| // Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include "device/vr/windows_mixed_reality/mixed_reality_input_helper.h" |
| |
| #include <windows.perception.spatial.h> |
| #include <windows.ui.input.spatial.h> |
| |
| #include <wrl.h> |
| #include <wrl/event.h> |
| |
| #include <unordered_map> |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include "base/strings/safe_sprintf.h" |
| #include "device/gamepad/public/cpp/gamepads.h" |
| #include "device/vr/public/mojom/isolated_xr_service.mojom.h" |
| #include "device/vr/util/gamepad_builder.h" |
| #include "device/vr/windows_mixed_reality/wrappers/wmr_input_location.h" |
| #include "device/vr/windows_mixed_reality/wrappers/wmr_input_manager.h" |
| #include "device/vr/windows_mixed_reality/wrappers/wmr_input_source.h" |
| #include "device/vr/windows_mixed_reality/wrappers/wmr_input_source_state.h" |
| #include "device/vr/windows_mixed_reality/wrappers/wmr_origins.h" |
| #include "device/vr/windows_mixed_reality/wrappers/wmr_pointer_pose.h" |
| #include "device/vr/windows_mixed_reality/wrappers/wmr_pointer_source_pose.h" |
| #include "device/vr/windows_mixed_reality/wrappers/wmr_timestamp.h" |
| #include "device/vr/windows_mixed_reality/wrappers/wmr_wrapper_factories.h" |
| #include "ui/gfx/transform.h" |
| #include "ui/gfx/transform_util.h" |
| |
| namespace device { |
| |
| // We want to differentiate from gfx::Members, so we're not going to explicitly |
| // use anything from Windows::Foundation::Numerics |
| namespace WFN = ABI::Windows::Foundation::Numerics; |
| |
| using Handedness = |
| ABI::Windows::UI::Input::Spatial::SpatialInteractionSourceHandedness; |
| using PressKind = ABI::Windows::UI::Input::Spatial::SpatialInteractionPressKind; |
| using SourceKind = |
| ABI::Windows::UI::Input::Spatial::SpatialInteractionSourceKind; |
| |
| ParsedInputState::ParsedInputState() = default; |
| ParsedInputState::~ParsedInputState() = default; |
| ParsedInputState::ParsedInputState(ParsedInputState&& other) = default; |
| |
| MixedRealityInputHelper::ControllerState::ControllerState() = default; |
| MixedRealityInputHelper::ControllerState::~ControllerState() = default; |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| // Helpers for WebVR Gamepad |
| constexpr double kDeadzoneMinimum = 0.1; |
| |
| double ApplyAxisDeadzone(double value) { |
| return std::fabs(value) < kDeadzoneMinimum ? 0 : value; |
| } |
| |
| void AddButton(mojom::XRGamepadPtr& gamepad, |
| const GamepadBuilder::ButtonData* data) { |
| if (data) { |
| auto button = mojom::XRGamepadButton::New(); |
| button->pressed = data->pressed; |
| button->touched = data->touched; |
| button->value = data->value; |
| |
| gamepad->buttons.push_back(std::move(button)); |
| } else { |
| gamepad->buttons.push_back(mojom::XRGamepadButton::New()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // These methods are only called for the thumbstick and touchpad, which both |
| // have an X and Y. |
| void AddAxes(mojom::XRGamepadPtr& gamepad, |
| const GamepadBuilder::ButtonData& data) { |
| gamepad->axes.push_back(ApplyAxisDeadzone(data.x_axis)); |
| gamepad->axes.push_back(ApplyAxisDeadzone(data.y_axis)); |
| } |
| |
| void AddButtonWithAxes(mojom::XRGamepadPtr& gamepad, |
| const GamepadBuilder::ButtonData& data) { |
| AddButton(gamepad, &data); |
| AddAxes(gamepad, data); |
| } |
| |
| std::vector<float> ConvertToVector(GamepadVector vector) { |
| return {vector.x, vector.y, vector.z}; |
| } |
| |
| std::vector<float> ConvertToVector(GamepadQuaternion quat) { |
| return {quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w}; |
| } |
| |
| mojom::VRPosePtr ConvertToVRPose(GamepadPose gamepad_pose) { |
| if (!gamepad_pose.not_null) |
| return nullptr; |
| |
| auto pose = mojom::VRPose::New(); |
| if (gamepad_pose.orientation.not_null) |
| pose->orientation = ConvertToVector(gamepad_pose.orientation); |
| |
| if (gamepad_pose.position.not_null) |
| pose->position = ConvertToVector(gamepad_pose.position); |
| |
| if (gamepad_pose.angular_velocity.not_null) |
