blob: 100b76bf82adc96be1601d60b40263d2c516c0a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/user_manager/fake_user_manager.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/system/sys_info.h"
#include "base/task_runner.h"
#include "chromeos/constants/chromeos_switches.h"
#include "components/user_manager/user_names.h"
#include "components/user_manager/user_type.h"
namespace {
class FakeTaskRunner : public base::TaskRunner {
bool PostDelayedTask(const base::Location& from_here,
base::OnceClosure task,
base::TimeDelta delay) override {
return true;
bool RunsTasksInCurrentSequence() const override { return true; }
~FakeTaskRunner() override {}
} // namespace
namespace user_manager {
: UserManagerBase(new FakeTaskRunner()), primary_user_(nullptr) {}
FakeUserManager::~FakeUserManager() {
const User* FakeUserManager::AddUser(const AccountId& account_id) {
return AddUserWithAffiliation(account_id, false);
const User* FakeUserManager::AddChildUser(const AccountId& account_id) {
User* user = User::CreateRegularUser(account_id, USER_TYPE_CHILD);
return user;
const User* FakeUserManager::AddGuestUser(const AccountId& account_id) {
User* user = User::CreateGuestUser(account_id);
return user;
const User* FakeUserManager::AddUserWithAffiliation(const AccountId& account_id,
bool is_affiliated) {
User* user = User::CreateRegularUser(account_id, USER_TYPE_REGULAR);
return user;
const user_manager::User* FakeUserManager::AddPublicAccountUser(
const AccountId& account_id) {
user_manager::User* user =
return user;
void FakeUserManager::RemoveUserFromList(const AccountId& account_id) {
const UserList::iterator it = std::find_if(
users_.begin(), users_.end(), [&account_id](const User* user) {
return user->GetAccountId() == account_id;
if (it != users_.end()) {
if (primary_user_ == *it)
primary_user_ = nullptr;
if (active_user_ != *it)
delete *it;
const UserList& FakeUserManager::GetUsers() const {
return users_;
UserList FakeUserManager::GetUsersAllowedForMultiProfile() const {
UserList result;
for (UserList::const_iterator it = users_.begin(); it != users_.end(); ++it) {
if ((*it)->GetType() == USER_TYPE_REGULAR && !(*it)->is_logged_in())
return result;
void FakeUserManager::UpdateUserAccountData(
const AccountId& account_id,
const UserAccountData& account_data) {
for (User* user : users_) {
if (user->GetAccountId() == account_id) {
void FakeUserManager::UserLoggedIn(const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& username_hash,
bool browser_restart,
bool is_child) {
for (UserList::const_iterator it = users_.begin(); it != users_.end(); ++it) {
if ((*it)->username_hash() == username_hash) {
if (!primary_user_)
primary_user_ = *it;
if (!active_user_)
active_user_ = *it;
if (!active_user_ && AreEphemeralUsersEnabled())
RegularUserLoggedInAsEphemeral(account_id, USER_TYPE_REGULAR);
User* FakeUserManager::GetActiveUserInternal() const {
if (active_user_ != nullptr)
return active_user_;
if (!users_.empty()) {
if (active_account_id_.is_valid()) {
for (UserList::const_iterator it = users_.begin(); it != users_.end();
++it) {
if ((*it)->GetAccountId() == active_account_id_)
return *it;
return users_[0];
return nullptr;
const User* FakeUserManager::GetActiveUser() const {
return GetActiveUserInternal();
User* FakeUserManager::GetActiveUser() {
return GetActiveUserInternal();
void FakeUserManager::SwitchActiveUser(const AccountId& account_id) {}
void FakeUserManager::SaveUserDisplayName(const AccountId& account_id,
const base::string16& display_name) {
for (UserList::iterator it = users_.begin(); it != users_.end(); ++it) {
if ((*it)->GetAccountId() == account_id) {
const UserList& FakeUserManager::GetLRULoggedInUsers() const {
return users_;
UserList FakeUserManager::GetUnlockUsers() const {
return users_;
const AccountId& FakeUserManager::GetOwnerAccountId() const {
return owner_account_id_;
bool FakeUserManager::IsKnownUser(const AccountId& account_id) const {
return true;
const User* FakeUserManager::FindUser(const AccountId& account_id) const {
if (active_user_ != nullptr && active_user_->GetAccountId() == account_id)
return active_user_;
const UserList& users = GetUsers();
for (UserList::const_iterator it = users.begin(); it != users.end(); ++it) {
