blob: 01ce642d2342accaeadbbdc1f2f022dabd7a9689 [file] [log] [blame]
test(() => {
try {
new CanMakePaymentEvent('test', undefined);
new CanMakePaymentEvent('test', null);
new CanMakePaymentEvent('test', {});
} catch (err) {
assert_unreached(`Unexpected exception: ${err.message}`);
}, 'CanMakePaymentEvent can be constructed in service worker.');
test(() => {
const ev = new CanMakePaymentEvent('test', {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
composed: true,
assert_false(ev.isTrusted, 'constructed in script, so not be trusted');
assert_true(ev.bubbles, 'set by EventInitDict');
assert_true(ev.cancelable, 'set by EventInitDict');
assert_true(ev.composed, 'set by EventInitDict');
assert_equals(, null, 'initially null');
assert_equals(ev.type, 'test');
}, 'CanMakePaymentEvent can be constructed with an EventInitDict, even if not trusted');
test(() => {
const ev = new CanMakePaymentEvent('test', {
topOrigin: '',
paymentRequestOrigin: '',
methodData: [],
modifiers: [],
assert_false(ev.isTrusted, 'constructed in script, so not be trusted');
assert_equals(ev.topOrigin, '');
assert_equals(ev.paymentRequestOrigin, '');
}, 'CanMakePaymentEvent can be constructed with a CanMakePaymentEventInit, even if not trusted');
test(() => {
const ev = new CanMakePaymentEvent('test', {});
self.addEventListener('test', evt => {
assert_equals(ev, evt);
}, 'CanMakePaymentEvent can be dispatched, even if not trusted');