blob: d4159e41ef92e540ff5ad36d94f5959ca0f2dcf4 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from link_dependencies import extract_inputs, library_deps
import unittest
class ExtractInputsTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_empty(self):
self.assertListEqual([], extract_inputs(''))
query_result = '\n'.join([
' input: link',
' outputs: nothing',
self.assertListEqual([], extract_inputs(query_result))
def test_one_input(self):
query_result = '\n'.join([
' input: link',
' foo',
' outputs: link',
' quxx',
self.assertListEqual(['foo'], extract_inputs(query_result))
def test_many_inputs(self):
query_result = '\n'.join([
' input: link',
' foo',
' bar',
' baz',
' outputs:',
' quxx',
self.assertListEqual(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], extract_inputs(query_result))
def test_no_pipe_inputs(self):
query_result = '\n'.join([
' input: link',
' |foo',
' bar',
' |baz',
' outputs:',
' quxx',
self.assertListEqual(['bar'], extract_inputs(query_result))
def test_prefix(self):
query_result = '\n'.join([
' input: link',
' bar',
' outputs:',
extract_inputs(query_result, 'foo/'))
class LibraryDepsTest(unittest.TestCase):
def mkquery(self, answers):
"""Creates a query function for library_deps.
Creates a query function for library_deps that returns answers from the
supplied map.
return lambda target, unused_workdir, unused_prefix='': answers[target]
def test_empty(self):
self.assertEqual(set(), library_deps([], 'wd', self.mkquery({})))
def test_nonarch(self):
deps = ['abc.a', 'def.o', 'abc.a']
self.assertEqual({'wd/abc.a', 'wd/def.o'},
library_deps(deps, 'wd', self.mkquery({})))
def test_arch(self):
dep_map = {'abc': ['wd/def.a', 'wd/ghi.o']}
deps = ['abc', 'jkl.o']
self.assertEqual({'wd/def.a', 'wd/ghi.o', 'wd/jkl.o'},
library_deps(deps, 'wd', self.mkquery(dep_map)))
def test_arch_many(self):
dep_map = {'abc': ['wd/def.o', 'wd/ghi.a'],
'def': ['wd/def.o', 'wd/jkl.a']}
deps = ['abc', 'def', 'def.o']
self.assertEqual({'wd/def.o', 'wd/ghi.a', 'wd/jkl.a'},
library_deps(deps, 'wd', self.mkquery(dep_map)))
if __name__ == '__main__':