blob: ed526d95253790910b0190f7ca8b85f9070c8668 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Chrome OS-specific strings (included from generated_resources.grd).
Everything in this file is wrapped in <if expr="chromeos">. -->
<message name="IDS_EMPTY_STRING" desc="Empty string, exist only to make code generic. No translation required.">
<!-- Idle logout dialog for retail mode -->
<message name="IDS_IDLE_LOGOUT_TITLE" desc="Dialog title for the idle logout dialog. Used in retail mode only.">
Are you still there?
<message name="IDS_IDLE_LOGOUT_WARNING_RESTART" desc="Restart label for the idle logout dialog. Used in retail mode only..">
This computer will reset in <ph name="LOGOUT_TIME_LEFT">$1<ex>20</ex></ph> seconds.
Press any key to continue exploring.
<message name="IDS_IDLE_LOGOUT_WARNING_RESTART_1S" desc="Restart label for the idle logout dialog at 1 second left. Used in retail mode only.">
This computer will reset in 1 second.
Press any key to continue exploring.
<message name="IDS_IDLE_LOGOUT_WARNING_RESTART_NOW" desc="Restart label for the idle logout dialog with no time left. Used in retail mode only.">
Going.. Going... Gone.
<!-- Application name notification upon idle -->
<message name="IDS_IDLE_APP_NAME_UNKNOWN_APPLICATION_NOTIFICATION" desc="A notification which shows that the name of the running Kiosk application cannot be determined and is probably invalid.">
The application appears to be invalid.
<!-- Wallpaper Manager -->
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_ALL_CATEGORY_LABEL" desc="Wallpaper category label.">
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_DELETE_COMMAND_LABEL" desc="Wallpaper delete command label.">
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_CUSTOM_CATEGORY_LABEL" desc="Wallpaper category label.">
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_SELECT_CUSTOM_LABEL" desc="Selects custom wallpaper label.">
Custom Image:
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_POSITION_LABEL" desc="Custom wallpaper position label">
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_COLOR_LABEL" desc="Custom wallpaper color label.">
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_SHOW_CUSTOM_WALLPAPER_ON_START_WARNING" desc="The string displayed to user when set custom wallpaper">
Wallpapers appear on the Sign-in Screen.
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_SURPRISE_ME_LABEL" desc="Wallpaper surprise me checkbox label. If the checkbox is checked, Chrome will automatically change wallpaper to either a random one available in wallpaper picker or a google pushed wallpaper (surprise factor).">
Surprise Me
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_ACCESS_FAIL" desc="The string displayed to user when access wallpaper server failed.">
Chrome cannot access wallpapers. Please connect to a network.
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_DOWNLOAD_FAIL" desc="The string displayed to user when downloading the wallpaper failed.">
Chrome cannot download this wallpaper.
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_DOWNLOAD_CANCEL" desc="The string displayed to user when downloading the wallpaper canceled.">
Download was canceled.
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_ACCESS_FILE_FAILURE" desc="The string displayed to user when accessing custom wallpaper on disk failed.">
Chrome cannot access the image.
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_INVALID_WALLPAPER" desc="The string displayed to user when user selected wallpaper can not be set as a wallpaper.">
Chrome cannot set wallpaper.
<message name="IDS_CURRENT_WALLPAPER_SET_BY_MESSAGE" desc="The string displayed to user if the current wallpaper is set by a third party wallpaper app/extension.">
The current wallpaper is set by '<ph name="APP_NAME">$1</ph>'. You may need to uninstall '<ph name="APP_NAME">$1</ph>' before selecting a different wallpaper.
<!-- File Manager -->
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_FILE_MANAGER_MTP_NAME" desc="Name of the about:flag option for MTP support in file manager.">
MTP support in File Manager
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_FILE_MANAGER_MTP_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description of the about:flag option for MTP support in file manager.">
Show MTP devices as a file storage in the file manager.
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_VIDEO_PLAYER_CHROMECAST_SUPPORT_NAME" desc="Name of the about:flag option to enable the chromecast support for video app.">
Experimental Chromecast support for Video Player
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_VIDEO_PLAYER_CHROMECAST_SUPPORT_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description of the about:flag option to the enable the chromecast support for video app.">
This option enables experimental Chromecast support for Video Player app on ChromeOS.
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_NEW_ZIP_UNPACKER_NAME" desc="Name of about::flags option for the new ZIP unpacker based on the File System Provider API.">
New ZIP unpacker
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_NEW_ZIP_UNPACKER_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description of about::flags option for the new ZIP unpacker based on the File System Provider API.">
New ZIP unpacker flow, based on the File System Provider API.
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_SHOW_ARC_FILES_APP_NAME" desc="Name of about::flags option for showing Android Files app in launcher.">
Show Android Files app
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_SHOW_ARC_FILES_APP_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description of the about::flag option for showing ARC Files app in launcher.">
Show Android Files app in Chrome OS launcher. This is only effective on a device with access to Play Store.
<message name="IDS_FILE_SYSTEM_PROVIDER_UNRESPONSIVE_WARNING" desc="A warning shown in a notification that an operation is taking longer than expected.">
An operation is taking longer than expected. Do you want to abort it?
<message name="IDS_FILE_SYSTEM_PROVIDER_MANY_UNRESPONSIVE_WARNING" desc="A warning shown in a notification that more than one operations are taking longer than expected.">
Some operations are taking longer than expected. Do you want to abort them?
<message name="IDS_FILE_SYSTEM_PROVIDER_UNRESPONSIVE_ABORT_BUTTON" desc="Label of the button on the notification about an operation(s) taking to long.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_DIRECTORY_LABEL" desc="/drive directory label.">
Google Drive
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_MY_DRIVE_LABEL" desc="A label for the 'My Drive' collection of Google Drive.">
My Drive
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_SHARED_WITH_ME_COLLECTION_LABEL" desc="A label for the 'shared with me' collection of Google Drive.">
Shared with me
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_RECENT_COLLECTION_LABEL" desc="A label for the 'Recent' collection of Google Drive.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_OFFLINE_COLLECTION_LABEL" desc="A label for the 'Offline' collection of Google Drive.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY_LABEL" desc="Downloads local directory label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MEDIA_VIEW_IMAGES_ROOT_LABEL" desc="A label for the 'Images' root of media views.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MEDIA_VIEW_VIDEOS_ROOT_LABEL" desc="A label for the 'Videos' root of media views.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MEDIA_VIEW_AUDIO_ROOT_LABEL" desc="A label for the 'Audio' root of media views.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY_WARNING" desc="Warning displayed to user when viewing downloads folder.">
<ph name="BEGIN_BOLD">&lt;strong&gt;</ph>Caution:<ph name="END_BOLD">&lt;/strong&gt;</ph> These files are temporary and may be automatically deleted to free up disk space. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a href="javascript://"&gt;</ph>Learn More<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_NAME_COLUMN_LABEL" desc="Name column label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SIZE_COLUMN_LABEL" desc="Size column label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SIZE_BYTES" desc="Size in bytes.">
$1 bytes
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SIZE_KB" desc="Size in kilo bytes.">
$1 KB
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SIZE_MB" desc="Size in mega bytes.">
$1 MB
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SIZE_GB" desc="Size in giga bytes.">
$1 GB
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SIZE_TB" desc="Size in tera bytes.">
$1 TB
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SIZE_PB" desc="Size in peta bytes.">
$1 PB
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT_CTRL" desc="[Ctrl] key name to use in shortcuts descriptions. Shouldn't be translated in many languages actually.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT_ALT" desc="[Alt] key name to use in shortcuts descriptions. Shouldn't be translated in many languages actually.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT_SHIFT" desc="[Shift] key name to use in shortcuts descriptions. Shouldn't be translated in many languages actually.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT_META" desc="[Meta] key name to use in shortcuts descriptions. Shouldn't be translated in many languages actually.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT_SPACE" desc="[Space] key name to use in shortcuts descriptions. Shouldn't be translated in many languages actually.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT_ENTER" desc="[Enter] key name to use in shortcuts descriptions. Shouldn't be translated in many languages actually.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT_BACKSPACE" desc="[Backspace] key name to use in shortcuts descriptions. Shouldn't be translated in many languages actually.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_STATUS_COLUMN_LABEL" desc="Status column label. This column reflects the cloud import status of files. The status is an icon depicting whether a file has been imported, and if so, where to - for example, a Drive icon if a file has been imported to Google Drive. For unimported files, this column is blank. ">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TOTAL_FILE_COUNT_LABEL" desc="Total count of files that user selects in the Files app">
Total file count
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TOTAL_FILE_SIZE_LABEL" desc="Total size of files that user selects in the Files app">
Total file size
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_COLUMN_LABEL" desc="Image resolution of a file that user selects in the Files app">
Image resolution
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MEDIA_TITLE_COLUMN_LABEL" desc="Artist of a music file that user selects in the Files app">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MEDIA_ARTIST_COLUMN_LABEL" desc="Title of a music file that user selects in the Files app">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TYPE_COLUMN_LABEL" desc="Type column label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DATE_COLUMN_LABEL" desc="Date column label.">
Date modified
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OFFLINE_COLUMN_LABEL" desc="Available offline column label.">
Available offline
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_CREATING_FOLDER" desc="Message displayed when we can't create a folder.">
Unable to create folder "<ph name="FOLDER_NAME">$1<ex>Documents</ex></ph>". <ph name="ERROR_MESSAGE">$2<ex>An error occurred (code: ABORT)</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_INVALID_CHARACTER" desc="Error message displayed when the user enters an invalid character in a file or directory name.">
Invalid character: $1
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_RESERVED_NAME" desc="Error message displayed when the user enters a file name which is reserved.">
This name may not be used as a file of folder name
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_HIDDEN_NAME" desc="Error message displayed when the user tries to rename to or create a file started with dot.">
Names starting with dot are reserved for the system. Please choose another name.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_WHITESPACE_NAME" desc="Error message displayed when the user enters a file name consisting of only whitespace characters.">
Invalid name
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_LONG_NAME" desc="Error message displayed when user trys to enter too long name for a file or a folder.">
This name is too long
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_EMPTY_FOLDER" desc="Label shown in an empty folder.">
Nothing to see here...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_NEW_FOLDER_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label on the 'New folder' button.">
New folder
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_NEW_WINDOW_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label on the 'New window' button.">
New window
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILENAME_LABEL" desc="Filename text area label.">
File name
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_PREPARING_LABEL" desc="Label informing about preparing the file.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_QUICK_VIEW_OPEN_IN_NEW_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for button to open a file with external app.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_QUICK_VIEW_TOGGLE_METADATA_BOX_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for button to toggle show/hide status of metadata box.">
File info
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRAGGING_MULTIPLE_ITEMS" desc="Tooltip message for dragging multiple files.">
$1 items
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ARCHIVE_MOUNT_FAILED" desc="Title of the error dialog when file mount operation failed.">
Unable to open "$1": $2
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_UNMOUNT_FAILED" desc="Title of the error dialog when device unmount operation failed.">
<ph name="BEGIN_BOLD">&lt;b&gt;</ph>Don't remove your device just yet!<ph name="END_BOLD">&lt;/b&gt;</ph>
<ph name="LINE_BREAKS">&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;</ph>
Removing your device while it is in use may cause data loss. Please wait until the operation is over, then eject the device using the Files app.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MOUNT_ARCHIVE" desc="Title of the action for mounting an archive file to work with its contents.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FORMAT_DEVICE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Title of the action for formatting removable device.">
Format device
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFIGURE_VOLUME_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Title of the action for configuring the selected volume.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_UNMOUNT_DEVICE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Title of the action for unmounting removable device.">
Eject device
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CLOSE_VOLUME_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Title of the action for closing either an archive volume or a volume provided by an extension.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ADD_NEW_SERVICES_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Title of the button in the left nav to add new services (file systems) to the Files app.">
Add new services
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_INSTALL_NEW_EXTENSION_LABEL" desc="Title of the menu item for installing new extensions from the web store.">
Install new from the webstore
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TASK_VIEW" desc="Title of the action to view (no edit) a file.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TASK_OPEN" desc="Title of the action to open (and possibly edit) a file.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TASK_OPEN_GDOC" desc="Title of the action to open a Google Docs document.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TASK_OPEN_GSHEET" desc="Title of the action to open a Google Spreadsheets document.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TASK_OPEN_GSLIDES" desc="Title of the action to open a Google Slides document.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TASK_LISTEN" desc="Title of the action to play an audio file.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_NO_IMAGES" desc="In the Gallery, the message that there are no images in this directory.">
No images in this directory.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_ITEMS_SELECTED" desc="In the Gallery, the message showing the selected item count.">
<ph name="COUNT">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> items selected
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_THUMBNAIL" desc="In the Gallery, the title on the button that switches to the thumbnail view.">
Thumbnail view
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_SLIDE" desc="In the Gallery, the title on the button that switches to the slide view.">
Slide view
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_SLIDESHOW" desc="In the Gallery, the title on the button that starts the slide show.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_DELETE" desc="In the Gallery, the title on the button that deletes selected images.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_EDIT" desc="In the Gallery, the title on the button shows/hides editing buttons.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_PRINT" desc="In the Gallery, the title on the button showing the print dialog for the current image or video.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_SHARE" desc="In the Gallery, the title on the button that lets the user share a photo.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_EXIT" desc="In the Gallery, the title on the button that exits edit mode.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_ENTER_WHEN_DONE" desc="In the Gallery, the text in a floating panel that prompts the user to press enter when they are done with the changes to a photo.">
Press Enter when done
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_AUTOFIX" desc="In the Gallery, the title on the button that applies the Auto-Fix filter to a photo.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_FIXED" desc="In the Gallery, the text in a floating panel that notifies that the photo has been automatically fixed.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_CROP" desc="In the Gallery, the title on the button that cuts out a rectangular fragment from a photo">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_ASPECT_RATIO_1_1" desc="Button label to fix aspect to 1:1 ratio when cropping.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_ASPECT_RATIO_6_4" desc="Button label to fix aspect to 6:4 ratio when cropping.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_ASPECT_RATIO_7_5" desc="Button label to fix aspect to 7:5 ratio when cropping.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_ASPECT_RATIO_16_9" desc="Button label to fix aspect to 16:9 ratio when cropping.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_RESIZE" desc="In the Gallery, the title on the button that resize a photo.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_FIXRATIO" desc="Togglable Button to fix the ratio of width/height input field when resizing.">
Fix ratio
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_HEIGHT" desc="Input field to set the new size for height.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_INVALIDVALUE" desc="In the Gallery, the message informing that the input value is invalid.">
Input value is invalid.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_WIDTH" desc="Input field to set the new size for width.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_EXPOSURE" desc="In the Gallery, the title on the button that applies the Brightness/Contrast filter to a photo.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_BRIGHTNESS" desc="In the Gallery, the text next to the Brightness slider.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_CONTRAST" desc="In the Gallery, the text next to the Contrast slider.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_ROTATE_LEFT" desc="In the Gallery, the title on the button that rotates the photo 90 degrees to the left (counterclockwise).">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_ROTATE_RIGHT" desc="In the Gallery, the title on the button that rotates the photo 90 degrees to the right (clockwise).">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_UNDO" desc="In the Gallery, the text on the button that reverts the most recent operation.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_REDO" desc="In the Gallery, the text on the button that performs again the operation that has been recently reverted.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_DONE" desc="In the Gallery, the text on the button that commit image edit.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_FILE_EXISTS" desc="In the Gallery, the message informing that file already exists when attempting to rename.">
File already exists
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_SAVED" desc="In the Gallery, the message informing that editing saved successfully.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_SAVE_FAILED" desc="In the Gallery, the message informing that it failed to save editing image.">
Failed to save image.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_OVERWRITE_ORIGINAL" desc="In the Gallery, text on the button to overwrite original file along with the edited copy.">
Overwrite original
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_OVERWRITE_BUBBLE" desc="In the Gallery, text in the bubble informing user about saving and overwriting original file.">
Your edits are saved automatically.<ph name="BREAKS">&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;<ex>&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;</ex></ph>To keep a copy of the original image, uncheck "Overwrite original"
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_READONLY_AND_NON_WRITABLE_FORMAT_WARNING" desc="In the Gallery, message informing that all edits will be saved to Downloads directory since the directory is readonly and the file is non-writable format of Gallery.">
Cannot save to $1. All edits will be saved to $2 in the Downloads folder.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_READONLY_WARNING" desc="In the Gallery, message informing that directory is readonly, and edited files will be saved to Downloads directory.">
Cannot save to $1. Edited images will be saved in the Downloads folder.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_NON_WRITABLE_FORMAT_WARNING" desc="In the Gallery, message informing that Gallery cannot overwrite to the original file and all edits will be saved to a copy.">
All edits will be saved to $1.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_IMAGE_ERROR" desc="In the Gallery, message informing that the image failed to load.">
This file could not be displayed.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_AUDIO_ERROR" desc="In the Audio Player, message informing that the file could not be played.">
This file could not be played.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GALLERY_IMAGE_OFFLINE" desc="In the Gallery, message informing that the image could be displayed in the offline mode.">
This image is not available offline.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_AUDIO_OFFLINE" desc="In the Audio Player, message informing that the audio file could not be played in the offline mode.">
This file is not available offline.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RECOVERED_FILES_FROM_GOOGLE_DRIVE_DIRECTORY_NAME" desc="The name of the direcotry which stores files recovered from Google Drive directory when the locally stored Google Drive data is found to be broken.">
Recovered files from Google Drive
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFLICT_DIALOG_MESSAGE" desc="Message of the conflict dialog shown when a file transfer operation is conflicted.">
A file named "<ph name="FILENAME">$1<ex>photo.jpg</ex></ph>" already exists. What do you want to do?
