blob: 4221d6a4fcb5750b044a2ebba31d41f871a7aecf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <limits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/big_endian.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted_memory.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "net/filter/gzip_header.h"
#include "skia/ext/image_operations.h"
#include "third_party/brotli/include/brotli/decode.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "third_party/zlib/google/compression_utils.h"
#include "ui/base/buildflags.h"
#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
#include "ui/base/layout.h"
#include "ui/base/resource/data_pack.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_base_paths.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_base_switches.h"
#include "ui/display/display.h"
#include "ui/display/screen.h"
#include "ui/gfx/codec/jpeg_codec.h"
#include "ui/gfx/codec/png_codec.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/safe_integer_conversions.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size_conversions.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia_source.h"
#include "ui/strings/grit/app_locale_settings.h"
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#include "base/android/build_info.h"
#include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle_android.h"
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
#include "ui/gfx/platform_font_skia.h"
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#include "ui/display/win/dpi.h"
namespace ui {
namespace {
// PNG-related constants.
const unsigned char kPngMagic[8] = { 0x89, 'P', 'N', 'G', 13, 10, 26, 10 };
const size_t kPngChunkMetadataSize = 12; // length, type, crc32
const unsigned char kPngScaleChunkType[4] = { 'c', 's', 'C', 'l' };
const unsigned char kPngDataChunkType[4] = { 'I', 'D', 'A', 'T' };
#if !defined(OS_MACOSX)
const char kPakFileExtension[] = ".pak";
ResourceBundle* g_shared_instance_ = NULL;
base::FilePath GetResourcesPakFilePath(const std::string& pak_name) {
base::FilePath path;
if (base::PathService::Get(base::DIR_MODULE, &path))
return path.AppendASCII(pak_name.c_str());
// Return just the name of the pak file.
#if defined(OS_WIN)
return base::FilePath(base::ASCIIToUTF16(pak_name));
return base::FilePath(pak_name.c_str());
#endif // OS_WIN
SkBitmap CreateEmptyBitmap() {
SkBitmap bitmap;
bitmap.allocN32Pixels(32, 32);
bitmap.eraseARGB(255, 255, 255, 0);
return bitmap;
// Helper function for determining whether a resource is gzipped.
bool HasGzipHeader(base::StringPiece data) {
net::GZipHeader header;
const char* header_end = nullptr;
net::GZipHeader::Status header_status =
header.ReadMore(, data.length(), &header_end);
return header_status == net::GZipHeader::COMPLETE_HEADER;
// Helper function for determining whether a resource is brotli compressed.
bool HasBrotliHeader(base::StringPiece data) {
// Check that the data is brotli decoded by checking for kBrotliConst in
// header. Header added during compression at tools/grit/grit/node/
const uint8_t* data_bytes = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(;
static_assert(base::size(ResourceBundle::kBrotliConst) == 2,
"Magic number should be 2 bytes long");
return data.size() >= ResourceBundle::kBrotliHeaderSize &&
*data_bytes == ResourceBundle::kBrotliConst[0] &&
*(data_bytes + 1) == ResourceBundle::kBrotliConst[1];
// Returns the uncompressed size of Brotli compressed |input| from header.
size_t GetBrotliDecompressSize(base::StringPiece input) {
const uint8_t* raw_input = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(;
raw_input = raw_input + base::size(ResourceBundle::kBrotliConst);
// Get size of uncompressed resource from header.
uint64_t uncompress_size = 0;
int bytes_size = static_cast<int>(ResourceBundle::kBrotliHeaderSize -
for (int i = 0; i < bytes_size; i++) {
uncompress_size |= static_cast<uint64_t>(*(raw_input + i)) << (i * 8);
return static_cast<size_t>(uncompress_size);
// Decompresses data in |input| using brotli, storing
// the result in |output|, which is resized as necessary. Returns true for
// success. To be used for grit compressed resources only.
bool BrotliDecompress(base::StringPiece input, std::string* output) {
size_t decompress_size = GetBrotliDecompressSize(input);
const uint8_t* raw_input = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(;
raw_input = raw_input + ResourceBundle::kBrotliHeaderSize;
uint8_t* output_bytes =
return BrotliDecoderDecompress(
input.size() - ResourceBundle::kBrotliHeaderSize, raw_input,
&decompress_size, output_bytes) == BROTLI_DECODER_RESULT_SUCCESS;
// Helper function for decompressing resource.
void DecompressIfNeeded(base::StringPiece data, std::string* output) {
if (!data.empty() && HasGzipHeader(data)) {
bool success = compression::GzipUncompress(data, output);
} else if (!data.empty() && HasBrotliHeader(data)) {
bool success = BrotliDecompress(data, output);
} else {
// Assume the raw data is not compressed.
