blob: 8b889e799136f23efa057cb4a3ae0419a8fbe2aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/timer/elapsed_timer.h"
#include "chromecast/browser/cast_content_window.h"
#include "chromecast/graphics/gestures/cast_gesture_handler.h"
namespace chromecast {
namespace shell {
// Receives root window level gestures, interprets them, and hands them to the
// CastContentWindow::Delegate.
class CastContentGestureHandler : public CastGestureHandler {
explicit CastContentGestureHandler(CastContentWindow::Delegate* delegate);
// CastGestureHandler implementation:
Priority GetPriority() override;
bool CanHandleSwipe(CastSideSwipeOrigin swipe_origin) override;
void HandleSideSwipe(CastSideSwipeEvent event,
CastSideSwipeOrigin swipe_origin,
const gfx::Point& touch_location) override;
void HandleTapDownGesture(const gfx::Point& touch_location) override;
void HandleTapGesture(const gfx::Point& touch_location) override;
void SetPriority(Priority priority);
friend class CastContentGestureHandlerTest;
CastContentGestureHandler(CastContentWindow::Delegate* delegate,
bool enable_top_drag_gesture);
GestureType GestureForSwipeOrigin(CastSideSwipeOrigin swipe_origin);
Priority priority_;
const bool enable_top_drag_gesture_;
// Number of pixels past swipe origin to consider as a back gesture.
const int back_horizontal_threshold_;
CastContentWindow::Delegate* const delegate_;
base::ElapsedTimer current_swipe_time_;
} // namespace shell
} // namespace chromecast