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFLICT_DIALOG_KEEP_BOTH" desc="Label of a button to keep both entries after the file transfer operation.">
Keep both
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFLICT_DIALOG_REPLACE" desc="Label of a button to replace the old entry with the new entry.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFLICT_DIALOG_APPLY_TO_ALL" desc="Label of checkbox in the conflict dialog box to apply the user selection to all entries.">
Apply to all
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFIRM_OVERWRITE_FILE" desc="Asks the user if they are sure they want to overwrite an existing file with another one.">
A file named "$1" already exists. Do you want to replace it?
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS" desc="Error message displayed when user tries to create a file with an existing name.">
The file named "$1" already exists. Please choose a different name.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DIRECTORY_ALREADY_EXISTS" desc="Error message displayed when user tries to create a directory with an existing name.">
The folder named "$1" already exists. Please choose a different name.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_RENAMING" desc="Error message.">
Unable to rename "<ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>document.pdf</ex></ph>". <ph name="ERROR_MESSAGE">$2<ex>An error occurred (code: ABORT)</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GET_INFO_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Context menu item that shows the currently-selected file's metadata.">
Get info
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RENAME_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Context menu item that renames the currently-selected file.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DELETE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Context menu item that deletes the currently-selected file(s).">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_PASTE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Context menu item that pastes the file(s) in the clipboard.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_REFRESH_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for a button for refreshing the current directory.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_PASTE_INTO_FOLDER_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Menu item label, pasting files into the selected folder.">
Paste into folder
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_COPY_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Context menu item that copies the currently-selected file(s) to the clipboard.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CUT_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Context menu item that cuts the currently-selected file(s) to the clipboard.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MORE_ACTIONS_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Menu item label, showing dialog to choose extension to open selected files or directories.">
More actions...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OPEN_WITH_VERB_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Verb that describe the action of opening one or more files or directories with the given extension.">
Open with <ph name="EXTENSION_NAME">$1<ex>Gallery</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ADD_TO_VERB_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Verb that describes the uploading or addition of one or multiple files or directories to the given extension.">
Add to <ph name="EXTENSION_NAME">$1<ex>Evernote</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_PACK_WITH_VERB_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Verb that describes the packing or archiving of one or multiple files or directories with the given extension.">
Pack with <ph name="EXTENSION_NAME">$1<ex>ZIP</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHARE_WITH_VERB_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Verb that describes the action of sharing/attaching/sending files with the given application.">
Share with <ph name="EXTENSION_NAME">$1<ex>GMail</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ZIP_SELECTION_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Menu item label, showing dialog to create zip file for selected files.">
Zip selection
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SET_WALLPAPER_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="The context menu item to set wallpaper.">
Set wallpaper
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CREATE_FOLDER_SHORTCUT_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Menu item label, creating a shortcut of the selected folder to the left nav.">
Create shortcut
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_REMOVE_FOLDER_SHORTCUT_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Menu item label, unpinning the selected folder from the left nav.">
Remove shortcut
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHARE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Menu item label, showing dialog to share the selected file.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TOGGLE_HIDDEN_FILES_COMMAND_LABEL" desc="Label for menu or button with checkmark that toggles visibility of hidden files.">
Show hidden files
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TASKS_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for button that selects a task to open the current file.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CANCEL_SELECTION_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for button that unselects all selected items.">
Cancel selection
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CHANGE_TO_LISTVIEW_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for button that changes the view mode to 'list view' mode.">
List view
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CHANGE_TO_THUMBNAILVIEW_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for button that changes the view mode to 'thumbnail view' mode.">
Thumbnail view
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CLOUD_IMPORT_TITLE" desc="Title of the cloud import feature.">
Cloud backup
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CLOUD_DESTINATION_FOLDER" desc="Title of the cloud import destination folder.">
Chrome OS Cloud backup
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CLOUD_IMPORT_DESCRIPTION" desc="Short description of the cloud import feature.">
Back up your media device’s photos and videos to Google Drive.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CLOUD_IMPORT_START" desc="Tooltip of the toolbar button that starts backup.">
Backup your photos and videos
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CLOUD_IMPORT_SHOW_DETAILS" desc="Tooltip for button that shows details panel.">
Show Cloud backup details
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CLOUD_IMPORT_COMMAND" desc="Label of button on details panel that invokes cloud import feature.">
Back up
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CLOUD_IMPORT_CANCEL_COMMAND" desc="Label of button on details panel that cancels an active import.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CLOUD_IMPORT_STATUS_SCANNING" desc="Cloud import scanning status message.">
Scanning your media device...
<ph name="LINE_BREAK1">&lt;br&gt;</ph>
<ph name="FILE_COUNT">$1<ex>5</ex></ph> new photos found
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CLOUD_IMPORT_TOOLTIP_SCANNING" desc="Cloud import scanning tooltip.">
Scanning your media device...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CLOUD_IMPORT_STATUS_NO_MEDIA" desc="Cloud import no-new-media-found status message. Shown after backup is completed and when a search for new files to backup produces no result.">
All backed up to <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a is='action-link' class='destination-link'&gt;</ph>Google Drive!<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CLOUD_IMPORT_TOOLTIP_NO_MEDIA" desc="Cloud import no-new-media-found tooltip. Shown after backup is completed and when a search for new files to backup produces no result.">
All backed up!
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CLOUD_IMPORT_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE" desc="Cloud import insufficient space status message.">
<ph name="FILE_COUNT">$1<ex>5</ex></ph> new photos found
<ph name="LINE_BREAK1">&lt;br&gt;</ph>
Not enough space on device.
<ph name="LINE_BREAK2">&lt;br&gt;</ph>
Try selecting a few photos to start.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CLOUD_IMPORT_TOOLTIP_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE" desc="Cloud import insufficient space tooltip.">
Not enough space on device
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CLOUD_IMPORT_STATUS_READY" desc="Cloud import ready status message.">
<ph name="FILE_COUNT">$1<ex>5</ex></ph> new photos found
<ph name="LINE_BREAK1">&lt;br&gt;</ph>
Ready to backup to <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a is='action-link' class='destination-link'&gt;</ph>Google Drive<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CLOUD_IMPORT_TOOLTIP_READY" desc="Cloud import ready tooltip.">
Ready to backup <ph name="FILE_COUNT">$1<ex>5</ex></ph> new photos
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CLOUD_IMPORT_STATUS_IMPORTING" desc="Cloud import active-backup status. Message shown when importing is in progress">
Backing up <ph name="FILE_COUNT">$1<ex>5</ex></ph> photos to <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a is='action-link' class='destination-link'&gt;</ph>Google Drive<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CLOUD_IMPORT_TOOLTIP_IMPORTING" desc="Cloud import active-backup tooltip.">
Backing up <ph name="FILE_COUNT">$1<ex>5</ex></ph> photos
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CLOUD_IMPORT_STATUS_DONE" desc="Cloud import backup is complete status.">
<ph name="FILE_COUNT">$1<ex>5</ex></ph> photos backed up to <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a is='action-link' class='destination-link'&gt;</ph>Google Drive<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CLOUD_IMPORT_TOOLTIP_DONE" desc="Cloud import backup is complete tooltip.">
<ph name="FILE_COUNT">$1<ex>5</ex></ph> photos backed up
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CLOUD_IMPORT_ITEMS_REMAINING" desc="File Manager status message.">
Importing <ph name="FILE_COUNT">$1<ex>5</ex></ph> files...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_COPY_FILE_NAME" desc="File Manager status message.">
Copying <ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>movie.avi</ex></ph>...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_COPY_ITEMS_REMAINING" desc="File Manager status message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
Copying $1 items...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_COPY_TARGET_EXISTS_ERROR" desc="File Manager error message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
Whoops, <ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>movie.avi</ex></ph> already exists. Rename it and try again.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_COPY_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR" desc="File Manager error message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
Whoops, <ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>movie.avi</ex></ph> no longer exists.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_COPY_FILESYSTEM_ERROR" desc="File Manager error message.">
Copy operation failed. <ph name="ERROR_MESSAGE">$1<ex>An error occurred (code: ABORT)</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_COPY_UNEXPECTED_ERROR" desc="File Manager error message.">
Copy operation failed, unexpected error: $1
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MOVE_FILE_NAME" desc="File Manager status message.">
Moving <ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>movie.avi</ex></ph>...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MOVE_ITEMS_REMAINING" desc="File Manager status message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
Moving $1 items...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MOVE_TARGET_EXISTS_ERROR" desc="File Manager error message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
Whoops, <ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>movie.avi</ex></ph> already exists. Rename it and try again.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MOVE_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR" desc="File Manager error message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
Whoops, <ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>movie.avi</ex></ph> no longer exists.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MOVE_FILESYSTEM_ERROR" desc="File Manager error message.">
Move failed. <ph name="ERROR_MESSAGE">$1<ex>An error occurred (code: ABORT)</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MOVE_UNEXPECTED_ERROR" desc="File Manager error message.">
Move failed, unexpected error: $1
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ZIP_FILE_NAME" desc="File Manager status message.">
Zipping <ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>movie.avi</ex></ph>...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ZIP_ITEMS_REMAINING" desc="File Manager status message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
Zipping $1 items...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ZIP_TARGET_EXISTS_ERROR" desc="File Manager error message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
Zipping failed, item exists: "$1"
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ZIP_FILESYSTEM_ERROR" desc="File Manager error message.">
Zipping failed. <ph name="ERROR_MESSAGE">$1<ex>An error occurred (code: ABORT)</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ZIP_UNEXPECTED_ERROR" desc="File Manager error message.">
Zipping failed, unexpected error: $1
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SYNC_FILE_NAME" desc="File Manager status message.">
Syncing <ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>movie.avi</ex></ph>...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SYNC_FILE_NUMBER" desc="File Manager status message.">
Syncing <ph name="NUMBER_OF_FILES">$1<ex>7</ex></ph> items...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SYNC_DELETE_WITHOUT_PERMISSION_ERROR" desc="File Manager status message shown when the drive sync is failed because a user try to remove shared files that the user does not own.">
"<ph name="FILENAME">$1<ex>photo.jpg</ex></ph>" has been shared with you. You cannot delete it because you do not own it.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SYNC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR" desc="File Manager status message shown when the drive sync is failed because Google Drive is temporary unavailable.">
Google Drive is not available right now. Uploading will automatically restart once Google Drive is back.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SYNC_MISC_ERROR" desc="File Manager status message shown when the drive sync is failed because of miscellaneous errors.">
Google Drive was unable to sync "<ph name="FILENAME">$1<ex>photo.jpg</ex></ph>" right now. Google Drive will try again later.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SYNC_NO_SERVER_SPACE" desc="File Manager status message shown when the drive sync is failed because it runs out the space in Google Drive server.">
"<ph name="FILENAME">$1<ex>photo.jpg</ex></ph>" was not uploaded. There is not enough free space in your Google Drive.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHARE_ERROR" desc="File Manager error message when sharing a file or a directory on Drive fails because of internet connection problems.">
Sharing failed. Check your connection and try again later.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DELETE_FILE_NAME" desc="File Manager status message.">
Deleting "<ph name="FILENAME">$1<ex>photo.jpg</ex></ph>"...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DELETE_ITEMS_REMAINING" desc="File Manager status message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
Deleting <ph name="COUNT">$1<ex>10</ex></ph> items...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DELETE_ERROR" desc="Message informing about error while deleting an item or items.">
An error occured. Some items may not have been deleted.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_COPY_PROGRESS_SUMMARY" desc="Summary message for multiple copying tasks above the progress bar.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MOVE_PROGRESS_SUMMARY" desc="Summary message for multiple moving tasks above the progress bar.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ZIP_PROGRESS_SUMMARY" desc="Summary message for multiple zipping tasks above the progress bar.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DELETE_PROGRESS_SUMMARY" desc="Summary message for multiple deleting tasks above the progress bar.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TRANSFER_PROGRESS_SUMMARY" desc="Summary message for mixed operation tasks above the progress bar. 'Transferring' is used here as a generic term for copying, moving, zipping, or deleting.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SYNC_PROGRESS_SUMMARY" desc="Summary message for drive sync operation. This message can be shown without a progress bar.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_PROGRESS_SUMMARY" desc="Summary message for an error above the progress bar. This message may be placed at the next to ohter *_PROGERSS_SUMMARY messages.">
1 error.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_PROGRESS_SUMMARY_PLURAL" desc="Summary message for multiple errors above the progress bar. This message may be placed at the next to ohter *_PROGERSS_SUMMARY messages.">
<ph name="COUNT">$1<ex>10</ex></ph> errors.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CANCEL_LABEL" desc="Cancel label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OPEN_LABEL" desc="Open label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SAVE_LABEL" desc="Save label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OK_LABEL" desc="OK label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_UPLOAD_LABEL" desc="Upload label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_TEXT_LABEL" desc="Search text field label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DEFAULT_NEW_FOLDER_NAME" desc="The default name for a newly created folder.">
New Folder
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFIRM_DELETE_ONE" desc="Asks the user if they are sure they want to delete a single file.">
Are you sure you want to delete "$1"?
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFIRM_DELETE_SOME" desc="Asks the user if they are sure they want to delete multiple files/directories.">
Are you sure you want to delete $1 items?
