blob: de6b2d66ac3deba83e20737d3f4decf0ba760e28 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace base {
namespace internal {
class JobTaskSource;
class PooledTaskRunnerDelegate;
namespace experimental {
// Delegate that's passed to Job's worker task, providing an entry point to
// communicate with the scheduler.
class BASE_EXPORT JobDelegate {
// A JobDelegate is instantiated for each worker task that is run.
// |task_source| is the task source whose worker task is running with this
// delegate and |pooled_task_runner_delegate| provides communication with the
// thread pool.
JobDelegate(internal::JobTaskSource* task_source,
internal::PooledTaskRunnerDelegate* pooled_task_runner_delegate);
// Returns true if this thread should return from the worker task on the
// current thread ASAP. Workers should periodically invoke ShouldYield (or
// YieldIfNeeded()) as often as is reasonable.
bool ShouldYield();
// If ShouldYield(), this will pause the current thread (allowing it to be
// replaced in the pool); no-ops otherwise. If it pauses, it will resume and
// return from this call whenever higher priority work completes.
// Prefer ShouldYield() over this (only use YieldIfNeeded() when unwinding
// the stack is not possible).
void YieldIfNeeded();
// Notifies the scheduler that max concurrency was increased, and the number
// of worker should be adjusted.
void NotifyConcurrencyIncrease();
// Verifies that either max concurrency is lower or equal to
// |expected_max_concurrency|, or there is an increase version update
// triggered by NotifyConcurrencyIncrease().
void AssertExpectedConcurrency(size_t expected_max_concurrency);
internal::JobTaskSource* const task_source_;
internal::PooledTaskRunnerDelegate* const pooled_task_runner_delegate_;
// Used in AssertExpectedConcurrency(), see that method's impl for details.
// Value of max concurrency recorded before running the worker task.
size_t recorded_max_concurrency_;
// Value of the increase version recorded before running the worker task.
size_t recorded_increase_version_;
// Value returned by the last call to ShouldYield().
bool last_should_yield_ = false;
} // namespace experimental
} // namespace base