blob: 9540886bfa1abf770d3d78eb692854efdc311e4d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from page_sets.login_helpers import login_utils
# Selectors for the email, password, and next buttons for google login flow.
# Use multiple selectors to allow for different versions of the site.
_EMAIL_SELECTOR = ','.join([
'#gaia_firstform #next'])
_SIGNIN_SELECTOR = ','.join([
# JavaScript conditions which are true when the email and password inputs on
# the Google Login page are visible respectively.
'document.querySelector("%s") !== null' % (_EMAIL_SELECTOR))
'document.querySelector("%s") !== null' % (_EMAIL_NEXT_SELECTOR))
'document.querySelector("%s") !== null' % (_PASSWORD_SELECTOR))
def BaseLoginGoogle(action_runner,
credential='googletest', # Recommended credential.
"""Logs in into Google account.
This function navigates the tab into Google's login page and logs in a user
using credentials in |credential| part of the |credentials_path| file.
action_runner: Action runner responsible for running actions on the page.
credential: The credential to retrieve from the credentials file
(type string).
credentials_path: The string that specifies the path to credential file.
NOTE: it's recommended to use 'googletest' credential from
page_sets/data/credentials.json credential since it is a Google test account
and will not trigger anti-bot verification. Other google credentials are kept
until all telemetry pages are updated to use the 'googletest' credential.
exceptions.Error: See ExecuteJavaScript()
for a detailed list of possible exceptions.
account_name, password = login_utils.GetAccountNameAndPassword(
credential, credentials_path=credentials_path)
# Wait until either the email or password input is visible.
action_runner.WaitForJavaScriptCondition('{{ @a }} || {{ @b }}',
# If the email input is visible, this is the first Google login within the
# browser session, so we must enter both email and password. Otherwise, only
# password is required.
if action_runner.EvaluateJavaScript(_EMAIL_INPUT_VISIBLE_CONDITION):
login_utils.InputWithSelector(action_runner, account_name, _EMAIL_SELECTOR)
if action_runner.EvaluateJavaScript(_EMAIL_NEXT_VISIBLE_CONDITION):
login_utils.InputWithSelector(action_runner, password, _PASSWORD_SELECTOR)
def LoginGoogleAccount(action_runner,
credential='googletest', # Recommended credential.
""" Login for old UI """
BaseLoginGoogle(action_runner, credential, credentials_path)
action_runner.WaitForElement(text='My Account')
def NewLoginGoogleAccount(action_runner,
credential='googletest', # Recommended credential.
""" Login for new UI """
BaseLoginGoogle(action_runner, credential, credentials_path)
action_runner.WaitForElement(text='Google Account')