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_UNKNOWN_FILESYSTEM_WARNING" desc="Displayed when device contents cannot be read because filesystem is unknown.">
This device cannot be opened because its filesystem was not recognized.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_UNSUPPORTED_FILESYSTEM_WARNING" desc="Displayed when device contents cannot be read because filesystem is unsupported.">
This device cannot be opened because its filesystem is not supported.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FORMATTING_WARNING" desc="Displayed when you attempt to format device.">
Formatting the removable media is going to erase all data. Do you wish to continue?
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SUGGEST_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Title of the suggest app dialog, which shows the list of the apps which supports the selected file.">
Select an app to open this file
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SUGGEST_DIALOG_FOR_PROVIDERS_TITLE" desc="Title of the suggest app dialog, which shows the list of the apps that can be added to the left nav of the Files app.">
Available services
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SUGGEST_DIALOG_LINK_TO_WEBSTORE" desc="Text of the link to the app list on Chrome Webstore, which shows the more apps than in the suggest app dialog.">
See more...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SUGGEST_DIALOG_INSTALLATION_FAILED" desc="Error message when the installation of the app from WebStore is failed.">
Installation failed.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DROP_TARGET_DEVICE_WRITE_PROTECTED" desc="Tooltip label displayed besides mouse pointer while dragging files or folders over a write-protected folder or disk.">
Device is read-only
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DROP_TARGET_ACCESS_RESTRICTED" desc="Tooltip label displayed besides mouse pointer when dragging files or folders over a removable device whose write access is restricted by administration policy.">
Access restricted
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SELECT_FOLDER_TITLE" desc="Select folder title.">
Select a folder to open
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SELECT_UPLOAD_FOLDER_TITLE" desc="Select folder title for upload.">
Select a folder to upload
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SELECT_OPEN_FILE_TITLE" desc="Select open file title.">
Select a file to open
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SELECT_OPEN_MULTI_FILE_TITLE" desc="Select open multi file title.">
Select one or more files
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SELECT_SAVEAS_FILE_TITLE" desc="Select saveas file title.">
Save file as
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ONE_FILE_SELECTED" desc="One file selected.">
1 file selected
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ONE_DIRECTORY_SELECTED" desc="One directory selected.">
1 folder selected
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MANY_FILES_SELECTED" desc="Many files selected.">
<ph name="SELCTED_FILE_COUNT">$1<ex>13</ex></ph> files selected
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MANY_DIRECTORIES_SELECTED" desc="Many directories selected.">
<ph name="SELCTED_FOLDERS_COUNT">$1<ex>2</ex></ph> folders selected
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MANY_ENTRIES_SELECTED" desc="Many items (both files and directories) selected.">
<ph name="SELCTED_FILES_COUNT">$1<ex>21</ex></ph> items selected
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_ALBUM_TITLE" desc="Label for audio album title.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_AUDIO_INFO" desc="Category label for audio file info.">
Audio Info
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_CODEC" desc="Label for video codec.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_CREATED_BY" desc="Label for who created the file.">
Created By
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_CREATION_TIME" desc="Label for file creation time.">
Created Time
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_DIMENSION" desc="Label for image dimension.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_DURATION" desc="Label for audio/video duration.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_EXIF_DEVICE_MODEL" desc="Label for the device model which created the image.">
Device Model
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_EXIF_DEVICE_SETTINGS" desc="Label for the device settings (exif's F number, exposure time, focal length and ISO speed rating) metadata.">
Device Settings
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_EXIF_GEOGRAPHY" desc="Label for the latitude and the longitude where the image was taken.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_FILE_PATH" desc="Label for file path.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_FILE_SIZE" desc="Label fo file size.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_FRAME_RATE" desc="Label for video frame rate.">
Frame Rate
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_GENERAL_INFO" desc="Category label for general file info.">
General Info
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_GENRE" desc="Label for audio genre.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_IMAGE_INFO" desc="Category label for image file info.">
Image Info
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_MEDIA_ARTIST" desc="Label for media artist.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_MEDIA_MIME_TYPE" desc="Label for media mime type.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_MEDIA_TITLE" desc="Label for media title.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_MODIFICATION_TIME" desc="Label for file modification time.">
Modified Time
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_MODIFIED_BY" desc="Label for who modified the file.">
Modified By
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_PAGE_COUNT" desc="Label for pdf page count.">
Page Count
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_SOURCE" desc="Label for the device used to capture the image.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_TRACK" desc="Label for track number.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_VIDEO_INFO" desc="Category label for video file info.">
Video Info
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_YEAR_RECORDED" desc="Label for audio recorded year.">
Year Recorded
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CALCULATING_SIZE" desc="Message informing the user that total items size is being calculated.">
Calculating size
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OFFLINE_HEADER" desc="Message informing the user that the browser is offline.">
You are offline
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OFFLINE_MESSAGE" desc="Message informing the user how to make the selected file available offline.">
To save this file for offline use, get back online, right-click the file, and select the <ph name="OFFLINE_CHECKBOX_NAME">'$1'<ex>'Available offline'</ex></ph> option.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OFFLINE_MESSAGE_PLURAL" desc="Message informing the user how to make multiple selected files available offline.">
To save these files for offline use, get back online, right-click the files, and select the <ph name="OFFLINE_CHECKBOX_NAME">'$1'<ex>'Available offline'</ex></ph> option.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_QUICK_VIEW_NO_PLAYBACK_AVAILABLE" desc="Massage for user to notify no playback is available.">
No playback available
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_QUICK_VIEW_NO_PREVIEW_AVAILABLE" desc="Massage for user to notify no preview is available.">
No preview available
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_HOSTED_OFFLINE_MESSAGE" desc="Message informing the user that the selected file is only available online.">
You must be online to access this file.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_HOSTED_OFFLINE_MESSAGE_PLURAL" desc="Message informing the user that the selected files are only available online.">
You must be online to access these files.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFIRM_MOBILE_DATA_USE" desc="Message informing the user that opening the file from Google Drive will use mobile data.">
Fetching this file will use approximately <ph name="FILE_SIZE">$1<ex>44 MB</ex></ph> of mobile data.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFIRM_MOBILE_DATA_USE_PLURAL" desc="Message informing the user that opening several files from Google Drive will use mobile data.">
Fetching these files will use approximately <ph name="FILE_SIZE">$1<ex>44 MB</ex></ph> of mobile data.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DISABLED_MOBILE_SYNC_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="Notification message shown when the drive sync is needed on mobile network, but it is disabled.">
Google Drive sync is disabled by default, when using mobile data.
Enable syncing over mobile data
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OPEN_IN_OTHER_DESKTOP_MESSAGE" desc="Message of an alert dialog that is shown when a user opens a file in a desktop of another profile but the file is opened in the original desktop.">
This file opened on a different desktop. Move to <ph name="USER_NAME">$1<ex>John Doe</ex></ph> (<ph name="MAIL_ADDRESS">$2<ex></ex></ph>) to view it.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OPEN_IN_OTHER_DESKTOP_MESSAGE_PLURAL" desc="Prural verson of the message of an alert dialog that is shown when a user opens a file in a desktop of another profile but the file is opened in the original desktop.">
These files opened on a different desktop. Move to <ph name="USER_NAME">$1<ex>John Doe</ex></ph> (<ph name="MAIL_ADDRESS">$2<ex></ex></ph>) to view it.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MULTI_PROFILE_SHARE_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Title of a dialog to request drive share for files that come from other profiles during file transfering.">
This Drive file isn't shared yet
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MULTI_PROFILE_SHARE_DIALOG_TITLE_PLURAL" desc="Title of a dialog to request drive share for files that come from other profiles during file transfering.">
These Drive files aren't shared yet
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MULTI_PROFILE_SHARE_DIALOG_MESSAGE" desc="Message of a dialog to request drive share for files that come from other profiles during file transfering. Below the message, there are the e-mail address of the account to be shared with the file, and a drop down list to select a share type.">
Change how this file is shared
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MULTI_PROFILE_SHARE_DIALOG_MESSAGE_PLURAL" desc="Message of a dialog to request drive share for files that come from other profiles during file transfering. Below the message, there are the e-mail address of the account to be shared with the file, and a drop down list to select a share type.">
Change how these files are shared
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_SHARE_TYPE_CAN_EDIT" desc="Label text of 'Can edit' share type. Please use the same string with Google Drive.">
Can edit
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_SHARE_TYPE_CAN_COMMENT" desc="Label text of 'Can comment' share type. Please use the same string with Google Drive.">
Can comment
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_SHARE_TYPE_CAN_VIEW" desc="Label text of 'Can view' share type. Please use the same string with Google Drive.">
Can view
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_MOBILE_CONNECTION_OPTION" desc="Option that determines if we will allow Google Drive content sync over mobile connections.">
Do not use mobile data for sync
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_SHOW_HOSTED_FILES_OPTION" desc="Option that determines if we will show hosted Google Docs files in file browser.">
Show Google Docs files
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_MENU_HELP" desc="In the Google Drive settings menu, name of the Help item.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_BUY_MORE_SPACE" desc="Menu item, offering user to buy more space on Google Drive">
Buy more storage...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_VISIT_DRIVE_GOOGLE_COM" desc="Menu item, redirecting user to">
Go to
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_SPACE_AVAILABLE_LONG" desc="Text showing space left on Google Drive">
Google Drive space left: <ph name="SPACE_AVAILABLE">$1<ex>400 MB</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_BUY_MORE_SPACE_LINK" desc="Text on the link, offering user to buy more space on Google Drive">
Buy more storage
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_OUT_OF_SPACE_HEADER" desc="Message informing the user that there is not enough space to make the selected file(s) available offline.">
You have run out of space
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_CANNOT_REACH" desc="Message informing the user that Google Drive can not be reached at this moment.">
Google Drive cannot be reached at this time.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_LEARN_MORE" desc="In the Loading Google Drive page and in the Welcome to Google Drive banner, a text on the Learn More link.">
Learn more
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_OUT_OF_SPACE_MESSAGE" desc="Message informing the user how to make more space available to save the selected file offline.">
To save "<ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>document.pdf</ex></ph>" offline you must free up an additional <ph name="TOTAL_FILE_SIZE">$2<ex>3.3 MB</ex></ph> of space:<ph name="MARKUP_1">&lt;br&gt;<ex>&lt;br&gt;</ex></ph>
<ph name="MARKUP_2">&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;<ex>&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;</ex></ph>unpin files that you no longer need to access offline<ph name="MARKUP_3">&lt;/li&gt;<ex>>&lt;/li&gt;</ex></ph>
<ph name="MARKUP_4">&lt;li&gt;<ex>&lt;li&gt;</ex></ph>delete files from your Downloads folder<ph name="MARKUP_5">&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;<ex>&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_NOT_REACHED" desc="Message informing that Drive is unreachable and encuraging user to log out from the device and log back in.">
Google Drive could not be reached. Please <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a href="javascript://"&gt;<ex>&lt;a href="javascript://"&gt;</ex></ph>log out<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph> and log back in.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_WELCOME_TITLE" desc="In the Welcome to Google Drive banner, title of banner.">
Welcome to Google Drive!
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_WELCOME_TITLE_ALTERNATIVE" desc="In the Welcome to Google Drive banner, title of the alternative banner offering 100GB free storage.">
Get 100 GB free with Google Drive
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_WELCOME_TITLE_ALTERNATIVE_1TB" desc="In the Welcome to Google Drive banner, title of the alternative banner offering 1TB free storage.">
Get 1 TB free with Google Drive
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_WELCOME_TEXT_SHORT" desc="In the Welcome to Google Drive banner, text of the welcome message, short version.">
All files saved in this folder are backed up online automatically
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_WELCOME_TEXT_LONG" desc="In the Welcome to Google Drive banner, text of the welcome message, long version.">
<ph name="MARKUP_1">&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;<ex>&lt;strong&gt;</ex></ph>Access files from everywhere, even offline.<ph name="MARKUP_2">&lt;/strong&gt;<ex>&lt;/strong&gt;</ex></ph>
Files in Google Drive are up to date and available from any device.<ph name="MARKUP_3">&lt;/p&gt;<ex>&lt;/p&gt;</ex></ph>
<ph name="MARKUP_4">&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;<ex>&lt;strong&gt;</ex></ph>Keep your files safe.<ph name="MARKUP_5">&lt;/strong&gt;<ex>&lt;/strong&gt;</ex></ph>
No matter what happens to your device, your files are safely stored in Google Drive.<ph name="MARKUP_6">&lt;/p&gt;<ex>&lt;/p&gt;</ex></ph>
<ph name="MARKUP_7">&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;<ex>&lt;strong&gt;</ex></ph>Share, create and collaborate<ph name="MARKUP_8">&lt;/strong&gt;<ex>&lt;/strong&gt;</ex></ph>
on files with others all in one place.<ph name="MARKUP_9">&lt;/p&gt;<ex>&lt;/p&gt;</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_WELCOME_CHECK_ELIGIBILITY" desc="In the Welcome to Google Drive banner, a text on the button to check promo eligibility.">
Check eligibility
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_WELCOME_DISMISS" desc="In the Welcome to Google Drive banner, a text on the button to dismiss the banner.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_NO_TASK_FOR_FILE" desc="Message shown when user tries to open file, which we can't handle.">
This file type is not supported. Please visit the <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a target='_blank' href='$1'&gt;<ex>&lt;a target='_blank' href='$1'&gt;</ex></ph>Chrome Web Store<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph> to find an app that can open this type of file.
