blob: 3ea4519bee2fd6a72b1b68174da3ecf38dea1852 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
cr.define('database_tab', function() {
'use strict';
* Compares two db rows by their origin.
* @param {mojom.SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseEntry} a The first value being
* compared.
* @param {mojom.SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseEntry} b The second value being
* compared.
* @return {number} A negative number if a < b, 0 if a == b, and a positive
* number if a > b.
function compareRowsByOrigin(a, b) {
return a.origin.localeCompare(b.origin);
* Compares two db rows by their dirty bit.
* @param {mojom.SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseEntry} a The first value being
* compared.
* @param {mojom.SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseEntry} b The second value being
* compared.
* @return {number} A negative number if a < b, 0 if a == b, and a positive
* number if a > b.
function compareRowsByIsDirty(a, b) {
return a.isDirty - b.isDirty;
* Compares two db rows by their last load time.
* @param {mojom.SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseEntry} a The first value being
* compared.
* @param {mojom.SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseEntry} b The second value being
* compared.
* @return {number} A negative number if a < b, 0 if a == b, and a positive
* number if a > b.
function compareRowsByLastLoaded(a, b) {
return a.value.lastLoaded - a.value.lastLoaded;
* Compares two db rows by their CPU usage.
* @param {mojom.SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseEntry} a The first value being
* compared.
* @param {mojom.SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseEntry} b The second value being
* compared.
* @return {number} A negative number if a < b, 0 if a == b, and a positive
* number if a > b.
function compareRowsByCpuUsage(a, b) {
const keyA =
a.value.loadTimeEstimates ? a.value.loadTimeEstimates.avgCpuUsageUs : 0;
const keyB =
b.value.loadTimeEstimates ? b.value.loadTimeEstimates.avgCpuUsageUs : 0;
return keyA - keyB;
* Compares two db rows by their memory usage.
* @param {mojom.SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseEntry} a The first value being
* compared.
* @param {mojom.SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseEntry} b The second value being
* compared.
* @return {number} A negative number if a < b, 0 if a == b, and a positive
* number if a > b.
function compareRowsByMemoryUsage(a, b) {
const keyA = a.value.loadTimeEstimates ?
a.value.loadTimeEstimates.avgFootprintKb :
const keyB = b.value.loadTimeEstimates ?
b.value.loadTimeEstimates.avgFootprintKb :
return keyA - keyB;
* Compares two db rows by their load duration.
* @param {mojom.SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseEntry} a The first value being
* compared.
* @param {mojom.SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseEntry} b The second value being
* compared.
* @return {number} A negative number if a < b, 0 if a == b, and a positive
* number if a > b.
function compareRowsByLoadDuration(a, b) {
const keyA = a.value.loadTimeEstimates ?
a.value.loadTimeEstimates.avgLoadDurationUs :
const keyB = b.value.loadTimeEstimates ?
b.value.loadTimeEstimates.avgLoadDurationUs :
return keyA - keyB;
* @param {string} sortKey The sort key to get a function for.
* @return {function(mojom.SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseEntry,
mojom.SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseEntry): number}
* A comparison function that compares two tab infos, returns
* negative number if a < b, 0 if a == b, and a positive
* number if a > b.
function getSortFunctionForKey(sortKey) {
switch (sortKey) {
case 'origin':
return compareRowsByOrigin;
case 'dirty':
return compareRowsByIsDirty;
case 'lastLoaded':
return compareRowsByLastLoaded;
case 'cpuUsage':
return compareRowsByCpuUsage;
case 'memoryUsage':
return compareRowsByMemoryUsage;
case 'loadDuration':
return compareRowsByLoadDuration;
assertNotReached('Unknown sortKey: ' + sortKey);
* @param {number} time A time in microseconds.
* @return {string} A friendly, human readable string representing the input
* time with units.
function microsecondsToString(time) {
if (time < 1000)
return time.toString() + ' µs';
time /= 1000;
if (time < 1000)
return time.toFixed(2) + ' ms';
time /= 1000;
return time.toFixed(2) + ' s';
* @param {number} value A memory amount in kilobytes.
* @return {string} A friendly, human readable string representing the input
* time with units.
function kilobytesToString(value) {
if (value < 1000)
return value.toString() + ' KB';
value /= 1000;
if (value < 1000)
return value.toFixed(1) + ' MB';
value /= 1000;
return value.toFixed(1) + ' GB';
* @param {!Object} item The item to retrieve a load time estimate for.
* @param {string} propertyName Name of the load time estimate to retrieve.
* @return {string} The requested load time estimate or 'N/A' if unavailable.
function formatLoadTimeEstimate(item, propertyName) {
if (!item.value || !item.value.loadTimeEstimates)
return 'N/A';
const value = item.value.loadTimeEstimates[propertyName];
if (propertyName.endsWith('Us')) {
return microsecondsToString(value);
} else if (propertyName.endsWith('Kb')) {
return kilobytesToString(value);
return value.toString();
return {
formatLoadTimeEstimate: formatLoadTimeEstimate,
getSortFunctionForKey: getSortFunctionForKey,
kilobytesToString: kilobytesToString,
is: 'database-tab',
behaviors: [SortedTableBehavior],
properties: {
* List of database rows.
* @private {?Array<!mojom.SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseEntry>}
rows_: {
type: Array,
* The database size response.
