blob: 903b2b1d5744ac8cd6add41c19ed9bdcccda1867 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "chrome/browser/apps/platform_apps/app_browsertest_util.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chrome_notification_types.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_mouse_event.h"
#include "ui/events/keycodes/dom/dom_code.h"
#include "ui/events/keycodes/dom/dom_key.h"
#include "ui/events/keycodes/keyboard_codes.h"
namespace remoting {
class RemoteTestHelper;
class RemoteDesktopBrowserTest : public extensions::PlatformAppBrowserTest {
~RemoteDesktopBrowserTest() override;
// InProcessBrowserTest Overrides
void SetUp() override;
void SetUpOnMainThread() override;
// InProcessBrowserTest Overrides
void SetUpInProcessBrowserTestFixture() override;
// InProcessBrowserTest Overrides
void TearDownInProcessBrowserTestFixture() override;
// The following helpers each perform a simple task.
// Verify the test has access to the internet (specifically
void VerifyInternetAccess();
// Open the client page for the browser test to get status of host actions
void OpenClientBrowserPage();
// Install the chromoting extension from a crx file.
void InstallChromotingAppCrx();
// Install the unpacked chromoting extension.
void InstallChromotingAppUnpacked();
// Uninstall the chromoting extension.
void UninstallChromotingApp();
// Test whether the chromoting extension is installed.
void VerifyChromotingLoaded(bool expected);
// Launch the Chromoting app. If |defer_start| is true, an additional URL
// parameter is passed to the application, causing it to defer start-up
// until StartChromotingApp is invoked. Test code can execute arbitrary
// JavaScript in the context of the app between these two calls, for example
// to set up appropriate mocks.
// |window_open_disposition| controls where the app will be launched. For v2
// app, the value of |window_open_disposition| will always be NEW_WINDOW.
// Returns the content::WebContents of the launched app. The lifetime of the
// returned value is managed by LaunchChromotingApp().
content::WebContents* LaunchChromotingApp(bool defer_start);
content::WebContents* LaunchChromotingApp(
bool defer_start,
WindowOpenDisposition window_open_disposition);
// If the Chromoting app was launched in deferred mode, tell it to continue
// its regular start-up sequence.
void StartChromotingApp();
// Authorize: grant extended access permission to the user's computer.
void Authorize();
// Authenticate: sign in to google using the credentials provided.
void Authenticate();
// Approve: grant the chromoting app necessary permissions.
void Approve();
// Click on "Get Started" in the Me2Me section and show the host list.
void ExpandMe2Me();
// Disconnect the active Me2Me session.
void DisconnectMe2Me();
// Simulate a key event.
void SimulateKeyPressWithCode(ui::KeyboardCode keyCode,
const std::string& code);
void SimulateKeyPressWithCode(ui::DomKey key,
ui::DomCode code,
ui::KeyboardCode keyCode,
bool control,
bool shift,
bool alt,
bool command);
// Simulate typing a character
void SimulateCharInput(char c);
// Simulate typing a string
void SimulateStringInput(const std::string& input);
// Helper to simulate a left button mouse click.
void SimulateMouseLeftClickAt(int x, int y);
// Helper to simulate a mouse click.
void SimulateMouseClickAt(
int modifiers, blink::WebMouseEvent::Button button, int x, int y);
void SetUserNameAndPassword(
const base::FilePath &accounts_file, const std::string& account_type);
// The following helpers each perform a composite task.
// Install the chromoting extension
void Install();
// Load the browser-test support JavaScript files, including helper functions
// and mocks.
void LoadBrowserTestJavaScript(content::WebContents* content);
// Perform all necessary steps (installation, authorization, authentication,
// expanding the me2me section) so that the app is ready for a connection.
// Returns the content::WebContents instance of the Chromoting app.
content::WebContents* SetUpTest();
// Clean up after the test.
void Cleanup();
// Perform all the auth steps: authorization, authentication, etc.
// It starts from the chromoting main page unauthenticated and ends up back
// on the chromoting main page authenticated and ready to go.
void Auth();
// Ensures that the host is started locally with |me2me_pin()|.
// Browser_test.js must be loaded before calling this function.
void EnsureRemoteConnectionEnabled(content::WebContents* app_web_content);
// Connect to the local host through Me2Me.
void ConnectToLocalHost(bool remember_pin);
// Connect to a remote host through Me2Me.
void ConnectToRemoteHost(const std::string& host_name, bool remember_pin);
// Enter the pin number and connect.
void EnterPin(const std::string& name, bool remember_pin);
// Helper to get the pin number used for me2me authentication.
std::string me2me_pin() { return me2me_pin_; }
// Helper to get the name of the remote host to connect to.
std::string remote_host_name() { return remote_host_name_; }
// Helper to get the test controller URL.
std::string http_server() { return http_server_; }
// Change behavior of the default host resolver to allow DNS lookup
// to proceed instead of being blocked by the test infrastructure.
void EnableDNSLookupForThisTest(
net::RuleBasedHostResolverProc* host_resolver);
// We need to reset the DNS lookup when we finish, or the test will fail.
void DisableDNSLookupForThisTest();
void ParseCommandLine();
// Accessor methods.
// Helper to get the path to the crx file of the webapp to be tested.
base::FilePath WebAppCrxPath() { return webapp_crx_; }
// Helper to get the extension ID of the installed chromoting webapp.
std::string ChromotingID() { return extension_->id(); }
// Is this a appsv2 web app?
bool is_platform_app() {
return extension_->GetType() == extensions::Manifest::TYPE_PLATFORM_APP;
// Are we testing an unpacked extension?
bool is_unpacked() {
return !webapp_unpacked_.empty();
// The "active" WebContents instance the test needs to interact with.
content::WebContents* active_web_contents() {
return web_contents_stack_.back();
// The client WebContents instance the test needs to interact with.
content::WebContents* client_web_content() {
return client_web_content_;
RemoteTestHelper* remote_test_helper() const {
return remote_test_helper_.get();
// Whether to perform the cleanup tasks (uninstalling chromoting, etc).