<ph name="BEGIN_LINK_HELP">&lt;a target='_blank' href='$2'&gt;<ex>&lt;a target='_blank' href='$2'&gt;</ex></ph>Learn More<ph name="END_LINK_HELP">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_NO_TASK_FOR_EXECUTABLE" desc="Message shown when user tries to open a windows executable file, which we can't handle.">
This file is designed for a PC using Windows software. This is not compatible with your device which runs Chrome OS. Please search the <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a target='_blank' href='$1'&gt;<ex>&lt;a target='_blank' href='$1'&gt;</ex></ph>Chrome Web Store<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph> for a suitable replacement app.<ph name="BEGIN_LINK_HELP">&lt;a target='_blank' href='$2'&gt;<ex>&lt;a target='_blank' href='$2'&gt;</ex></ph>Learn More<ph name="END_LINK_HELP">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_NO_TASK_FOR_DMG" desc="Message shown when user tries to open a windows executable file, which we can't handle.">
This file is designed for a computer using Macintosh software. This is not compatible with your device which runs Chrome OS. Please search the <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a target='_blank' href='$1'&gt;<ex>&lt;a target='_blank' href='$1'&gt;</ex></ph>Chrome Web Store<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph> for a suitable replacement app.<ph name="BEGIN_LINK_HELP">&lt;a target='_blank' href='$2'&gt;<ex>&lt;a target='_blank' href='$2'&gt;</ex></ph>Learn More<ph name="END_LINK_HELP">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_NO_TASK_FOR_CRX_TITLE" desc="Message shown when a user tries to open a *.crx file, which we don't handle in the Files app.">
Wait just a sec
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_NO_TASK_FOR_CRX" desc="Message shown when a user tries to open a *.crx file, which we don't handle in the Files app.">
We're constantly looking for ways to make your browsing safer. Previously, any website could prompt you to add an extension into your browser. In the latest versions of Google Chrome, you must explicitly tell Chrome that you want to install these extensions by adding them through the Extensions page. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a target='_blank' href=';rd=1'&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FOLDER" desc="Folder entry type">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GENERIC_FILE_TYPE" desc="An entry type for a file with an extension that the File Manager does not recognize.">
<ph name="FILE_TYPE">$1<ex>ABC</ex></ph> file
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_NO_EXTENSION_FILE_TYPE" desc="An entry type for a file without an extension">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_IMAGE_FILE_TYPE" desc="Image file type">
$1 image
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_VIDEO_FILE_TYPE" desc="Video file type">
$1 video
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_AUDIO_FILE_TYPE" desc="Audio file type">
$1 audio
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_HTML_DOCUMENT_FILE_TYPE" desc="HTML document file type">
HTML document
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ZIP_ARCHIVE_FILE_TYPE" desc="Zip archive file type">
Zip archive
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RAR_ARCHIVE_FILE_TYPE" desc="RAR archive file type">
RAR archive
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TAR_ARCHIVE_FILE_TYPE" desc="Tar archive file type">
Tar archive
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TAR_BZIP2_ARCHIVE_FILE_TYPE" desc="Bzip2 compressed tar archive file type">
Bzip2 compressed tar archive
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TAR_GZIP_ARCHIVE_FILE_TYPE" desc="Gzip compressed tar archive file type">
Gzip compressed tar archive
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_PLAIN_TEXT_FILE_TYPE" desc="Plain text file type">
Plain text
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_PDF_DOCUMENT_FILE_TYPE" desc="PDF document file type">
PDF document
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_WORD_DOCUMENT_FILE_TYPE" desc="Word document file type">
Word document
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_POWERPOINT_PRESENTATION_FILE_TYPE" desc="PowerPoint presentation file type">
PowerPoint presentation
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_EXCEL_FILE_TYPE" desc="Excel spreadsheet file type">
Excel spreadsheet
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GDOC_DOCUMENT_FILE_TYPE" desc="Google document file type">
Google document
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GSHEET_DOCUMENT_FILE_TYPE" desc="Google spreadsheet file type">
Google spreadsheet
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GSLIDES_DOCUMENT_FILE_TYPE" desc="Google presentation file type">
Google presentation
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GDRAW_DOCUMENT_FILE_TYPE" desc="Google drawing file type">
Google drawing
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GTABLE_DOCUMENT_FILE_TYPE" desc="Google table file type">
Google table
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GFORM_DOCUMENT_FILE_TYPE" desc="Google form file type">
Google form
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GMAP_DOCUMENT_FILE_TYPE" desc="Google map file type">
Google map
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GSITE_DOCUMENT_FILE_TYPE" desc="Google site file type">
Google site
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GLINK_DOCUMENT_FILE_TYPE" desc="Google Drive link file type">
Google Drive link
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_VIEWING_FILE_TITLE" desc="Title of error message propmt when user attempts to open a non-supported file in file browser.">
<ph name="FILENAME">$1</ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_VIEWING_FILE" desc="Error message when user attempts to open a non-supported file in the Files app via Downloads panel.">
This file type is not supported. Please visit the Chrome Web Store to find an app that can open this type of file.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_VIEWING_FILE_FOR_DMG" desc="Error message when user attempts to open a dmg file in the Files app via Downloads panel.">
This file is designed for a computer using Macintosh software. This is not compatible with your device which runs Chrome OS. Please search the Chrome Web Store for a suitable replacement app.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_VIEWING_FILE_FOR_EXECUTABLE" desc="Error message when user attempts to open a exe file in the Files app via Downloads panel.">
This file is designed for a PC using Windows software. This is not compatible with your device which runs Chrome OS. Please search the Chrome Web Store for a suitable replacement app.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_UNRESOLVABLE_FILE" desc="Error message when the file attempted to open from Downloads panel was not found under paths managed by file manager.">
This file has wandered off somewhere. Please check your download location setting and try again.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_AUDIO_PLAYER_TITLE" desc="Title of the Audio Player window.">
Audio Player
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_AUDIO_PLAYER_DEFAULT_ARTIST" desc="In the Audio Player window, default artist name used when artist name is unknown.">
Unknown Artist
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_ERROR_GENERIC" desc="In the File Manager, the error message when the file operation failed.">
An error occurred.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND" desc="In the File Manager, the error message when the file could not be found.">
The file could not be found.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_ERROR_SECURITY" desc="In the File Manager, the error message when the file could not be accessed for security reasons.">
The file could not be accessed for security reasons.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_ERROR_NOT_READABLE" desc="In the File Manager, the error message when the file could not be read.">
The file could not be read.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_ERROR_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED" desc="In the File Manager, the error message when the file could not be modified.">
The file could not be modified.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE" desc="In the File Manager, the error message when the file is not usable.">
The file or the directory is not usable.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_ERROR_INVALID_MODIFICATION" desc="In the File Manager, the error message when the file could not be modified.">
The file could not be modified.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_ERROR_PATH_EXISTS" desc="In the File Manager, the error message when the a file or a directory with the same name already exists.">
A file or a directory with the same name already exists.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_ERROR_QUOTA_EXCEEDED" desc="In the File Manager, the error message when there is not enough space to complete the operation.">
There is not enough space.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_DRIVE_HTML" desc="In the File Manager, the item in the autocomplete suggestion item just under the search box, to continue searching in the list.">
'&lt;b&gt;<ph name="SEARCH_STRING">$1<ex>abc</ex></ph>&lt;/b&gt;' - &lt;em&gt;search Drive&lt;/em&gt;
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_NO_MATCHING_FILES_HTML" desc="In the File Manager, the message informing the user that the search did not match any files or directories.">
No items match &lt;b&gt;"<ph name="SEARCH_STRING">$1<ex>abc</ex></ph>"&lt;/b&gt;
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CHANGE_DEFAULT_MENU_ITEM" desc="In the File Manager, the text in the menu item to change the default action for a particular file type.">
Change default...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CHANGE_DEFAULT_CAPTION" desc="In the File Manager, the caption on the dialog box that chooses the default action for a particular file type.">
Choose the default app for <ph name="FILE_TYPE">$1<ex>PNG</ex></ph> files:
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DEFAULT_TASK_LABEL" desc="In the File Manager actions menu, the text next to the default action name.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_THUMBNAIL_VIEW_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip for the Thumbnail View button.">
Thumbnail view
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SORT_BUTTON_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip for the button which provides sort options in the Files app.">
Sort options
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GEAR_BUTTON_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip for the gear button in the Files app.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TIME_TODAY" desc="File date and time in case the date is today.">
Today <ph name="TODAY_DAYTIME">$1<ex>6:19 AM</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TIME_YESTERDAY" desc="File date and time in case the date is yesterday.">
Yesterday <ph name="YESTERDAY_DAYTIME">$1<ex>4:48 PM</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ALL_FILES_FILTER" desc="All Files filter for Open/Save dialog">
All files
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SPACE_AVAILABLE" desc="Menu item showing space left for storage.">
<ph name="SPACE_AVAILABLE">$1<ex>4.8 GB</ex></ph> available
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_WAITING_FOR_SPACE_INFO" desc="Menu item, saying that FileBrowser is waiting for space information for storage. When actual data arrives, this item will be replaced with IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SPACE_AVAILABLE">
Waiting for space info...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FAILED_SPACE_INFO" desc="Menu item, saying that FileBrowser is failed to retrieve space information.">
Failed to retrieve space info
<!-- Common for Audio player and Media player -->
<message name="IDS_MEDIA_PLAYER_PLAY_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for the Play button of media players (audio player / video player).">
<message name="IDS_MEDIA_PLAYER_PAUSE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for the Pause button of media player (audio player / video player).">
<message name="IDS_MEDIA_PLAYER_MUTE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for the Mute button of media player (audio player / video player).">
<message name="IDS_MEDIA_PLAYER_UNMUTE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for the Unmute button of media player (audio player / video player).">
<message name="IDS_MEDIA_PLAYER_PREVIOUS_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for the Previous button, which is used to select previous video in the video player, or select previous track in the audio player.">
<message name="IDS_MEDIA_PLAYER_NEXT_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for the Next button, which is used to select previous video in the video player, or select previous track in the audio player.">
<message name="IDS_MEDIA_PLAYER_SEEK_SLIDER_LABEL" desc="Label for the seek bar of media player.">
Seek slider
<message name="IDS_MEDIA_PLAYER_VOLUME_SLIDER_LABEL" desc="Label for the volume slider of media player.">
Volume slider
<!-- Audio Player -->
<message name="IDS_AUDIO_PLAYER_SHUFFLE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for the Shuffle button of audio player.">
<message name="IDS_AUDIO_PLAYER_REPEAT_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for the Repeat button of audio player">
<message name="IDS_AUDIO_PLAYER_OPEN_PLAY_LIST_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for a button which is used to open play list in audio player.">
Open play list
<!-- Video Player -->
<message name="IDS_VIDEO_PLAYER_PLAY_THIS_COMPUTER" desc="In the video player app, message of menu item which is shown at the top of the list of Chromecasts. This menuitem is to play the video on this computer (locally), intead of on TVs with Chromecast.">
This computer
<message name="IDS_VIDEO_PLAYER_PLAYING_ON" desc="In the video player app, message is shown ahead of the name of the current chromecast which plays the video now. For example, if this message is 'Playing on' and the Chromecast name is 'Foocast', 'Playing on Foocast' is shown.">
Playing on
<message name="IDS_VIDEO_PLAYER_PLAY_ON" desc="In the video player app, message is shown above the list of cast devices. The user will select one of them to play the current video on selected device.">
Play on
<message name="IDS_VIDEO_PLAYER_VIDEO_FILE_UNSUPPORTED" desc="In the video player app, message informing that the video could not be played.">
This file could not be played.
<message name="IDS_VIDEO_PLAYER_VIDEO_FILE_UNSUPPORTED_FOR_CAST" desc="Error message which is shown when the video which an user tried to play is not supported by the current cast device.">
Sorry, this video is not supported by your cast device.
<message name="IDS_VIDEO_PLAYER_PLAYBACK_ERROR" desc="In the video player app, message informing that an error occured while playing the movie.">
An error occurred. Click to restart from the beginning.
<message name="IDS_VIDEO_PLAYER_LOOPED_MODE" desc="In the video player app, message informing that the movie will be played in a loop.">
This video will keep playing until the cows come home.
<message name="IDS_VIDEO_PLAYER_FULL_SCREEN_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for a button which is used to enter full screen mode in video player.">
Full screen
<message name="IDS_VIDEO_PLAYER_EXIT_FULL_SCREEN_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for a button which is used to exit full screen mode in video player.">
Exit full screen
<message name="IDS_VIDEO_PLAYER_ENABLE_SUBTITLES_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for a button which is used to enable subtitles in video player.">
Enable subtitles
<message name="IDS_VIDEO_PLAYER_DISABLE_SUBTITLES_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for a button which is used to disable subtitles in video player.">
Disable subtitles
<!-- Imageburn Strings -->
<message name="IDS_CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES" desc="Notification for checking for update">
Checking for updates
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_VERIFYING" desc="Message that the system is verifying an update">
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_FINALIZING" desc="Message that the system is finalizing an update">
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_HEADER_TITLE" desc="Title that is displayed on image burning webpage ">
Create OS Recovery Media
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_HEADER_DESCRIPTION" desc="Text diplayed under image burning page title">
If you ever need to restore your computer's operating system you'll need a recovery SD card or USB memory stick.
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_HEADER_LINK" desc="Link to more info on system recovery">
Learn more about system recovery
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_NO_DEVICES_STATUS" desc="Message telling user to insert removable media image will be burnt to">
Insert an SD card or USB memory stick
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_NO_DEVICES_WARNING" desc="Warning that device must be at least 4GB big">
The device must have capacity of 4GB or greater.
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_MUL_DEVICES_STATUS" desc="Message telling user to select storage device to use for burning">
Select a removable storage device to use
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_USB_DEVICE_STATUS" desc="Message telling user that an USB memory stick has been detected">
USB memory stick detected
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_SD_DEVICE_STATUS" desc="Message telling user that a SD card has been detected">
SD card detected
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_DEVICES_WARNING" desc="Warning that data on selected device will be erased">
All files on <ph name="DEVICE_NAME">$1<ex>Kingston DataTraveler</ex></ph> will be erased.
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_NO_CONNECTION_STATUS" desc="Message telling user that the device is not connected to the Internet">
Internet not connected
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_NO_CONNECTION_WARNING" desc="Message instructing user to connect to the Internet">
Please connect to the Internet to proceed.
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_STATUS" desc="Message telling user that removable device has insufficient space">
Insufficient space
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_WARNING" desc="Message instructing user to insert device with enough capacity">
The storage device has a capacity of <ph name="DEVICE_CAPACITY">$1<ex>1MB</ex></ph>. Please insert a SD card or USB memory stick with at least 4GB of capacity.
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_DOWNLOADING_STATUS" desc="Message telling user that the image is being downloaded">
Downloading recovery image...
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS_TEXT" desc="Information on downloaded amount">
<ph name="DOWNLOADED_AMOUNT">$1<ex>40kB</ex></ph> of <ph name="TOTAL_SIZE">$2<ex>250kB</ex></ph> downloaded
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_DOWNLOAD_TIME_REMAINING" desc="Expected remaining time of the download">
Time remaining: <ph name="TIME_REMAINING">$1<ex>5s</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_UNZIP_STATUS" desc="Message telling user that the image is being extracted">
Extracting recovery image...
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_BURN_STATUS" desc="Message telling user that the image is being copied">
Copying recovery image...
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_BURN_PROGRESS_TEXT" desc="Information on burned amount">
<ph name="BURNT_AMOUNT">$1<ex>40kB</ex></ph> of <ph name="TOTAL_SIZE">$2<ex>250kB</ex></ph> copied
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_PROGRESS_TIME_UNKNOWN" desc="Message telling user that a tast could take few minutes">
This may take a few minutes
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_ERROR_STATUS" desc="Message telling user that an error occurred">
An error occurred
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_DOWNLOAD_ERROR" desc="Message telling user that an error occurred during download">
There was a problem during recovery image download.
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_EXTRACTING_ERROR" desc="Message telling user that downloaded zip could not be extracted">
There was a problem extracting image to the machine.
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_BURN_ERROR" desc="Message telling user that something went wrong while burning the image to the device">
There was a problem during copying recovery image to device.
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR" desc="Message telling user that targetd device could not be found">
There was a problem while creating OS recovery media. Used storage device could not be found.
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_USER_ERROR" desc="Message shown when user cancels burn process">
OS Recovery Media creation has been cancelled.
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_NETWORK_ERROR" desc="Message shown when we loose network connectivity during download">
There was a problem during recovery image download. Network connection has been lost.
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_SUCCESS_STATUS" desc="Message telling user that image burning was successful">
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_SUCCESS_DESC" desc="Message teling user that recovery media is ready to be used">
Your recovery media is ready. You may remove it from your system.