} // namespace
// An ImageSkiaSource that loads bitmaps for the requested scale factor from
// ResourceBundle on demand for a given |resource_id|. If the bitmap for the
// requested scale factor does not exist, it will return the 1x bitmap scaled
// by the scale factor. This may lead to broken UI if the correct size of the
// scaled image is not exactly |scale_factor| * the size of the 1x resource.
// When --highlight-missing-scaled-resources flag is specified, scaled 1x images
// are higlighted by blending them with red.
class ResourceBundle::ResourceBundleImageSource : public gfx::ImageSkiaSource {
ResourceBundleImageSource(ResourceBundle* rb, int resource_id)
: rb_(rb), resource_id_(resource_id) {}
~ResourceBundleImageSource() override {}
// gfx::ImageSkiaSource overrides:
gfx::ImageSkiaRep GetImageForScale(float scale) override {
SkBitmap image;
bool fell_back_to_1x = false;
ScaleFactor scale_factor = GetSupportedScaleFactor(scale);
bool found = rb_->LoadBitmap(resource_id_, &scale_factor,
&image, &fell_back_to_1x);
if (!found) {
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// TODO(oshima): Android unit_tests runs at DSF=3 with 100P assets.
return gfx::ImageSkiaRep();
NOTREACHED() << "Unable to load image with id " << resource_id_
<< ", scale=" << scale;
return gfx::ImageSkiaRep(CreateEmptyBitmap(), scale);
// If the resource is in the package with SCALE_FACTOR_NONE, it
// can be used in any scale factor. The image is maked as "unscaled"
// so that the ImageSkia do not automatically scale.
if (scale_factor == ui::SCALE_FACTOR_NONE)
return gfx::ImageSkiaRep(image, 0.0f);
if (fell_back_to_1x) {
// GRIT fell back to the 100% image, so rescale it to the correct size.
image = skia::ImageOperations::Resize(
gfx::ToCeiledInt(image.width() * scale),
gfx::ToCeiledInt(image.height() * scale));
} else {
scale = GetScaleForScaleFactor(scale_factor);
return gfx::ImageSkiaRep(image, scale);
ResourceBundle* rb_;
const int resource_id_;
struct ResourceBundle::FontKey {
FontKey(const std::string& typeface,
int in_size_delta,
gfx::Font::FontStyle in_style,
gfx::Font::Weight in_weight)
: typeface(typeface),
weight(in_weight) {}
~FontKey() {}
bool operator==(const FontKey& rhs) const {
return std::tie(typeface, size_delta, style, weight) ==
std::tie(rhs.typeface, rhs.size_delta,, rhs.weight);
bool operator<(const FontKey& rhs) const {
return std::tie(typeface, size_delta, style, weight) <
std::tie(rhs.typeface, rhs.size_delta,, rhs.weight);
std::string typeface;
int size_delta;
gfx::Font::FontStyle style;
gfx::Font::Weight weight;
// static
std::string ResourceBundle::InitSharedInstanceWithLocale(
const std::string& pref_locale,
Delegate* delegate,
LoadResources load_resources) {
if (load_resources == LOAD_COMMON_RESOURCES)
std::string result = g_shared_instance_->LoadLocaleResources(pref_locale);
return result;
// static
void ResourceBundle::InitSharedInstanceWithPakFileRegion(
base::File pak_file,
const base::MemoryMappedFile::Region& region) {
auto data_pack = std::make_unique<DataPack>(SCALE_FACTOR_100P);
if (!data_pack->LoadFromFileRegion(std::move(pak_file), region)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "failed to load pak file";
g_shared_instance_->locale_resources_data_ = std::move(data_pack);
// static
void ResourceBundle::InitSharedInstanceWithPakPath(const base::FilePath& path) {
g_shared_instance_->LoadTestResources(path, path);
// static
void ResourceBundle::CleanupSharedInstance() {
delete g_shared_instance_;
g_shared_instance_ = NULL;
// static
bool ResourceBundle::HasSharedInstance() {
return g_shared_instance_ != NULL;
// static
ResourceBundle& ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance() {
// Must call InitSharedInstance before this function.
