blob: 987452dc1f487ac7baf5a43d09a777f2436ee600 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/tab_count_metrics/tab_count_metrics.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <string>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/test/metrics/histogram_tester.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace tab_count_metrics {
namespace {
// For unit tests, we create bucketed test enumeration histograms with a prefix
// of |kTestMetricPrefix| and a range of [0, |kMaxTabCount|]. We want good
// test coverage in all buckets, but the overflow tab count bucket is
// unbounded, so we cap the max number of tabs at a reasonable value.
constexpr char kTestMetricPrefix[] = "TestMetric";
constexpr size_t kMaxTabCount = 400;
// TabCounts is a map of a tab count to expected histogram counts,
// which is used to validate the test histogram.
// When we record a sample for test metrics, the number of tabs is used as
// the bucket in the enumeration histogram. For example, if we record a sample
// with the number of tabs equal to 10, we use 10 as the sample in the
// enumeration histogram. Suppose we have TabCounts map, |expected_counts|.
// When recording the metric, we would increment the value of
// expected_counts[10]. |expected_counts| is then used to validate the
// histogram.
using TabCounts = base::flat_map<size_t, size_t>;
// Array of TabCounts, indexed by tab count bucket.
// Each value in this array corresponds to the expected counts for a different
// histogram, i.e. the histogram corresponding to the live tab count bucket
// equal to the array index. For example, given a
// HistogramCountsByTabCountBucket array, |expected_counts_by_bucket|,
// expected_counts_by_bucket[1] are the expected counts for the histogram
// corresponding to live tab count bucket 1.
using HistogramCountsByTabCountBucket =
std::array<TabCounts, kNumTabCountBuckets>;
} // namespace
class TabCountMetricsTest : public testing::Test {
TabCountMetricsTest() = default;
~TabCountMetricsTest() override = default;
void RecordTabCountMetric(size_t tab_count) {
EXPECT_LE(tab_count, kMaxTabCount);
const size_t bucket = BucketForTabCount(tab_count);
HistogramName(kTestMetricPrefix, /* live_tabs_only = */ true, bucket),
static_cast<int>(bucket), static_cast<int>(kNumTabCountBuckets),
HistogramName(kTestMetricPrefix, /* live_tabs_only = */ true,
1, kMaxTabCount, kMaxTabCount + 1,
void ValidateHistograms(
const HistogramCountsByTabCountBucket& expected_counts) {
for (size_t bucket = 0; bucket < expected_counts.size(); bucket++) {
size_t expected_total_count = 0;
std::string histogram_name =
HistogramName(kTestMetricPrefix, /* live_tabs_only = */ true, bucket);
for (const auto& tab_counts : expected_counts[bucket]) {
histogram_tester_.ExpectBucketCount(histogram_name, tab_counts.first,
expected_total_count += tab_counts.second;
histogram_tester_.ExpectTotalCount(histogram_name, expected_total_count);
base::HistogramTester histogram_tester_;
TEST_F(TabCountMetricsTest, HistogramNames) {
// Testing with hard-coded strings to check that the concatenated names
// produced by HistogramName() are indeed what we expect. If the bucket ranges
// change, these strings will need to as well.
const std::string kTestMetricNameBucket1("TestMetric.ByLiveTabCount.1Tab");
const std::string kTestMetricNameBucket3(
HistogramName(kTestMetricPrefix, /* live_tabs_only = */ true, 1));
HistogramName(kTestMetricPrefix, /* live_tabs_only = */ true, 3));
TEST_F(TabCountMetricsTest, RecordMetricsForBucketLimits) {
// For each bucket, simulate recording metrics with the tab count equal
// to the lower and upper bounds of each bucket. For the last bucket, we use
// an artificial upper bound since that bucket has no practical bound (max
// size_t value) and do not want to create a histogram with that many buckets.
HistogramCountsByTabCountBucket expected_counts;
for (size_t bucket = 0; bucket < expected_counts.size(); bucket++) {
size_t num_tabs = internal::BucketMin(bucket);
// Expect a count of 1 for the |num_tabs| case in the histogram
// corresponding to |bucket|.
expected_counts[bucket].emplace(num_tabs, 1);
num_tabs = std::min(internal::BucketMax(bucket), kMaxTabCount);
// Ensure that we aren't setting the artificial maximum for the last bucket
// too low.
EXPECT_LE(internal::BucketMin(bucket), num_tabs);
auto iter = expected_counts[bucket].find(num_tabs);
if (iter != expected_counts[bucket].end()) {
// If the lower bound for |bucket| is the same as the upper bound, we've
// already recorded a value for |num_tabs| in |bucket|.
EXPECT_EQ(iter->second, 1u);
} else {
expected_counts[bucket].emplace(num_tabs, 1);
TEST_F(TabCountMetricsTest, RecordMetricsForAllBucketValues) {
// For each bucket, simulate recording metrics with the tab count equal
// to each value in the bucket range, i.e. from BucketMin() to BucketMax().
// For the last bucket, we use an artificial upper bound since that bucket has
// no practical bound (max size_t value) and do not want to create a histogram
// with that many buckets.
HistogramCountsByTabCountBucket expected_counts;
for (size_t bucket = 0; bucket < expected_counts.size(); bucket++) {
size_t num_tabs_lower_bound = internal::BucketMin(bucket);
size_t num_tabs_upper_bound =
std::min(internal::BucketMax(bucket), kMaxTabCount);
EXPECT_LE(num_tabs_lower_bound, num_tabs_upper_bound);
for (size_t tab_count = num_tabs_lower_bound;
tab_count <= num_tabs_upper_bound; tab_count++) {
expected_counts[bucket].emplace(tab_count, 1);
TEST_F(TabCountMetricsTest, BucketsDoNotOverlap) {
// For any number of tabs >= 0, the tab should belong to exactly one bucket.
for (size_t tab_count = 0; tab_count <= kMaxTabCount; tab_count++) {
bool has_bucket_for_tab_count = false;
for (size_t bucket = 0; bucket < kNumTabCountBuckets; bucket++) {
if (internal::IsInBucket(tab_count, bucket)) {
has_bucket_for_tab_count = true;
} // namespace tab_count_metrics