blob: 2595d84e03a5cd0a11d4d3b65a5879efe3ff0cf6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cc/paint/paint_typeface.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/ports/SkFontConfigInterface.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/ports/SkFontMgr.h"
namespace cc {
// static
PaintTypeface PaintTypeface::TestTypeface() {
PaintTypeface typeface;
typeface.type_ = Type::kTestTypeface;
typeface.sk_typeface_ = SkTypeface::MakeDefault();
return typeface;
// static
PaintTypeface PaintTypeface::FromSkTypeface(const sk_sp<SkTypeface>& tf) {
PaintTypeface typeface;
typeface.type_ = Type::kSkTypeface;
typeface.sk_typeface_ = tf;
return typeface;
// static
PaintTypeface PaintTypeface::FromFontConfigInterfaceIdAndTtcIndex(
int config_id,
int ttc_index) {
PaintTypeface typeface;
typeface.type_ = Type::kFontConfigInterfaceIdAndTtcIndex;
typeface.font_config_interface_id_ = config_id;
typeface.ttc_index_ = ttc_index;
return typeface;
// static
PaintTypeface PaintTypeface::FromFilenameAndTtcIndex(
const std::string& filename,
int ttc_index) {
PaintTypeface typeface;
typeface.type_ = Type::kFilenameAndTtcIndex;
typeface.filename_ = filename;
typeface.ttc_index_ = ttc_index;
return typeface;
// static
PaintTypeface PaintTypeface::FromFamilyNameAndFontStyle(
const std::string& family_name,
const SkFontStyle& font_style) {
PaintTypeface typeface;
typeface.type_ = Type::kFamilyNameAndFontStyle;
typeface.family_name_ = family_name;
typeface.font_style_ = font_style;
return typeface;
PaintTypeface::PaintTypeface() = default;
PaintTypeface::PaintTypeface(const PaintTypeface& other) {
*this = other;
PaintTypeface::PaintTypeface(PaintTypeface&& other) = default;
PaintTypeface::~PaintTypeface() {
// TODO( Debugging possible ref counting issue.
if (sk_typeface_) {
// We should be a strong owner of this reference. However, to debug a
// possible ref counting issue, we also ensured that we're a weak owner of
// this as well. This means that we should be able to always acquire a
// strong reference (ie the class isn't deleted because we're weak owners,
// and it should always succeed because we're strong owners).
if (sk_typeface_->try_ref()) {
} else {
CHECK(false) << "SkTypeface ref-counting problem detected.";
// Explicitly delete the typeface so that any crashes resulting from this
// would point to this line.
sk_typeface_ = nullptr;
PaintTypeface& PaintTypeface::operator=(const PaintTypeface& other) {
sk_id_ = other.sk_id_;
sk_typeface_ = other.sk_typeface_;
// TODO( Debugging possible ref counting issue.
if (sk_typeface_) {
// Since we're copying this object which will do a weak unref in the dtor,
// ensure to bump the weak ref one more time.
type_ = other.type_;
font_config_interface_id_ = other.font_config_interface_id_;
ttc_index_ = other.ttc_index_;
filename_ = other.filename_;
family_name_ = other.family_name_;
font_style_ = other.font_style_;
return *this;
PaintTypeface& PaintTypeface::operator=(PaintTypeface&& other) = default;
void PaintTypeface::CreateSkTypeface() {
// MacOS doesn't support this type of creation and relies on NSFonts instead.
#if !defined(OS_MACOSX)
switch (type_) {
case Type::kTestTypeface:
// Nothing to do here.
case Type::kSkTypeface:
// Nothing to do here.
case Type::kFontConfigInterfaceIdAndTtcIndex: {
// Mimic FontCache::CreateTypeface defines to ensure same behavior.
#if !defined(OS_WIN) && !defined(OS_ANDROID) && !defined(OS_FUCHSIA)
sk_sp<SkFontConfigInterface> fci(SkFontConfigInterface::RefGlobal());
SkFontConfigInterface::FontIdentity font_identity;
font_identity.fID = font_config_interface_id_;
font_identity.fTTCIndex = ttc_index_;
sk_typeface_ = fci->makeTypeface(font_identity);
case Type::kFilenameAndTtcIndex:
// Mimic FontCache::CreateTypeface defines to ensure same behavior.
#if !defined(OS_WIN) && !defined(OS_ANDROID) && !defined(OS_FUCHSIA)
sk_typeface_ = SkTypeface::MakeFromFile(filename_.c_str(), ttc_index_);
case Type::kFamilyNameAndFontStyle: {
// This is a fallthrough in all cases in FontCache::CreateTypeface, so
// this is done unconditionally. Since we create the typeface upon
// PaintTypeface creation, this should be safe in all cases.
auto fm(SkFontMgr::RefDefault());
sk_typeface_ = fm->legacyMakeTypeface(family_name_.c_str(), font_style_);
#endif // !defined(OS_MACOSX)
sk_id_ = sk_typeface_ ? sk_typeface_->uniqueID() : 0;
// TODO( Debugging possible ref counting issue.
if (sk_typeface_)
} // namespace cc