CHECK(g_shared_instance_ != NULL);
return *g_shared_instance_;
void ResourceBundle::LoadSecondaryLocaleDataWithPakFileRegion(
base::File pak_file,
const base::MemoryMappedFile::Region& region) {
auto data_pack = std::make_unique<DataPack>(SCALE_FACTOR_100P);
if (!data_pack->LoadFromFileRegion(std::move(pak_file), region)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "failed to load secondary pak file";
secondary_locale_resources_data_ = std::move(data_pack);
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
// static
bool ResourceBundle::LocaleDataPakExists(const std::string& locale) {
return !GetLocaleFilePath(locale).empty();
#endif // !defined(OS_ANDROID)
void ResourceBundle::AddDataPackFromPath(const base::FilePath& path,
ScaleFactor scale_factor) {
AddDataPackFromPathInternal(path, scale_factor, false);
void ResourceBundle::AddOptionalDataPackFromPath(const base::FilePath& path,
ScaleFactor scale_factor) {
AddDataPackFromPathInternal(path, scale_factor, true);
void ResourceBundle::AddDataPackFromFile(base::File file,
ScaleFactor scale_factor) {
void ResourceBundle::AddDataPackFromBuffer(base::StringPiece buffer,
ScaleFactor scale_factor) {
std::unique_ptr<DataPack> data_pack(new DataPack(scale_factor));
if (data_pack->LoadFromBuffer(buffer)) {
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to load data pack from buffer";
void ResourceBundle::AddDataPackFromFileRegion(
base::File file,
const base::MemoryMappedFile::Region& region,
ScaleFactor scale_factor) {
std::unique_ptr<DataPack> data_pack(new DataPack(scale_factor));
if (data_pack->LoadFromFileRegion(std::move(file), region)) {
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to load data pack from file."
<< "\nSome features may not be available.";
#if !defined(OS_MACOSX)
// static
base::FilePath ResourceBundle::GetLocaleFilePath(
const std::string& app_locale) {
if (app_locale.empty())
return base::FilePath();
base::FilePath locale_file_path;
base::PathService::Get(ui::DIR_LOCALES, &locale_file_path);
if (!locale_file_path.empty()) {
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
if (locale_file_path.value().find("chromium_tests") == std::string::npos) {
std::string extracted_file_suffix =
locale_file_path = locale_file_path.AppendASCII(
app_locale + kPakFileExtension + extracted_file_suffix);
} else {
// TODO(agrieve): Update tests to not side-load pak files and remove
// this special-case.
locale_file_path =
locale_file_path.AppendASCII(app_locale + kPakFileExtension);
locale_file_path =
locale_file_path.AppendASCII(app_locale + kPakFileExtension);
// Note: The delegate GetPathForLocalePack() override is currently only used
// by CastResourceDelegate, which does not call this function prior to
// initializing the ResourceBundle. This called earlier than that by the
// variations code which also has a CHECK that an inconsistent value does not
// get returned via VariationsService::EnsureLocaleEquals().
if (HasSharedInstance() && GetSharedInstance().delegate_) {
locale_file_path = GetSharedInstance().delegate_->GetPathForLocalePack(
locale_file_path, app_locale);
// Don't try to load empty values or values that are not absolute paths.
if (locale_file_path.empty() || !locale_file_path.IsAbsolute())
return base::FilePath();
if (base::PathExists(locale_file_path))
return locale_file_path;
return base::FilePath();
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
std::string ResourceBundle::LoadLocaleResources(
const std::string& pref_locale) {
DCHECK(!locale_resources_data_.get()) << "locale.pak already loaded";
std::string app_locale = l10n_util::GetApplicationLocale(pref_locale);
base::FilePath locale_file_path = GetOverriddenPakPath();
if (locale_file_path.empty())
locale_file_path = GetLocaleFilePath(app_locale);
if (locale_file_path.empty()) {
// It's possible that there is no locale.pak.
