blob: e0b567d6a63b0c7a2324468d3fc1f2ee84c5ae7c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cc/base/switches.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
namespace cc {
namespace switches {
const char kDisableThreadedAnimation[] = "disable-threaded-animation";
// Disables layer-edge anti-aliasing in the compositor.
const char kDisableCompositedAntialiasing[] =
// Disables sending the next BeginMainFrame before the previous commit
// activates. Overrides the kEnableMainFrameBeforeActivation flag.
const char kDisableMainFrameBeforeActivation[] =
// Enables sending the next BeginMainFrame before the previous commit activates.
const char kEnableMainFrameBeforeActivation[] =
// Enables defering image decodes to the image decode service.
const char kEnableCheckerImaging[] = "enable-checker-imaging";
// Percentage of the browser controls need to be hidden before they will auto
// hide.
const char kBrowserControlsHideThreshold[] = "top-controls-hide-threshold";
// Percentage of the browser controls need to be shown before they will auto
// show.
const char kBrowserControlsShowThreshold[] = "top-controls-show-threshold";
// Re-rasters everything multiple times to simulate a much slower machine.
// Give a scale factor to cause raster to take that many times longer to
// complete, such as --slow-down-raster-scale-factor=25.
const char kSlowDownRasterScaleFactor[] = "slow-down-raster-scale-factor";
// Compress tile textures for GPUs supporting it.
const char kEnableTileCompression[] = "enable-tile-compression";
// Convert rasterization and compositing inputs to the output color space
// before operating on them.
const char kEnableColorCorrectRendering[] = "enable-color-correct-rendering";
// Enables the GPU benchmarking extension
const char kEnableGpuBenchmarking[] = "enable-gpu-benchmarking";
// Force all rasterization and compositing to be done in linear color space,
// with physically correct blending and interpolation.
const char kEnableTrueColorRendering[] = "enable-true-color-rendering";
// Renders a border around compositor layers to help debug and study
// layer compositing.
const char kShowCompositedLayerBorders[] = "show-composited-layer-borders";
const char kUIShowCompositedLayerBorders[] = "ui-show-layer-borders";
// Renders a green border around GL composited texture quads to help
// debug and study overlay support.
const char kGlCompositedTextureQuadBorder[] =
// Draws a heads-up-display showing Frames Per Second as well as GPU memory
// usage. If you also use --enable-logging=stderr --vmodule="head*=1" then FPS
// will also be output to the console log.
const char kShowFPSCounter[] = "show-fps-counter";
const char kUIShowFPSCounter[] = "ui-show-fps-counter";
// Renders a border that represents the bounding box for the layer's animation.
const char kShowLayerAnimationBounds[] = "show-layer-animation-bounds";
const char kUIShowLayerAnimationBounds[] = "ui-show-layer-animation-bounds";
// Show rects in the HUD around layers whose properties have changed.
const char kShowPropertyChangedRects[] = "show-property-changed-rects";
const char kUIShowPropertyChangedRects[] = "ui-show-property-changed-rects";
// Show rects in the HUD around damage as it is recorded into each render
// surface.
const char kShowSurfaceDamageRects[] = "show-surface-damage-rects";
const char kUIShowSurfaceDamageRects[] = "ui-show-surface-damage-rects";
// Show rects in the HUD around the screen-space transformed bounds of every
// layer.
const char kShowScreenSpaceRects[] = "show-screenspace-rects";
const char kUIShowScreenSpaceRects[] = "ui-show-screenspace-rects";
// Switches cc machinery to use layer lists instead of layer trees
const char kEnableLayerLists[] = "enable-layer-lists";
const char kUIEnableLayerLists[] = "ui-enable-layer-lists";
// Visualize overdraw by color-coding elements based on if they have other
// elements drawn underneath. This is good for showing where the UI might be
// doing more rendering work than necessary. The colors are hinting at the
// amount of overdraw on your screen for each pixel, as follows:
// True color: No overdraw.
// Blue: Overdrawn once.
// Green: Overdrawn twice.
// Pink: Overdrawn three times.
// Red: Overdrawn four or more times.
const char kShowOverdrawFeedback[] = "show-overdraw-feedback";
// Prevents the layer tree unit tests from timing out.
const char kCCLayerTreeTestNoTimeout[] = "cc-layer-tree-test-no-timeout";
// Increases timeout for memory checkers.
const char kCCLayerTreeTestLongTimeout[] = "cc-layer-tree-test-long-timeout";
// Makes pixel tests write their output instead of read it.
const char kCCRebaselinePixeltests[] = "cc-rebaseline-pixeltests";
} // namespace switches
} // namespace cc