| pose->angularVelocity = ConvertToVector(gamepad_pose.angular_velocity); |
| |
| if (gamepad_pose.linear_velocity.not_null) |
| pose->linearVelocity = ConvertToVector(gamepad_pose.linear_velocity); |
| |
| if (gamepad_pose.angular_acceleration.not_null) |
| pose->angularAcceleration = |
| ConvertToVector(gamepad_pose.angular_acceleration); |
| |
| if (gamepad_pose.linear_acceleration.not_null) |
| pose->linearAcceleration = |
| ConvertToVector(gamepad_pose.linear_acceleration); |
| |
| return pose; |
| } |
| |
| GamepadQuaternion ConvertToGamepadQuaternion(WFN::Quaternion quat) { |
| GamepadQuaternion gamepad_quaternion; |
| gamepad_quaternion.not_null = true; |
| gamepad_quaternion.x = quat.X; |
| gamepad_quaternion.y = quat.Y; |
| gamepad_quaternion.z = quat.Z; |
| gamepad_quaternion.w = quat.W; |
| return gamepad_quaternion; |
| } |
| |
| GamepadVector ConvertToGamepadVector(WFN::Vector3 vec3) { |
| GamepadVector gamepad_vector; |
| gamepad_vector.not_null = true; |
| gamepad_vector.x = vec3.X; |
| gamepad_vector.y = vec3.Y; |
| gamepad_vector.z = vec3.Z; |
| return gamepad_vector; |
| } |
| |
| GamepadPose GetGamepadPose(const WMRInputLocation* location) { |
| GamepadPose gamepad_pose; |
| |
| WFN::Quaternion quat; |
| if (location->TryGetOrientation(&quat)) { |
| gamepad_pose.not_null = true; |
| gamepad_pose.orientation = ConvertToGamepadQuaternion(quat); |
| } |
| |
| WFN::Vector3 vec3; |
| if (location->TryGetPosition(&vec3)) { |
| gamepad_pose.not_null = true; |
| gamepad_pose.position = ConvertToGamepadVector(vec3); |
| } |
| |
| if (location->TryGetVelocity(&vec3)) { |
| gamepad_pose.not_null = true; |
| gamepad_pose.linear_velocity = ConvertToGamepadVector(vec3); |
| } |
| |
| if (location->TryGetAngularVelocity(&vec3)) { |
| gamepad_pose.not_null = true; |
| gamepad_pose.angular_velocity = ConvertToGamepadVector(vec3); |
| } |
| |
| return gamepad_pose; |
| } |
| |
| mojom::XRGamepadPtr GetWebVRGamepad(ParsedInputState input_state) { |
| auto gamepad = mojom::XRGamepad::New(); |
| // This matches the order of button trigger events from Edge. Note that we |
| // use the polled button state for select here. Voice (which we cannot get |
| // via polling), lacks enough data to be considered a "Gamepad", and if we |
| // used eventing the pressed state may be inconsistent. |
| AddButtonWithAxes(gamepad, input_state.button_data[ButtonName::kThumbstick]); |
| AddButton(gamepad, &input_state.button_data[ButtonName::kSelect]); |
| AddButton(gamepad, &input_state.button_data[ButtonName::kGrip]); |
| AddButton(gamepad, nullptr); // Nothing seems to trigger this button in Edge. |
| AddButtonWithAxes(gamepad, input_state.button_data[ButtonName::kTouchpad]); |
| |
| auto handedness = input_state.source_state->description->handedness; |
| |
| gamepad->timestamp = base::TimeTicks::Now(); |
| gamepad->hand = handedness; |
| gamepad->controller_id = input_state.source_state->source_id; |
| |
| // We need to ensure that we have a VRPose so that we can attach input_states |
| // and therefore a gamepad to plumb up the Gamepad Id with VendorId/ProductId. |
| if (input_state.gamepad_pose.not_null) { |
| gamepad->pose = ConvertToVRPose(input_state.gamepad_pose); |
| gamepad->can_provide_position = input_state.gamepad_pose.position.not_null; |
| gamepad->can_provide_orientation = |
| input_state.gamepad_pose.orientation.not_null; |
| } else { |
| gamepad->can_provide_orientation = false; |
| gamepad->can_provide_position = false; |
| gamepad->pose = mojom::VRPose::New(); |
| } |
| |
| // Build the gamepad id, this prefix is used for all controller types and |
| // VendorId-ProductId is appended after it, padded with leading 0's. |
| char gamepad_id[Gamepad::kIdLengthCap]; |
| base::strings::SafeSPrintf( |
| gamepad_id, "Spatial Controller (Spatial Interaction Source) %04X-%04X", |
| input_state.vendor_id, input_state.product_id); |
| |
| // We have to use the GamepadBuilder because the mojom serialization complains |
| // if some of the values are missing/invalid. |
