blob: 32da11d3480a85b226a7ad43823a6fa2a3ff63e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/scoped_observer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_attributes_storage.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/settings/settings_page_ui_handler.h"
class Profile;
namespace settings {
// Chrome personal stuff profiles manage overlay UI handler.
class ManageProfileHandler : public settings::SettingsPageUIHandler,
public ProfileAttributesStorage::Observer {
explicit ManageProfileHandler(Profile* profile);
~ManageProfileHandler() override;
// settings::SettingsPageUIHandler:
void RegisterMessages() override;
void OnJavascriptAllowed() override;
void OnJavascriptDisallowed() override;
// ProfileAttributesStorage::Observer:
void OnProfileAvatarChanged(const base::FilePath& profile_path) override;
// ProfileAttributesStorage::Observer:
void OnProfileHighResAvatarLoaded(
const base::FilePath& profile_path) override;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ManageProfileHandlerTest, HandleSetProfileName);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ManageProfileHandlerTest, HandleGetAvailableIcons);
// Callback for the "getAvailableIcons" message.
// Sends the array of default profile icon URLs and profile names to WebUI.
void HandleGetAvailableIcons(const base::ListValue* args);
// Get all the available profile icons to choose from.
std::unique_ptr<base::ListValue> GetAvailableIcons();
// Callback for the "setProfileIconToGaiaAvatar" message.
void HandleSetProfileIconToGaiaAvatar(const base::ListValue* args);
// Callback for the "setProfileIconToDefaultAvatar" message.
void HandleSetProfileIconToDefaultAvatar(const base::ListValue* args);
// Callback for the "setProfileName" message.
void HandleSetProfileName(const base::ListValue* args);
// Callback for the "requestProfileShortcutStatus" message, which is called
// when editing an existing profile. Asks the profile shortcut manager whether
// the profile has shortcuts and gets the result in |OnHasProfileShortcuts()|.
void HandleRequestProfileShortcutStatus(const base::ListValue* args);
// Callback invoked from the profile manager indicating whether the profile
// being edited has any desktop shortcuts.
void OnHasProfileShortcuts(const std::string& callback_id,
bool has_shortcuts);
// Callback for the "addProfileShortcut" message, which is called when editing
// an existing profile and the user clicks the "Add desktop shortcut" button.
// Adds a desktop shortcut for the profile.
void HandleAddProfileShortcut(const base::ListValue* args);
// Callback for the "removeProfileShortcut" message, which is called when
// editing an existing profile and the user clicks the "Remove desktop
// shortcut" button. Removes the desktop shortcut for the profile.
void HandleRemoveProfileShortcut(const base::ListValue* args);
// Non-owning pointer to the associated profile.
Profile* profile_;
// Used to observe profile avatar updates.
ScopedObserver<ProfileAttributesStorage, ManageProfileHandler> observer_;
// For generating weak pointers to itself for callbacks.
base::WeakPtrFactory<ManageProfileHandler> weak_factory_;
} // namespace settings