LOG(WARNING) << "locale_file_path.empty() for locale " << app_locale;
return std::string();
std::unique_ptr<DataPack> data_pack(new DataPack(SCALE_FACTOR_100P));
if (!data_pack->LoadFromPath(locale_file_path)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "failed to load locale file: " << locale_file_path;
return std::string();
locale_resources_data_ = std::move(data_pack);
return app_locale;
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
void ResourceBundle::LoadTestResources(const base::FilePath& path,
const base::FilePath& locale_path) {
is_test_resources_ = true;
const ScaleFactor scale_factor(ui::GetSupportedScaleFactors()[0]);
// Use the given resource pak for both common and localized resources.
std::unique_ptr<DataPack> data_pack(new DataPack(scale_factor));
if (!path.empty() && data_pack->LoadFromPath(path))
data_pack = std::make_unique<DataPack>(ui::SCALE_FACTOR_NONE);
if (!locale_path.empty() && data_pack->LoadFromPath(locale_path)) {
locale_resources_data_ = std::move(data_pack);
} else {
locale_resources_data_ = std::make_unique<DataPack>(ui::SCALE_FACTOR_NONE);
// This is necessary to initialize ICU since we won't be calling
// LoadLocaleResources in this case.
void ResourceBundle::UnloadLocaleResources() {
void ResourceBundle::OverrideLocalePakForTest(const base::FilePath& pak_path) {
overridden_pak_path_ = pak_path;
void ResourceBundle::OverrideLocaleStringResource(
int resource_id,
const base::string16& string) {
overridden_locale_strings_[resource_id] = string;
const base::FilePath& ResourceBundle::GetOverriddenPakPath() {
return overridden_pak_path_;
base::string16 ResourceBundle::MaybeMangleLocalizedString(
const base::string16& str) {
if (!mangle_localized_strings_)
return str;
// IDS_MINIMUM_FONT_SIZE and friends are localization "strings" that are
// actually integral constants. These should not be mangled or they become
// impossible to parse.
int ignored;
if (base::StringToInt(str, &ignored))
return str;
// For a string S, produce [[ --- S --- ]], where the number of dashes is 1/4
// of the number of characters in S. This makes S something around 50-75%
// longer, except for extremely short strings, which get > 100% longer.
base::string16 start_marker = base::UTF8ToUTF16("[[");
base::string16 end_marker = base::UTF8ToUTF16("]]");
base::string16 dashes = base::string16(str.size() / 4, '-');
return base::JoinString({start_marker, dashes, str, dashes, end_marker},
base::UTF8ToUTF16(" "));
std::string ResourceBundle::ReloadLocaleResources(
const std::string& pref_locale) {
base::AutoLock lock_scope(*locale_resources_data_lock_);
// Remove all overriden strings, as they will not be valid for the new locale.
return LoadLocaleResources(pref_locale);
gfx::ImageSkia* ResourceBundle::GetImageSkiaNamed(int resource_id) {
const gfx::ImageSkia* image = GetImageNamed(resource_id).ToImageSkia();
return const_cast<gfx::ImageSkia*>(image);
gfx::Image& ResourceBundle::GetImageNamed(int resource_id) {
// Check to see if the image is already in the cache.
auto found = images_.find(resource_id);
if (found != images_.end())
return found->second;
gfx::Image image;
if (delegate_)
image = delegate_->GetImageNamed(resource_id);
if (image.IsEmpty()) {
DCHECK(!data_packs_.empty()) << "Missing call to SetResourcesDataDLL?";
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
ui::ScaleFactor scale_factor_to_load = GetMaxScaleFactor();
#elif defined(OS_WIN)
ui::ScaleFactor scale_factor_to_load =
display::win::GetDPIScale() > 1.25
? GetMaxScaleFactor()
: ui::SCALE_FACTOR_100P;
ui::ScaleFactor scale_factor_to_load = ui::SCALE_FACTOR_100P;
// TODO(oshima): Consider reading the image size from png IHDR chunk and
// skip decoding here and remove #ifdef below.
// ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance() is destroyed after the
// BrowserMainLoop has finished running. |image_skia| is guaranteed to be
// destroyed before the resource bundle is destroyed.
gfx::ImageSkia image_skia(
std::make_unique<ResourceBundleImageSource>(this, resource_id),
if (image_skia.isNull()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to load image with id " << resource_id;
NOTREACHED(); // Want to assert in debug mode.