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_PAGE_TITLE" desc="Image-burn html page title">
Create a Recovery Media
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_CONFIRM_BUTTON" desc="Text on the button that starts burn process">
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_CANCEL_BUTTON" desc="Text on the button that cancels download">
<message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_RETRY_BUTTON" desc="Text on the button that triggers burn restart">
Try again
<!-- Chrome OS Strings -->
<message name="IDS_ECHO_CONSENT_DIALOG_TEXT" desc="Dialog text shown when user is asked to give consent to proceed with redeeming ECHO offer.">
<ph name="SERVICE_NAME">$1<ex>Google Drive</ex></ph> wants to check if your Chrome OS device is eligible for an offer. <ph name="MORE_INFO_LINK">$2<ex>More info</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_ECHO_DISABLED_CONSENT_DIALOG_TEXT" desc="Dialog text shown when user is informed that redeeming offers is disabled for the device.">
Your IT administrator has disabled Chrome Goodies for your device. <ph name="MORE_INFO_LINK">$1<ex>More info</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_ECHO_CONSENT_DISMISS_BUTTON" desc="Dismiss dialog button label for disabled echo dialog.">
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_OFFICE_EDITING_COMPONENT_APP_NAME" desc="Name for the flag for Office Editing for Docs, Sheets &amp; Slides component extension.">
Office Editing for Docs, Sheets &amp; Slides
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_OFFICE_EDITING_COMPONENT_APP_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for the flag for Office Editing for Docs, Sheets &amp; Slides component extension.">
Office Editing for Docs, Sheets &amp; Slides for testing purposes.
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_DISPLAY_COLOR_CALIBRATION_NAME" desc="Name for the flag for the color calibration of the display.">
Color calibration of the display
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_DISPLAY_COLOR_CALIBRATION_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for the flag for the color calibration of the display.">
Allow color calibration of the display if the display supports the feature.
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_MEMORY_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_NAME" desc="Name for the flag which specifies which memory pressure strategy should be used on ChromeOS.">
Memory discard strategy for advanced pressure handling
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_MEMORY_PRESSURE_THRESHOLD_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for the flag which specifies which memory pressure strategy should be used on ChromeOS.">
Memory discarding strategy to use
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_CONSERVATIVE_THRESHOLDS" desc="The value of the Memory pressure for ChromeOS which requests conservative thresholds.">
Conservative memory pressure release strategy
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_AGGRESSIVE_CACHE_DISCARD_THRESHOLDS" desc="The value of the Memory pressure thresholds for ChromeOS which use an aggressive cache release strategy.">
Aggressive cache release strategy
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_AGGRESSIVE_TAB_DISCARD_THRESHOLDS" desc="The value of the Memory pressure thresholds for ChromeOS which uses an aggressive tab release strategy.">
Aggressive tab release strategy
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_AGGRESSIVE_THRESHOLDS" desc="The value of the Memory pressure thresholds for ChromeOS which use an aggressive release strategy.">
Aggressive tab and cache release strategy
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_WAKE_ON_PACKETS_NAME" desc="Name for the flag to enable wake on packets.">
Wake On Packets
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_WAKE_ON_PACKETS_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for the flag to enable wake on packets.">
Enables waking the device based on the receipt of some network packets.
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_QUICK_UNLOCK_PIN" desc="Title of the flag used to enable quick unlock pin.">
Quick Unlock (PIN)
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_QUICK_UNLOCK_PIN_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description of the flag used to enable quick unlock pin.">
Enabling PIN quick unlock allows you to use a PIN to unlock your Chromebook on the lock screen after you have signed into your device.
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_QUICK_UNLOCK_FINGERPRINT" desc="Title of the flag used to enable quick unlock fingerprint.">
Quick Unlock (Fingerprint)
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_QUICK_UNLOCK_FINGERPRINT_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description of the flag used to enable quick unlock fingerprint.">
Enabling fingerprint quick unlock allows you to setup and use a fingerprint to unlock your Chromebook on the lock screen after you have signed into your device.
<message name="IDS_OFFERS_CONSENT_INFOBAR_LABEL_LEARN_MORE" desc="Text of the Learn More link in the echo dialog.">
Learn More
<message name="IDS_OFFERS_CONSENT_INFOBAR_ENABLE_BUTTON" desc="Enable button label.">
<message name="IDS_OFFERS_CONSENT_INFOBAR_DISABLE_BUTTON" desc="Disable button label.">
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_CONFIG_ERROR_INCORRECT_PASSWORD" desc="Error for network configuration: Incorrect password.">
Incorrect password
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_CONFIG_ERROR_NETWORK_TYPE_MISSING" desc="Error for network configuration: Network type missing.">
Network type missing
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_CONFIG_ERROR_NETWORK_PROP_DICT_MALFORMED" desc="Error for network configuration: Network property dictionary malformed.">
Network property dictionary malformed
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_ENROLLMENT_HANDLER_TITLE" desc="Title of the window for generating a new network certificate.">
Obtain network certificate
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_ENROLLMENT_HANDLER_INSTRUCTIONS" desc="Text in the window used for generating a new network certificate.">
The certificate required by network "<ph name="network_name">$1<ex>My Wireless</ex></ph>" is either not installed or is no longer valid. Please get a new certificate and try connecting again.
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_ENROLLMENT_HANDLER_BUTTON" desc="Text of the accept button for generating a new network certificate.">
Get new certificate
<message name="IDS_LOW_BATTERY_TITLE" desc="Title for low battery notification">
Battery Low
<message name="IDS_LOW_BATTERY_MESSAGE" desc="Message for low battery notification">
Less than <ph name="MINUTES">$1<ex>15 mins left</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_TITLE" desc="Title for update notification">
System Update
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_ERROR" desc="Notification for failed update">
System update failed.
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_AVAILABLE" desc="Notification for available update">
System update available. Preparing to download&#x2026;
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_COMPLETED" desc="Notification for update completed">
System update complete. Please restart the system.
<message name="IDS_INSTALLING_UPDATE_DESC" desc="Additional info shown on the updates installation screen during OOBE">
Your computer will restart when the update is complete.
<message name="IDS_DOWNLOADING" desc="The format for ETA during the update downloading stage">
Downloading: <ph name="STATUS">$1<ex>Less than 1 minute left</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_DOWNLOADING_TIME_LEFT_LONG" desc="The status text for downloading estimated time left, when estimated time is more than one hour">
More than 1 hour left
<message name="IDS_DOWNLOADING_TIME_LEFT_STATUS_ONE_HOUR" desc="The status text for downloading estimated time when about one hour remaining.">
About 1 hour left
<message name="IDS_DOWNLOADING_TIME_LEFT_STATUS_MINUTES" desc="The status text for downloading estimated time left in minutes. In the localized version instead of |minutes| some abbreviation like |mins| should be used.">
About <ph name="TIME">$1<ex>2</ex></ph> minutes left
<message name="IDS_DOWNLOADING_TIME_LEFT_SMALL" desc="The status text for downloading estimated time left, when estimated time is less than one minute">
Less than 1 minute left
<message name="IDS_DRIVE_OFFLINE_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="Message shown in notification when Google Drive offline mode is automatically enabled.">
Your Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Drawings files are being synced. Open the Google Drive app to access them online or offline.
<message name="IDS_DRIVE_OFFLINE_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON" desc="Label on button in notification when Google Drive offline mode is automatically enabled.">
Learn More
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_CANCEL" desc="Message telling to press Escape to cancel update on a non-official build">
Press ESCAPE to skip (Non-official builds only).
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_CANCELLED" desc="Message shown when the update has been cancelled by user">
Cancelling update...
<message name="IDS_REMORA_CONFIRM_MESSAGE" desc="Remora confirm message on the first OOBE screen">
Chromebox for Meetings device is ready to be set up.
<message name="IDS_WELCOME_SCREEN_GREETING" desc="Greeting message on the OOBE welcome screen">
<message name="IDS_WELCOME_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="Title of the OOBE welcome screen">
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_SCREEN_ACCESSIBLE_TITLE" desc="Text to be spoken on opening the OOBE network screen">
Welcome! Set your language and network
<message name="IDS_EULA_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="Title of the OOBE EULA screen">
The small print
<message name="IDS_PROXY_SETTINGS_MENU_NAME" desc="OOBE 'Available Networks' list menu entry that opens proxy settings dialog">
Proxy settings
<message name="IDS_ADD_WI_FI_NETWORK_MENU_NAME" desc="OOBE 'Available Networks' list menu entry that opens 'Add New WiFi Network' dialog">
Add other WiFi network
<message name="IDS_ADD_MOBILE_NETWORK_MENU_NAME" desc="OOBE 'Available Networks' list menu entry that opens 'Add New Mobile Network' dialog">
Add other mobile network
<message name="IDS_AUTOSTART_WARNING_TITLE" desc="Title of the kiosk autostart screen">
Auto-launch permission requested
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_AUTOSTART_SCREEN_WARNING_MSG" desc="Warning text shown on kiosk autolaunch screen above the exclamation icon.">
Do you want to automatically start this app when the machine turns on?
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_AUTOSTART_CONFIRM" desc="Confirm button text">
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_ENABLE_SCREEN_WARNING" desc="Title of the kiosk enable screen">
Automatic Kiosk Mode
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_ENABLE_SCREEN_WARNING_DETAILS" desc="Warning text shown on kiosk auto-launch enable screen above the exclamation icon.">
Enabling this setting allows kiosk applications to launch automatically on startup.
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_ENABLE_SCREEN_SUCCESS" desc="Confirmation text shown on kiosk auto-launch enable screen after the feature is successfully enabled.">
Kiosk applications can now be configured to auto-launch on this device.
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_ENABLE_SCREEN_ERROR" desc="Error text shown on kiosk enable screen after we failed enabling this feature.">
An error occurred. Kiosk application will not be able to auto-launch on this device.
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_ENABLE_SCREEN_ENABLE_BUTTON" desc="Enable button text">
<message name="IDS_EXCLAMATION_ICON_TITLE" desc="Accessible title of the reset screen icon depicting exclamation mark.">
Exclamation mark icon
<message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="Title of the reset screen">
Factory reset
<message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_ICON_TITLE" desc="Accessible title of the reset screen icon depicting exclamation mark.">
Exclamation mark icon
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="Title of the OOBE update screen">
<message name="IDS_UPDATING_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="Title of the OOBE screen displayed while system update is being dowloaded.">
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_SCREEN_ACCESSIBLE_TITLE" desc="Title to be spoken on opening the OOBE update screen">
Chrome updates automatically so you always have the freshest version
<message name="IDS_SIGNIN_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="Title of OOBE/Add User sign-in screen">
Sign in
<message name="IDS_SIGNIN_SCREEN_TITLE_TAB_PROMPT" desc="Title of OOBE/Add User sign-in screen with TAB prompt when ChromeVox is active">
Sign in, press the tab key to interact with input elements
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_GAIA_LOADING_MESSAGE" desc="Message on the OOBE gaia loading screen">
Please wait...
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_WORKING_MESSAGE" desc="Message to show while enrollment is in progress">
Please wait...
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_SELECTION_TITLE" desc="Welcome title shown on network selection screen">
Let's get started
<message name="IDS_OOBE_LANGUAGE_SELECTION_MSG" desc="Chrome OS OOBE: label for language selection dropdown">
What is your language?
<message name="IDS_OOBE_ASSET_ID_LABEL" desc="Chrome OS OOBE: label for asset identifier.">
Asset ID: <ph name="ASSET_ID">$1<ex>None specified</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_SELECTION_SELECT" desc="Label for network selection dropdown">
Select a network:
<message name="IDS_ANOTHER_NETWORK_SELECTION_SELECT" desc="Label for network selection dropdown on the network error screen.">
Or, select a new network:
<message name="IDS_LANGUAGE_SELECTION_SELECT" desc="Label for language selection dropdown">
Select your language:
<message name="IDS_LANGUAGES_MEDIUM_LEN_NAME_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED" desc="Medium length name for the input method for simplified Chinese which is shown following the text: Your input method has changed to...">
Simplified Chinese
<message name="IDS_LANGUAGES_MEDIUM_LEN_NAME_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL" desc="Medium length name for the input method for traditional Chinese which is show following the text: Your input method has changed to...">
Traditional Chinese
<message name="IDS_LANGUAGES_MEDIUM_LEN_NAME_KOREAN" desc="Medium length name for the input method for Korean which is show following the text: Your input method has changed to...">
<message name="IDS_LANGUAGES_MEDIUM_LEN_NAME_BRAILLE" desc="Medium length name for the input method for the hardware keyboard on a braille display. Shown after the text: Your input method has changed to...">
<message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_SELECTION_SELECT" desc="Label for keyboard selection dropdown">
Select your keyboard:
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_INVITATION_TEXT" desc="Text shown on top of HID detection screen inviting user to connect an input device.">
Searching for Bluetooth and USB devices...
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_PRECONDITION_TEXT" desc="Text shown on HID detection screen beneath invitation.">
Please connect a mouse or a keyboard. If you are using a Bluetooth device, make sure it is ready to pair.
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_SEARCHING_MOUSE" desc="Text shown on HID detection screen next to mouse icon while device searching.">
Searching for mouse...
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_SEARCHING_KEYBOARD" desc="Text shown on HID detection screen next to keyboard icon while device searching.">
Searching for keyboard...
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_CONNECTED_USB_MOUSE" desc="Text shown on HID detection screen next to mouse icon after USB mouse is connected.">
USB mouse connected
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_CONNECTED_POINTING_DEVICE" desc="Text shown on HID detection screen next to mouse icon after other pointing device is connected.">
Pointing device connected
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_CONNECTED_USB_KEYBOARD" desc="Text shown on HID detection screen next to keyboard icon after USB keyboard is connected.">
USB keyboard connected
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_PAIRED_BLUETOOTH_MOUSE" desc="Text shown on HID detection screen next to mouse icon after Bluetooth mouse is connected.">
Bluetooth mouse paired
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_PAIRED_BLUETOOTH_KEYBOARD" desc="Text shown on HID detection screen next to keyboard icon after Bluetooth keyboard is connected.">
"<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">$1<ex>Bluetooth Keyboard</ex></ph>" paired
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_BLUETOOTH_REMOTE_PIN_CODE_REQUEST" desc="Bluetooth pairing message displayed on HID detection screen when pairing a Bluetooth keyboard.">
Type this code on "<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">$1<ex>Nexus S</ex></ph>" to pair:
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_DEFAULT_KEYBOARD_NAME" desc="Default keyboard name used at HID-detection labels and messages at HID-detection OOBE screen.">
Unknown keyboard
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_BLUETOOTH_ENTER_KEY" meaning="Label on the button representing Enter key at the HID detection screen.">
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_CONTINUE_BUTTON" desc="Text shown on continue button" meaning="Continue button label of HID detection screen.">
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_SELECTION_NONE" desc="Text shown in combobox when no network are selected">
No selection
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_SELECTION_NONE_SELECTED" desc="Chrome OS Out-Of-Box: Text shown in network selection combobox when no network is selected">
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_SELECTION_CONNECTING" desc="Text shown when known device is connecting to known network">
Connecting to <ph name="NETWORK_ID">$1<ex>Public Wifi</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_SELECTION_CONTINUE_BUTTON" desc="Text shown on continue button" meaning="Continue button label of network screen.">
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_ENABLE_DEV_FEATURES_LINK" desc="Text shown on continue button" meaning="Link shown on OOBE screens that opens enable debugging features dialog">
Enable debugging features
<message name="IDS_LANGUAGE_DROPDOWN_TITLE" desc="Title of language selection dropdown menu" meaning="Small title near language dropdown menu suggesting that this is a language selector.">
<message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_DROPDOWN_TITLE" desc="Title of keyboard selection dropdown menu" meaning="Small title near keyboard dropdown menu suggesting that this is a keyboard layout selector.">
<message name="IDS_OOBE_WELCOME_NEXT_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Text on 'Start to use Chrome OS' button" meaning="This is the text label displayed on the 'Next' button for the first Chrome OS initial device setup screen ('Welcome screen').">
Let's go
<message name="IDS_OOBE_OK_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Text on 'OK' button" meaning="This is 'OK' text for all 'OK' buttons on Chrome OS initial device setup screens.">
<message name="IDS_LANGUAGE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Navigation label attached to the 'Select Language' button on Chrome OS initial device setup screen" meaning="The button itself displays only current language name. But for accessibility mode we need full description of this button. So this label suggests that pressing on a button will allow to change current language and input method. And it should also include the name of currently selected language.">
Select language and keyboard button. Currently selected language is <ph name="LANGUAGE">$1<ex>English (United States)</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_LANGUAGE_SECTION_TITLE" desc="Title of language selection screen" meaning="A title of the dialog where user should select Chrome OS UI language and default keyboard layout during initial device setup.">
Choose your language &amp; keyboard
<message name="IDS_ACCESSIBILITY_SECTION_TITLE" desc="Title of accessibility options screen" meaning="A title of the dialog where user can control Chrome OS UI accessibility (like large cursor or screen reader) options during initial device setup.">
Accessibility settings
<message name="IDS_ACCESSIBILITY_SECTION_HINT" desc="Under-title line on the accessibility options screen" meaning="A hint to the user what these settings do and how to update them later.">
You can customize this device to fit your needs. These accessibility features can be changed later in Settings.