| GamepadBuilder builder(gamepad_id, GamepadBuilder::GamepadMapping::kNone, |
| handedness); |
| |
| auto input_source_state = mojom::XRInputSourceState::New(); |
| input_source_state->gamepad = builder.GetGamepad(); |
| |
| // Typical chromium style would be to use the initializer list, but that |
| // doesn't seem to be compatible with the explicitly deleted move/copy |
| // constructors for the vector. |
| std::vector<mojom::XRInputSourceStatePtr> input_source_vector; |
| input_source_vector.push_back(std::move(input_source_state)); |
| gamepad->pose->input_state = std::move(input_source_vector); |
| |
| return gamepad; |
| } |
| |
| // Helpers for WebXRGamepad |
| base::Optional<Gamepad> GetWebXRGamepad(ParsedInputState& input_state) { |
| device::mojom::XRHandedness handedness = device::mojom::XRHandedness::NONE; |
| if (input_state.source_state && input_state.source_state->description) |
| handedness = input_state.source_state->description->handedness; |
| |
| // TODO(https://crbug.com/942201): Get correct ID string once WebXR spec issue |
| // #550 (https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr/issues/550) is resolved. |
| GamepadBuilder builder("windows-mixed-reality", |
| GamepadBuilder::GamepadMapping::kXRStandard, |
| handedness); |
| |
| builder.SetAxisDeadzone(kDeadzoneMinimum); |
| |
| // The order of these buttons is dictated by the xr-standard Gamepad mapping. |
| // Thumbstick is considered the primary 2D input axis, while the touchpad is |
| // the secondary 2D input axis. If any of these are missing, map will give |
| // us a default version, which is fine. |
| builder.AddButton(input_state.button_data[ButtonName::kSelect]); |
| builder.AddButton(input_state.button_data[ButtonName::kThumbstick]); |
| builder.AddButton(input_state.button_data[ButtonName::kGrip]); |
| builder.AddButton(input_state.button_data[ButtonName::kTouchpad]); |
| return builder.GetGamepad(); |
| } |
| |
| // Note that since this is built by polling, and so eventing changes are not |
| // accounted for here. |
| std::unordered_map<ButtonName, GamepadBuilder::ButtonData> ParseButtonState( |
| const WMRInputSourceState* source_state) { |
| std::unordered_map<ButtonName, GamepadBuilder::ButtonData> button_map; |
| |
| // Add the select button |
| GamepadBuilder::ButtonData data = button_map[ButtonName::kSelect]; |
| data.pressed = source_state->IsSelectPressed(); |
| data.touched = data.pressed; |
| data.value = source_state->SelectPressedValue(); |
| data.has_both_axes = false; |
| button_map[ButtonName::kSelect] = data; |
| |
| // Add the grip button |
| data = button_map[ButtonName::kGrip]; |
| data.pressed = source_state->IsGrasped(); |
| data.touched = data.pressed; |
| data.value = data.pressed ? 1.0 : 0.0; |
| data.has_both_axes = false; |
| button_map[ButtonName::kGrip] = data; |
| |
| // Select and grip are the only two required buttons, if we can't get the |
| // others, we can safely return just them. |
| if (!source_state->SupportsControllerProperties()) |
| return button_map; |
| |
| // Add the thumbstick |
| data = button_map[ButtonName::kThumbstick]; |
| data.pressed = source_state->IsThumbstickPressed(); |
| data.touched = data.pressed; |
| data.value = data.pressed ? 1.0 : 0.0; |
| |
| // TODO(https://crbug.com/966060): Determine if inverting the y value here is |
| // necessary. |
| data.has_both_axes = true; |
| data.x_axis = source_state->ThumbstickX(); |
| data.y_axis = -source_state->ThumbstickY(); |
| |
| button_map[ButtonName::kThumbstick] = data; |
| |
| // Add the touchpad |
| data = button_map[ButtonName::kTouchpad]; |
| data.pressed = source_state->IsTouchpadPressed(); |
| data.touched = source_state->IsTouchpadTouched() || data.pressed; |
| data.value = data.pressed ? 1.0 : 0.0; |
| |
| // The Touchpad does have Axes, but if it's not touched, they are 0. |
| data.has_both_axes = true; |
| if (data.touched) { |
| // TODO(https://crbug.com/966060): Determine if inverting the y value here |
| // is necessary. |
| data.x_axis = source_state->TouchpadX(); |