// The load failed to retrieve the image; show a debugging red square.
return GetEmptyImage();
image = gfx::Image(image_skia);
// The load was successful, so cache the image.
auto inserted = images_.emplace(resource_id, image);
return inserted.first->second;
constexpr uint8_t ResourceBundle::kBrotliConst[];
base::RefCountedMemory* ResourceBundle::LoadDataResourceBytes(
int resource_id) const {
return LoadDataResourceBytesForScale(resource_id, ui::SCALE_FACTOR_NONE);
base::RefCountedMemory* ResourceBundle::LoadDataResourceBytesForScale(
int resource_id,
ScaleFactor scale_factor) const {
base::RefCountedMemory* bytes = nullptr;
if (delegate_)
bytes = delegate_->LoadDataResourceBytes(resource_id, scale_factor);
if (!bytes) {
base::StringPiece data =
GetRawDataResourceForScale(resource_id, scale_factor);
if (!data.empty()) {
if (HasGzipHeader(data) || HasBrotliHeader(data)) {
base::RefCountedString* bytes_string = new base::RefCountedString();
DecompressIfNeeded(data, &(bytes_string->data()));
bytes = bytes_string;
} else {
bytes = new base::RefCountedStaticMemory(, data.length());
return bytes;
base::StringPiece ResourceBundle::GetRawDataResource(int resource_id) const {
return GetRawDataResourceForScale(resource_id, ui::SCALE_FACTOR_NONE);
base::StringPiece ResourceBundle::GetRawDataResourceForScale(
int resource_id,
ScaleFactor scale_factor) const {
base::StringPiece data;
if (delegate_ &&
delegate_->GetRawDataResource(resource_id, scale_factor, &data))
return data;
if (scale_factor != ui::SCALE_FACTOR_100P) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < data_packs_.size(); i++) {
if (data_packs_[i]->GetScaleFactor() == scale_factor &&
return data;
for (size_t i = 0; i < data_packs_.size(); i++) {
if ((data_packs_[i]->GetScaleFactor() == ui::SCALE_FACTOR_100P ||
data_packs_[i]->GetScaleFactor() == ui::SCALE_FACTOR_200P ||
data_packs_[i]->GetScaleFactor() == ui::SCALE_FACTOR_300P ||
data_packs_[i]->GetScaleFactor() == ui::SCALE_FACTOR_NONE) &&
return data;
return base::StringPiece();
std::string ResourceBundle::LoadDataResourceString(int resource_id) const {
return LoadDataResourceStringForScale(resource_id, ui::SCALE_FACTOR_NONE);
std::string ResourceBundle::LoadDataResourceStringForScale(
int resource_id,
ScaleFactor scaling_factor) const {
std::string output;
DecompressIfNeeded(GetRawDataResourceForScale(resource_id, scaling_factor),
return output;
std::string ResourceBundle::LoadLocalizedResourceString(int resource_id) const {
base::AutoLock lock_scope(*locale_resources_data_lock_);
base::StringPiece data;
if (!(locale_resources_data_.get() &&
static_cast<uint16_t>(resource_id), &data) &&
!data.empty())) {
if (secondary_locale_resources_data_.get() &&
static_cast<uint16_t>(resource_id), &data) &&
!data.empty()) {
} else {
data = GetRawDataResource(resource_id);
std::string output;
DecompressIfNeeded(data, &output);
return output;
bool ResourceBundle::IsGzipped(int resource_id) const {
base::StringPiece raw_data = GetRawDataResource(resource_id);
if (!
return false;
return HasGzipHeader(raw_data);
bool ResourceBundle::IsBrotli(int resource_id) const {
base::StringPiece raw_data = GetRawDataResource(resource_id);
if (!
return false;
return HasBrotliHeader(raw_data);
base::string16 ResourceBundle::GetLocalizedString(int resource_id) {
base::AutoLock lock_scope(*locale_resources_data_lock_);
// Overriding locale strings isn't supported if the first string resource
// has already been queried.
