blob: 10b4e41b7a823afcf72a5cbc5078d30ea2985075 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromecast/media/cma/backend/audio_resampler.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "chromecast/media/cma/base/decoder_buffer_adapter.h"
#include "chromecast/media/cma/base/decoder_buffer_base.h"
#include "media/base/decoder_buffer.h"
namespace chromecast {
namespace {
constexpr size_t kMaxChannels = 8;
} // namespace
AudioResampler::AudioResampler(size_t channel_count)
: channel_count_(channel_count) {
DCHECK_LE(channel_count_, kMaxChannels);
scoped_refptr<media::DecoderBufferBase> AudioResampler::ResampleBuffer(
scoped_refptr<media::DecoderBufferBase> buffer) {
const int num_frames = buffer->data_size() / (channel_count_ * sizeof(float));
input_frames_for_clock_rate_ += num_frames;
int64_t expected_output_frames = output_frames_for_clock_rate_ + num_frames;
int64_t desired_output_frames =
input_frames_for_clock_rate_ / media_clock_rate_;
if (expected_output_frames > desired_output_frames) {
output_frames_for_clock_rate_ += num_frames - 1;
return ShortenBuffer(std::move(buffer));
} else if (expected_output_frames < desired_output_frames) {
output_frames_for_clock_rate_ += num_frames + 1;
return LengthenBuffer(std::move(buffer));
output_frames_for_clock_rate_ += num_frames;
return buffer;
double AudioResampler::SetMediaClockRate(double rate) {
// We are only allowed to deviate from 1.0x playback rate by this much,
// because we only add/remove 1 frame each buffer. The buffers are typically
// 1024 frames, and even if they're not, we limit to this rate anyway,
// because bigger changes may start being perceptible.
double max_deviation = 1.0 / 1024.0;
rate = std::min(rate, 1.0 + max_deviation);
rate = std::max(rate, 1.0 - max_deviation);
media_clock_rate_ = rate;
input_frames_for_clock_rate_ = 0;
output_frames_for_clock_rate_ = 0;
return rate;
scoped_refptr<media::DecoderBufferBase> AudioResampler::LengthenBuffer(
scoped_refptr<media::DecoderBufferBase> buffer) {
const int num_frames = buffer->data_size() / (channel_count_ * sizeof(float));
const int new_num_frames = num_frames + 1;
auto delayed_buffer = base::MakeRefCounted<::media::DecoderBuffer>(
new_num_frames * (channel_count_ * sizeof(float)));
const float* old_channels[kMaxChannels];
float* new_channels[kMaxChannels];
for (size_t c = 0; c < channel_count_; ++c) {
old_channels[c] =
reinterpret_cast<const float*>(buffer->data()) + c * num_frames;
new_channels[c] =
reinterpret_cast<float*>(delayed_buffer->writable_data()) +
c * new_num_frames;
for (size_t c = 0; c < channel_count_; ++c) {
new_channels[c][0] = old_channels[c][0];
// Linearly interpolate between all n input samples to produce (n - 1)
// samples, plus the first and last sample = (n + 1) output samples.
for (int s = 1; s < num_frames; ++s) {
new_channels[c][s] =
(old_channels[c][s - 1] * s + old_channels[c][s] * (num_frames - s)) /
new_channels[c][num_frames] = old_channels[c][num_frames - 1];
return base::MakeRefCounted<media::DecoderBufferAdapter>(delayed_buffer);
scoped_refptr<media::DecoderBufferBase> AudioResampler::ShortenBuffer(
scoped_refptr<media::DecoderBufferBase> buffer) {
const int num_frames = buffer->data_size() / (channel_count_ * sizeof(float));
const int new_num_frames = num_frames - 1;
auto cut_buffer = base::MakeRefCounted<::media::DecoderBuffer>(
new_num_frames * (channel_count_ * sizeof(float)));
const float* old_channels[kMaxChannels];
float* new_channels[kMaxChannels];
for (size_t c = 0; c < channel_count_; ++c) {
old_channels[c] =
reinterpret_cast<const float*>(buffer->data()) + c * num_frames;
new_channels[c] = reinterpret_cast<float*>(cut_buffer->writable_data()) +
c * new_num_frames;
DCHECK_GE(num_frames, 2);
for (size_t c = 0; c < channel_count_; ++c) {
// Linearly interpolate between all n input samples to produce (n - 1)
// output samples.
for (int s = 0; s < new_num_frames; ++s) {
new_channels[c][s] = (old_channels[c][s] * (num_frames - (s + 1)) +
old_channels[c][s + 1] * (s + 1)) /
return base::MakeRefCounted<media::DecoderBufferAdapter>(cut_buffer);
} // namespace chromecast