blob: ba2bed891b45a222440a0425e4cfc480a8c57441 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/display/fake/fake_display_snapshot.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "third_party/re2/src/re2/re2.h"
#include "ui/display/util/display_util.h"
using base::StringPiece;
namespace display {
namespace {
// Get pixel pitch in millimeters from DPI.
constexpr float PixelPitchMmFromDPI(float dpi) {
return kInchInMm / dpi;
// Extracts text after specified delimiter. If the delimiter doesn't appear
// exactly once the result will be empty and the input string will be
// unmodified. Otherwise, the input string will contain the text before the
// delimiter and the result will be the text after the delimiter.
StringPiece ExtractSuffix(StringPiece* str, StringPiece delimiter) {
std::vector<StringPiece> parts = base::SplitStringPiece(
*str, delimiter, base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_NONEMPTY);
if (parts.size() == 2) {
*str = parts[0];
return parts[1];
return StringPiece();
// Parses a display mode from |str| in the format HxW[%R], returning null if
// |str| is invalid.
std::unique_ptr<DisplayMode> ParseDisplayMode(const std::string& str) {
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
std::string refresh_rate_str;
// Check against regex and extract values.
if (!RE2::FullMatch(str, "(\\d+)x(\\d+)(?:%(\\d+\\.?\\d*))?", &width, &height,
&refresh_rate_str)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid display mode string \"" << str << "\"";
return nullptr;
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Resolution " << width << "x" << height << " is invalid";
return nullptr;
// Refresh rate is optional and will be be 60 if not specified.
double refresh_rate = 60.0f;
if (!refresh_rate_str.empty() &&
!base::StringToDouble(refresh_rate_str, &refresh_rate)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to parse display mode \"" << str << "\"";
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<DisplayMode>(gfx::Size(width, height), false,
// Parses a list of alternate display modes, adding each new display mode to
// |builder|. Returns false if any of the modes are invalid.
bool HandleModes(FakeDisplaySnapshot::Builder* builder,
StringPiece resolutions) {
for (const std::string& mode_str :
base::SplitString(resolutions, ":", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE,
std::unique_ptr<DisplayMode> mode = ParseDisplayMode(mode_str);
if (!mode)
return false;
return true;
// Parses device DPI and updates |builder|. Returns false if an invalid DPI
// string is provided.
bool HandleDPI(FakeDisplaySnapshot::Builder* builder, StringPiece dpi) {
if (dpi.empty())
return true;
int dpi_value = 0;
if (base::StringToInt(dpi, &dpi_value)) {
return true;
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid DPI string \"" << dpi << "\"";
return false;
// Parses a list of display options and set each option true on |builder|.
// Returns false if any invalid options are provided. If an option appears more
// than once it will have no effect the second time.
bool HandleOptions(FakeDisplaySnapshot::Builder* builder, StringPiece options) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < options.size(); ++i) {
switch (options[i]) {
case 'o':
case 'c':
case 'a':
case 'i':
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid option specifier \"" << options[i] << "\"";
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
using Builder = FakeDisplaySnapshot::Builder;
Builder::Builder() {}
Builder::~Builder() {}
std::unique_ptr<FakeDisplaySnapshot> Builder::Build() {
if (modes_.empty() || id_ == kInvalidDisplayId) {
NOTREACHED() << "Display modes or display ID missing";
return nullptr;
// Add a name if none is provided.
if (name_.empty())
name_ = base::StringPrintf("Fake Display %" PRId64, id_);
// If there is no native mode set, use the first display mode.
if (!native_mode_)
native_mode_ = modes_.back().get();
// Calculate physical size to match set DPI.
