blob: a85f054e5846588dd1a691c0971baaa9d7421bcb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cc/ipc/transferable_resource.mojom-shared.h"
#include "cc/resources/transferable_resource.h"
namespace mojo {
template <>
struct StructTraits<cc::mojom::TransferableResourceDataView,
cc::TransferableResource> {
static uint32_t id(const cc::TransferableResource& resource) {
static cc::mojom::ResourceFormat format(
const cc::TransferableResource& resource) {
return static_cast<cc::mojom::ResourceFormat>(resource.format);
static uint32_t filter(const cc::TransferableResource& resource) {
return resource.filter;
static gfx::Size size(const cc::TransferableResource& resource) {
return resource.size;
static const gpu::MailboxHolder& mailbox_holder(
const cc::TransferableResource& resource) {
return resource.mailbox_holder;
static bool read_lock_fences_enabled(
const cc::TransferableResource& resource) {
return resource.read_lock_fences_enabled;
static bool is_software(const cc::TransferableResource& resource) {
return resource.is_software;
static bool is_overlay_candidate(const cc::TransferableResource& resource) {
return resource.is_overlay_candidate;
static bool is_backed_by_surface_texture(
const cc::TransferableResource& resource) {
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// TransferableResource has this in an #ifdef, but mojo doesn't let us.
// TODO(
return resource.is_backed_by_surface_texture;
return false;
static bool wants_promotion_hint(const cc::TransferableResource& resource) {
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// TransferableResource has this in an #ifdef, but mojo doesn't let us.
// TODO(
return resource.wants_promotion_hint;
return false;
static bool Read(cc::mojom::TransferableResourceDataView data,
cc::TransferableResource* out);
} // namespace mojo