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_SECTION_TITLE" desc="Title of network selection screen" meaning="A title of the dialog where user should select network to connect to Internet">
Connect to network
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_SECTION_HINT" desc="Under-title line on the network selection screen" meaning="A hint to the user why device should be connected to the network">
To restore your data, you need an Internet connection.
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_SELECTION_ERROR" desc="Error shown when connection to network failed or timed out.">
<ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome OS</ex></ph> was unable to connect to <ph name="NETWORK_ID">$2<ex>Public Wifi</ex></ph>. Please select another network or try again.
<message name="IDS_OOBE_ACCESSIBILITY_LINK" desc="Link shown on OOBE screens that opens accessibility options menu.">
<message name="IDS_OOBE_SPOKEN_FEEDBACK_OPTION" desc="Spoken feedback option shown on OOBE screens accessibility menu.">
ChromeVox (spoken feedback)
<message name="IDS_SPOKEN_FEEDBACK_OPTION_OFF" desc="A value for Spoken Feedback accessibility option when it is off.">
<message name="IDS_SPOKEN_FEEDBACK_OPTION_ON" desc="A value for Spoken Feedback accessibility option when it is on.">
<message name="IDS_OOBE_LARGE_CURSOR_OPTION" desc="Large mouse cursor option shown on OOBE screens accessibility menu.">
Large mouse cursor
<message name="IDS_LARGE_CURSOR_OPTION_OFF" desc="A value for Large Mouse Cursor accessibility option when it is off.">
<message name="IDS_LARGE_CURSOR_OPTION_ON" desc="A value for Large Mouse Cursor accessibility option when it is on.">
<message name="IDS_OOBE_HIGH_CONTRAST_MODE_OPTION" desc="High contrast mode option shown on OOBE screens accessibility menu.">
High contrast mode
<message name="IDS_HIGH_CONTRAST_OPTION_OFF" desc="A value for High Contrast Mode accessibility option when it is off.">
<message name="IDS_HIGH_CONTRAST_OPTION_ON" desc="A value for High Contrast Mode accessibility option when it is on.">
<message name="IDS_OOBE_SCREEN_MAGNIFIER_OPTION" desc="Screen magnifier option shown on OOBE screens accessibility menu.">
Screen magnifier
<message name="IDS_SCREEN_MAGNIFIER_OPTION_OFF" desc="A value for Screen Magnifier Option accessibility option when it is off.">
<message name="IDS_SCREEN_MAGNIFIER_OPTION_ON" desc="A value for Screen Magnifier Option accessibility option when it is on.">
<message name="IDS_OOBE_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_OPTION" desc="Virtual keyboard option shown on the OOBE screens accessibility menu.">
On-screen keyboard
<message name="IDS_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_OPTION_OFF" desc="A value for Virtual Keyboard accessibility option when it is off.">
<message name="IDS_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_OPTION_ON" desc="A value for Virtual Keyboard accessibility option when it is on.">
<message name="IDS_OOBE_CLOSE_ACCESSIBILITY_MENU" desc="Text to be spoken when focus is set to the close button of accessibility options menu.">
Close accessibility menu
<message name="IDS_LANGUAGE_DROPDOWN_LABEL" desc="Navigation label attached to the 'List of languages' dropdown menu on Chrome OS Language and keyboard initial device setup screen" meaning="The menu itself displays only current language name. But for accessibility mode we need full description of this menu. So this label suggests that activating a menu will allow to change current language.">
Select language
<message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_DROPDOWN_LABEL" desc="Navigation label attached to the 'List of keyboards' dropdown menu on Chrome OS Language and keyboard initial device setup screen" meaning="The menu itself displays only current keyboard layout name. But for accessibility mode we need full description of this menu. So this label suggests that activating a menu will allow to change current input method.">
Select keyboard
<message name="IDS_OOBE_OTHER_LANGUAGES" desc="Option group name dividing vendor-configured languages from other available languages in out-of-box 'Select language' select control.">
Other languages
<message name="IDS_OOBE_OTHER_KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS" desc="Option group name dividing vendor-configured keyboard layouts from other available layouts in out-of-box 'Select your keyboard' select control.">
Other keyboards
<message name="IDS_TIMEZONE_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Label on a button that opens timezone selection screen" meaning="Label on a button that opens timezone selection screen during initial device configuration">
<message name="IDS_TIMEZONE_SECTION_TITLE" desc="Title of timezone selection screen" meaning="A title of the dialog where user should select device timezone during initial device configuration">
Select timezone
<message name="IDS_TIMEZONE_DROPDOWN_TITLE" desc="Title of timezone selection dropdown menu" meaning="Small title near timezone dropdown menu suggesting that this is a timezone selector.">
<message name="IDS_TIMEZONE_DROPDOWN_LABEL" desc="Navigation label attached to the 'List of timezones' dropdown menu on Chrome OS Timezone initial device setup screen" meaning="The menu itself displays only current timezone name. But for accessibility mode we need full description of this menu. So this label suggests that activating a menu will allow to change current timezone.">
Select timezone
<message name="IDS_OOBE_EULA_SECTION_TITLE" desc="Title of Terms of Service screen">
Google Chrome OS terms
<message name="IDS_OOBE_EULA_IFRAME_LABEL" desc="Accessibility label on an iframe with full Chrome OS Terms text">
Google Chrome OS Terms contents
<message name="IDS_OOBE_EULA_ACCEPT_AND_CONTINUE_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Label on a button on the Title of Terms of Service OOBE screen to accept EULA and continue.">
Accept and continue
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_TITLE" desc="Title of sign-in box">
Sign in
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_TITLE_HINT" desc="Hint under title 'Sign in to Chrome OS'">
with your Google Account
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_USERNAME">
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD">
<message name="IDS_DISABLED_ADD_USER_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip over disabled Add user button">
The owner of this device has disabled new users from being added
<message name="IDS_DISABLED_ADD_USER_TOOLTIP_ENTERPRISE" desc="Tooltip over disabled Add user button">
The administrator of this device has disabled new users from being added
<message name="IDS_APP_START_NETWORK_WAIT_MESSAGE" desc="Message displayed while installing and/or launching web application in kiosk mode.">
Waiting for network connection...
<message name="IDS_APP_START_APP_WAIT_MESSAGE" desc="Message displayed while installing and/or launching web application in kiosk mode.">
Initializing application...
<message name="IDS_APP_START_WAIT_FOR_APP_WINDOW_MESSAGE" desc="Message displayed while waiting for the application to create its window in kiosk mode.">
Waiting for application window...
<message name="IDS_APP_START_CONFIGURE_NETWORK" desc="Text displayed for configure network button while installing and/or launching web application in kiosk mode.">
Configure network
<message name="IDS_APP_START_NETWORK_WAIT_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE" desc="Message displayed while the network wait is timed out during app launching.">
Internet disconnected. Please check your internet connection.
<message name="IDS_APP_START_SHOWING_NETWORK_CONFIGURE_UI_MESSAGE" desc="Message displayed while waiting for the requested network configure UI to show up in kiosk mode.">
Network configure UI requested, please wait...
<message name="IDS_APP_START_BAILOUT_SHORTCUT_FORMAT" desc="Message displayed at the bottom of app launch splash screen to show user the shortcut key to bailout the launch.">
Press Ctrl + Alt + S to switch to <ph name="IDS_SHORT_PRODUCT_OS_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome OS</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_CHANGE_PHOTO">
Change picture
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_DIALOG_BOX_TITLE" desc="Title for the password changed dialog box">
Sign in
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_OLD_PASSWORD_HINT" desc="Old password field hint on the password changed dialog.">
Enter old password
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_INCORRECT_OLD_PASSWORD" desc="Error that is shown when incorrect old password was supplied for user cryptohome migration.">
Incorrect password
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_PROCEED_ANYWAY_BUTTON" desc="Button to proceed without providing old password on the password changed dialog.">
Proceed anyway
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_RESET" desc="Reset option of the password changed dialog">
Only retrieve synced settings and data
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_MIGRATE" desc="Migrate option of the password changed dialog">
Migrate all Chrome OS data to the new password
(requires previous password)
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_TITLE" desc="Title for the password changed dialog box">
To unlock and restore your local data, please enter your old <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> password.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_FORGOT_PASSWORD" desc="Text of the link that lets user skip old password input on the password changed dialog in the GAIA flow">
Forgot your old password?
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_PROCEED_ANYWAY" desc="Button to proceed without providing old password on the password changed dialog in the GAIA flow">
You may proceed, but only your synced data and settings will be restored. All local data will be lost.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_TRY_AGAIN" desc="Label for the retry button on the proceed anyway step in the the GAIA password changed flow">
Try again
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PREVIOUS_PASSWORD" desc="Password field text on the password changed dialog">
Previous password
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_UNRECOVERABLE_CRYPTOHOME_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Title for the fatal cryptohome error dialog box">
Can't sign in
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_UNRECOVERABLE_CRYPTOHOME_ERROR_MESSAGE" desc="Message for the fatal cryptohome error dialog box">
We're sorry. We can't access your profile. Files and data stored on this device may have been lost.<ph name="BR">&lt;br&gt;</ph>
<ph name="BR">&lt;br&gt;</ph>
You'll have to set up your profile again.<ph name="BR">&lt;br&gt;</ph>
<ph name="BR">&lt;br&gt;</ph>
On the next screen, please send feedback to help us fix the issue.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_UNRECOVERABLE_CRYPTOHOME_ERROR_CONTINUE" desc="Label of the button to continue with re-creating cryptohome for the fatal cryptohome error dialog box">
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_UNRECOVERABLE_CRYPTOHOME_ERROR_WAIT_MESSAGE" desc="Message to show when the fatal cryptohome error dialog box is waiting for user profile re-creation to be closed.">
Re-creating profile, please wait...
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_SAML_NOTICE" desc="Text message displayed above SAML portal to early indicate that the user is being redirected to another sign-in provider. This is the version of the string used in the GAIA flow.">
This sign-in service is hosted by <ph name="SAML_DOMAIN">$1<ex></ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_SAML_NOTICE_WITH_VIDEO" desc="Text message displayed above SAML portal to early indicate that the user is being redirected to another sign-in provider which has requested video media access.">
This sign-in service, hosted by <ph name="SAML_DOMAIN">$1<ex></ex></ph>, is accessing your camera.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_CONFIRM_PASSWORD_TITLE" desc="Title for the confirm password dialog.">
Please re-enter your password to update your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> profile.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_MANUAL_PASSWORD_TITLE" desc="Title for the manual password setting dialog.">
Please create a password to protect your local data.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_MANUAL_PASSWORD_INPUT_LABEL" desc="Label for the password input when setting the password manually.">
Enter your password
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_MANUAL_PASSWORD_MISMATCH" desc="Error shown when passwords don't match when setting the password manually.">
Passwords don't match
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_CONFIRM_PASSWORD_LABEL" desc="Label for the password field on the confirm password dialog.">
Confirm your password
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_CONFIRM_PASSWORD_INCORRECT_PASSWORD" desc="Error that is shown when incorrect password was supplied.">
Incorrect password
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_ACCOUNT_SETUP_CANCEL_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Text to show in confirmation cancel dialog.">
Cancel account setup?
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_ACCOUNT_SETUP_CANCEL_DIALOG_NO" desc="Text to show on button to decline cancelation.">
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_ACCOUNT_SETUP_CANCEL_DIALOG_YES" desc="Text to show on button to accept cancelation.">
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_DEVICE_MANAGED_BY_NOTICE" desc="Text for notifications showing that this is managed device.">
Managed by <ph name="DOMAIN">$1<ex></ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_FATAL_ERROR_NO_ACCOUNT_DETAILS" desc="Message to show when the authentication could not be completed because the user's account details could not be retrieved.">
Sign-in failed because your account details could not be retrieved. Please contact your administrator or try again.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_FATAL_ERROR_NO_PASSWORD" desc="Message to show when the authentication could not be completed because the user's password could not be retrieved.">
failed. Please contact your administrator or try again.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_FATAL_ERROR_PASSWORD_VERIFICATION" desc="Message to show when the authentication could not be completed because two attempts to verify the user's password failed.">
Sign-in failed because your password could not be verified. Please contact your administrator or try again.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_FATAL_ERROR_TEXT_INSECURE_URL" desc="Message to show when the authentication could not be completed because a redirect to an insecure URL was detected and blocked.">
Sign-in failed because it was configured to use a non-secure URL (<ph name="BLOCKED_URL">$1<ex></ex></ph>). Please contact your administrator.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_FATAL_ERROR_TRY_AGAIN_BUTTON" desc="Label for a button which starts sign-in from the beginning after fatal error.">
Try again
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_SAML_INTERSTITIAL_MESSAGE" desc="Message to show on the SAML interstitial page to tell the user to continue signing in using their enterprise account.">
This device is managed by <ph name="BEGIN_BOLD">&lt;strong&gt;</ph><ph name="DOMAIN">$1<ex></ex></ph><ph name="END_BOLD">&lt;/strong&gt;</ph>.
<ph name="LINE_BREAK">&lt;br/&gt;</ph>
Please click "Next" to continue signing in to your <ph name="BEGIN_BOLD">&lt;strong&gt;</ph><ph name="DOMAIN">$1<ex></ex></ph><ph name="END_BOLD">&lt;/strong&gt;</ph> account.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_SAML_INTERSTITIAL_CHANGE_ACCOUNT_LINK_TEXT" desc="Text of the link that allows the user to change the login account.">
Sign in with a different account
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_SAML_INTERSTITIAL_NEXT_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Text shown on the Next button.">
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_WELCOME_MESSAGE" desc="Message shown at the header of the login screens.">
Sign in to your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_OFFLINE_LOGIN_EMAIL" desc="Email field text on the offline login screen. Note: should be the same as the one used on the Gaia sign-in page.">
Enter your email
<message name="IDS_OFFLINE_LOGIN_PASSWORD" desc="Password field text on the offline login screen. Note: should be the same as the one used on the Gaia sign-in page.">
Enter your password
<message name="IDS_OFFLINE_LOGIN_INVALID_EMAIL" desc="Alert message about invalid email on the offline login screen. Note: should be the same as the one used on the Gaia sign-in page.">
Please enter a valid email address
<message name="IDS_OFFLINE_LOGIN_INVALID_PASSWORD" desc="Alert message about mismatching email and password on the device">
The email and password you entered don't match
<message name="IDS_OFFLINE_LOGIN_NEXT_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Text shown on next button during offline signin flow dialog. Note: should be the same as the one used on the Gaia sign-in page.">
<message name="IDS_OFFLINE_LOGIN_FORGOT_PASSWORD_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Text shown on forgot password button during offline signin flow. Note: should be the same as the one used on the Gaia sign-in page.">
Forgot password?
