blob: 2abe593275d4e2674651409d279290ece5d74eca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "device/vr/vr_device_base.h"
#include <utility>
#include "base/metrics/histogram_functions.h"
#include "device/vr/vr_device_provider.h"
namespace device {
VRDeviceBase::VRDeviceBase(mojom::XRDeviceId id) : id_(id) {}
VRDeviceBase::~VRDeviceBase() = default;
mojom::XRDeviceId VRDeviceBase::GetId() const {
return id_;
void VRDeviceBase::PauseTracking() {}
void VRDeviceBase::ResumeTracking() {}
mojom::VRDisplayInfoPtr VRDeviceBase::GetVRDisplayInfo() {
return display_info_.Clone();
void VRDeviceBase::ShutdownSession(base::OnceClosure on_completed) {
DVLOG(2) << __func__;
// TODO( The default implementation of running the
// callback immediately is backwards compatible, but runtimes should be
// updated to override this, calling the callback at the appropriate time
// after any necessary cleanup has been completed. Once that's done, make this
// method abstract.
void VRDeviceBase::OnExitPresent() {
DVLOG(2) << __func__ << ": !!listener_=" << !!listener_;
if (listener_)
presenting_ = false;
void VRDeviceBase::OnStartPresenting() {
DVLOG(2) << __func__;
presenting_ = true;
bool VRDeviceBase::HasExclusiveSession() {
return presenting_;
void VRDeviceBase::ListenToDeviceChanges(
mojo::PendingAssociatedRemote<mojom::XRRuntimeEventListener> listener_info,
mojom::XRRuntime::ListenToDeviceChangesCallback callback) {
void VRDeviceBase::SetVRDisplayInfo(mojom::VRDisplayInfoPtr display_info) {
DCHECK(display_info->id == id_);
display_info_ = std::move(display_info);
if (listener_)
void VRDeviceBase::OnVisibilityStateChanged(
mojom::XRVisibilityState visibility_state) {
if (listener_)
mojo::PendingRemote<mojom::XRRuntime> VRDeviceBase::BindXRRuntime() {
DVLOG(2) << __func__;
return runtime_receiver_.BindNewPipeAndPassRemote();
void VRDeviceBase::SetInlinePosesEnabled(bool enable) {
inline_poses_enabled_ = enable;
void VRDeviceBase::RequestHitTest(
mojom::XRRayPtr ray,
mojom::XREnvironmentIntegrationProvider::RequestHitTestCallback callback) {
NOTREACHED() << "Unexpected call to a device without hit-test support";
void LogViewerType(VrViewerType type) {
base::UmaHistogramSparse("VRViewerType", static_cast<int>(type));
} // namespace device