// This is useful for diagnostic purposes.
bool NoCleanup() { return no_cleanup_; }
// Whether to install the chromoting extension before running the test cases.
// This is useful for diagnostic purposes.
bool NoInstall() { return no_install_; }
// Helper to construct the starting URL of the installed chromoting webapp.
GURL Chromoting_Main_URL() {
return GURL("chrome-extension://" + ChromotingID() + "/main.html");
// Helper to retrieve the current URL in the active WebContents. This function
// strips all query parameters from the URL.
GURL GetCurrentURL() {
GURL current_url = active_web_contents()->GetURL();
GURL::Replacements strip_query;
return current_url.ReplaceComponents(strip_query);
// Helpers to execute JavaScript code on a web page.
// Helper to execute a JavaScript code snippet in the active WebContents.
void ExecuteScript(const std::string& script);
// Helper to execute a JavaScript code snippet in the active WebContents
// and wait for page load to complete.
void ExecuteScriptAndWaitForAnyPageLoad(const std::string& script);
// Helper to execute a JavaScript code snippet in the active WebContents
// and extract the boolean result.
bool ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool(const std::string& script);
// Helper to execute a JavaScript code snippet in the active WebContents
// and extract the int result.
int ExecuteScriptAndExtractInt(const std::string& script);
// Helper to execute a JavaScript code snippet in the active WebContents
// and extract the string result.
std::string ExecuteScriptAndExtractString(const std::string& script);
// Helper to load a JavaScript file from |path| and inject it to
// current web_content. The variable |path| is relative to the directory of
// the |browsertest| executable.
static bool LoadScript(content::WebContents* web_contents,
const base::FilePath::StringType& path);
// Helper to execute a JavaScript browser test. It creates an object using
// the |browserTest.testName| ctor and calls |run| on the created object with
// |testData|, which can be any arbitrary object literal. The script
// browser_test.js must be loaded (using LoadScript) before calling this
// function.
void RunJavaScriptTest(content::WebContents* web_contents,
const std::string& testName,
const std::string& testData);
// Helper to check whether an html element with the given name exists in
// the active WebContents.
bool HtmlElementExists(const std::string& name) {
return ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool(
"(function() {"
"if (document.getElementById('" + name + "')) {"
"return true;"
"console.log('body.innerHTML:=' + document.body.innerHTML);"
"console.log('window.location:= ' + window.location);"
"return false;"
// Helper to check whether a html element with the given name is visible in
// the active WebContents.
bool HtmlElementVisible(const std::string& name);
// Click on the named HTML control in the active WebContents.
void ClickOnControl(const std::string& name);
// Wait for the me2me connection to be established.
void WaitForConnection();
// Checking whether the host is online.
bool IsHostOnline(const std::string& element_id);
// Checking whether the localHost has been initialized.
bool IsLocalHostReady();
// Checking whether the hosts list has been initialized.
bool IsHostListReady();
// Callback used by EnterPin to check whether the pin form is visible
// and to dismiss the host-needs-update dialog.
bool IsPinFormVisible();
// Callback used by WaitForConnection to check whether the connection
// has been established.
bool IsSessionConnected();
// Callback used by Approve to check whether the chromoting app has
// successfully authenticated with the Google services.
bool IsAuthenticated() {
return IsAuthenticatedInWindow(active_web_contents());
// Callback used by Approve to check whether the Accept button is enabled
// and ready to receive a click.
static bool IsEnabled(
content::WebContents* web_contents, const std::string& name);
// If the "Host version out-of-date" form is visible, dismiss it.
void DismissHostVersionWarningIfVisible();
// Callback used by Approve to check whether the chromoting app has
// successfully authenticated with the Google services.
static bool IsAuthenticatedInWindow(content::WebContents* web_contents);
// Callback used to check whether a host action is completed.
// Used by browser tests while conditionally waiting for host actions.
static bool IsHostActionComplete(
content::WebContents* client_web_content, std::string host_action_var);
// Test if the remoting app mode is equal to the given mode
bool IsAppModeEqualTo(const std::string& mode);
// Disable remote connection while the remote connection is enabled
void DisableRemoteConnection();
// Fields
// This test needs to make live DNS requests for access to
// GAIA and sync server URLs under We use a scoped version
// to override the default resolver while the test is active.
// Stores all the WebContents instance in a stack so that we can easily
// return to the previous instance.
// The active WebContents instance is always stored at the top of the stack.
// Initially the stack contains the WebContents instance created by
// InProcessBrowserTest as the initial context to run test in.
// Whenever a WebContents instance is spawned and needs attention we
// push it onto the stack and that becomes the active instance.
// And once we are done with the current WebContents instance
// we pop it off the stack, returning to the previous instance.
std::vector<content::WebContents*> web_contents_stack_;
// WebContent of the client page that facilitates communication with
// the HTTP server. This is how the remoting browser tests
// will get acknowledgments of actions completed on the host.
content::WebContents* client_web_content_;
// Helper class to assist in performing and verifying remote operations.
std::unique_ptr<RemoteTestHelper> remote_test_helper_;
bool no_cleanup_;
bool no_install_;
const extensions::Extension* extension_;
base::FilePath webapp_crx_;
base::FilePath webapp_unpacked_;
std::string username_;
std::string password_;
std::string me2me_pin_;
std::string remote_host_name_;
std::string extension_name_;
std::string http_server_;
} // namespace remoting