blob: ff4a8ac77c6ad134ef4517a6d7890dac48d97c31 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/http/structured_header.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/base64.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
namespace blink {
namespace http_structured_header {
namespace {
#define DIGIT "0123456789"
#define LCALPHA "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
constexpr char kTokenChars[] = DIGIT UCALPHA LCALPHA "_-.:%*/";
constexpr char kKeyChars09[] = DIGIT LCALPHA "_-";
constexpr char kKeyChars13[] = DIGIT LCALPHA "_-*";
#undef DIGIT
#undef LCALPHA
#undef UCALPHA
constexpr int64_t kMaxInteger = 999999999999999L;
constexpr int64_t kMinInteger = -999999999999999L;
// Smallest value which is too large for an sh-float. This is the smallest
// double which will round up to 1e14 when serialized, which exceeds the range
// for sh-float. Any float less than this should round down. This behaviour is
// verified by unit tests.
constexpr double kTooLargeFloat = 1e14 - 0.05;
bool IsPrintableASCII(char c) {
return ' ' <= c && c <= '~'; // 0x20 (' ') to 0x7E ('~')
// Parser for (a subset of) Structured Headers for HTTP defined in [SH09] and
// [SH13]. [SH09] compatibility is retained for use by Web Packaging, and can be
// removed once that spec is updated, and users have migrated to new headers.
// [SH09]
// [SH13]
class StructuredHeaderParser {
enum DraftVersion {
explicit StructuredHeaderParser(const base::StringPiece& str,
DraftVersion version)
: input_(str), version_(version) {
// [SH09] 4.2 Step 1.
// [SH13] 4.2 Step 2.
// Discard any leading OWS from input_string.
// Callers should call this after ReadSomething(), to check if parser has
// consumed all the input successfully.
bool FinishParsing() {
// [SH09] 4.2 Step 7. [SH13] 4.2 Step 6.
// Discard any leading OWS from input_string.
// [SH09] 4.2 Step 8. [SH13] 4.2 Step 7.
// If input_string is not empty, fail parsing.
return input_.empty();
// Parses a List of Lists ([SH09] 4.2.4).
base::Optional<ListOfLists> ReadListOfLists() {
DCHECK_EQ(version_, kDraft09);
ListOfLists result;
while (true) {
std::vector<Item> inner_list;
while (true) {
base::Optional<Item> item(ReadItem());
if (!item)
return base::nullopt;
if (!ConsumeChar(';'))
if (!ConsumeChar(','))
return result;
// Parses a List ([SH13] 4.2.1).
base::Optional<List> ReadList() {
DCHECK_EQ(version_, kDraft13);
List members;
while (!input_.empty()) {
base::Optional<ParameterizedMember> member(ReadParameterizedMember());
if (!member)
return base::nullopt;
if (!ConsumeChar(','))
if (input_.empty())
return base::nullopt;
return members;
// Parses an Item ([SH09] 4.2.7, [SH13] 4.2.3).
base::Optional<Item> ReadItem() {
if (input_.empty()) {
DVLOG(1) << "ReadItem: unexpected EOF";
return base::nullopt;
switch (input_.front()) {
case '"':
return ReadString();
case '*':
return ReadByteSequence();
case '?':
return ReadBoolean();
if (input_.front() == '-' || base::IsAsciiDigit(input_.front()))
return ReadNumber();
return ReadToken();
// Parses a Parameterised List ([SH09] 4.2.5).
base::Optional<ParameterisedList> ReadParameterisedList() {
DCHECK_EQ(version_, kDraft09);
ParameterisedList items;
while (true) {
base::Optional<ParameterisedIdentifier> item =
if (!item)
return base::nullopt;
if (!ConsumeChar(','))
return items;
// Parses a Parameterised Identifier ([SH09] 4.2.6).
