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'use strict';
const gTestArguments = [
description: 'a length CSSUnitValue' ,
value: CSS.px(1),
description: 'a percent CSSUnitValue' ,
value: CSS.percent(10),
description: 'a CSSMathValue of length type' ,
value: new CSSMathSum(CSS.px(1)),
description: 'a CSSMathValue of percent type' ,
value: new CSSMathSum(CSS.percent(1)),
for (const {value, description} of gTestArguments) {
test(() => {
const position = new CSSPositionValue(value, value);
assert_style_value_equals(position.x, value,
'X member should be same as passed in constructor');
assert_style_value_equals(position.y, value,
'Y member should be same as passed in constructor');
}, 'CSSPositionValue can be constructed from ' + description);
for (const {value, description} of gTestArguments) {
test(() => {
let position = new CSSPositionValue(CSS.px(0), CSS.px(0));
position.x = value;
assert_style_value_equals(position.x, value,
'X member should be updated to new value');
}, 'CSSPositionValue.x can be updated to ' + description);
test(() => {
let position = new CSSPositionValue(CSS.px(0), CSS.px(0));
position.y = value;
assert_style_value_equals(position.y, value,
'Y member should be updated to new value');
}, 'CSSPositionValue.y can be updated to ' + description);