blob: b2658f75d3f8d2c5f0738ff2213f92a2563a813d [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 6: message0
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 6: message1
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 6: message2
CONSOLE ERROR: line 4: Uncaught (in promise) throw1
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 6: message3
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 6: message4
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 6: message5
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 6: message6
Starting worker
Logging in worker: message0
Got log message from page: message0
Stopping worker
Starting worker
Logging in worker: message1
Got log message from page: message1
Starting autoattach
Sending Runtime.enable to worker
Got console API call from worker: message1
Logging in worker: message2
Got log message from page: message2
Got console API call from worker: message2
Logging in worker: throw1
Got log message from page: Uncaught (in promise) throw1
Stopping autoattach
Logging in worker: message3
Got log message from page: message3
Stopping worker
Starting autoattach
Starting worker
Logging in worker: message4
Got log message from page: message4
Sending Runtime.enable to worker
Got console API call from worker: message4
Logging in worker: message5
Got log message from page: message5
Got console API call from worker: message5
Stopping worker
Starting worker
Logging in worker: message6
Got log message from page: message6
Stopping worker
Stopping autoattach