base::Optional<ParameterisedIdentifier> ReadParameterisedIdentifier() {
DCHECK_EQ(version_, kDraft09);
base::Optional<Item> primary_identifier = ReadToken();
if (!primary_identifier)
return base::nullopt;
ParameterisedIdentifier::Parameters parameters;
while (ConsumeChar(';')) {
base::Optional<std::string> name = ReadKey();
if (!name)
return base::nullopt;
Item value;
if (ConsumeChar('=')) {
auto item = ReadItem();
if (!item)
return base::nullopt;
value = std::move(*item);
if (!parameters.emplace(*name, value).second) {
DVLOG(1) << "ReadParameterisedIdentifier: duplicated parameter: "
<< *name;
return base::nullopt;
return ParameterisedIdentifier(std::move(*primary_identifier),
// Parses a Parameterized Member ([SH13]
base::Optional<ParameterizedMember> ReadParameterizedMember() {
DCHECK_EQ(version_, kDraft13);
std::vector<Item> member;
bool member_is_inner_list = ConsumeChar('(');
if (member_is_inner_list) {
base::Optional<std::vector<Item>> inner_list = ReadInnerList();
if (!inner_list)
return base::nullopt;
member = std::move(*inner_list);
} else {
base::Optional<Item> item = ReadItem();
if (!item)
return base::nullopt;
ParameterizedMember::Parameters parameters;
base::flat_set<std::string> keys;
while (ConsumeChar(';')) {
base::Optional<std::string> name = ReadKey();
if (!name)
return base::nullopt;
bool is_duplicate_key = !keys.insert(*name).second;
if (is_duplicate_key) {
DVLOG(1) << "ReadParameterizedMember: duplicated parameter: " << *name;
return base::nullopt;
Item value;
if (ConsumeChar('=')) {
auto item = ReadItem();
if (!item)
return base::nullopt;
value = std::move(*item);
parameters.emplace_back(std::move(*name), std::move(value));
return ParameterizedMember(std::move(member), member_is_inner_list,
// Parses an Inner List ([SH13]
// Note that the initial '(' character should already have been consumed by
// the caller to determine that this is in fact an inner list.
base::Optional<std::vector<Item>> ReadInnerList() {
DCHECK_EQ(version_, kDraft13);
std::vector<Item> inner_list;
while (true) {
if (ConsumeChar(')')) {
return inner_list;
auto item = ReadItem();
if (!item)
return base::nullopt;
if (input_.empty() || (input_.front() != ' ' && input_.front() != ')'))
return base::nullopt;
return base::nullopt;
// Parses a Key ([SH09] 4.2.2, [SH13]
base::Optional<std::string> ReadKey() {
if (input_.empty() || !base::IsAsciiLower(input_.front())) {
LogParseError("ReadKey", "lcalpha");
return base::nullopt;
const char* allowed_chars =
(version_ == kDraft09 ? kKeyChars09 : kKeyChars13);
size_t len = input_.find_first_not_of(allowed_chars);
if (len == base::StringPiece::npos)
len = input_.size();
std::string key(input_.substr(0, len));
return key;
// Parses a Token ([SH09] 4.2.10, [SH13] 4.2.6).
base::Optional<Item> ReadToken() {
if (input_.empty() || !base::IsAsciiAlpha(input_.front())) {
LogParseError("ReadToken", "ALPHA");
return base::nullopt;
size_t len = input_.find_first_not_of(kTokenChars);
if (len == base::StringPiece::npos)
len = input_.size();
std::string token(input_.substr(0, len));
return Item(std::move(token), Item::kTokenType);
// Parses a Number ([SH09] 4.2.8, [SH13] 4.2.4).
base::Optional<Item> ReadNumber() {
bool is_negative = ConsumeChar('-');
bool is_float = false;
size_t decimal_position = 0;
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < input_.size(); ++i) {
if (i > 0 && input_[i] == '.' && !is_float) {
is_float = true;
decimal_position = i;
if (!base::IsAsciiDigit(input_[i]))
if (i == 0) {
LogParseError("ReadNumber", "DIGIT");
return base::nullopt;
if (!is_float) {
// [SH13] restricts the range of integers further.
if (version_ == kDraft13 && i > 15) {
LogParseError("ReadNumber", "integer too long");
return base::nullopt;
} else {
if (i > 16) {
LogParseError("ReadNumber", "float too long");
return base::nullopt;
if (i - decimal_position > 7) {
LogParseError("ReadNumber", "too many digits after decimal");
return base::nullopt;
if (i == decimal_position) {
LogParseError("ReadNumber", "no digits after decimal");
return base::nullopt;
std::string output_number_string(input_.substr(0, i));
if (is_float) {
// Convert to a 64-bit double, and return if the conversion is
// successful.