* @private {!mojom.SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseSize}
size_: {
type: Object,
value: {numRows: -1, onDiskSizeKb: -1},
* An origin that can be added to requestedOrigins_ by onAddOriginClick_.
* @private {!string}
newOrigin_: {
type: String,
/** @private {number} */
updateTableTimer_: 0,
/** @private {number} */
updateSizesTimer_: 0,
/** @private {!Object} */
requestedOrigins_: {},
/** @private {?mojom.DiscardsDetailsProviderPtr} */
uiHandler_: null,
/** @override */
ready: function() {
this.requestedOrigins_ = {};
this.uiHandler_ = discards.getOrCreateUiHandler();
// Specifies the update interval of the table, in ms.
const UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS = 1000;
// Update immediately.
// Set an interval timer to update the database periodically.
this.updateTableTimer_ =
setInterval(this.updateDbRows_.bind(this), UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS);
// Set another interval timer to update the database sizes, but much less
// frequently, as this requires iterating the entire database.
this.updateSizesTimer_ =
setInterval(this.updateDbSizes_.bind(this), UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS * 30);
/** @override */
detached: function() {
// Clear the update timers to avoid memory leaks.
this.updateTableTimer_ = 0;
this.updateSizesTimer_ = 0;
* Issues a request for the data and renders on response.
* @private
updateDbRows_: function() {
.then(response => {
// Bail if the SiteCharacteristicsDatabase is turned off.
if (!response.result)
// Add any new origins to the (monotonically increasing)
// set of requested origins.
const dbRows = response.result.dbRows;
for (let dbRow of dbRows)
this.requestedOrigins_[dbRow.origin] = true;
this.rows_ = dbRows;
* Adds the current new origin to requested origins and starts an update.
* @private
addNewOrigin_: function() {
this.requestedOrigins_[this.newOrigin_] = true;
this.newOrigin_ = '';
* An on-click handler that adds the current new origin to requested origins.
* @private
onAddOriginClick_: function() {
// Set the focus back to the input field for convenience.
* A key-down handler that adds the current new origin to requested origins.
* @private
onOriginKeydown_: function(e) {
if (e.key === 'Enter' && this.isValidOrigin_(this.newOrigin_)) {
* Issues a request for the database sizes and renders on response.
* @private
updateDbSizes_: function() {
this.uiHandler_.getSiteCharacteristicsDatabaseSize().then(response => {
// Bail if the SiteCharacteristicsDatabase is turned off.
if (!response.dbSize)
this.size_ = response.dbSize;
* Returns a sort function to compare tab infos based on the provided sort key
* and a boolean reverse flag.
* @param {string} sortKey The sort key for the returned function.
* @param {boolean} sortReverse True if sorting is reversed.
* @return {function({Object}, {Object}): number}
* A comparison function that compares two tab infos, returns
* negative number if a < b, 0 if a == b, and a positive
* number if a > b.
* @private
computeSortFunction_: function(sortKey, sortReverse) {
// Polymer 2 may invoke multi-property observers before all properties
// are defined.
if (!sortKey)
return (a, b) => 0;
const sortFunction = database_tab.getSortFunctionForKey(sortKey);
return (a, b) => {
const comp = sortFunction(a, b);
return sortReverse ? -comp : comp;
* @param {string} origin A potentially valid origin string.
* @return {boolean} Whether the origin is valid.
* @private
isValidOrigin_: function(origin) {
const re = /(https?|ftp):\/\/[a-z+.]/;
return re.test(origin);
* @param {string} origin A potentially valid origin string.
* @return {boolean} Whether the origin is valid or empty.
* @private
isEmptyOrValidOrigin_: function(origin) {
return !origin || this.isValidOrigin_(origin);
* @param {boolean} value The value to convert.
* @return {string} A display string representing value.
* @private
boolToString_: function(value) {
return discards.boolToString(value);
* @param {number} time Time in seconds since epoch.
* in question.
* @return {string} A user-friendly string explaining how long ago time
* occurred.
* @private
lastUseToString_: function(time) {
const nowSecondsFromEpoch = Math.round( / 1000);
return discards.durationToString(nowSecondsFromEpoch - time);
* @param {?mojom.SiteCharacteristicsFeature} feature The feature
* in question.
* @return {string} A human-readable string representing the feature.
* @private
featureToString_: function(feature) {
if (!feature)
return 'N/A';
if (feature.useTimestamp) {
const nowSecondsFromEpoch = Math.round( / 1000);
return 'Used ' +
discards.durationToString(nowSecondsFromEpoch - feature.useTimestamp);
if (feature.observationDuration) {
return discards.secondsToString(feature.observationDuration);
return 'N/A';
* @param {!Object} item The item to retrieve a load time estimate for.
* @param {string} propertyName Name of the load time estimate to retrieve.
* @return {string} The requested load time estimate or 'N/A' if unavailable.
* @private
getLoadTimeEstimate_: function(item, propertyName) {
return database_tab.formatLoadTimeEstimate(item, propertyName);
* @param {number} value A value in units of kilobytes, or -1 indicating not
* available.
* @return {string} A human readable string representing value.
* @private
kilobytesToString_: function(value) {
return value == -1 ? 'N/A' : database_tab.kilobytesToString(value);
* @param {number} value A numeric value or -1, indicating not available.
* @return {string} A human readable string representing value.
* @private
optionalIntegerToString_: function(value) {
return value == -1 ? 'N/A' : value.toString();