blob: 7d05d90c9d6d92a75335fb81de27f1090594fe28 [file] [log] [blame]
// * |globalObject| should be the global (usually |this|).
// * |propertyNamesInGlobal| should be a list of properties captured before
// other scripts are loaded, using: Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this);
// * |platformSpecific| determines the platform-filtering of interfaces and
// properties. Only platform-specific interfaces/properties will be tested if
// set to true, and only all-platform interfaces/properties will be used
// if set to false.
// * |outputFunc| is called back with each line of output.
function globalInterfaceListing(globalObject, propertyNamesInGlobal, platformSpecific, outputFunc) {
// List of builtin JS constructors; Blink is not controlling what properties these
// objects have, so exercising them in a Blink test doesn't make sense.
// If new builtins are added, please update this list along with the one in
// LayoutTests/http/tests/worklet/webexposed/resources/global-interface-listing-worklet.js
var jsBuiltins = new Set([
function isWebIDLConstructor(propertyKey) {
if (jsBuiltins.has(propertyKey))
return false;
var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this, propertyKey);
if (descriptor.value == undefined || descriptor.value.prototype == undefined)
return false;
return descriptor.writable && !descriptor.enumerable && descriptor.configurable;
var wellKnownSymbols = new Map([
[Symbol.hasInstance, "@@hasInstance"],
[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable, "@@isConcatSpreadable"],
[Symbol.iterator, "@@iterator"],
[Symbol.match, "@@match"],
[Symbol.replace, "@@replace"],
[, "@@search"],
[Symbol.species, "@@species"],
[Symbol.split, "@@split"],
[Symbol.toPrimitive, "@@toPrimitive"],
[Symbol.toStringTag, "@@toStringTag"],
[Symbol.unscopables, "@@unscopables"]
// List of all platform-specific interfaces. Please update this list when adding
// a new platform-specific interface. This enables us to keep the churn on the
// platform-specific expectations files to a bare minimum to make updates in the
// common (platform-neutral) case as simple as possible.
var platformSpecificInterfaces = new Set([
// List of all platform-specific properties on interfaces that appear on all
// platforms. Please update this list when adding a new platform-specific
// property to a platform-neutral interface.
var platformSpecificProperties = {
Navigator: new Set([
'getter bluetooth',
Notification: new Set([
'getter image',
// List of all platform-specific global properties. Please update this list when
// adding a new platform-specific global property.
var platformSpecificGlobalProperties = new Set([
function filterPlatformSpecificInterface(interfaceName) {
return platformSpecificProperties.hasOwnProperty(interfaceName) ||
platformSpecificInterfaces.has(interfaceName) == platformSpecific;
function filterPlatformSpecificProperty(interfaceName, property) {
return (platformSpecificInterfaces.has(interfaceName) ||
(platformSpecificProperties.hasOwnProperty(interfaceName) &&
platformSpecificProperties[interfaceName].has(property))) ==
function filterPlatformSpecificGlobalProperty(property) {
return platformSpecificGlobalProperties.has(property) == platformSpecific;
function collectPropertyInfo(object, propertyKey, output) {
var propertyString = wellKnownSymbols.get(propertyKey) || propertyKey.toString();
var keywords =, 'prototype') ? 'static ' : '';
var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, propertyKey);
if ('value' in descriptor) {
var type = typeof descriptor.value === 'function' ? 'method' : 'attribute';
output.push(keywords + type + ' ' + propertyString);
} else {
if (descriptor.get)
output.push(keywords + 'getter ' + propertyString);
if (descriptor.set)
output.push(keywords + 'setter ' + propertyString);
function ownEnumerableSymbols(object) {
return Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object).
filter(function(name) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, name).enumerable;
function collectPropertyKeys(object) {
if (, 'prototype')) {
// Skip properties that aren't static (e.g. consts), or are inherited.
// TODO(caitp): Don't exclude non-enumerable properties
var protoProperties = new Set(Object.keys(object.prototype).concat(
return Object.keys(object).
filter(function(name) {
return !protoProperties.has(name);
return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(object).concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object));
function outputProperty(property) {
outputFunc(' ' + property);
// FIXME: List interfaces with NoInterfaceObject specified in their IDL file.
var interfaceNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)
interfaceNames.forEach(function(interfaceName) {
var inheritsFrom = this[interfaceName];
if (inheritsFrom)
outputFunc('interface ' + interfaceName + ' : ' + inheritsFrom);
outputFunc('interface ' + interfaceName);
// List static properties then prototype properties.
[this[interfaceName], this[interfaceName].prototype].forEach(function(object) {
var propertyKeys = collectPropertyKeys(object);
var propertyStrings = [];
propertyKeys.forEach(function(propertyKey) {
collectPropertyInfo(object, propertyKey, propertyStrings);
propertyStrings.filter((property) => filterPlatformSpecificProperty(interfaceName, property))
outputFunc('[GLOBAL OBJECT]');
var propertyStrings = [];
var memberNames = propertyNamesInGlobal.filter(function(propertyKey) {
return !jsBuiltins.has(propertyKey) && !isWebIDLConstructor(propertyKey);
memberNames.forEach(function(propertyKey) {
collectPropertyInfo(globalObject, propertyKey, propertyStrings);