blob: d7b13cf8ca6a03a37d4134e8d8dc4791e4b01e87 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/util/type_safety/strong_alias.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace util {
namespace {
// For test correctnenss, it's important that these getters return lexically
// incrementing values as |index| grows.
template <typename T>
T GetExampleValue(int index);
template <>
int GetExampleValue<int>(int index) {
return 5 + index;
template <>
uint64_t GetExampleValue<uint64_t>(int index) {
return 500U + index;
template <>
std::string GetExampleValue<std::string>(int index) {
return std::string('a', index);
template <typename T, typename U>
bool StreamOutputSame(const T& a, const U& b) {
std::stringstream ssa;
ssa << a;
std::stringstream ssb;
ssb << b;
return ssa.str() == ssb.str();
} // namespace
template <typename T>
class StrongAliasTest : public ::testing::Test {};
using TestedTypes = ::testing::Types<int, uint64_t, std::string>;
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(StrongAliasTest, TestedTypes);
TYPED_TEST(StrongAliasTest, ValueAccessesUnderlyingValue) {
using FooAlias = StrongAlias<class FooTag, TypeParam>;
// Const value getter.
const FooAlias const_alias(GetExampleValue<TypeParam>(1));
EXPECT_EQ(GetExampleValue<TypeParam>(1), const_alias.value());
static_assert(std::is_const<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(
"Reference returned by const value getter should be const.");
TYPED_TEST(StrongAliasTest, ExplicitConversionToUnderlyingValue) {
using FooAlias = StrongAlias<class FooTag, TypeParam>;
const FooAlias const_alias(GetExampleValue<TypeParam>(1));
EXPECT_EQ(GetExampleValue<TypeParam>(1), static_cast<TypeParam>(const_alias));
TYPED_TEST(StrongAliasTest, CanBeCopyConstructed) {
using FooAlias = StrongAlias<class FooTag, TypeParam>;
FooAlias alias(GetExampleValue<TypeParam>(0));
FooAlias copy_constructed = alias;
EXPECT_EQ(copy_constructed, alias);
FooAlias copy_assigned;
copy_assigned = alias;
EXPECT_EQ(copy_assigned, alias);
TYPED_TEST(StrongAliasTest, CanBeMoveConstructed) {
using FooAlias = StrongAlias<class FooTag, TypeParam>;
FooAlias alias(GetExampleValue<TypeParam>(0));
FooAlias move_constructed = std::move(alias);
EXPECT_EQ(move_constructed, FooAlias(GetExampleValue<TypeParam>(0)));
FooAlias alias2(GetExampleValue<TypeParam>(2));
FooAlias move_assigned;
move_assigned = std::move(alias2);
EXPECT_EQ(move_assigned, FooAlias(GetExampleValue<TypeParam>(2)));
TYPED_TEST(StrongAliasTest, CanBeConstructedFromMoveOnlyType) {
// Note, using a move-only unique_ptr to T:
using FooAlias = StrongAlias<class FooTag, std::unique_ptr<TypeParam>>;
FooAlias a(std::make_unique<TypeParam>(GetExampleValue<TypeParam>(0)));
EXPECT_EQ(*a.value(), GetExampleValue<TypeParam>(0));
auto bare_value = std::make_unique<TypeParam>(GetExampleValue<TypeParam>(1));
FooAlias b(std::move(bare_value));
EXPECT_EQ(*b.value(), GetExampleValue<TypeParam>(1));
TYPED_TEST(StrongAliasTest, CanBeWrittenToOutputStream) {
using FooAlias = StrongAlias<class FooTag, TypeParam>;
const FooAlias a(GetExampleValue<TypeParam>(0));
EXPECT_TRUE(StreamOutputSame(GetExampleValue<TypeParam>(0), a)) << a;
TYPED_TEST(StrongAliasTest, SizeSameAsUnderlyingType) {
using FooAlias = StrongAlias<class FooTag, TypeParam>;
static_assert(sizeof(FooAlias) == sizeof(TypeParam),
"StrongAlias should be as large as the underlying type.");
TYPED_TEST(StrongAliasTest, IsDefaultConstructible) {
using FooAlias = StrongAlias<class FooTag, TypeParam>;
"Should be possible to default-construct a StrongAlias.");
TEST(StrongAliasTest, TrivialTypeAliasIsStandardLayout) {
using FooAlias = StrongAlias<class FooTag, int>;
"int-based alias should have standard layout. ");
"int-based alias should be trivially copyable. ");
TYPED_TEST(StrongAliasTest, CannotBeCreatedFromDifferentAlias) {