| data.y_axis = -source_state->TouchpadY(); |
| } else { |
| data.x_axis = 0; |
| data.y_axis = 0; |
| } |
| |
| button_map[ButtonName::kTouchpad] = data; |
| |
| return button_map; |
| } |
| |
| gfx::Transform CreateTransform(GamepadVector position, |
| GamepadQuaternion rotation) { |
| gfx::DecomposedTransform decomposed_transform; |
| decomposed_transform.translate[0] = position.x; |
| decomposed_transform.translate[1] = position.y; |
| decomposed_transform.translate[2] = position.z; |
| |
| decomposed_transform.quaternion = |
| gfx::Quaternion(rotation.x, rotation.y, rotation.z, rotation.w); |
| return gfx::ComposeTransform(decomposed_transform); |
| } |
| |
| base::Optional<gfx::Transform> TryGetGripFromPointer( |
| const WMRInputSourceState* state, |
| const WMRInputSource* source, |
| const WMRCoordinateSystem* origin, |
| gfx::Transform origin_from_grip) { |
| if (!origin) |
| return base::nullopt; |
| |
| // We can get the pointer position, but we'll need to transform it to an |
| // offset from the grip position. If we can't get an inverse of that, |
| // then go ahead and bail early. |
| gfx::Transform grip_from_origin; |
| if (!origin_from_grip.GetInverse(&grip_from_origin)) |
| return base::nullopt; |
| |
| bool pointing_supported = source->IsPointingSupported(); |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<WMRPointerPose> pointer_pose = |
| state->TryGetPointerPose(origin); |
| if (!pointer_pose) |
| return base::nullopt; |
| |
| WFN::Vector3 pos; |
| WFN::Quaternion rot; |
| if (pointing_supported) { |
| std::unique_ptr<WMRPointerSourcePose> pointer_source_pose = |
| pointer_pose->TryGetInteractionSourcePose(source); |
| if (!pointer_source_pose) |
| return base::nullopt; |
| |
| pos = pointer_source_pose->Position(); |
| rot = pointer_source_pose->Orientation(); |
| } else { |
| pos = pointer_pose->HeadForward(); |
| } |
| |
| gfx::Transform origin_from_pointer = CreateTransform( |
| ConvertToGamepadVector(pos), ConvertToGamepadQuaternion(rot)); |
| return (grip_from_origin * origin_from_pointer); |
| } |
| |
| device::mojom::XRHandedness WindowsToMojoHandedness(Handedness handedness) { |
| switch (handedness) { |
| case Handedness::SpatialInteractionSourceHandedness_Left: |
| return device::mojom::XRHandedness::LEFT; |
| case Handedness::SpatialInteractionSourceHandedness_Right: |
| return device::mojom::XRHandedness::RIGHT; |
| default: |
| return device::mojom::XRHandedness::NONE; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| uint32_t GetSourceId(const WMRInputSource* source) { |
| uint32_t id = source->Id(); |
| |
| // Voice's ID seems to be coming through as 0, which will cause a DCHECK in |
| // the hash table used on the blink side. To ensure that we don't have any |
| // collisions with other ids, increment all of the ids by one. |
| id++; |
| DCHECK(id != 0); |
| |
| return id; |
| } |
| } // namespace |
| |
| MixedRealityInputHelper::MixedRealityInputHelper(HWND hwnd) : hwnd_(hwnd) {} |
| |
| MixedRealityInputHelper::~MixedRealityInputHelper() { |
| // Dispose must be called before destruction, which ensures that we're |
| // unsubscribed from events. |
| DCHECK(pressed_subscription_ == nullptr); |
| DCHECK(released_subscription_ == nullptr); |
| } |
| |
| void MixedRealityInputHelper::Dispose() { |
| UnsubscribeEvents(); |
| } |
| |
| bool MixedRealityInputHelper::EnsureSpatialInteractionManager() { |
| if (input_manager_) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (!hwnd_) |
| return false; |
| |
| input_manager_ = WMRInputManagerFactory::GetForWindow(hwnd_); |
| |
| if (!input_manager_) |
| return false; |
| |
| SubscribeEvents(); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| std::vector<mojom::XRInputSourceStatePtr> |
| MixedRealityInputHelper::GetInputState(const WMRCoordinateSystem* origin, |
| const WMRTimestamp* timestamp) { |
| std::vector<mojom::XRInputSourceStatePtr> input_states; |
| |
| if (!timestamp || !origin || !EnsureSpatialInteractionManager()) |
| return input_states; |
| |
| auto source_states = |