double f;
if (!base::StringToDouble(output_number_string, &f))
return base::nullopt;
return Item(is_negative ? -f : f);
} else {
// Convert to a 64-bit signed integer, and return if the conversion is
// successful.
int64_t n;
if (!base::StringToInt64(output_number_string, &n))
return base::nullopt;
DCHECK(version_ != kDraft13 || (n <= kMaxInteger && n >= kMinInteger));
return Item(is_negative ? -n : n);
// Parses a String ([SH09] 4.2.9, [SH13] 4.2.5).
base::Optional<Item> ReadString() {
std::string s;
if (!ConsumeChar('"')) {
LogParseError("ReadString", "'\"'");
return base::nullopt;
while (!ConsumeChar('"')) {
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < input_.size(); ++i) {
if (!IsPrintableASCII(input_[i])) {
DVLOG(1) << "ReadString: non printable-ASCII character";
return base::nullopt;
if (input_[i] == '"' || input_[i] == '\\')
if (i == input_.size()) {
DVLOG(1) << "ReadString: missing closing '\"'";
return base::nullopt;
s.append(std::string(input_.substr(0, i)));
if (ConsumeChar('\\')) {
if (input_.empty()) {
DVLOG(1) << "ReadString: backslash at string end";
return base::nullopt;
if (input_[0] != '"' && input_[0] != '\\') {
DVLOG(1) << "ReadString: invalid escape";
return base::nullopt;
return s;
// Parses a Byte Sequence ([SH09] 4.2.11, [SH13] 4.2.7).
base::Optional<Item> ReadByteSequence() {
if (!ConsumeChar('*')) {
LogParseError("ReadByteSequence", "'*'");
return base::nullopt;
size_t len = input_.find('*');
if (len == base::StringPiece::npos) {
DVLOG(1) << "ReadByteSequence: missing closing '*'";
return base::nullopt;
std::string base64(input_.substr(0, len));
// Append the necessary padding characters.
base64.resize((base64.size() + 3) / 4 * 4, '=');
std::string binary;
if (!base::Base64Decode(base64, &binary)) {
DVLOG(1) << "ReadByteSequence: failed to decode base64: " << base64;
return base::nullopt;
return Item(std::move(binary), Item::kByteSequenceType);
// Parses a Boolean ([SH13] 4.2.8).
// Note that this only parses ?0 and ?1 forms from SH version 10+, not the
// previous ?F and ?T, which were not needed by any consumers of SH version 9.
base::Optional<Item> ReadBoolean() {
if (!ConsumeChar('?')) {
LogParseError("ReadBoolean", "'?'");
return base::nullopt;
if (ConsumeChar('1')) {
return Item(true);
if (ConsumeChar('0')) {
return Item(false);
return base::nullopt;
void SkipWhitespaces() {
input_ = base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(input_, base::TRIM_LEADING);
bool ConsumeChar(char expected) {
if (!input_.empty() && input_.front() == expected) {
return true;
return false;
void LogParseError(const char* func, const char* expected) {
DVLOG(1) << func << ": " << expected << " expected, got "
<< (input_.empty() ? "'" + input_.substr(0, 1).as_string() + "'"
: "EOS");
base::StringPiece input_;
DraftVersion version_;
// Serializer for (a subset of) Structured Headers for HTTP defined in [SH13].
