blob: 887ed603da49c2315bf43962937dfff24039fa11 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import js_checker
from os import path as os_path
import re
from sys import path as sys_path
import test_util
import unittest
_HERE = os_path.dirname(os_path.abspath(__file__))
sys_path.append(os_path.join(_HERE, '..', '..', 'build'))
import find_depot_tools # pylint: disable=W0611
from testing_support.super_mox import SuperMoxTestBase
class JsCheckerTest(SuperMoxTestBase):
def setUp(self):
input_api = self.mox.CreateMockAnything() = re
output_api = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
self.checker = js_checker.JSChecker(input_api, output_api)
def ShouldFailCommentCheck(self, line):
"""Checks that uncommented '<if>' and '<include>' are a style error."""
error = self.checker.CommentIfAndIncludeCheck(1, line)
self.assertNotEqual('', error, 'Should be flagged as style error: ' + line)
highlight = test_util.GetHighlight(line, error).strip()
self.assertTrue(highlight.startswith(('<if', '<include')))
def ShouldPassCommentCheck(self, line):
"""Checks that commented '<if>' and '<include>' are allowed."""
self.assertEqual('', self.checker.CommentIfAndIncludeCheck(1, line),
'Should not be flagged as style error: ' + line)
def testCommentFails(self):
lines = [
'<include src="blah.js">',
# Currently, only "// " is accepted (not just "//" or "//\s+") as Python
# can't do variable-length lookbehind.
'//<include src="blah.js">',
'// <include src="blah.js">',
' <include src="blee.js">',
' <if expr="chromeos">',
'<if expr="lang == \'de\'">',
'//<if expr="bitness == 64">',
for line in lines:
def testCommentPasses(self):
lines = [
'// <include src="assert.js">',
' // <include src="util.js"/>',
'// <if expr="chromeos">',
' // <if expr="not chromeos">',
" '<iframe src=blah.html>';",
for line in lines:
def ShouldFailConstCheck(self, line):
"""Checks that the 'const' checker flags |line| as a style error."""
error = self.checker.ConstCheck(1, line)
self.assertNotEqual('', error,
'Should be flagged as style error: ' + line)
self.assertEqual(test_util.GetHighlight(line, error), 'const')
def ShouldPassConstCheck(self, line):
"""Checks that the 'const' checker doesn't flag |line| as a style error."""
self.assertEqual('', self.checker.ConstCheck(1, line),
'Should not be flagged as style error: ' + line)
def testConstFails(self):
lines = [
"const foo = 'bar';",
" const bar = 'foo';",
# Trying to use |const| as a variable name
"var const = 0;",
"var x = 5; const y = 6;",
"for (var i=0, const e=10; i<e; i++) {",
"for (const x=0; x<foo; i++) {",
"while (const x = 7) {",
for line in lines:
def testConstPasses(self):
lines = [
# sanity check
"var foo = 'bar'",
# @const JsDoc tag
"/** @const */ var SEVEN = 7;",
# @const tag in multi-line comment
" * @const",
" * @const",
# @constructor tag in multi-line comment
" * @constructor",
" * @constructor",
# words containing 'const'
"if (foo.constructor) {",
"var deconstruction = 'something';",
"var madeUpWordconst = 10;",
# Strings containing the word |const|
"var str = 'const at the beginning';",
"var str = 'At the end: const';",
# doing this one with regex is probably not practical
#"var str = 'a const in the middle';",
for line in lines:
def ShouldFailChromeSendCheck(self, line):
"""Checks that the 'chrome.send' checker flags |line| as a style error."""
error = self.checker.ChromeSendCheck(1, line)
self.assertNotEqual('', error,
'Should be flagged as style error: ' + line)
self.assertEqual(test_util.GetHighlight(line, error), ', []')
def ShouldPassChromeSendCheck(self, line):
"""Checks that the 'chrome.send' checker doesn't flag |line| as a style
self.assertEqual('', self.checker.ChromeSendCheck(1, line),
'Should not be flagged as style error: ' + line)
def testChromeSendFails(self):
lines = [
"chrome.send('message', []);",
" chrome.send('message', []);",
for line in lines:
def testChromeSendPasses(self):
lines = [
"chrome.send('message', constructArgs('foo', []));",
" chrome.send('message', constructArgs('foo', []));",
"chrome.send('message', constructArgs([]));",
" chrome.send('message', constructArgs([]));",
for line in lines:
def ShouldFailEndJsDocCommentCheck(self, line):
"""Checks that the **/ checker flags |line| as a style error."""