can_override_locale_string_resources_ = false;
return GetLocalizedStringImpl(resource_id);
base::RefCountedMemory* ResourceBundle::LoadLocalizedResourceBytes(
int resource_id) {
base::AutoLock lock_scope(*locale_resources_data_lock_);
base::StringPiece data;
if (locale_resources_data_.get() &&
static_cast<uint16_t>(resource_id), &data) &&
!data.empty()) {
return new base::RefCountedStaticMemory(, data.length());
if (secondary_locale_resources_data_.get() &&
static_cast<uint16_t>(resource_id), &data) &&
!data.empty()) {
return new base::RefCountedStaticMemory(, data.length());
// Release lock_scope and fall back to main data pack.
return LoadDataResourceBytes(resource_id);
const gfx::FontList& ResourceBundle::GetFontListWithDelta(
int size_delta,
gfx::Font::FontStyle style,
gfx::Font::Weight weight) {
return GetFontListWithTypefaceAndDelta(/*typeface=*/std::string(), size_delta,
style, weight);
const gfx::FontList& ResourceBundle::GetFontListWithTypefaceAndDelta(
const std::string& typeface,
int size_delta,
gfx::Font::FontStyle style,
gfx::Font::Weight weight) {
const FontKey styled_key(typeface, size_delta, style, weight);
auto found = font_cache_.find(styled_key);
if (found != font_cache_.end())
return found->second;
const FontKey base_key(typeface, 0, gfx::Font::NORMAL,
gfx::FontList default_font_list = gfx::FontList();
gfx::FontList base_font_list =
? default_font_list
: gfx::FontList({typeface}, default_font_list.GetFontStyle(),
font_cache_.emplace(base_key, base_font_list);
gfx::FontList& base = font_cache_.find(base_key)->second;
if (styled_key == base_key)
return base;
// Fonts of a given style are derived from the unstyled font of the same size.
// Cache the unstyled font by first inserting a default-constructed font list.
// Then, derive it for the initial insertion, or use the iterator that points
// to the existing entry that the insertion collided with.
const FontKey sized_key(typeface, size_delta, gfx::Font::NORMAL,
auto sized = font_cache_.emplace(sized_key, base_font_list);
if (sized.second)
sized.first->second = base.DeriveWithSizeDelta(size_delta);
if (styled_key == sized_key) {
return sized.first->second;
auto styled = font_cache_.emplace(styled_key, base_font_list);
DCHECK(styled.second); // Otherwise font_cache_.find(..) would have found it.
styled.first->second = sized.first->second.Derive(
0, sized.first->second.GetFontStyle() | style, weight);
return styled.first->second;
const gfx::Font& ResourceBundle::GetFontWithDelta(int size_delta,
gfx::Font::FontStyle style,
gfx::Font::Weight weight) {
return GetFontListWithDelta(size_delta, style, weight).GetPrimaryFont();
const gfx::FontList& ResourceBundle::GetFontList(FontStyle legacy_style) {
gfx::Font::Weight font_weight = gfx::Font::Weight::NORMAL;
if (legacy_style == BoldFont || legacy_style == MediumBoldFont)
font_weight = gfx::Font::Weight::BOLD;
int size_delta = 0;
switch (legacy_style) {
case SmallFont:
size_delta = kSmallFontDelta;
case MediumFont:
case MediumBoldFont:
size_delta = kMediumFontDelta;
case LargeFont:
size_delta = kLargeFontDelta;
case BaseFont:
case BoldFont:
return GetFontListWithDelta(size_delta, gfx::Font::NORMAL, font_weight);
const gfx::Font& ResourceBundle::GetFont(FontStyle style) {
return GetFontList(style).GetPrimaryFont();
void ResourceBundle::ReloadFonts() {
ScaleFactor ResourceBundle::GetMaxScaleFactor() const {
#if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_LINUX)
return max_scale_factor_;
return GetSupportedScaleFactors().back();
bool ResourceBundle::IsScaleFactorSupported(ScaleFactor scale_factor) {
const std::vector<ScaleFactor>& supported_scale_factors =
return base::Contains(supported_scale_factors, scale_factor);
void ResourceBundle::CheckCanOverrideStringResources() {
base::AutoLock lock_scope(*locale_resources_data_lock_);
ResourceBundle::ResourceBundle(Delegate* delegate)
: delegate_(delegate),
locale_resources_data_lock_(new base::Lock),
max_scale_factor_(SCALE_FACTOR_100P) {
mangle_localized_strings_ = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
ResourceBundle::~ResourceBundle() {
// static
void ResourceBundle::InitSharedInstance(Delegate* delegate) {
DCHECK(g_shared_instance_ == NULL) << "ResourceBundle initialized twice";
g_shared_instance_ = new ResourceBundle(delegate);
std::vector<ScaleFactor> supported_scale_factors;
#if defined(OS_IOS)
display::Display display = display::Screen::GetScreen()->GetPrimaryDisplay();
if (display.device_scale_factor() > 2.0) {
DCHECK_EQ(3.0, display.device_scale_factor());
} else if (display.device_scale_factor() > 1.0) {
DCHECK_EQ(2.0, display.device_scale_factor());
} else {
// On platforms other than iOS, 100P is always a supported scale factor.