// [SH13]
class StructuredHeaderSerializer {
StructuredHeaderSerializer() = default;
~StructuredHeaderSerializer() = default;
StructuredHeaderSerializer(const StructuredHeaderSerializer&) = delete;
StructuredHeaderSerializer& operator=(const StructuredHeaderSerializer&) =
std::string Output() { return output_.str(); }
bool WriteList(const List& value) {
// Serializes a List ([SH13] 4.1.1).
bool first = true;
for (const auto& member : value) {
if (!first)
output_ << ", ";
if (!WriteParameterizedMember(member))
return false;
first = false;
return true;
bool WriteItem(const Item& value) {
// Serializes an Item ([SH13] 4.1.6).
if (value.is_string()) {
output_ << "\"";
for (const char& c : value.GetString()) {
if (!IsPrintableASCII(c))
return false;
if (c == '\\' || c == '\"')
output_ << "\\";
output_ << c;
output_ << "\"";
return true;
if (value.is_token()) {
if (!value.GetString().size() ||
return false;
if (value.GetString().find_first_not_of(kTokenChars) != std::string::npos)
return false;
output_ << value.GetString();
return true;
if (value.is_byte_sequence()) {
output_ << "*";
output_ << base::Base64Encode(
output_ << "*";
return true;
if (value.is_integer()) {
if (value.GetInteger() > kMaxInteger || value.GetInteger() < kMinInteger)
return false;
output_ << value.GetInteger();
return true;
if (value.is_float()) {
double float_value = value.GetFloat();
if (!std::isfinite(float_value) || fabs(float_value) >= kTooLargeFloat)
return false;
// Handle sign separately to simplify the rest of the formatting.
if (float_value < 0)
output_ << "-";
// Unconditionally take absolute value to ensure that -0 is serialized as
// "0.0", with no negative sign, as required by spec. (4.1.5, step 2).
float_value = fabs(float_value);
// Use standard library functions to write the float, and then truncate
// if necessary to conform to spec.
// To handle rounding correctly, use the number of integer digits before
// rounding to determine how many fractional digits to round to and print.
// 18 bytes is sufficient in all cases (maximum of 15 significant digits,
// plus the decimal point, and a null terminator. In any cases where
// rounding the value increases the number of characters output, the bytes
// truncated by snprintf would all be '0' characters, which would have
// been trimmed in the next step anyway.
char buffer[17];
if (float_value < 1e9) {
base::snprintf(buffer, base::size(buffer), "%#.6f", float_value);
} else if (float_value < 1e10) {
base::snprintf(buffer, base::size(buffer), "%#.5f", float_value);
} else if (float_value < 1e11) {
base::snprintf(buffer, base::size(buffer), "%#.4f", float_value);
} else if (float_value < 1e12) {
base::snprintf(buffer, base::size(buffer), "%#.3f", float_value);
} else if (float_value < 1e13) {
base::snprintf(buffer, base::size(buffer), "%#.2f", float_value);
} else {
base::snprintf(buffer, base::size(buffer), "%#.1f", float_value);
// Strip any trailing 0s after the decimal point, but leave at least one
// digit after it in all cases. (So 1.230000 becomes 1.23, but 1.000000
// becomes 1.0.)
base::StringPiece formatted_number(buffer);
auto truncate_index = formatted_number.find_last_not_of('0');
if (formatted_number[truncate_index] == '.')
output_ << formatted_number.substr(0, truncate_index + 1);
return true;
if (value.is_boolean()) {
output_ << (value.GetBoolean() ? "?1" : "?0");
return true;
return false;
bool WriteParameterizedMember(const ParameterizedMember& value) {
// Serializes a parameterized member ([SH13] 4.1.1).