if ((*it)->GetAccountId() == account_id)
return *it;
return nullptr;
User* FakeUserManager::FindUserAndModify(const AccountId& account_id) {
return nullptr;
const User* FakeUserManager::GetPrimaryUser() const {
return primary_user_;
base::string16 FakeUserManager::GetUserDisplayName(
const AccountId& account_id) const {
return base::string16();
bool FakeUserManager::IsCurrentUserOwner() const {
return false;
bool FakeUserManager::IsCurrentUserNew() const {
return false;
bool FakeUserManager::IsCurrentUserNonCryptohomeDataEphemeral() const {
return false;
bool FakeUserManager::CanCurrentUserLock() const {
return false;
bool FakeUserManager::IsUserLoggedIn() const {
return logged_in_users_.size() > 0;
bool FakeUserManager::IsLoggedInAsUserWithGaiaAccount() const {
return true;
bool FakeUserManager::IsLoggedInAsPublicAccount() const {
return false;
bool FakeUserManager::IsLoggedInAsGuest() const {
return false;
bool FakeUserManager::IsLoggedInAsSupervisedUser() const {
return false;
bool FakeUserManager::IsLoggedInAsKioskApp() const {
const User* active_user = GetActiveUser();
return active_user ? active_user->GetType() == USER_TYPE_KIOSK_APP : false;
bool FakeUserManager::IsLoggedInAsArcKioskApp() const {
const User* active_user = GetActiveUser();
return active_user ? active_user->GetType() == USER_TYPE_ARC_KIOSK_APP
: false;
bool FakeUserManager::IsLoggedInAsStub() const {
return false;
bool FakeUserManager::IsUserNonCryptohomeDataEphemeral(
const AccountId& account_id) const {
return false;
bool FakeUserManager::AreSupervisedUsersAllowed() const {
return true;
bool FakeUserManager::IsGuestSessionAllowed() const {
return true;
bool FakeUserManager::IsGaiaUserAllowed(const User& user) const {
return true;
bool FakeUserManager::IsUserAllowed(const User& user) const {
return true;
bool FakeUserManager::AreEphemeralUsersEnabled() const {
return GetEphemeralUsersEnabled();
void FakeUserManager::SetEphemeralUsersEnabled(bool enabled) {
const std::string& FakeUserManager::GetApplicationLocale() const {
static const std::string default_locale("en-US");
return default_locale;
PrefService* FakeUserManager::GetLocalState() const {
return local_state_;
bool FakeUserManager::IsEnterpriseManaged() const {
return false;
bool FakeUserManager::IsDemoApp(const AccountId& account_id) const {
return account_id == DemoAccountId();
bool FakeUserManager::IsDeviceLocalAccountMarkedForRemoval(
const AccountId& account_id) const {
return false;
void FakeUserManager::UpdateLoginState(const User* active_user,
const User* primary_user,
bool is_current_user_owner) const {}
bool FakeUserManager::GetPlatformKnownUserId(const std::string& user_email,
const std::string& gaia_id,
AccountId* out_account_id) const {
if (user_email == kStubUserEmail) {
*out_account_id = StubAccountId();
return true;
if (user_email == kGuestUserName) {
*out_account_id = GuestAccountId();
return true;
return false;
const AccountId& FakeUserManager::GetGuestAccountId() const {
return GuestAccountId();
bool FakeUserManager::IsFirstExecAfterBoot() const {
return base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
void FakeUserManager::AsyncRemoveCryptohome(const AccountId& account_id) const {
bool FakeUserManager::IsGuestAccountId(const AccountId& account_id) const {
return account_id == GuestAccountId();
bool FakeUserManager::IsStubAccountId(const AccountId& account_id) const {
return account_id == StubAccountId();
bool FakeUserManager::IsSupervisedAccountId(const AccountId& account_id) const {
return false;
bool FakeUserManager::HasBrowserRestarted() const {
base::CommandLine* command_line = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
return base::SysInfo::IsRunningOnChromeOS() &&
const gfx::ImageSkia& FakeUserManager::GetResourceImagekiaNamed(int id) const {
return empty_image_;
base::string16 FakeUserManager::GetResourceStringUTF16(int string_id) const {
return base::string16();
void FakeUserManager::ScheduleResolveLocale(
const std::string& locale,
base::OnceClosure on_resolved_callback,
std::string* out_resolved_locale) const {
bool FakeUserManager::IsValidDefaultUserImageId(int image_index) const {
return false;
} // namespace user_manager