<message name="IDS_OFFLINE_LOGIN_FORGOT_PASSWORD_DIALOG_TEXT" desc="Text shown on forgot password dialog during offline signin flow.">
To recover your account information, go to:
<message name="IDS_OFFLINE_LOGIN_CLOSE_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Text shown on forgot password dialog close button during offline signin flow.">
<message name="IDS_WHITELIST_ERROR_TRY_AGAIN_BUTTON" desc="The text of the try again button on the whitelist error UI.">
Try again
<message name="IDS_WHITELIST_ERROR_LEARN_MORE_BUTTON" desc="The text of the learn more link on the whitelist error UI.">
Learn more
<message name="IDS_BROWSE_WITHOUT_SIGNING_IN_HTML" desc="Text shown on side of Google sign-in UI.">
You may also skip signing in and <ph name="LINK_START">$1<ex>&gt;a&lt;</ex></ph>browse as Guest<ph name="LINK_END">$2<ex>&gt;/a&lt;</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_INTRO_TEXT_TITLE" desc="Supervised user dialog, intro page, title">
What is a supervised user?
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_INTRO_ALTERNATE_TEXT" desc="Supervised user dialog, intro page, first paragraph">
A supervised user can explore the web with your guidance. As the manager of a supervised user, you can
<ph name="BEGIN_BOLD">&lt;strong&gt;</ph>allow or prohibit<ph name="END_BOLD">&lt;/strong&gt;</ph> certain websites,
<ph name="BEGIN_BOLD">&lt;strong&gt;</ph>review<ph name="END_BOLD">&lt;/strong&gt;</ph> websites the supervised user has visited, and
<ph name="BEGIN_BOLD">&lt;strong&gt;</ph>manage<ph name="END_BOLD">&lt;/strong&gt;</ph> other settings.
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_INTRO_TEXT_1" desc="Supervised user dialog, intro page, first paragraph">
A supervised user can explore the web with your guidance. As the manager of a supervised user in Chrome, you can:
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_INTRO_MANAGER_ITEM_1" desc="Supervised user dialog, intro page, options available to manager">
allow or prohibit certain websites,
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_INTRO_MANAGER_ITEM_2" desc="Supervised user dialog, intro page, options available to manager">
review websites the supervised user has visited, and
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_INTRO_MANAGER_ITEM_3" desc="Supervised user dialog, intro page, options available to manager">
manage other settings
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_INTRO_TEXT_2" desc="Supervised user dialog, intro page, second paragraph">
Creating a supervised user does not create a Google Account, and their settings
and data will not follow them to other devices with Chrome Sync. A supervised user applies only to this device.
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_INTRO_TEXT_3" desc="Supervised user dialog, intro page, third paragraph">
After you create a new supervised user, you can manage the settings at any time from any device at <ph name="MANAGEMENT_URL">$1<ex></ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATE_PICK_MANAGER_TITLE" desc="Supervised user dialog, manager selection page, title of the page">
Choose the manager for this supervised user
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATE_PICK_MANAGER_EXPLANATION" desc="Supervised user dialog, manager selection page, explanation of the page">
The manager will be able to configure restrictions and settings for this supervised user at <ph name="MANAGEMENT_URL">$1<ex></ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATE_MANAGER_PASSWORD_HINT" desc="Supervised user dialog, manager selection page, text shown as a hint in the user password field.">
Enter password
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_SETUP_ACCESSIBLE_TITLE" desc="Text to be spoken on opening supervised user creation username and password set-up dialog.">
Set up new supervised user
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATE_ACCOUNT_NAME_TITLE" desc="Supervised user dialog, new user page, title for name of new user">
Create a name -
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATE_ACCOUNT_NAME_EXPLANATION" desc="Supervised user dialog, new user page, explanation for name of new user">
This supervised user will be managed by <ph name="MANAGER_EMAIL">$1<ex></ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATE_ACCOUNT_NAME_HINT" desc="Text shown as a hint in the new user name field in supervised user creation dialog.">
Enter new name
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATE_PASSWORD_TITLE" desc="Supervised user dialog, new user page, title for password for new user.">
Create a password -
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATE_PASSWORD_EXPLANATION" desc="Supervised user dialog, new user page, explanation for password for new user.">
The supervised user will need to use this password to sign in, so choose a safe password and remember to discuss it with the supervised user.
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATE_PASSWORD_HINT" desc="Text shown as a hint in the password field in supervised user creation dialog.">
Enter password
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATE_PASSWORD_CONFIRM_HINT" desc="Text shown as a hint in the password confirmation field in supervised user creation dialog.">
Confirm password
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATE_CONTINUE_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Text shown on continue button in supervised user creation dialog.">
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATE_START_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Text shown on start button in supervised user creation dialog.">
Create supervised user
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATE_NEXT_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Text shown on next button in supervised user creation dialog.">
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATE_PREVIOUS_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Text shown on previous button in supervised user creation dialog.">
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATED_1_TEXT_1" desc="Supervised user dialog, getting started page 1, paragraph 1">
A supervised user named <ph name="USER_DISPLAY_NAME">$1<ex>John</ex></ph> has been created.
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATED_1_TEXT_2" desc="Supervised user dialog, getting started page 1, paragraph 2">
To set which websites the supervised user can view, you can configure restrictions
and settings by visiting <ph name="MANAGEMENT_URL">$1<ex></ex></ph>.
If you do not change the default settings, <ph name="USER_DISPLAY_NAME">$2<ex>John</ex></ph>
can browse all sites on the web.
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATED_1_TEXT_3" desc="Supervised user dialog, getting started page 1, paragraph 3">
Please check your email at <ph name="BEGIN_BOLD">&lt;strong&gt;</ph><ph name="MANAGER_EMAIL">$1<ex></ex></ph><ph name="END_BOLD">&lt;/strong&gt;</ph> for further instructions.
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATION_GOT_IT_BUTTON_TITLE" desc="Text for button on a screen with successful supervised user creation text">
Got it!
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATE_HANDLE_ERROR_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Text for button on an error screen that closes supervised user creation dialog">
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATE_USERNAME_ALREADY_EXISTS" desc="Error text shown in supervised user creation dialog when local account with suggested name already exists on a device.">
Whoops, this name is already in use!
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATE_ILLEGAL_USERNAME" desc="Error text shown in supervised user creation dialog when suggested name contains illegal characters (e.g. html tags).">
Whoops, illegal symbols in name!
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATE_PASSWORD_MISMATCH_ERROR" desc="Error text shown in supervised user creation dialog when typed passwords does not match.">
Whoops, passwords do not match!
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATE_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT" desc="Error text shown in supervised user creation dialog when typed password is too short.">
Password is too short.
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_MANAGER_PASSWORD_ERROR" desc="Error text shown in supervised user creation dialog when manager password is incorrect.">
Incorrect password.
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_MANAGER_INCONSISTENT_STATE_TITLE" desc="Supervised user dialog, error page, manager account is in inconsistent state, title">
Oops, something went wrong
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_MANAGER_INCONSISTENT_STATE" desc="Supervised user dialog, error page, manager account is in inconsistent state, text">
To recover from this error, you will need to sign in to your Google Account
from the sign-in screen. You can then sign out of your Google Account and
try creating a supervised user again.
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_MANAGER_INCONSISTENT_STATE_BUTTON" desc="Supervised user dialog, error page, manager account is in inconsistent state, button title">
OK, Take me back to sign-in screen
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_TPM_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Supervised user dialog, error page, tpm error during creation, title">
Oops, TPM error.
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_TPM_ERROR" desc="Supervised user dialog, error page, tpm error during creation, text">
Something is wrong with device. To recover from this error you will need to reboot device and try again.
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_TPM_ERROR_BUTTON" desc="Supervised user dialog, error page, tpm error during creation, button title">
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_GENERIC_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Supervised user dialog, error page, generic error during creation, title">
Oops, something went wrong
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_GENERIC_ERROR" desc="Supervised user dialog, error page, generic error during creation, text">
Due to an error, a supervised user was not created. Please try again later.
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_GENERIC_ERROR_BUTTON" desc="Supervised user dialog, error page, generic error during creation, button title">
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATION_ERROR_CANCEL_BUTTON_TITLE" desc="Text for button on an error reporting screen for supervised user creation, that is used to abort whole operation">
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATION_ERROR_RETRY_BUTTON_TITLE" desc="Text for button on an error reporting screen for supervised user creation, that is used to retry failed operation">
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATION_AUTH_PROGRESS_MESSAGE" desc="Text shown next to progress indicator upon manager authentication.">
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATION_CREATION_PROGRESS_MESSAGE" desc="Text shown next to progress indicator upon supervised user creation.">
Creating supervised user
<message name="IDS_CREATE_SUPERVISED_USER_CREATION_CREATION_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE" desc="Text shown at the place of progess indicator if creation takes too long and should be cancelled.">
This is taking much longer than usual. You can keep waiting, or cancel and try again later.
<message name="IDS_USER_IS_SUPERVISED_BY_NOTICE" desc="Text for notifications showing that this user is supervised">
Usage and history of this user can be reviewed by the manager (<ph name="MANAGER_EMAIL">$1<ex></ex></ph>) on
<message name="IDS_CHILD_USER_IS_MANAGED_BY_ONE_PARENT_NOTICE" desc="Text for notifications showing that this child user is managed by parent's account.">
This is an account for kids managed by <ph name="MANAGER_EMAIL">$1<ex></ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_CHILD_USER_IS_MANAGED_BY_TWO_PARENTS_NOTICE" desc="Text for notifications showing that this child user is managed by two parents' accounts.">
This is an account for kids managed by <ph name="FIRST_PARENT_EMAIL">$1<ex></ex></ph> and <ph name="SECOND_PARENT_EMAIL">$2<ex></ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_SUPERVISED_USER_EXPIRED_TOKEN_WARNING" desc="Warning text that is shown on login screen trying to sign in as a supervised user that has expired token">
This supervised user may have been deleted or disabled by the manager. Please contact the manager if you would like to continue signing in as this user.
<message name="IDS_SUPERVISED_USER_IMPORT_USER_EXIST" desc="In list of supervised users eligible for import, this text indicates that user already is already imported on device.">
<ph name="USER_DISPLAY_NAME">$1<ex>John</ex></ph> (already on this device)
<message name="IDS_SUPERVISED_USER_IMPORT_USERNAME_EXIST" desc="In list of supervised users eligible for import, this text indicates that another supervised user with same name already exists on device.">
<ph name="USER_DISPLAY_NAME">$1<ex>John</ex></ph> (name used on this device)
<message name="IDS_SUPERVISED_USER_IMPORT_BUBBLE_TEXT" desc="Text shown in notification bubble when user enters name of user that can be imported.">
Looks like you're already managing a user by that name. Did you want to <ph name="LINK_START">$1<ex>&gt;a&lt;</ex></ph>import <ph name="USER_DISPLAY_NAME">$2<ex>John</ex></ph> to this device<ph name="LINK_END">$3<ex>&gt;/a&lt;</ex></ph>?
<message name="IDS_MULTI_PROFILES_RESTRICTED_POLICY_TITLE" desc="Text that is shown on the title of the bubble shown for user pod which is not allowed in multi-profiles session.">
Can't set up multiple sign-in
<message name="IDS_MULTI_PROFILES_NOT_ALLOWED_POLICY_MSG" desc="Text that is shown on the bubble shown for user pod which is not allowed in multi-profiles session because of not-allowed policy or because of usage policy-pushed certificates.">
The administrator for this account has disallowed multiple sign-in.
<message name="IDS_MULTI_PROFILES_PRIMARY_ONLY_POLICY_MSG" desc="Text that is shown on the bubble shown for user pod which is not allowed in multi-profiles session because of primary-only policy.">
The administrator for this account requires this account to be the first signed-in account in a multiple sign-in session.
<message name="IDS_MULTI_PROFILES_OWNER_PRIMARY_ONLY_MSG" desc="Text that is shown on the bubble shown for owner user pod which is not allowed in multi-profiles session because it has to be primary user in the session.">
This owner account has to be the first signed-in account in a multiple sign-in session.
<message name="IDS_LOCAL_STATE_ERROR_TEXT_0" desc="Text for notification that Local State file is corrupted and powerwash is required.">
Unfortunately, <ph name="SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph> is unable to recover your settings. To fix the error, <ph name="SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph> must reset your device with Powerwash.
<message name="IDS_LOCAL_STATE_ERROR_TEXT_1" desc="Text for notification that all local files will be deleted while Google account and any synced data won't be affected.">
Resetting your device will not affect your Google accounts or any data synced to these accounts. However, all files saved locally on your device will be deleted.
<message name="IDS_LOCAL_STATE_ERROR_POWERWASH_BUTTON" desc="Button label to restart and powerwash the device.">
Restart and Powerwash
<message name="IDS_DIAGNOSE_BUTTON" desc="The label for the button that launches the connectivity diagnostics app from the network error page">
<message name="IDS_MANAGE_CERTIFICATES" desc="The label for the button that launches the certificate manager from the network error page">
Manage certificates
<message name="IDS_OFFLINE_LOGIN_HTML" desc="Text which suggests enter as an existing user when valid network isn't presented.">
If you've already registered on this device, you can <ph name="LINK2_START">$1<ex>&gt;a&lt;</ex></ph>sign in as an existing user<ph name="LINK2_END">$2<ex>&gt;/a&lt;</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_RESTART_BUTTON" desc="Text shown on reboot button on login/locker screen">
<message name="IDS_SHUTDOWN_BUTTON" desc="Text shown on shutdown button on login/locker screen">
Shut down
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_APPS_BUTTON" desc="Text shown on a button that brings up the kiosk apps menu on login screen">
<message name="IDS_LOCK_SCREEN_TASK_MANAGER_NAME" desc="The name of the lock screen as it appears in the task manager. This will be prefixed with another string, such as 'Extension: ' (see IDS_TASK_MANAGER_EXTENSION_PREFIX)">
Lock Screen
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_USER_ADDING_BANNER" desc="Text shown on a banner in user adding screen.">
Add an account to multiple sign-in. All signed-in accounts can be accessed without a password, so this feature should only be used with trusted accounts.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_OOBE_HELP_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Default title for help dialogs during OOBE/login">
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_CAPTCHA_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Title shown for captcha input dialog">
Sign in
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_CAPTCHA_INSTRUCTIONS" desc="Explanatory message shown when the user must type letters shown in a captcha image to reauthenticate.">
Type the characters you see in the picture below.
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECONDARY_USER_BANNER" desc="Banner displayed in settings page when the user is secondary in a multi-profile session.">
Some settings belonging to <ph name="PRIMARY_EMAIL">$1<ex></ex></ph> are being shared with you. These settings only affect your account when using multiple sign-in.