error = self.checker.EndJsDocCommentCheck(1, line)
self.assertNotEqual('', error,
'Should be flagged as style error: ' + line)
self.assertEqual(test_util.GetHighlight(line, error), '**/')
def ShouldPassEndJsDocCommentCheck(self, line):
"""Checks that the **/ checker doesn't flag |line| as a style error."""
self.assertEqual('', self.checker.EndJsDocCommentCheck(1, line),
'Should not be flagged as style error: ' + line)
def testEndJsDocCommentFails(self):
lines = [
"/** @override **/",
"/** @type {number} @const **/",
" **/",
"**/ ",
for line in lines:
def testEndJsDocCommentPasses(self):
lines = [
"/***************/", # visual separators
" */", # valid JSDoc comment ends
"*/ ",
"/**/", # funky multi-line comment enders
"/** @override */", # legit JSDoc one-liners
for line in lines:
def ShouldFailExtraDotInGenericCheck(self, line):
"""Checks that Array.< or Object.< is flagged as a style nit."""
error = self.checker.ExtraDotInGenericCheck(1, line)
self.assertNotEqual('', error)
self.assertTrue(test_util.GetHighlight(line, error).endswith(".<"))
def testExtraDotInGenericFails(self):
lines = [
"/** @private {!Array.<!Frobber>} */",
"var a = /** @type {Object.<number>} */({});",
"* @return {!Promise.<Change>}"
for line in lines:
def ShouldFailInheritDocCheck(self, line):
"""Checks that the '@inheritDoc' checker flags |line| as a style error."""
error = self.checker.InheritDocCheck(1, line)
self.assertNotEqual('', error,
msg='Should be flagged as style error: ' + line)
self.assertEqual(test_util.GetHighlight(line, error), '@inheritDoc')
def ShouldPassInheritDocCheck(self, line):
"""Checks that the '@inheritDoc' checker doesn't flag |line| as a style
self.assertEqual('', self.checker.InheritDocCheck(1, line),
msg='Should not be flagged as style error: ' + line)
def testInheritDocFails(self):
lines = [
" /** @inheritDoc */",
" * @inheritDoc",
for line in lines:
def testInheritDocPasses(self):
lines = [
"And then I said, but I won't @inheritDoc! Hahaha!",
" If your dad's a doctor, do you inheritDoc?",
" What's up, inherit doc?",
" this.inheritDoc(someDoc)",
for line in lines:
def ShouldFailPolymerLocalIdCheck(self, line):
"""Checks that element.$.localId check marks |line| as a style error."""
error = self.checker.PolymerLocalIdCheck(1, line)
self.assertNotEqual('', error,
msg='Should be flagged as a style error: ' + line)
self.assertTrue('.$' in test_util.GetHighlight(line, error))
def ShouldPassPolymerLocalIdCheck(self, line):
"""Checks that element.$.localId check doesn't mark |line| as a style
self.assertEqual('', self.checker.PolymerLocalIdCheck(1, line),
msg='Should not be flagged as a style error: ' + line)
def testPolymerLocalIdFails(self):
lines = [
for line in lines:
def testPolymerLocalIdPasses(self):
lines = [
for line in lines:
def ShouldFailVarNameCheck(self, line):
"""Checks that var unix_hacker, $dollar are style errors."""
error = self.checker.VarNameCheck(1, line)
self.assertNotEqual('', error,
msg='Should be flagged as style error: ' + line)
highlight = test_util.GetHighlight(line, error)
self.assertFalse('var ' in highlight);
def ShouldPassVarNameCheck(self, line):
"""Checks that variableNamesLikeThis aren't style errors."""
self.assertEqual('', self.checker.VarNameCheck(1, line),
msg='Should not be flagged as style error: ' + line)
def testVarNameFails(self):
lines = [
"var private_;",
"var hostName_ = '';",
" var _super_private",
" var unix_hacker = someFunc();",
for line in lines:
def testVarNamePasses(self):
lines = [
" var namesLikeThis = [];",
" for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { ",
"for (var i in obj) {",
" var one, two, three;",
" var magnumPI = {};",
" var g_browser = 'da browzer';",
"/** @const */ var Bla = options.Bla;", # goog.scope() replacement.
" var $ = function() {", # For legacy reasons.
" var StudlyCaps = cr.define('bla')", # Classes.
" var SCARE_SMALL_CHILDREN = [", # TODO(dbeam): add @const in
# front of all these vars like
"/** @const */ CONST_VAR = 1;", # this line has (<--).
for line in lines:
if __name__ == '__main__':