blob: cc53a4cb7be1ae39e800836666207d708facd00c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Polymer element for displaying encryption migration screen.
* Enum for the UI states corresponding to sub steps inside migration screen.
* These values must be kept in sync with
* EncryptionMigrationScreenHandler::UIState in C++ code.
* @enum {number}
var EncryptionMigrationUIState = {
is: 'encryption-migration',
behaviors: [I18nBehavior, OobeDialogHostBehavior],
properties: {
* Current UI state which corresponds to a sub step in migration process.
* @type {EncryptionMigrationUIState}
uiState: {type: Number, value: 0},
* Current migration progress in range [0, 1]. Negative value means that
* the progress is unknown.
progress: {type: Number, value: -1},
* Whether the current migration is resuming the previous one.
isResuming: {type: Boolean, value: false},
* Battery level.
batteryPercent: {type: Number, value: 0},
* Necessary battery level to start migration in percent.
necessaryBatteryPercent: {type: Number, value: 0},
* True if the battery level is enough to start migration.
isEnoughBattery: {type: Boolean, value: true},
* True if the device is charging.
isCharging: {type: Boolean, value: false},
* True if the migration was skipped.
isSkipped: {type: Boolean, value: false},
* Formatted string of the current available space size.
availableSpaceInString: {type: String, value: ''},
* Formatted string of the necessary space size for migration.
necessarySpaceInString: {type: String, value: ''},
* Returns true if the migration is in initial state.
* @param {EncryptionMigrationUIState} state Current UI state
* @private
isInitial_: function(state) {
return state == EncryptionMigrationUIState.INITIAL;
* Returns true if the migration is ready to start.
* @param {EncryptionMigrationUIState} state Current UI state
* @private
isReady_: function(state) {
return state == EncryptionMigrationUIState.READY;
* Returns true if the migration is in progress.
* @param {EncryptionMigrationUIState} state Current UI state
* @private
isMigrating_: function(state) {
return state == EncryptionMigrationUIState.MIGRATING;
* Returns true if the migration failed.
* @param {EncryptionMigrationUIState} state Current UI state
* @private
isMigrationFailed_: function(state) {
return state == EncryptionMigrationUIState.MIGRATION_FAILED;
* Returns true if the available space is not enough to start migration.
* @param {EncryptionMigrationUIState} state Current UI state
* @private
isNotEnoughSpace_: function(state) {
return state == EncryptionMigrationUIState.NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE;
* Returns true if we're in minimal migration mode.
* @param {EncryptionMigrationUIState} state Current UI state
* @priave
isMigratingMinimal_: function(state) {
return state == EncryptionMigrationUIState.MIGRATING_MINIMAL;
* Returns true if the current migration progress is unknown.
* @param {number} progress
* @private
isProgressIndeterminate_: function(progress) {
return progress < 0;
* Returns true if the 'Update' button should be disabled.
* @param {boolean} isEnoughBattery
* @param {boolean} isSkipped
* @private
isUpdateDisabled_: function(isEnoughBattery, isSkipped) {
return !isEnoughBattery || isSkipped;
* Returns true if the 'Skip' button on the initial screen should be hidden.
* @return {boolean}
isSkipHidden_: function() {
// TODO(fukino): Instead of checking the board name here to behave
// differently, it's recommended to add a command-line flag to Chrome and
// make session_manager pass it based on a feature-based USE flag which is
// set in the appropriate board overlays.
return this.i18n('migrationBoardName').startsWith('kevin');
* Computes the label shown under progress bar.
* @param {number} progress
* @return {string}
* @private
computeProgressLabel_: function(progress) {
return this.i18n('migrationProgressLabel', Math.floor(progress * 100));
* Computes the warning label when battery level is not enough.
* @param {number} batteryPercent
* @return {string}
* @private
computeBatteryWarningLabel_: function(batteryPercent) {
return this.i18n('migrationBatteryWarningLabel', batteryPercent);
* Computes the label to show the necessary battery level for migration.
* @param {number} necessaryBatteryPercent
* @return {string}
* @private
computeNecessaryBatteryLevelLabel_: function(necessaryBatteryPercent) {
return this.i18n(
'migrationNecessaryBatteryLevelLabel', necessaryBatteryPercent);
* Computes the label to show the current available space.
* @param {string} availableSpaceInString
* @return {string}
* @private
computeAvailableSpaceLabel_: function(availableSpaceInString) {
return this.i18n('migrationAvailableSpaceLabel', availableSpaceInString);
* Computes the label to show the necessary space to start migration.
* @param {string} necessarySpaceInString
* @return {string}
* @private
computeNecessarySpaceLabel_: function(necessarySpaceInString) {
return this.i18n('migrationNecessarySpaceLabel', necessarySpaceInString);
* Handles tap on UPGRADE button.
* @private
onUpgrade_: function() {'upgrade');
* Handles tap on SKIP button.
* @private
onSkip_: function() {
this.isSkipped = true;'skip');
* Handles tap on RESTART button.
* @private
onRestartOnLowStorage_: function() {'restart-on-low-storage');
* Handles tap on RESTART button on the migration failure screen.
* @private
onRestartOnFailure_: function() {'restart-on-failure');
* Handles tap on REPORT AN ISSUE button.
* @private
onReportAnIssue_: function() {'openFeedbackDialog');