blob: 2ee349000608524fe0d5a4400419ea7679c14535 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# GNU Make based build file. For details on GNU Make see:
# Default configuration
# By default we will build a Debug configuration using the GCC newlib toolchain
# to override this, specify TOOLCHAIN=newlib|glibc or CONFIG=Debug|Release on
# the make command-line or in this file prior to including The
# toolchain we use by default will be the first valid one listed
VALID_TOOLCHAINS:={{' '.join(tools)}}
[[# Only one target is allowed in a library project]]
[[target = targets[0] ]]
[[name = target['NAME'] ]]
[[flags = ' '.join(target.get('CCFLAGS', []))]]
[[flags += ' '.join(target.get('CXXFLAGS', []))]]
# Get pepper directory for toolchain and includes.
# If NACL_SDK_ROOT is not set, then assume it can be found relative to
# to this Makefile.
NACL_SDK_ROOT?=$(abspath $(CURDIR)/../..)
EXTRA_INC_PATHS={{' '.join(target.get('INCLUDES', []))}}
include $(NACL_SDK_ROOT)/tools/
# Target Name
# The base name of the final library, also the name of the NMF file containing
# the mapping between architecture and actual NEXE.
# List of sources to compile
[[for source in sorted(target['SOURCES']):]]
{{source}} \
# Use the compile macro for each source.
$(foreach src,$(SOURCES),$(eval $(call COMPILE_RULE,$(src),{{flags}})))
# Use the lib macro for this target on the list of sources.
$(eval $(call LIB_RULE,{{name}},$(SOURCES)))
[[if target['TYPE'] != 'static-lib':]]
ifeq ($(TOOLCHAIN),glibc)
# When building with GLIBC, also build a shared object version of the
# library.
$(eval $(call SO_RULE,{{name}},$(SOURCES)))
# Install the resulting libraries in the SDK library directory.
all: install