using FooAlias = StrongAlias<class FooTag, TypeParam>;
using BarAlias = StrongAlias<class BarTag, TypeParam>;
static_assert(!std::is_constructible<FooAlias, BarAlias>::value,
"Should be impossible to construct FooAlias from a BarAlias.");
static_assert(!std::is_convertible<BarAlias, FooAlias>::value,
"Should be impossible to convert a BarAlias into FooAlias.");
TYPED_TEST(StrongAliasTest, CannotBeImplicitlyConverterToUnderlyingValue) {
using FooAlias = StrongAlias<class FooTag, TypeParam>;
static_assert(!std::is_convertible<FooAlias, TypeParam>::value,
"Should be impossible to implicitly convert a StrongAlias into "
"an underlying type.");
TYPED_TEST(StrongAliasTest, ComparesEqualToSameValue) {
using FooAlias = StrongAlias<class FooTag, TypeParam>;
// Comparison to self:
const FooAlias a = FooAlias(GetExampleValue<TypeParam>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(a, a);
EXPECT_TRUE(a >= a);
EXPECT_TRUE(a <= a);
// Comparison to other equal object:
const FooAlias b = FooAlias(GetExampleValue<TypeParam>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(a, b);
EXPECT_TRUE(a >= b);
EXPECT_TRUE(a <= b);
TYPED_TEST(StrongAliasTest, ComparesCorrectlyToDifferentValue) {
using FooAlias = StrongAlias<class FooTag, TypeParam>;
const FooAlias a = FooAlias(GetExampleValue<TypeParam>(0));
const FooAlias b = FooAlias(GetExampleValue<TypeParam>(1));
EXPECT_NE(a, b);
EXPECT_TRUE(b >= a);
EXPECT_TRUE(a <= b);
TEST(StrongAliasTest, CanBeDerivedFrom) {
// Aliases can be enriched by custom operations or validations if needed.
// Ideally, one could go from a 'using' declaration to a derived class to add
// those methods without the need to change any other code.
class CountryCode : public StrongAlias<CountryCode, std::string> {
CountryCode(const std::string& value)
: StrongAlias<CountryCode, std::string>::StrongAlias(value) {
if (value_.length() != 2) {
// Country code invalid!
value_.clear(); // is_null() will return true.
bool is_null() const { return value_.empty(); }
CountryCode valid("US");
CountryCode invalid("United States");
TEST(StrongAliasTest, CanWrapComplexStructures) {
// A pair of strings implements odering and can, in principle, be used as
// a base of StrongAlias.
using PairOfStrings = std::pair<std::string, std::string>;
using ComplexAlias = StrongAlias<class FooTag, PairOfStrings>;
ComplexAlias a1{std::make_pair("aaa", "bbb")};
ComplexAlias a2{std::make_pair("ccc", "ddd")};
EXPECT_TRUE(a1 < a2);
EXPECT_TRUE(a1.value() == PairOfStrings("aaa", "bbb"));
// Note a caveat, an std::pair doesn't have an overload of operator<<, and it
// cannot be easily added since ADL rules would require it to be in the std
// namespace. So we can't print ComplexAlias.
TYPED_TEST(StrongAliasTest, CanBeKeysInStdUnorderedMap) {
using FooAlias = StrongAlias<class FooTag, TypeParam>;
std::unordered_map<FooAlias, std::string, typename FooAlias::Hasher> map;
FooAlias k1(GetExampleValue<TypeParam>(0));
FooAlias k2(GetExampleValue<TypeParam>(1));
map[k1] = "value1";
map[k2] = "value2";
EXPECT_EQ(map[k1], "value1");
EXPECT_EQ(map[k2], "value2");
TYPED_TEST(StrongAliasTest, CanBeKeysInStdMap) {
using FooAlias = StrongAlias<class FooTag, TypeParam>;
std::map<FooAlias, std::string> map;
FooAlias k1(GetExampleValue<TypeParam>(0));
FooAlias k2(GetExampleValue<TypeParam>(1));
map[k1] = "value1";
map[k2] = "value2";
EXPECT_EQ(map[k1], "value1");
EXPECT_EQ(map[k2], "value2");
TYPED_TEST(StrongAliasTest, CanDifferentiateOverloads) {
using FooAlias = StrongAlias<class FooTag, TypeParam>;
using BarAlias = StrongAlias<class BarTag, TypeParam>;
class Scope {
static std::string Overload(FooAlias) { return "FooAlias"; }
static std::string Overload(BarAlias) { return "BarAlias"; }
EXPECT_EQ("FooAlias", Scope::Overload(FooAlias()));
EXPECT_EQ("BarAlias", Scope::Overload(BarAlias()));
} // namespace util