blob: 4bccaf7dd08e9fd4da44e921a9c86acc0b0aadb3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Polymer element for rendering network icons based on ONC
* state properties.
* @typedef {{
* showBadges: boolean,
* showDisconnected: boolean,
* strength: number
* }}
var NetworkIconParamType;
(function() {
/** @const {string} */ var RESOURCE_IMAGE_BASE =
/** @const {string} */ var RESOURCE_IMAGE_EXT = '.png';
* Gets the icon type from the network type. This allows multiple types
* (i.e. Cellular, WiMAX) to map to the same icon type (i.e. mobile).
* @param {chrome.networkingPrivate.NetworkType} networkType
* @return {string} The icon type: ethernet, wifi, mobile, or vpn.
function getIconTypeFromNetworkType(networkType) {
if (!networkType || networkType == CrOnc.Type.ETHERNET)
return 'ethernet';
else if (networkType == CrOnc.Type.WI_FI)
return 'wifi';
else if (networkType == CrOnc.Type.CELLULAR)
return 'mobile';
else if (networkType == CrOnc.Type.WI_MAX)
return 'mobile';
else if (networkType == CrOnc.Type.VPN)
return 'vpn';
console.error('Unrecognized network type for icon: ' + networkType);
return 'ethernet';
* Polymer class definition for 'cr-network-icon'.
is: 'cr-network-icon',
properties: {
* If set, the ONC properties will be used to display the icon. This may
* either be the complete set of NetworkProperties or the subset of
* NetworkStateProperties.
* @type
* {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties|!CrOnc.NetworkStateProperties|undefined}
networkState: {
type: Object,
observer: 'networkStateChanged_',
* If set, the ONC network type will be used to display the icon.
* @type {?chrome.networkingPrivate.NetworkType}
networkType: {
type: String,
value: null,
observer: 'networkTypeChanged_',
* If true, the icon is part of a list of networks and may be displayed
* differently, e.g. the disconnected image will never be shown for
* list items.
isListItem: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
observer: 'isListItemChanged_',
/** The icon type to use for the base image of the icon. */
iconType_: {
type: String,
value: 'ethernet',
/** Set to true to show a badge for roaming networks. */
roaming_: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
/** Set to true to show a badge for secure networks. */
secure_: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
/** Set to the name of a technology to show show a badge. */
technology_: {
type: String,
value: '',
* Polymer networkState changed method. Updates the icon based on the
* network state.
* @private
networkStateChanged_: function() {
if (!this.networkState)
this.networkType = null;
this.iconType_ = getIconTypeFromNetworkType(this.networkState.Type);
var strength = CrOnc.getSignalStrength(this.networkState);
var params = /** @type {NetworkIconParamType} */ {
showBadges: true,
showDisconnected: !this.isListItem,
strength: strength
* Polymer networkType changed method. Updates the icon based on the type
* of network, showing a disconnected icon where appropriate and no badges.
* @private
networkTypeChanged_: function() {
if (!this.networkType)
this.networkState = undefined;
this.iconType_ = getIconTypeFromNetworkType(this.networkType);
var params = /** @type {NetworkIconParamType} */ {
showBadges: false,
showDisconnected: true,
strength: 0,
* Polymer isListItem changed method.
* @private
isListItemChanged_: function() {
if (this.networkState)
else if (this.networkType)
* Returns the url for an image based on identifier |id|.
* @param {string} id The identifier describing the image.
* @return {string} The url to use for the image 'src' property.
* @private
toImageSrc_: function(id) {
* Returns the url for a badge image based on identifier |id|.
* @param {string} id The identifier describing the badge.
* @return {string} The url to use for the badge image 'src' property.
* @private
toBadgeImageSrc_: function(id) {
return id ? this.toImageSrc_('badge_' + id) : '';
* Sets the icon and badge based on the current state and |strength|.
* @param {!NetworkIconParamType} params Set of params describing the icon.
* @private
setIcon_: function(params) {
var icon = this.$.icon;
var multiLevel = (this.iconType_ == 'wifi' || this.iconType_ == 'mobile');
if (this.networkState && multiLevel) {
} else {
icon.classList.toggle('multi-level', multiLevel);
icon.classList.toggle('level0', multiLevel);
icon.classList.toggle('level1', false);
icon.classList.toggle('level2', false);
icon.classList.toggle('level3', false);
icon.classList.toggle('level4', false);
* Toggles icon classes based on strength and connecting properties.
* |this.networkState| is expected to be specified.
* @param {!NetworkIconParamType} params Set of params describing the icon.
* @private
setMultiLevelIcon_: function(params) {
// Set the strength or connecting properties.
var networkState = this.networkState;
var connectionState = networkState.ConnectionState;
var connecting = false;
var strength = -1;
if (connectionState == CrOnc.ConnectionState.CONNECTING) {
strength = 0;
connecting = true;
} else if (
connectionState == CrOnc.ConnectionState.CONNECTED ||
!params.showDisconnected) {
strength = params.strength || 0;
var icon = this.$.icon;
icon.classList.toggle('multi-level', true);
icon.classList.toggle('connecting', connecting);
icon.classList.toggle('level0', strength < 0);
icon.classList.toggle('level1', strength >= 0 && strength <= 25);
icon.classList.toggle('level2', strength > 25 && strength <= 50);
icon.classList.toggle('level3', strength > 50 && strength <= 75);
icon.classList.toggle('level4', strength > 75);
* Sets the icon badge visibility properties: roaming, secure, technology.
* @param {!NetworkIconParamType} params Set of params describing the icon.
* @private
setIconBadges_: function(params) {
var networkState = this.networkState;
var type = (params.showBadges && networkState) ? networkState.Type : '';
if (type == CrOnc.Type.WI_FI) {
this.roaming_ = false;
var security = networkState.WiFi ? networkState.WiFi.Security : '';
this.secure_ = !!security && security != 'None';
this.technology_ = '';
} else if (type == CrOnc.Type.WI_MAX) {
this.roaming_ = false;
this.secure_ = false;
this.technology_ = '4g';
} else if (type == CrOnc.Type.CELLULAR && networkState.Cellular) {
this.roaming_ =
networkState.Cellular.RoamingState == CrOnc.RoamingState.ROAMING;
this.secure_ = false;
var oncTechnology = networkState.Cellular.NetworkTechnology;
switch (oncTechnology) {
case CrOnc.NetworkTechnology.CDMA1XRTT:
this.technology_ = '1x';
case CrOnc.NetworkTechnology.EDGE:
this.technology_ = 'edge';
case CrOnc.NetworkTechnology.EVDO:
this.technology_ = 'evdo';
case CrOnc.NetworkTechnology.GPRS:
case CrOnc.NetworkTechnology.GSM:
this.technology_ = 'gsm';
case CrOnc.NetworkTechnology.HSPA:
this.technology_ = 'hspa';
case CrOnc.NetworkTechnology.HSPA_PLUS:
this.technology_ = 'hspa_plus';
case CrOnc.NetworkTechnology.LTE:
this.technology_ = 'lte';
case CrOnc.NetworkTechnology.LTE_ADVANCED:
this.technology_ = 'lte_advanced';
case CrOnc.NetworkTechnology.UMTS:
this.technology_ = '3g';
} else {
this.roaming_ = false;
this.secure_ = false;
this.technology_ = '';