blob: 505772bc0d69091e914109c5cf76d0012741727e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/unguessable_token.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/client/ring_buffer.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/buffer.h"
#include "gpu/gpu_export.h"
namespace gpu {
class CommandBufferHelper;
template <typename>
class ScopedResultPtr;
// Interface for managing the transfer buffer.
class GPU_EXPORT TransferBufferInterface {
TransferBufferInterface() = default;
virtual ~TransferBufferInterface() = default;
// Returns 128-bit GUID of the shared memory's region when the back end is
// base::UnsafeSharedMemoryRegion. Otherwise, this returns an empty GUID.
virtual base::UnguessableToken shared_memory_guid() const = 0;
virtual bool Initialize(unsigned int buffer_size,
unsigned int result_size,
unsigned int min_buffer_size,
unsigned int max_buffer_size,
unsigned int alignment) = 0;
virtual int GetShmId() = 0;
virtual void Free() = 0;
virtual bool HaveBuffer() const = 0;
// Allocates up to size bytes.
virtual void* AllocUpTo(unsigned int size, unsigned int* size_allocated) = 0;
// Allocates size bytes.
// Note: Alloc will fail if it can not return size bytes.
virtual void* Alloc(unsigned int size) = 0;
virtual RingBuffer::Offset GetOffset(void* pointer) const = 0;
virtual void DiscardBlock(void* p) = 0;
virtual void FreePendingToken(void* p, unsigned int token) = 0;
virtual unsigned int GetSize() const = 0;
virtual unsigned int GetFreeSize() const = 0;
virtual unsigned int GetFragmentedFreeSize() const = 0;
virtual void ShrinkLastBlock(unsigned int new_size) = 0;
virtual unsigned int GetMaxSize() const = 0;
template <typename>
friend class ScopedResultPtr;
// Use ScopedResultPtr instead of calling these directly. The acquire/release
// semantics allow TransferBuffer to detect if there is an outstanding result
// pointer when the buffer is resized, which would otherwise cause a
// use-after-free bug.
virtual void* AcquireResultBuffer() = 0;
virtual void ReleaseResultBuffer() = 0;
virtual int GetResultOffset() = 0;
// Class that manages the transfer buffer.
class GPU_EXPORT TransferBuffer : public TransferBufferInterface {
TransferBuffer(CommandBufferHelper* helper);
~TransferBuffer() override;
// Overridden from TransferBufferInterface.
base::UnguessableToken shared_memory_guid() const override;
bool Initialize(unsigned int default_buffer_size,
unsigned int result_size,
unsigned int min_buffer_size,
unsigned int max_buffer_size,
unsigned int alignment) override;
int GetShmId() override;
void* AcquireResultBuffer() override;
void ReleaseResultBuffer() override;
int GetResultOffset() override;
void Free() override;
bool HaveBuffer() const override;
void* AllocUpTo(unsigned int size, unsigned int* size_allocated) override;
void* Alloc(unsigned int size) override;
RingBuffer::Offset GetOffset(void* pointer) const override;
void DiscardBlock(void* p) override;
void FreePendingToken(void* p, unsigned int token) override;
unsigned int GetSize() const override;
unsigned int GetFreeSize() const override;
unsigned int GetFragmentedFreeSize() const override;
void ShrinkLastBlock(unsigned int new_size) override;
unsigned int GetMaxSize() const override;
// These are for testing.
unsigned int GetCurrentMaxAllocationWithoutRealloc() const;
// We will attempt to shrink the ring buffer once the number of bytes
// allocated reaches this threshold times the high water mark.
static const int kShrinkThreshold = 120;
// Tries to reallocate the ring buffer if it's not large enough for size.
void ReallocateRingBuffer(unsigned int size, bool shrink = false);
void AllocateRingBuffer(unsigned int size);
void ShrinkOrExpandRingBufferIfNecessary(unsigned int size);
// Returns the number of bytes that are still in use in ring buffers that we
// previously freed.