| input_manager_->GetDetectedSourcesAtTimestamp(timestamp->GetRawPtr()); |
| // This can't be acquired until after GetDetectedSourcesAtTimestamp() because |
| // otherwise the tests will deadlock when triggering pressed/released |
| // callbacks. |
| base::AutoLock scoped_lock(lock_); |
| for (const auto& state : source_states) { |
| auto parsed_source_state = |
| LockedParseWindowsSourceState(state.get(), origin); |
| |
| if (parsed_source_state.source_state) { |
| parsed_source_state.source_state->gamepad = |
| GetWebXRGamepad(parsed_source_state); |
| input_states.push_back(std::move(parsed_source_state.source_state)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| for (const auto& state : pending_voice_states_) { |
| auto parsed_source_state = |
| LockedParseWindowsSourceState(state.get(), origin); |
| |
| if (parsed_source_state.source_state) |
| input_states.push_back(std::move(parsed_source_state.source_state)); |
| } |
| |
| pending_voice_states_.clear(); |
| |
| return input_states; |
| } |
| |
| mojom::XRGamepadDataPtr MixedRealityInputHelper::GetWebVRGamepadData( |
| const WMRCoordinateSystem* origin, |
| const WMRTimestamp* timestamp) { |
| auto ret = mojom::XRGamepadData::New(); |
| |
| if (!timestamp || !origin || !EnsureSpatialInteractionManager()) |
| return ret; |
| |
| auto source_states = |
| input_manager_->GetDetectedSourcesAtTimestamp(timestamp->GetRawPtr()); |
| // This can't be acquired until after GetDetectedSourcesAtTimestamp() because |
| // otherwise the tests will deadlock when triggering pressed/released |
| // callbacks. |
| base::AutoLock scoped_lock(lock_); |
| for (const auto& state : source_states) { |
| auto parsed_source_state = |
| LockedParseWindowsSourceState(state.get(), origin); |
| |
| // If we have a source_state, then we should have enough data. |
| if (parsed_source_state.source_state) |
| ret->gamepads.push_back(GetWebVRGamepad(std::move(parsed_source_state))); |
| } |
| |
| return ret; |
| } |
| |
| ParsedInputState MixedRealityInputHelper::LockedParseWindowsSourceState( |
| const WMRInputSourceState* state, |
| const WMRCoordinateSystem* origin) { |
| ParsedInputState input_state; |
| if (!origin) |
| return input_state; |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<WMRInputSource> source = state->GetSource(); |
| SourceKind source_kind = source->Kind(); |
| |
| bool is_controller = |
| (source_kind == SourceKind::SpatialInteractionSourceKind_Controller); |
| bool is_voice = |
| (source_kind == SourceKind::SpatialInteractionSourceKind_Voice); |
| |
| if (!(is_controller || is_voice)) |
| return input_state; |
| |
| // Hands may not have the same id especially if they are lost but since we |
| // are only tracking controllers/voice, this id should be consistent. |
| uint32_t id = GetSourceId(source.get()); |
| |
| // Note that if this is untracked we're not supposed to send up the "grip" |
| // position, so this will be left as identity and let us still use the same |
| // code paths. Any transformations will leave the original item unaffected. |
| // Voice input is always untracked. |
| gfx::Transform origin_from_grip; |
| bool is_tracked = false; |
| if (is_controller) { |
| input_state.button_data = ParseButtonState(state); |
| std::unique_ptr<WMRInputLocation> location_in_origin = |
| state->TryGetLocation(origin); |
| if (location_in_origin) { |
| auto gamepad_pose = GetGamepadPose(location_in_origin.get()); |
| if (gamepad_pose.not_null && gamepad_pose.position.not_null && |
| gamepad_pose.orientation.not_null) { |
| origin_from_grip = |
| CreateTransform(gamepad_pose.position, gamepad_pose.orientation); |
| is_tracked = true; |
| } |
| |
| input_state.gamepad_pose = gamepad_pose; |
| } |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<WMRController> controller = source->Controller(); |
| if (controller) { |
| input_state.product_id = controller->ProductId(); |
| input_state.vendor_id = controller->VendorId(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| base::Optional<gfx::Transform> grip_from_pointer = |
