by authenticator, it is not localized.
void ShowError(int error_id, const std::string& details);
// Handles result of ownership check and starts enterprise or kiosk enrollment
// if applicable.
void OnEnrollmentOwnershipCheckCompleted(
DeviceSettingsService::OwnershipStatus status);
// Handles result of consumer kiosk configurability check and starts
// enable kiosk screen if applicable.
void OnConsumerKioskAutoLaunchCheckCompleted(
KioskAppManager::ConsumerKioskAutoLaunchStatus status);
// Enters the enterprise enrollment screen.
void ShowEnrollmentScreen();
// Shows "enable developer features" screen.
void ShowEnableDebuggingScreen();
// Shows privacy notification in case of auto lunch managed guest session.
void ShowAutoLaunchManagedGuestSessionNotification();
// Shows kiosk feature enable screen.
void ShowKioskEnableScreen();
// Shows "kiosk auto-launch permission" screen.
void ShowKioskAutolaunchScreen();
// Shows "filesystem encryption migration" screen.
void ShowEncryptionMigrationScreen(const UserContext& user_context,
EncryptionMigrationMode migration_mode);
// Shows "critical TPM error" screen.
void ShowTPMError();
// Shows "password changed" dialog.
void ShowPasswordChangedDialog();
// Creates |login_performer_| if necessary and calls login() on it.
void PerformLogin(const UserContext& user_context,
LoginPerformer::AuthorizationMode auth_mode);
// Calls login() on previously-used |login_performer_|.
void ContinuePerformLogin(LoginPerformer::AuthorizationMode auth_mode,
const UserContext& user_context);
// Removes the constraint that user home mount requires ext4 encryption from
// |user_context|, then calls login() on previously-used |login_performer|.
void ContinuePerformLoginWithoutMigration(
LoginPerformer::AuthorizationMode auth_mode,
const UserContext& user_context);
// Asks the user to enter their password again.
void RestartLogin(const UserContext& user_context);
// Updates the |login_display_| attached to this controller.
void UpdateLoginDisplay(const user_manager::UserList& users);
// Sends an accessibility alert event to extension listeners.
void SendAccessibilityAlert(const std::string& alert_text);
// Continues public session login if the associated user cloud policy store is
// loaded.
// This is intended to delay public session login if the login is requested
// before the policy store is initialized (in which case the login attempt
// would fail).
void LoginAsPublicSessionWithPolicyStoreReady(
const UserContext& user_context);
// Callback invoked when the keyboard layouts available for a public session
// have been retrieved. Selects the first layout from the list and continues
// login.
void SetPublicSessionKeyboardLayoutAndLogin(
const UserContext& user_context,
std::unique_ptr<base::ListValue> keyboard_layouts);
// Starts the actual login process for a public session. Invoked when all
// preconditions have been verified.
void LoginAsPublicSessionInternal(const UserContext& user_context);
// Performs sets of actions right prior to login has been started.
void PerformPreLoginActions(const UserContext& user_context);
// Performs set of actions when login has been completed or has been
// cancelled. If |start_auto_login_timer| is true than
// auto-login timer is started.
void PerformLoginFinishedActions(bool start_auto_login_timer);
// Invokes |continuation| after verifying that cryptohome service is
// available.
void ContinueLoginWhenCryptohomeAvailable(base::OnceClosure continuation,
bool service_is_available);
// Invokes |continuation| after verifying that the device is not disabled.
void ContinueLoginIfDeviceNotDisabled(const base::Closure& continuation);
// Signs in as a new user. This is a continuation of CompleteLogin() that gets
// invoked after it has been verified that the device is not disabled.
void DoCompleteLogin(const UserContext& user_context);
// Signs in as a known user. This is a continuation of Login() that gets
// invoked after it has been verified that the device is not disabled.
void DoLogin(const UserContext& user_context,
const SigninSpecifics& specifics);
// Callback invoked when |oauth2_token_initializer_| has finished.
void OnOAuth2TokensFetched(bool success, const UserContext& user_context);
// Callback invoked when |token_handle_util_| finishes token check.