if (value.member_is_inner_list) {
if (!WriteInnerList(value.member))
return false;
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(value.member.size(), 1UL);
if (!WriteItem(value.member[0]))
return false;
return WriteParameters(value.params);
bool WriteInnerList(const std::vector<Item>& value) {
// Serializes an inner list ([SH13]
output_ << "(";
bool first = true;
for (const Item& member : value) {
if (!first)
output_ << " ";
if (!WriteItem(member))
return false;
first = false;
output_ << ")";
return true;
bool WriteParameters(const ParameterizedMember::Parameters& value) {
// Serializes a parameter list ([SH13]
for (const auto& param_name_and_value : value) {
const std::string& param_name = param_name_and_value.first;
const Item& param_value = param_name_and_value.second;
output_ << ";";
if (!WriteKey(param_name))
return false;
if (!param_value.is_null()) {
output_ << "=";
if (!WriteItem(param_value))
return false;
return true;
bool WriteKey(const std::string& value) {
// Serializes a Key ([SH13]
if (!value.size())
return false;
if (value.find_first_not_of(kKeyChars13) != std::string::npos)
return false;
output_ << value;
return true;
std::ostringstream output_;
} // namespace
Item::Item() {}
Item::Item(const std::string& value, Item::ItemType type)
: type_(type), string_value_(value) {}
Item::Item(std::string&& value, Item::ItemType type)
: type_(type), string_value_(std::move(value)) {
DCHECK(type_ == kStringType || type_ == kTokenType ||
type_ == kByteSequenceType);
Item::Item(const char* value, Item::ItemType type)
: Item(std::string(value), type) {}
Item::Item(int64_t value) : type_(kIntegerType), integer_value_(value) {}
Item::Item(double value) : type_(kFloatType), float_value_(value) {}
Item::Item(bool value) : type_(kBooleanType), boolean_value_(value) {}
bool operator==(const Item& lhs, const Item& rhs) {
if (lhs.type_ != rhs.type_)
return false;
switch (lhs.type_) {
case Item::kNullType:
return true;
case Item::kStringType:
case Item::kTokenType:
case Item::kByteSequenceType:
return lhs.string_value_ == rhs.string_value_;
case Item::kIntegerType:
return lhs.integer_value_ == rhs.integer_value_;
case Item::kFloatType:
return lhs.float_value_ == rhs.float_value_;
case Item::kBooleanType:
return lhs.boolean_value_ == rhs.boolean_value_;
return false;
ParameterizedMember::ParameterizedMember(const ParameterizedMember&) = default;
ParameterizedMember& ParameterizedMember::operator=(
const ParameterizedMember&) = default;
ParameterizedMember::ParameterizedMember(std::vector<Item> id,
bool member_is_inner_list,
const Parameters& ps)
: member(std::move(id)),
params(ps) {}
ParameterizedMember::ParameterizedMember(std::vector<Item> id,
const Parameters& ps)
: member(std::move(id)), member_is_inner_list(true), params(ps) {}
ParameterizedMember::ParameterizedMember(Item id, const Parameters& ps)
: member({std::move(id)}), member_is_inner_list(false), params(ps) {}
ParameterizedMember::~ParameterizedMember() = default;
const ParameterisedIdentifier&) = default;
ParameterisedIdentifier& ParameterisedIdentifier::operator=(
const ParameterisedIdentifier&) = default;
ParameterisedIdentifier::ParameterisedIdentifier(Item id, const Parameters& ps)
: identifier(std::move(id)), params(ps) {}
ParameterisedIdentifier::~ParameterisedIdentifier() = default;
base::Optional<Item> ParseItem(const base::StringPiece& str) {
StructuredHeaderParser parser(str, StructuredHeaderParser::kDraft13);
base::Optional<Item> item = parser.ReadItem();
if (item && parser.FinishParsing())
return item;
return base::nullopt;
base::Optional<ParameterisedList> ParseParameterisedList(
const base::StringPiece& str) {
StructuredHeaderParser parser(str, StructuredHeaderParser::kDraft09);
base::Optional<ParameterisedList> param_list = parser.ReadParameterisedList();
if (param_list && parser.FinishParsing())
return param_list;
return base::nullopt;
base::Optional<ListOfLists> ParseListOfLists(const base::StringPiece& str) {
StructuredHeaderParser parser(str, StructuredHeaderParser::kDraft09);
base::Optional<ListOfLists> list_of_lists = parser.ReadListOfLists();
if (list_of_lists && parser.FinishParsing())
return list_of_lists;
return base::nullopt;
base::Optional<List> ParseList(const base::StringPiece& str) {
StructuredHeaderParser parser(str, StructuredHeaderParser::kDraft13);
base::Optional<List> list = parser.ReadList();
if (list && parser.FinishParsing())
return list;
return base::nullopt;
base::Optional<std::string> SerializeItem(const Item& value) {
StructuredHeaderSerializer s;
if (s.WriteItem(value))
return s.Output();
return base::nullopt;
base::Optional<std::string> SerializeList(const List& value) {
StructuredHeaderSerializer s;
if (s.WriteList(value))
return s.Output();
return base::nullopt;
} // namespace http_structured_header
} // namespace blink