| TryGetGripFromPointer(state, source.get(), origin, origin_from_grip); |
| |
| // If we failed to get grip_from_pointer, see if it is cached. If we did get |
| // it, update the cache. |
| if (!grip_from_pointer) { |
| grip_from_pointer = controller_states_[id].grip_from_pointer; |
| } else { |
| controller_states_[id].grip_from_pointer = grip_from_pointer; |
| } |
| |
| // Now that we have calculated information for the object, build it. |
| device::mojom::XRInputSourceStatePtr source_state = |
| device::mojom::XRInputSourceState::New(); |
| |
| source_state->source_id = id; |
| source_state->primary_input_pressed = controller_states_[id].pressed; |
| source_state->primary_input_clicked = controller_states_[id].clicked; |
| controller_states_[id].clicked = false; |
| |
| // Grip position should *only* be specified if the controller is tracked. |
| if (is_tracked) |
| source_state->grip = origin_from_grip; |
| |
| device::mojom::XRInputSourceDescriptionPtr description = |
| device::mojom::XRInputSourceDescription::New(); |
| |
| // If we've gotten this far we've gotten the real position. |
| description->emulated_position = false; |
| description->pointer_offset = grip_from_pointer; |
| |
| if (is_voice) { |
| description->target_ray_mode = device::mojom::XRTargetRayMode::GAZING; |
| description->handedness = device::mojom::XRHandedness::NONE; |
| } else if (is_controller) { |
| description->target_ray_mode = device::mojom::XRTargetRayMode::POINTING; |
| description->handedness = WindowsToMojoHandedness(source->Handedness()); |
| } else { |
| } |
| |
| source_state->description = std::move(description); |
| |
| input_state.source_state = std::move(source_state); |
| |
| return input_state; |
| } |
| |
| void MixedRealityInputHelper::OnSourcePressed( |
| const WMRInputSourceEventArgs& args) { |
| ProcessSourceEvent(args, true /* is_pressed */); |
| } |
| |
| void MixedRealityInputHelper::OnSourceReleased( |
| const WMRInputSourceEventArgs& args) { |
| ProcessSourceEvent(args, false /* is_pressed */); |
| } |
| |
| void MixedRealityInputHelper::ProcessSourceEvent( |
| const WMRInputSourceEventArgs& args, |
| bool is_pressed) { |
| base::AutoLock scoped_lock(lock_); |
| |
| PressKind press_kind = args.PressKind(); |
| |
| if (press_kind != PressKind::SpatialInteractionPressKind_Select) |
| return; |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<WMRInputSourceState> state = args.State(); |
| std::unique_ptr<WMRInputSource> source = state->GetSource(); |
| |
| SourceKind source_kind = source->Kind(); |
| |
| if (source_kind != SourceKind::SpatialInteractionSourceKind_Controller && |
| source_kind != SourceKind::SpatialInteractionSourceKind_Voice) |
| return; |
| |
| uint32_t id = GetSourceId(source.get()); |
| |
| bool wasPressed = controller_states_[id].pressed; |
| bool wasClicked = controller_states_[id].clicked; |
| controller_states_[id].pressed = is_pressed; |
| controller_states_[id].clicked = wasClicked || (wasPressed && !is_pressed); |
| |
| // Tracked controllers show up when we poll for DetectedSources, but voice |
| // does not. |
| if (source_kind == SourceKind::SpatialInteractionSourceKind_Voice && |
| !is_pressed) |
| pending_voice_states_.push_back(std::move(state)); |
| } |
| |
| void MixedRealityInputHelper::SubscribeEvents() { |
| DCHECK(input_manager_); |
| DCHECK(pressed_subscription_ == nullptr); |
| DCHECK(released_subscription_ == nullptr); |
| |
| // Unretained is safe since we explicitly get disposed and unsubscribe before |
| // destruction |
| pressed_subscription_ = |
| input_manager_->AddPressedCallback(base::BindRepeating( |
| &MixedRealityInputHelper::OnSourcePressed, base::Unretained(this))); |
| released_subscription_ = |
| input_manager_->AddReleasedCallback(base::BindRepeating( |
| &MixedRealityInputHelper::OnSourceReleased, base::Unretained(this))); |
| } |
| |
| void MixedRealityInputHelper::UnsubscribeEvents() { |
| pressed_subscription_ = nullptr; |
| released_subscription_ = nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace device |