gfx::Size physical_size =
gfx::ScaleToRoundedSize(native_mode_->size(), PixelPitchMmFromDPI(dpi_));
return std::make_unique<FakeDisplaySnapshot>(
id_, origin_, physical_size, type_, is_aspect_preserving_scaling_,
has_overscan_, has_color_correction_matrix_,
color_correction_in_linear_space_, name_, std::move(modes_),
current_mode_, native_mode_, product_code_, maximum_cursor_size_);
Builder& Builder::SetId(int64_t id) {
id_ = id;
return *this;
Builder& Builder::SetNativeMode(const gfx::Size& size) {
native_mode_ = AddOrFindDisplayMode(size);
return *this;
Builder& Builder::SetNativeMode(std::unique_ptr<DisplayMode> mode) {
native_mode_ = AddOrFindDisplayMode(std::move(mode));
return *this;
Builder& Builder::SetCurrentMode(const gfx::Size& size) {
current_mode_ = AddOrFindDisplayMode(size);
return *this;
Builder& Builder::SetCurrentMode(std::unique_ptr<DisplayMode> mode) {
current_mode_ = AddOrFindDisplayMode(std::move(mode));
return *this;
Builder& Builder::AddMode(const gfx::Size& size) {
return *this;
Builder& Builder::AddMode(std::unique_ptr<DisplayMode> mode) {
return *this;
Builder& Builder::SetOrigin(const gfx::Point& origin) {
origin_ = origin;
return *this;
Builder& Builder::SetType(DisplayConnectionType type) {
type_ = type;
return *this;
Builder& Builder::SetIsAspectPerservingScaling(bool val) {
is_aspect_preserving_scaling_ = val;
return *this;
Builder& Builder::SetHasOverscan(bool has_overscan) {
has_overscan_ = has_overscan;
return *this;
Builder& Builder::SetHasColorCorrectionMatrix(bool val) {
has_color_correction_matrix_ = val;
return *this;
Builder& Builder::SetColorCorrectionInLinearSpace(bool val) {
color_correction_in_linear_space_ = val;
return *this;
Builder& Builder::SetName(const std::string& name) {
name_ = name;
return *this;
Builder& Builder::SetProductCode(int64_t product_code) {
product_code_ = product_code;
return *this;
Builder& Builder::SetMaximumCursorSize(const gfx::Size& maximum_cursor_size) {
maximum_cursor_size_ = maximum_cursor_size;
return *this;
Builder& Builder::SetDPI(int dpi) {
dpi_ = static_cast<float>(dpi);
return *this;
Builder& Builder::SetLowDPI() {
return SetDPI(96);
Builder& Builder::SetHighDPI() {
return SetDPI(326); // Retina-ish.
const DisplayMode* Builder::AddOrFindDisplayMode(const gfx::Size& size) {
for (auto& mode : modes_) {
if (mode->size() == size)
return mode.get();
// Not found, insert a mode with the size and return.
modes_.push_back(std::make_unique<DisplayMode>(size, false, 60.0f));
return modes_.back().get();
const DisplayMode* Builder::AddOrFindDisplayMode(
std::unique_ptr<DisplayMode> mode) {
for (auto& existing : modes_) {
if (mode->size() == existing->size() &&
mode->is_interlaced() == existing->is_interlaced() &&
mode->refresh_rate() == existing->refresh_rate()) {
return existing.get();
// Not found, insert mode and return.
return modes_.back().get();
FakeDisplaySnapshot::FakeDisplaySnapshot(int64_t display_id,
const gfx::Point& origin,
const gfx::Size& physical_size,
DisplayConnectionType type,
bool is_aspect_preserving_scaling,
bool has_overscan,
bool has_color_correction_matrix,
bool color_correction_in_linear_space,
std::string display_name,
DisplayModeList modes,
const DisplayMode* current_mode,
const DisplayMode* native_mode,
int64_t product_code,
const gfx::Size& maximum_cursor_size)
: DisplaySnapshot(display_id,
2018 /*year_of_manufacture */,
maximum_cursor_size) {}
FakeDisplaySnapshot::~FakeDisplaySnapshot() {}
// static
std::unique_ptr<DisplaySnapshot> FakeDisplaySnapshot::CreateFromSpec(
int64_t id,
const std::string& spec) {
StringPiece leftover(spec);
// Cut off end of string at each delimiter to split.
StringPiece options = ExtractSuffix(&leftover, "/");
StringPiece dpi = ExtractSuffix(&leftover, "^");
StringPiece resolutions = ExtractSuffix(&leftover, "#");
// Leftovers should be just the native mode at this point.
std::unique_ptr<DisplayMode> native_mode =
// Fail without valid native mode.
if (!native_mode)
return nullptr;
FakeDisplaySnapshot::Builder builder;
if (!HandleModes(&builder, resolutions) || !HandleDPI(&builder, dpi) ||
!HandleOptions(&builder, options)) {
return nullptr;
return builder.Build();
} // namespace display