blob: c28fb097ad1728584a4ceed9c60cdee6747af236 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Javascript for ObjectFieldSet, a UI element for displaying the properties
* of a given Javascript object. These properties are displayed in a fieldset
* as a series of rows for each key-value pair.
* Served from chrome://bluetooth-internals/.
cr.define('object_fieldset', function() {
* A fieldset that lists the properties of a given object. These properties
* are displayed as a series of rows for each key-value pair.
* Only the object's own properties are displayed. Boolean values are
* displayed using images: a green check for 'true', and a red cancel 'x' for
* 'false'. All other types are converted to their string representation for
* display.
* @constructor
* @extends {HTMLFieldSetElement}
var ObjectFieldSet = cr.ui.define('fieldset');
ObjectFieldSet.prototype = {
__proto__: HTMLFieldSetElement.prototype,
set showAll(showAll) {
this.showAll_ = showAll;
get showAll() {
return this.showAll_;
* Decorates the element as an ObjectFieldset.
decorate: function() {
/** @type {?Object} */
this.value = null;
/** @private {?Object<string, string>} */
this.nameMap_ = null;
this.showAll_ = true;
* Sets the object data to be displayed in the fieldset.
* @param {!Object} value
setObject: function(value) {
this.value = value;
* Sets the object used to map property names to display names. If a display
* name is not provided, the default property name will be used.
* @param {!Object<string, string>} nameMap
setPropertyDisplayNames: function(nameMap) {
this.nameMap_ = nameMap;
* Deletes and recreates the table structure with current object data.
redraw: function() {
this.innerHTML = '';
Object.keys(this.value).forEach(function(propName) {
var value = this.value[propName];
if (value === false && !this.showAll_)
var name = this.nameMap_[propName] || propName;
var newField = document.createElement('div');
var nameDiv = document.createElement('div');
nameDiv.textContent = name + ':';
var valueDiv = document.createElement('div');
valueDiv.dataset.field = propName;
if (typeof(value) === 'boolean') {
valueDiv.classList.toggle('checked', value);
} else {
valueDiv.textContent = String(value);
}, this);
return {
ObjectFieldSet: ObjectFieldSet,