Date and time
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_WIRED_NETWORK" desc="Title for section in settings/internet for list of wired networks (usually one)">
Wired network
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_WIRELESS_NETWORK" desc="Title for section in settings/internet for list of wireless networks (wifi and cellular)">
Wireless networks
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_WIFI_NETWORK" desc="Title for the Wifi network group on the settings page.">
Wi-Fi network
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_WIMAX_NETWORK" desc="Title for the WiMAX network group on the settings page.">
WiMAX network
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_CELLULAR_NETWORK" desc="Title for the cellular network group on the settings page.">
Mobile data
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_VIRTUAL_NETWORK" desc="Title for section in settings/internet for list of Virtual Private Networks (VPN)">
Private networks
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_PRIVATE_NETWORK" desc="Title for Virtual Private Network (VPN) group on the settings page">
Private network
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_THIRD_PARTY_VPN_NAME_TEMPLATE" desc="Template for constructing the name of a VPN network that is handled by a third-party VPN provider from the provider name and the network name.">
<ph name="PROVIDER_NAME">$1<ex>OpenVPN</ex></ph>: <ph name="NETWORK_NAME">$2<ex>Work Network</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_DEFAULT_THIRD_PARTY_PROVIDER_NAME" desc="Default Third Party VPN Provider Name used when the extension is uninstalled or for non primary users." >
Third Party VPN
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_ADD_CONNECTION" desc="Title for control to add a new network connection." >
Add connection
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ADD_CONNECTION_WIFI" desc="Menu item for adding a new Wi-Fi connection" >
Add Wi-Fi...
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_REMEMBERED_NETWORK" desc="Title for section in settings/internet for list of remembered (favirote) networks">
Remembered networks
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ADD_VPN_TEMPLATE" desc="Template for constructing a menu item that will ask a given VPN provider to show its 'add network' dialog.">
Add <ph name="PROVIDER_NAME">$1<ex>OpenVPN</ex></ph>...
<!-- Network state strings -->
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_STATE_NOT_CONNECTED" desc="Displayed state for a network when not connected.">
Not connected
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_STATE_CONNECTED" desc="Displayed state for a network when connected">
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_STATE_CONNECTING" desc="Displayed state for a network when connecting">
<!-- Network error strings -->
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_UNKNOWN" desc="Network error details in notifications: UNKNOWN">
Unknown network error
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE" desc="Network error details in notifications: OUT_OF_RANGE">
Out of range
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_PIN_MISSING" desc="Network error details in notifications: PIN_MISSING">
PIN missing
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_DHCP_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: DHCP_FAILED">
DHCP lookup failed
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_CONNECT_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: CONNECT_FAILED">
Connect failed
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_BAD_PASSPHRASE" desc="Network error details in notifications: BAD_PASSPHRASE. Error when a bad wifi password/passphrase is entered.">
Bad password
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_BAD_WEPKEY" desc="Network error details in notifications: BAD_WEPKEY">
Bad WEP key
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_ACTIVATION_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: ACTIVATION_FAILED">
Activation failed
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_NEED_EVDO" desc="Network error details in notifications: NEED_EVDO">
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_NEED_HOME_NETWORK" desc="Network error details in notifications: NEED_HOME_NETWORK">
Need home network
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_OTASP_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: OTASP_FAILED">
OTASP failed
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_AAA_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: AAA_FAILED">
AAA check failed
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_INTERNAL" desc="Network error details in notifications: INTERNAL">
Internal error
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_DNS_LOOKUP_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: DNS_LOOKUP_FAILED">
DNS lookup failed
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_HTTP_GET_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: HTTP_GET_FAILED">
HTTP get failed
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_IPSEC_PSK_AUTH_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: IPSEC_PSK_AUTH_FAILED">
Incorrect password
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_CERT_AUTH_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: IPSEC_CERT_AUTH_FAILED">
Authentication certificate rejected by network
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_EAP_LOCAL_TLS_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: EAP_LOCAL_TLS_FAILED">
Authentication certificate rejected locally
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_EAP_REMOTE_TLS_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: EAP_REMOTE_TLS_FAILED">
Authentication certificate rejected remotely
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_EAP_AUTH_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: IPSEC_CERT_AUTH_FAILED">
Username/password incorrect or EAP-auth failed
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_PPP_AUTH_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: PPP_AUTH_FAILED">
PPP authentication failed due to an incorrect username or password
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_CONFIGURE_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: Configuration error">
Failed to configure network
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_CERTIFICATES_NOT_LOADED" desc="Network error details in notifications: Certificates not loaded">
Certificates not loaded
<!-- Strings used in <cr-network-list>, used in Settings and OOBE -->
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_LIST_NOT_CONNECTED" desc="Text in the network list element when there is no network for the type.">
No network
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_LIST_CONNECTING_TO" desc="Text in a network summary element when the default network for a type (e.g. WiFi) is connecting.">
Connecting to <ph name="NAME">$1<ex>GoogleGuest</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_LIST_THIRD_PARTY_VPN_NAME_TEMPLATE" desc="Template for constructing the name of a VPN network that is handled by a third-party VPN provider from the provider name and the network name.">
<ph name="PROVIDER_NAME">$1<ex>OpenVPN</ex></ph>: <ph name="NETWORK_NAME">$2<ex>Work Network</ex></ph>
<!-- Other Network UI strings -->
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_CONNECTION_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Title for network connection error notification">
Network Connection Error
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_CONNECTION_ERROR_MESSAGE" desc="Message for network connection error notification">
Failed to connect to network '<ph name="name">$1<ex>GoogleGuest</ex></ph>': <ph name="details">$2<ex>Unrecognized error</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_CONNECTION_ERROR_MESSAGE_WITH_SERVER_MESSAGE" desc="Message for network connection error notification with details and a server message">
Failed to connect to '<ph name="name">$1<ex>GoogleGuest</ex></ph>': <ph name="details">$2<ex>Unrecognized error</ex></ph>
Server message: <ph name="server_msg">$3<ex>Incorrect password</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_CONNECTION_ERROR_MESSAGE_NO_NAME" desc="Message for network connection error where the network name is unavailable">
Failed to connect to network: <ph name="details">$1<ex>Unrecognized error</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_VPN_CONNECTION_LOST_TITLE" desc="Title for network notification when VPN connection is lost">
VPN disconnected
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_VPN_CONNECTION_LOST_BODY" desc="Message for network notification when VPN connection is lost">
Connection to <ph name="name">$1<ex>Google VPN</ex></ph> has been lost
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_OUT_OF_CREDITS_TITLE" desc="Title for network out of data error notification">
Network Connection Error
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_OUT_OF_CREDITS_BODY" desc="Message body for network out of data error notification">
You may have used up your mobile data allowance. Visit the <ph name="name">$1<ex>GoogleGuest</ex></ph> activation portal to buy more data.
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_UNRECOGNIZED_ERROR" desc="Unrecognized Network error text">
Unrecognized error: <ph name="desc">$1<ex>ShillErrorString</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_CELLULAR_ACTIVATED_TITLE" desc="Title for cellular activated notification">
Mobile Data Activated
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_CELLULAR_ACTIVATED" desc="Text of the cellular activated notification">
Congratulations! Your '<ph name="name">$1<ex>Generic Wireless</ex></ph>' data service has been activated and is ready to go.
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_ACTIVATION_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Title for network activation error notification">
Network Activation Error
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_ACTIVATION_NEEDS_CONNECTION" desc="Message when attempting to activate a mobile network that requires a connection">
Activation of '<ph name="name">$1<ex>Generic Wireless</ex></ph>' requires a network connection.
<!-- Options strings -->
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_NETWORK_DISABLED" desc="Message displayed when a type of network connection is disabled">
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_NETWORK_PROHIBITED" desc="Message displayed when a type of network connection is prohibited">
Disabled by administrator
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_NETWORK_OTHER" desc="Menu option for connecting to a network that is not listed in the menu.">
Join other...
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_PROHIBITED_NETWORK" desc="Message displayed when a specific network is prohibited">
Connecting to this network is disabled by your administrator.
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_PROHIBITED_NETWORK_OTHER" desc="Message displayed when a connecting to other networks is prohibited">
Connecting to other networks is disabled by your administrator.
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_NETWORK_DISABLE_WIFI" desc="Menu option in the Wi-Fi menu when there is a connected Wi-Fi network.">
Disable Wi-Fi
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_NETWORK_DISABLE_WIMAX" desc="Menu option in the WiMAX menu when there is a connected WiMAX network.">
Disable WiMAX
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_NETWORK_DISABLE_CELLULAR" desc="Menu option in the Cellular menu when there is a connected cellular network.">
Disable mobile data
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_AIRPLANE_MODE" desc="Control on the settings page for disabling all wireless communication.">
Airplane mode
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_NETWORK_AIRPLANE_MODE_LABEL" desc="Description shown on the airplane mode control.">
Turn off all wireless connections.
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_PREFERRED_NETWORKS_LABEL" desc="Menu item for activating the preferred networks dialog.">
Preferred networks...
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_PREFERRED_NETWORKS_TITLE" desc="Title for the preferred networks dialog.">
Preferred Networks
Change settings specific to your device and peripherals.
Keyboard settings
Storage management
Pointer speed:
Mouse speed:
Touchpad speed:
Pointer settings
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_SCREEN" desc="Title for section in settings/system for screen brightness control">
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_DEVICE_GROUP_BATTERY_STATUS_LABEL" desc="The prefix to the battery status in the device section.">
Battery - <ph name="status">$1<ex>56% - 2:03 left</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_BATTERY_STATUS" desc="The battery status in the device section and 'Power' overlay while the battery is discharging, showing the battery power as a percentage and the time left until the battery is empty.">
<ph name="percentage">$1<ex>56</ex></ph>% - <ph name="time">$2<ex>2 hours and 20 minutes</ex></ph> left
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_BATTERY_STATUS_CHARGING" desc="The battery status in the device section and 'Power' overlay while the battery is charging, showing the battery power as a percentage and the time left until the battery is full.">
<ph name="percentage">$1<ex>56</ex></ph>% - <ph name="time">$2<ex>2 hours and 20 minutes</ex></ph> until full
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_BATTERY_STATUS_SHORT" desc="The battery status in the device section and 'Power' overlay when the time left cannot be shown.">
<ph name="percentage">$1<ex>56</ex></ph>%
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_DEVICE_GROUP_POWER_SETTINGS_BUTTON" desc="Text on button to take user to the 'Power' overlay.">
Manage power source...
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_POWER_OVERLAY_TITLE" desc="The title for the 'Power' overlay.">
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_POWER_OVERLAY_CALCULATING" desc="The description in the 'Power' overlay when the power status is being determined.">
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_POWER_SOURCE_LABEL" desc="The label for the power source dropdown in the Power overlay.">
Power source:
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_POWER_SOURCE_BATTERY" desc="The text referring to the battery as the power source.">
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_POWER_SOURCE_AC_ADAPTER" desc="The text referring to a dedicated charger like an AC adapter as the power source.">
AC adapter
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_POWER_SOURCE_LOW_POWER_CHARGER" desc="The text referring to a low-power charger like a USB charger as the power source.">
Low-power charger
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_BATTERY_STATUS_LABEL" desc="The label for the battery information in the 'Power' overlay.">
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_DEVICE_GROUP_STYLUS_SETTINGS_BUTTON" desc="Text on button/link to take user to the 'Stylus' overlay.">
Stylus settings
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_STYLUS_NOTE_TAKING_APP_LABEL" desc="Label for dropdown menu in 'Stylus' overlay that lets the user set a preferred note-taking app.">
Note-taking app:
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_STYLUS_NOTE_TAKING_APP_NONE_AVAILABLE" desc="Entry in 'Stylus' overlay's note-taking app menu when no apps are available.">
None available
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_STYLUS_NOTE_TAKING_APP_WAITING_FOR_ANDROID" desc="Entry in 'Stylus' overlay's note-taking app menu when Android isn't ready yet.">
Loading apps...
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SET_TIME_BUTTON" desc="In the settings tab, the prompt on the button to open a dialog to set date and time.">
Set date and time
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_TIMEZONE_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the timezone combobox.">
Time zone:
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_USE_24HOUR_CLOCK_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the checkbox that enables 24-hour clock.">
Use 24-hour clock
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_TIMEZONE_DISPLAY_TEMPLATE" desc="In the settings tab, the display template of a timezone in the pull-down list of timezones">
(<ph name="UTCOffset">$1<ex>UTC-8:00</ex></ph>) <ph name="LongTZName">$2<ex>Pacific Standard Time</ex></ph> (<ph name="ExemplarCity">$3<ex>Los Angeles</ex></ph>)
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_TIMEZONE_DISPLAY_NAME_UTC" desc="This is the display name of UTC/GMT timezone for timezone option in user settings.">
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC/GMT)
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BRIGHTNESS_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the buttons for screen brightness.">
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BRIGHTNESS_DECREASE" desc="In the settings tab, the text of the button to decrease the screen brightness.">
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BRIGHTNESS_INCREASE" desc="In the settings tab, the text of the button to increase the screen brightness.">
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_TAP_TO_CLICK_ENABLED_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the checkbox that enables tap-to-click.">
Enable tap-to-click
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_NATURAL_SCROLL_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the radio button that enables natural scrolling.">
Australian scrolling <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a href="$1" target="_blank"&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_TRADITIONAL_SCROLL_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the radio button that enables traditional scrolling.">
Traditional scrolling
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SENSITIVITY_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the slider for the touchpad touch sensitivity.">
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SENSITIVITY_LESS_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text under the left (less sensitive) side of the slider for the touchpad touch sensitivity.">
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SENSITIVITY_MORE_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text under the right (more sensitive) side of the slider for the touchpad touch sensitivity.">
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_PRIMARY_MOUSE_RIGHT_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the checkbox to set the primary mouse button to the right button.">
Swap primary mouse button
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_WAKE_ON_WIFI_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the checkbox for enabling quickly reconnecting to known Wi-Fi SSIDs.">
Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep
Disable Bluetooth
Enable Bluetooth
Add a device
Searching for devices...
Device scan stopped.
No devices
No devices found
<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">$1<ex>Apple Magic Mouse</ex></ph>: Connecting...
Add Bluetooth device
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_ENTER_PIN_CODE_REQUEST" desc="Bluetooth pairing message typically displayed when the external Bluetooth 2.0 and older device has no display or means of input.">
Please enter the PIN for "<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">%1<ex>Nexus S</ex></ph>":
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_ENTER_PASSKEY_REQUEST" desc="Bluetooth pairing message typically displayed when the external Bluetooth 2.1 and later device has no display or means of input, and does not support SSP.">
Please enter the passkey for "<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">%1<ex>Nexus S</ex></ph>":
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_REMOTE_PIN_CODE_REQUEST" desc="Bluetooth pairing message typically displayed when pairing a Bluetooth 2.0 and older wireless keyboard.">
Please enter this PIN code on "<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">%1<ex>Nexus S</ex></ph>":
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_REMOTE_PASSKEY_REQUEST" desc="Bluetooth pairing message typically displayed when pairing a Bluetooth 2.1 and later wireless keyboard.">
Please enter this passkey on "<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">%1<ex>Nexus S</ex></ph>":
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_CONFIRM_PASSKEY_REQUEST" desc="Bluetooth pairing message typically shown when pairing with a device that has a display.">
Please confirm this passkey is shown on "<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">%1<ex>Nexus S</ex></ph>":
<message name=