void OnTokenHandleChecked(
const AccountId&,
TokenHandleUtil::TokenHandleStatus token_handle_status);
// Called on completition of a pre-signin policy fetch, which is performed to
// check if there is a user policy governing migration action.
void OnPolicyFetchResult(
const UserContext& user_context,
policy::PreSigninPolicyFetcher::PolicyFetchResult result,
// Called when cryptohome wipe has finished.
void WipePerformed(const UserContext& user_context,
base::Optional<cryptohome::BaseReply> reply);
// Triggers online login for the given |account_id|.
void ForceOnlineLoginForAccountId(const AccountId& account_id);
// Clear the recorded displayed email, displayed name, given name so it won't
// affect any future attempts.
void ClearRecordedNames();
// Restart authpolicy daemon in case of Active Directory authentication.
// Used to prevent data from leaking from one user session into another.
// Should be called to cancel AuthPolicyLoginHelper::TryAuthenticateUser call.
void ClearActiveDirectoryState();
// Public session auto-login timer.
std::unique_ptr<base::OneShotTimer> auto_login_timer_;
// Auto-login timeout, in milliseconds.
int auto_login_delay_;
// True if a profile has been prepared.
bool profile_prepared_ = false;
// AccountId for public session auto-login.
AccountId public_session_auto_login_account_id_ = EmptyAccountId();
// AccountId for ARC kiosk auto-login.
AccountId arc_kiosk_auto_login_account_id_ = EmptyAccountId();
// Used to execute login operations.
std::unique_ptr<LoginPerformer> login_performer_;
// Delegate to forward all authentication status events to.
// Tests can use this to receive authentication status events.
AuthStatusConsumer* auth_status_consumer_ = nullptr;
// AccountId of the last login attempt.
AccountId last_login_attempt_account_id_ = EmptyAccountId();
// Whether the last login attempt was an auto login.
bool last_login_attempt_was_auto_login_ = false;
// Number of login attempts. Used to show help link when > 1 unsuccessful
// logins for the same user.
size_t num_login_attempts_ = 0;
// Interface to the signed settings store.
CrosSettings* cros_settings_;
// URL to append to start Guest mode with.
GURL guest_mode_url_;
// Used for notifications during the login process.
content::NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
// The displayed email for the next login attempt set by |SetDisplayEmail|.
std::string display_email_;
// The displayed name for the next login attempt set by
// |SetDisplayAndGivenName|.
base::string16 display_name_;
// The given name for the next login attempt set by |SetDisplayAndGivenName|.
base::string16 given_name_;
// Whether login attempt is running.
bool is_login_in_progress_ = false;
// True if password has been changed for user who is completing sign in.
// Set in OnLoginSuccess. Before that use LoginPerformer::password_changed().
bool password_changed_ = false;
// Set in OnLoginSuccess. Before that use LoginPerformer::auth_mode().
// Initialized with AUTH_MODE_EXTENSION as more restricted mode.
LoginPerformer::AuthorizationMode auth_mode_ =
// Indicates use of local (not GAIA) authentication.
bool auth_flow_offline_ = false;
// Time when the signin screen was first displayed. Used to measure the time
// from showing the screen until a successful login is performed.
base::Time time_init_;
// Timer for the interval to wait for the reboot after TPM error UI was shown.
base::OneShotTimer reboot_timer_;
std::unique_ptr<login::NetworkStateHelper> network_state_helper_;
std::unique_ptr<CrosSettings::ObserverSubscription> allow_guest_subscription_;
std::unique_ptr<CrosSettings::ObserverSubscription> users_subscription_;
std::unique_ptr<OAuth2TokenInitializer> oauth2_token_initializer_;
std::unique_ptr<TokenHandleUtil> token_handle_util_;
std::unique_ptr<policy::PreSigninPolicyFetcher> pre_signin_policy_fetcher_;
// Used to wait for cloud policy store load during public session login, if
// the store is not yet initialized when the login is attempted.
std::unique_ptr<PolicyStoreLoadWaiter> policy_store_waiter_;
// Factory of callbacks.
base::WeakPtrFactory<ExistingUserController> weak_factory_;
} // namespace chromeos