blob: 462c9eadb59961f9ad5f2a6e754efc9f59893036 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
test(function() {
assert_equals(new CSSPositionValue(new CSSSimpleLength(50, 'px'),
new CSSCalcLength({px: -10, em: -3.2, pt: 0})).cssText, '50px calc((-3.2em - 10px) + 0pt)');
assert_equals(new CSSPositionValue(new CSSSimpleLength(50, 'px'),
new CSSSimpleLength(2, 'em')).cssText, '50px 2em');
assert_equals(new CSSPositionValue(new CSSCalcLength({px: -10, em: -3.2, pt: 0}),
new CSSCalcLength({px: -10, em: 3.2})).cssText, 'calc((-3.2em - 10px) + 0pt) calc(3.2em - 10px)');
assert_equals(new CSSPositionValue(new CSSCalcLength({px: -10, em: -3.2, pt: 0}),
new CSSSimpleLength(10, 'percent')).cssText, 'calc((-3.2em - 10px) + 0pt) 10%');
}, "cssText returns a string with the x and y positions cssStrings separated by a space");