blob: a60fc19347dc404a5bb31a8cc1b34bbe08448974 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include "chromecast/public/media/media_pipeline_backend.h"
namespace chromecast {
namespace media {
class MediaPipelineBackendForMixer;
// Interface to an AV sync module. This AV sync treats the video as master and
// syncs the audio to it.
// Whatever the owner of this component is, it should include and depend on
// this interface rather the implementation header file. It should be possible
// for someone in the future to provide their own implementation of this class
// by linking in their AvSync::Create method statically defined below.
class AvSync {
static std::unique_ptr<AvSync> Create(MediaPipelineBackendForMixer* backend);
virtual ~AvSync() = default;
// Notify that the audio and video playback will start at |timestamp|, from
// |pts|. |timestamp| is an absolute timestamp on CLOCK_MONOTONIC or
// CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW. |pts| is the PTS that the media playback will start
// at. AvSync will typically start upkeeping AV sync after this is called.
virtual void NotifyStart(int64_t timestamp, int64_t pts) = 0;
// Notify that the playback has been stopped. AvSync will typically stop
// upkeeping AV sync after this call.
virtual void NotifyStop() = 0;
// Notify that the playback has been paused. AvSync will typically stop
// upkeeping AV sync until the playback is resumed again.
virtual void NotifyPause() = 0;
// Notify that the playback has been resumed. AvSync will typically
// start upkeeping AV sync again after this is called.
virtual void NotifyResume() = 0;
// Notify that the video playback rate has been changed to |rate|. AvSync will
// typically match the audio playback rate to |rate|.
virtual void NotifyPlaybackRateChange(float rate) = 0;
} // namespace media
} // namespace chromecast