// For Windows we have a separate case in this function.
#if defined(OS_MACOSX) || defined(OS_LINUX) || defined(OS_WIN)
void ResourceBundle::FreeImages() {
void ResourceBundle::LoadChromeResources() {
// Always load the 1x data pack first as the 2x data pack contains both 1x and
// 2x images. The 1x data pack only has 1x images, thus passes in an accurate
// scale factor to gfx::ImageSkia::AddRepresentation.
if (IsScaleFactorSupported(SCALE_FACTOR_100P)) {
"chrome_100_percent.pak"), SCALE_FACTOR_100P);
if (IsScaleFactorSupported(SCALE_FACTOR_200P)) {
"chrome_200_percent.pak"), SCALE_FACTOR_200P);
void ResourceBundle::AddDataPackFromPathInternal(
const base::FilePath& path,
ScaleFactor scale_factor,
bool optional) {
// Do not pass an empty |path| value to this method. If the absolute path is
// unknown pass just the pack file name.
base::FilePath pack_path = path;
if (delegate_)
pack_path = delegate_->GetPathForResourcePack(pack_path, scale_factor);
// Don't try to load empty values or values that are not absolute paths.
if (pack_path.empty() || !pack_path.IsAbsolute())
std::unique_ptr<DataPack> data_pack(new DataPack(scale_factor));
if (data_pack->LoadFromPath(pack_path)) {
} else if (!optional) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to load " << pack_path.value()
<< "\nSome features may not be available.";
void ResourceBundle::AddDataPack(std::unique_ptr<DataPack> data_pack) {
if (GetScaleForScaleFactor(data_pack->GetScaleFactor()) >
max_scale_factor_ = data_pack->GetScaleFactor();
void ResourceBundle::InitDefaultFontList() {
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// InitDefaultFontList() is called earlier than overriding the locale strings.
// So we call the |GetLocalizedStringImpl()| which doesn't set the flag
// |can_override_locale_string_resources_| to false. This is okay, because the
// font list doesn't need to be overridden by variations.
std::string font_family =
// TODO(yukishiino): Remove SetDefaultFontDescription() once the migration to
// the font list is done. We will no longer need SetDefaultFontDescription()
// after every client gets started using a FontList instead of a Font.
// Use a single default font as the default font list.
bool ResourceBundle::LoadBitmap(const ResourceHandle& data_handle,
int resource_id,
SkBitmap* bitmap,
bool* fell_back_to_1x) const {
scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedMemory> memory(
if (!memory.get())
return false;
if (DecodePNG(memory->front(), memory->size(), bitmap, fell_back_to_1x))
return true;
#if !defined(OS_IOS)
// iOS does not compile or use the JPEG codec. On other platforms,
// 99% of our assets are PNGs, however fallback to JPEG.
std::unique_ptr<SkBitmap> jpeg_bitmap(
gfx::JPEGCodec::Decode(memory->front(), memory->size()));
if (jpeg_bitmap.get()) {
*fell_back_to_1x = false;
return true;
NOTREACHED() << "Unable to decode theme image resource " << resource_id;
return false;
bool ResourceBundle::LoadBitmap(int resource_id,
ScaleFactor* scale_factor,
SkBitmap* bitmap,
bool* fell_back_to_1x) const {
for (const auto& pack : data_packs_) {
if (pack->GetScaleFactor() == ui::SCALE_FACTOR_NONE &&
LoadBitmap(*pack, resource_id, bitmap, fell_back_to_1x)) {
*scale_factor = ui::SCALE_FACTOR_NONE;
return true;
if (pack->GetScaleFactor() == *scale_factor &&
LoadBitmap(*pack, resource_id, bitmap, fell_back_to_1x)) {
return true;
// Unit tests may only have 1x data pack. Allow them to fallback to 1x
// resources.
