blob: 6654c5d1f04da23b6c28ab86f83f718463adc881 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/favicon_base/favicon_callback.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
namespace base {
class CancelableTaskTracker;
class GURL;
namespace favicon {
// The UI origin of an icon request. Used to do metrics recording per UI.
enum class HistoryUiFaviconRequestOrigin {
// History page.
// History synced tabs page (desktop only).
// Recent tabs user interface.
// Platform making the request.
enum class FaviconRequestPlatform {
// Keyed service for handling favicon requests made by a history UI, forwarding
// them to local storage, sync or Google server accordingly. This service should
// only be used by the UIs listed in the HistoryUiFaviconRequestOrigin enum.
// Requests must be made by page url, as opposed to icon url.
class HistoryUiFaviconRequestHandler : public KeyedService {
// Requests favicon bitmap at |page_url| of size |desired_size_in_pixel|.
// Tries to fetch the icon from local storage and falls back to sync, or to
// Google favicon server if |favicon::kEnableHistoryFaviconsGoogleServerQuery|
// is enabled. If a non-empty |icon_url_for_uma| (optional) is passed, it will
// be used to record UMA about the grouping of requests to the favicon server.
// |request_platform| specifies whether the caller is mobile or desktop code.
// TODO(victorvianna): Remove platform parameter since it's no longer needed.
virtual void GetRawFaviconForPageURL(
const GURL& page_url,
int desired_size_in_pixel,
favicon_base::FaviconRawBitmapCallback callback,
FaviconRequestPlatform request_platform,
HistoryUiFaviconRequestOrigin request_origin_for_uma,
const GURL& icon_url_for_uma,
base::CancelableTaskTracker* tracker) = 0;
// Requests favicon image at |page_url|.
// Tries to fetch the icon from local storage and falls back to sync, or to
// Google favicon server if |favicon::kEnableHistoryFaviconsGoogleServerQuery|
// is enabled.
// If a non-empty |icon_url_for_uma| (optional) is passed, it will be used to
// record UMA about the grouping of requests to the favicon server.
// This method is only called by desktop code.
virtual void GetFaviconImageForPageURL(
const GURL& page_url,
favicon_base::FaviconImageCallback callback,
HistoryUiFaviconRequestOrigin request_origin_for_uma,
const GURL& icon_url_for_uma,
base::CancelableTaskTracker* tracker) = 0;
} // namespace favicon