unsigned int GetPreviousRingBufferUsedBytes();
CommandBufferHelper* helper_;
std::unique_ptr<RingBuffer> ring_buffer_;
base::circular_deque<std::unique_ptr<RingBuffer>> previous_ring_buffers_;
// size reserved for results
unsigned int result_size_;
// default size. Size we want when starting or re-allocating
unsigned int default_buffer_size_;
// min size we'll consider successful
unsigned int min_buffer_size_;
// max size we'll let the buffer grow
unsigned int max_buffer_size_;
// Size of the currently allocated ring buffer.
unsigned int last_allocated_size_ = 0;
// The size to shrink the ring buffer to next time shrinking happens.
unsigned int high_water_mark_ = 0;
// alignment for allocations
unsigned int alignment_;
// Number of bytes since we last attempted to shrink the ring buffer.
unsigned int bytes_since_last_shrink_ = 0;
// the current buffer.
scoped_refptr<gpu::Buffer> buffer_;
// id of buffer. -1 = no buffer
int32_t buffer_id_;
// address of result area
void* result_buffer_;
// offset to result area
uint32_t result_shm_offset_;
// false if we failed to allocate min_buffer_size
bool usable_;
// While a ScopedResultPtr exists, we can't resize the transfer buffer. Only
// one ScopedResultPtr should exist at a time. This tracks whether one exists.
bool outstanding_result_pointer_ = false;
// A class that will manage the lifetime of a transferbuffer allocation.
class GPU_EXPORT ScopedTransferBufferPtr {
ScopedTransferBufferPtr(unsigned int size,
CommandBufferHelper* helper,
TransferBufferInterface* transfer_buffer)
: buffer_(nullptr),
transfer_buffer_(transfer_buffer) {
// Constructs an empty and invalid allocation that should be Reset() later.
ScopedTransferBufferPtr(CommandBufferHelper* helper,
TransferBufferInterface* transfer_buffer)
: buffer_(nullptr),
transfer_buffer_(transfer_buffer) {}
~ScopedTransferBufferPtr() {
ScopedTransferBufferPtr(ScopedTransferBufferPtr&& other);
bool valid() const { return buffer_ != nullptr; }
unsigned int size() const {
return size_;
int shm_id() const {
return transfer_buffer_->GetShmId();
RingBuffer::Offset offset() const {
return transfer_buffer_->GetOffset(buffer_);
void* address() const {
return buffer_;
// Returns true if |memory| lies inside this buffer.
bool BelongsToBuffer(char* memory) const;
void Release();
void Discard();
void Reset(unsigned int new_size);
// Shrinks this transfer buffer to a given size.
void Shrink(unsigned int new_size);
void* buffer_;
unsigned int size_;
CommandBufferHelper* helper_;
TransferBufferInterface* transfer_buffer_;
template <typename T>
class ScopedTransferBufferArray : public ScopedTransferBufferPtr {
unsigned int num_elements,
CommandBufferHelper* helper, TransferBufferInterface* transfer_buffer)
: ScopedTransferBufferPtr(
num_elements * sizeof(T), helper, transfer_buffer) {
T* elements() {
return static_cast<T*>(address());
unsigned int num_elements() const {
return size() / sizeof(T);
// ScopedResultPtr is a move-only smart pointer that calls AcquireResultBuffer
// and ReleaseResultBuffer for you.
template <typename T>
class ScopedResultPtr {
explicit ScopedResultPtr(TransferBufferInterface* tb)
: result_(static_cast<T*>(tb->AcquireResultBuffer())),
transfer_buffer_(tb) {}
~ScopedResultPtr() {
if (transfer_buffer_)
int offset() const { return transfer_buffer_->GetResultOffset(); }
// Make this a move-only class like unique_ptr.
ScopedResultPtr(ScopedResultPtr<T>&& other) { *this = std::move(other); }
ScopedResultPtr& operator=(ScopedResultPtr<T>&& other) {
this->result_ = other.result_;
this->transfer_buffer_ = other.transfer_buffer_;
other.result_ = nullptr;
other.transfer_buffer_ = nullptr;
return *this;
// Dereferencing behaviors
T& operator*() const { return *result_; }
T* operator->() const { return result_; }
explicit operator bool() { return result_; }
T* result_;
TransferBufferInterface* transfer_buffer_;
} // namespace gpu