if (is_test_resources_ && *scale_factor != ui::SCALE_FACTOR_100P) {
for (const auto& pack : data_packs_) {
if (pack->GetScaleFactor() == ui::SCALE_FACTOR_100P &&
LoadBitmap(*pack, resource_id, bitmap, fell_back_to_1x)) {
*fell_back_to_1x = true;
return true;
return false;
gfx::Image& ResourceBundle::GetEmptyImage() {
if (empty_image_.IsEmpty()) {
// The placeholder bitmap is bright red so people notice the problem.
SkBitmap bitmap = CreateEmptyBitmap();
empty_image_ = gfx::Image::CreateFrom1xBitmap(bitmap);
return empty_image_;
base::string16 ResourceBundle::GetLocalizedStringImpl(int resource_id) {
base::string16 string;
if (delegate_ && delegate_->GetLocalizedString(resource_id, &string))
return MaybeMangleLocalizedString(string);
// Ensure that ReloadLocaleResources() doesn't drop the resources while
// we're using them.
base::AutoLock lock_scope(*locale_resources_data_lock_);
IdToStringMap::const_iterator it =
if (it != overridden_locale_strings_.end())
return MaybeMangleLocalizedString(it->second);
// If for some reason we were unable to load the resources , return an empty
// string (better than crashing).
if (!locale_resources_data_.get()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "locale resources are not loaded";
return base::string16();
base::StringPiece data;
ResourceHandle::TextEncodingType encoding =
if (!locale_resources_data_->GetStringPiece(
static_cast<uint16_t>(resource_id), &data)) {
if (secondary_locale_resources_data_.get() &&
static_cast<uint16_t>(resource_id), &data)) {
// Fall back on the secondary locale pak if it exists.
encoding = secondary_locale_resources_data_->GetTextEncodingType();
} else {
// Fall back on the main data pack (shouldn't be any strings here except
// in unittests).
data = GetRawDataResource(resource_id);
if (data.empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "unable to find resource: " << resource_id;
return base::string16();
// Strings should not be loaded from a data pack that contains binary data.
DCHECK(encoding == ResourceHandle::UTF16 || encoding == ResourceHandle::UTF8)
<< "requested localized string from binary pack file";
// Data pack encodes strings as either UTF8 or UTF16.
base::string16 msg;
if (encoding == ResourceHandle::UTF16) {
msg = base::string16(reinterpret_cast<const base::char16*>(,
data.length() / 2);
} else if (encoding == ResourceHandle::UTF8) {
msg = base::UTF8ToUTF16(data);
return MaybeMangleLocalizedString(msg);
// static
bool ResourceBundle::PNGContainsFallbackMarker(const unsigned char* buf,
size_t size) {
if (size < base::size(kPngMagic) ||
memcmp(buf, kPngMagic, base::size(kPngMagic)) != 0) {
// Data invalid or a JPEG.
return false;
size_t pos = base::size(kPngMagic);
// Scan for custom chunks until we find one, find the IDAT chunk, or run out
// of chunks.
for (;;) {
if (size - pos < kPngChunkMetadataSize)
uint32_t length = 0;
base::ReadBigEndian(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf + pos), &length);
if (size - pos - kPngChunkMetadataSize < length)
if (length == 0 && memcmp(buf + pos + sizeof(uint32_t), kPngScaleChunkType,
base::size(kPngScaleChunkType)) == 0) {
return true;
if (memcmp(buf + pos + sizeof(uint32_t), kPngDataChunkType,
base::size(kPngDataChunkType)) == 0) {
// Stop looking for custom chunks, any custom chunks should be before an
// IDAT chunk.
pos += length + kPngChunkMetadataSize;
return false;
// static
bool ResourceBundle::DecodePNG(const unsigned char* buf,
size_t size,
SkBitmap* bitmap,
bool* fell_back_to_1x) {
*fell_back_to_1x = PNGContainsFallbackMarker(buf, size);
return gfx::PNGCodec::Decode(buf, size, bitmap);
} // namespace ui